Choose your napkin color from our 24 colors, choose your print color from about 30 different foil colors; sometimes you can even select a font. More than 120 years later, over 270,000 women have experienced the opportunity of ZTA membership. Design Reference #00357, Decorate and personalize laptops, windows, and more,Removable, kiss-cut vinyl stickers,Super durable and water-resistant,1/8 inch (3.2mm) white border around each design,Matte finish,Sticker types may be printed and shipped from different locations. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Questions? You can also place individual orders on items such as throw pillows, jewelry, blankets and ornaments. But if you look at posts tagged “Zeta Tau Alpha at Northwestern University,” you will find a post of three, white, blonde sisters posing with a fake golden retriever. 33. Featuring Zeta Tau Alpha symbols such as the five-point crown and white violet, this gear will be a part of your sister's life for decades. It is the first day of October which means it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month # BCAM On Saturday, October 27th, we are hosting our 14th annual 5k walk to raise money towards our philanthropy. Our mission is to provide community service to the under-served population in Baltimore County with a focus on the Northeast areas of … The strawberry is a secondary symbol after the crown. Zeta Tau Alpha consistently maintains an excellent chapter grade point average that exceeds the overall University of Georgia student average. Below are some of the napkin designs available for Zeta Tau Alpha. Anything in our gallery can be customized for any chapter or event. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Useful Links for Parents; Catering Information; Wraparound Care; SIMS Pay; Uniform; Nurture; Thrive; Ofsted Parent View; Free School Meals; Request for Copies; eSafety Advice for Parents (+1) 123-456-7890 Decatur, GA 30033 USA . High quality Zeta Tau Alpha gifts and merchandise. Gold Styrofoam Cups - Zeta Our Price: $7.50 . The white violet is the official flower of ZTA, and the official colors are turquoise blue and steel gray. This is a print version of my original painting of high fashion champagnes. The five-pointed crown is the primary official symbol of the fraternity. 16 Captions For Sorority Pics When You & Your Sisters Mermaid For Each Other. “not sure if twitter will compress these but here are better sizes for those of you who asked to use them as phone wallpapers”. See more ideas about Sorority, Sorority crafts, Kappa delta. Zeta Tau Alpha’s nine Founders envisioned an organization that would perpetuate their ties of friendship. Although the ZTA experience begins in college, it extends far beyond four years. Zeta Tau Alpha trendy tshirt design on a comfort colors short sleeve tee! The founders chose the colors, the flower, and the motto of Zeta Tau Alpha to represent the fraternity. It is more than a sorority. Zeta’s national philanthropy of Breast Cancer Education and Awareness is extremely important to the chapter. Sorority PR designs for greek life apparel! Zeta Tau Alpha Necklace, Choose ANY State, Z T A State Necklace, Sorority State Necklace, Sorority Jewelry, ZTA Necklace, 14k Gold, Silver AListGreekDesigns. Zeta tau alpha reaches far beyond stillwater, oklahoma. Cute custom screen printed sorority shirts for your chapter. G&U Lines Tumbler - Zeta Our Price: $4.50 . Aug 14, 2012 - Explore Penn Zeta Tau Alpha's board "ZTA Crafts", followed by 286 people on Pinterest. Our sisters not only support from the sidelines, but also are on the field - our Zeta cheerleaders, band … Zeta Tau Alpha will be receiving letters of recommendation between February 1 - July 17 for 2021 Primary Recruitment. The Zetas have been around since 1978, only two years after women were allowed to enroll as full-time students. Theta Zeta is Wofford's first women's Greek organization. The ZTA experience is made up of many parts. 5 out of 5 stars (2,625) $ 19.99. Zeta Tau Alpha Waffle Bag FREE SHIPPING $32.00 . Our sisterhood doesn’t end with college. Joey Starwalt and Katherine Hummert Eta Phi | Illinois State University . Available in 24 napkin colors and your choice of print color. Evany Diaz Gamma Gamma | The University of Texas at El … Sorority Rush Week … ZTA is a national women's fraternity that aims to intensify friendship, foster a spirit of love, and build a purer and nobler womanhood in the world. File:Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity House, 1550 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan - panoramio.jpg ZTA is a lifelong resource and offers unlimited opportunities for fun, friendship and service. Telephone your order so we can help you get exactly what you want. You can find us at any athletic event, cheering on our Gators from the sidelines in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium and shouting in the stands in the Stephen C. O'Connell Center.