The Warning. Small dog.. We got the cats as one day old kittens & decided to keep them because we couldn't bare the thought of sepertiing these two best friends who had been thru so much at such a young age. But, every cat with head trauma needs to be closely watched by a veterinarian, so if you spot the symptoms of a head injury, get your cat medical attention as soon as possible. My dog and cat are both girls and when my cat gets up from a nap or whatever she rubs up against my dog while she's sitting down and tucks her tail under my dogs chin and does it about 3 times. The dog cried out in pain at the last hit. The best way to prevent dogs from attacking cats is undoubtedly an early education.If since being a puppy, it needs to become used to the presence of cats in a gradual and supervised way, as an adult it will never see a cat as a threat and you will not see your dog subjected to stress when seeing a cat. They do this as a sign of excitement or stress, as a way to play, to prepare for intercourse, because they are anxious or bored. But accidents do happen, so it’s best to be prepared. Head trauma can vary in severity depending on the location your cat was hit and the impact of the blow. But, in the average kitchen, there isn’t much organic material like soil or leaves to cover the “dead body.” So, the cat ends up looking like he is sweeping around the cat food bowl. I have 2 cats and a. By Kathy Blumenstock With a cat or two around the house, even the most dedicated cat parent may slack off and take Kitty’s presence for granted. That’s when I lost my cool. What to do: To some extent, of course, this depends on the age and development of the child. My other cat, Cupcake, also bonks my leg with her head incessantly while I am getting her food ready. Continuing with my story, the front desk employees at the vet’s office were now watching the situation, and the veterinarian had just walked out as I leaned forward to make sure my voice carried to where she was sitting: With the help of one of your teachers, organize an animal lovers' club at your school. Even the simplest oversight may have big consequences on your cat… Don't Ever Do These Things to Your Cat. animal lovers teach kids all kinds of things such as pet care, dog bite prevention, how to pet a dog and how to stop cruelty. Start a Club! I should mention that cats, dogs, and other companion animals should NEVER be left unattended outside—just like small children, they’re vulnerable to the dangers of traffic, animal attacks, cruel people, disease, theft … the list goes on and on. In general, though, explain to the child that it is not okay to hit … Cats do this with one another too, as a sign of friendship. It's so cute but I don't understand why she does it. .. Well my dog did the dirty work, she would clean them and alert us if they would cry.. One of my males thinks he needs to “hide” the leftover food where I serve my kindle of cats on the dining room table. When I added a new young male cat, Colby, to my household recently, I knew he was going to be accepted when alpha cat BooBoo gave him a loving but firm bonk with his forehead. In order to stop animal abuse, we need to understand WHY people are cruel to animals. Dogs mount and hump various objects such as legs, balls, stuffed animals, other dogs, household furnishings, and their cat roommates. My Pet Died and I Can't Stop Crying ... For example, even before feeding ourselves we commonly feed the dog, play with the cat, or head out to the pasture to provide hay for our horses. My dog doesn't care. We have a dog and a cat and the first time a thunderstorm hit my husband took the dog and cat to the window and calmly talked to them that there was nothing to be afraid of, the 3 of them sat there watching the storm. Check it Out!