While DPS-wise, she is outclassed by Diluc, she has many Utility use such as defending and inflicting Pyro Elemental support to enemies. - Forge (Prototype x1, Crystal Chunk x50, White Iron Chunk x50), Has base DEF% scaling and provides a juicy ATK/DEF buff to further strengthen shield. Xinyan’s constellations are super good if you’re building her as a secondary DPS or utility character. Changed Grudge for Favonius. Increases ATK by 20/25/30/35/40%. Find Xinyan in Genshin Impact here including Best Weapons for Xinyan from 3 stars to 5 stars, Best Artifact Set, and Best build set as a Pyro DPS in the team. For a more detailed version of this guide, check it out here! Xinyan is a powerful Pyro DPS which can also provide support to teammates by giving them shield. Xinyan is a brand-new character added to Genshin Impact alongside Zhongli. Genshin Impact Xinyan build: Example set ups Xinyan is a DPS fighter, and is not as malleable as some others, meaning she doesn’t really suit a Support role, or … Zhongli Build, Weapons, & Artifacts Date : 2020-11-24 By : KingLegend Edited to also fit the hybrid/Phys DMG% build. Abilities. Like Noelle, Xinyan is a DPS tank. Elemental Skill: Trial Of The Qilin. – Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern Domain (AR 35 locked, 20 Resin per run), Substats: CRIT% > CRIT DMG > ATK% > DEF or EM. Spawns fire pillars that continuously do pyro DMG to enemies nearby, How do I get it D: ? The truth is you can make any character work as long as you build the rest of the team according to your needs. Find Xinyan in Genshin Impact here including Best Weapons for Xinyan from 3 stars to 5 stars, Best Artifact Set, and Best build set as a Pyro DPS in the team. The truth is you can make any character work as long as you build the rest of the team according to your needs. Zhongli Build, Weapons, & Artifacts Date : 2020-11-24 By : KingLegend Bye. Bread and butter of her kit, Reduces number of enemies hit from 3 to 2 to gain the max shield + AoE pulses, Basically a free 15% Phys DMG buff for 12s, Strums guitar like a madlass. Like Barbara, Xinyan's Elemental Burst is a musical finale. I mainly include her in the Fischl team for extra physical damage bonus and an extra shield. Switch the circlet to CRIT DMG if you unlock constellation level 2. Updated for 1.2! I mainly include her in the Fischl team for extra physical damage bonus and an extra shield. … Also Read >> Genshin Impact Albedo Build, Recommended Weapon and Artifact Selection. ... Sniper DPS. If you want other characters let me know. Hope this helped. Like Barbara, Xinyan's Elemental Burst is a musical finale. PSA #1: A DPS is the lead singer of the group, who gets all the girls/guys and lives in the spotlight. In this Genshin Impact Razor build guide and overview, you will get to know about the weapon and artifact that suits him well and improve his core performance in the battles. Also Read >> Genshin Impact Albedo Build, Recommended Weapon and Artifact Selection. Check Out Xinyan Here Razor Overview Xinyan is a powerful Pyro DPS which can also provide support to teammates by giving them shield. Updated January 3, 2021, The AoE pyro aura extends roughly past her normal attack range in every direction around the character, making it extremely potent at applying pyro shields, WARNING: Currently there is a bug with the inconsistency with the AoE pyro aura when you achieve a level 3 shield. A support are the guitarists and drummers who make sure the lead singer isn’t just singing a Capella like an idiot She is a great pick if you lack Pyro DPS! PSA from OP: Sorry this came out a bit late. At the other end, for DPS builds on Xinyan, Full Gladiator’s Finale or Bloodstained Chivalry are in contention alongside the aforementioned 2/2 split, but Full Retracing Bolide is the best numbers for consistent damage. Elemental Burst: Celestial Shower will summon hail for 15 seconds. Taking Geo DMG% if you're going burst DPS/Support. Taking Geo DMG% if you're going burst DPS/Support. DPS Build. Titled "Riff Revolution," Xinyan's surroundings will explode and launch enemies. Edited to also fit the hybrid/Phys DMG% build. Favonius Greatsword is also extremely favorable since her E can generate a lot of orbs (likewise with Sacrificial Greatsword). Zhongli Build, Weapons, & Artifacts Date : 2020-11-24 By : KingLegend Weapon. If you want other characters let me know. When paired with the right claymore, a C6 Xinyan can easily surpass a low constellation Diluc in power, making her one of the best choices for a pyro DPS currently in the game.