Serena is a Pokemon trainer who has a crush on Ash Ketchum . Vote on this Ash Ketchum poll: Who do you think Ash should marry??? Also, there's good reason to think she might be interested in ash, as shown in one battle, she was gazing at him with a grin, and in his last battle, forced cailan to cheer for ash. Despite the fact that Pokemon has much less death than other animes, and that Ash is the main character, Ash is killed several times throughout the series (mostly in movies) (all non-canon), though he always comes back.. Vote on this ash ketchum poll: Which poke girl is you favorito of all??? She is usually quiet and cheerful, but when angered, she makes it known. While Serena normally gushes over Ash, when he questions why he first raced on a Rhyhorn (in a prior episode) rather than a Skiddo, as Serena's mom recommends for beginners, Serena curtly points out that was due to Ash's insistence upon racing. There have been many fan theories as to why he's perpetually ten. In the second pokemon movie, Melody kissed Ash and Misty became jealous. It was 6:05 AM when Ash went to the dressing room to get his suit on for the ceremony. Who does ash really love? Serena blushes when she sees him. This was confirmed by the director of the series XY/XYZ in an interview (Tetsuo Yajima). Girls of the Pokémon Circus. Who do you think should have won the Wallace cup contest??? He does, after all, live in a world where everything from chandeliers to ice cream cones is likely to get up and start a fistfight, and with weirdos like Mr. Fanpop Poll Results: Who do you think Ash should marry??? Furthermore, Ash’s name comes from one of the optional names for Red. In the episode "The Tower of Terror", jumped toward Haunter and Gengar when they sank … Brock is Ash Ketchum's most steadfast human companion, traveling through more regions with the young trainer than anyone else, even Misty. Although this is not considered a real “crush”, in the episode “It’s Mr. yes ash will eventually have to get older when the pokemon company is almost done with the anime {sad} there going to let him get older.True he might not marry when the show ends but he might marry one of them. Deaths. Ash: Hi I m Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and Im a Pokemon trainer. Here are Ash’s 15 Weakest Pokémon in the Anime.1 Pidgeotto. Brock is the only person to have been Ash's main traveling companion for more than one series, traveling with him during the original series (minus the Orange League arc), Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, and Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl. Serena is a Pokemon trainer who has a crush on Ash Ketchum . He is a 10-year-old Pokémon Trainer from Pallet Town in the Kanto region that has always dreamed of becoming the world's greatest Pokémon Master.Being the first human character to be introduced in the series, he is the winner of the Orange League and also the Alola region's Pokémon Champion, … It's possible that they will eventually marry. In the anime, traveling companions are the people who accompany Ash Ketchum throughout his travels in his journey to become a Pokémon Master.Traveling companions are for the most part temporary, only lasting until a region is finished, the exceptions being Brock who accompanied Ash in Kanto and again later on from Johto to Sinnoh, Misty who ventured from … Giselle. Ash and Misty like each other. In the world of Pokémon, main protagonists, Ash Ketchum and his partner Pikachu are far from immortal.Though they appear to be ageless and time seems irrelevant, the two have died more than once. Serena is a traveling companion of Ash Ketchum, Clemont, and Bonnie. Anyone would love to marry a woman like Serena.” Ash looked at Misty and saw that she was looking at a group of men and women who were looking at the group with puzzled expressions. fanpop phiếu bầu Results: Who do bạn think Ash should marry??? Uh who are you? She briefly met him at Professor Oak’s Summer Camp in Pallet Town years ago. May x ash = During Battle Frontier he shows slight interest in may or maybe he was just jealous because she had an eevee couldnt really tell Ash x Dawn = Shes too much like him in Kanto for him to show interest beside theres a bit of an age diff ash being 15 in Sinnoh, Brock Showed intrest when he saw her in the forest during the pikachu arc Ash Ketchum from the anime and the Electric Tale of Pikachu manga was designed based on Red. Episode: A Race for Home! She's shown critizing ash, but no in a harsh way that it put down ash like misty did. The group turned around and looked upon an old man who was walking towards Ash & com. To be fair, this question isn't quite as stupid as it sounds. Instead, Ash looks at six clearly human women and asks "Are they Pokémon?". Delia Ketchum: Occupation: Unknown Relation to Ash: Mother Personality: Delia Ketchum is a relatively reserved woman. Serena is a traveling companion of Ash Ketchum, Clemont, and Bonnie. Participate in a ash ketchum encuesta o view past results. Then there's the one who has openly expressed her romantic feelings: Serena. Mime out there running around, it's sometimes difficult to figure these things out. Ash Ketchum has traveled the wide world of Pokémon with many female companions over the years. When the show began back in 1997, Ash started on his journey throughout the Pokemon world at the age of ten, and several years later, he is still ten-years-old. 1 Opening/"Belle"/Ash, Littlefoot, and friends meet Belle 2 Maurice get lost/He enter the castle 3 Gaston's failed proposal/"Belle" reprise/The gang enters the castle 4 "Gaston" Song/"Crazy" Maurice/Gaston's Plan 5 Beast asks Belle for dinner/"Be Our Guest" 6 The Beast saves Belle from the … Ash Ketchum is the protagonist of the Pokemon anime, whose goal is to be the greatest Pokemon Master of all time. This has caused many fans to mistake Red for his anime counterpart. ... Who did ash ketchum marry? Which outfit looks best on Dawn??? Brock said to Ash “Man you are so lucky to marry such a beautiful woman like Serena. After losing to Ritchie in the Indigo League, Ash Ketchum is tasked with picking up a mysterious item known as the GS Ball, from … What is Ash’s weakest Pokemon? Who do you think Ash should marry??? According to the story line, they are just 10 years old and there's no romantic relationship between the two of them. Ash's Response to Serena Calling Him Stubborn. Does Ash marry … Due to the increasing delays with the release of Pokémon Gold & Silver in Japan, the Pokémon anime was forced to come up with a filler season to bridge the gap between the first two generations.The result of this was the Orange Islands season. 10. Does Misty have a crush on Ash? fanpop has ash ketchum polls. (906802) Ash Ketchum More Polls. Who looks best with their … Who does better in contests to impress the judges??? For now, they are just two friends deeply into one another. In the last episode, Serena kisses Ash on the lips. Vote on this Ash Ketchum poll: Who do آپ think Ash should marry??? Serena MoreauOnce everyone […] Pokemon is about a lot of things, but love isn't one of them for the most part. Does Ash get a girlfriend? She's shown critizing ash, but no in a harsh way that it put down ash like misty did. Mime Time“, (first series), Some of these relationships have remained fully platonic on both sides, while others had adorably awkward moments or strong hints of a crush. Pokémon the Series: XY is the only series where Brock does not appear and is never mentioned. In the episode 9 of the first series (The School of Hard Knocks) Ash met Giselle, the most beautiful girl in the school, for which he developed a crush along with Brock.. - Read the results on this phiếu bầu and other Ash Ketchum số phiếu bầu - Read the results on this poll and other Ash Ketchum polls I'm sort of jealous.” Ash chuckled at Brock saying “I hear you. Ash's most famous death came when he ran between the crossfire of Mew and Mewtwo in the Pokémon: The First Movie, which turned the trainer to literal stone -- only … Ash Ketchum is the protagonist of the Pokemon anime. 1 Biography 2 Personality 3 Love Interest 3.1 Ash Ketchum 4 Gallery Serena first met Ash several years ago when they … Ash Ketchum is the main protagonist of the Pokémon Anime series. (906802) Misty finds a guy who has everything she could possibly […] In most situations, Brock serves as a mentor and voice of reason for his often hot-headed friend, and his cooking skills make him popular with any adventurer. Also, there's good reason to think she might be interested in ash, as shown in one battle, she was gazing at him with a grin, and in his last battle, forced cailan to cheer for ash. … The japanese Show “Pokenchi” could have confirmed that Serena is “Ash’s girlfriend”(canonizing a future relationship between them).. Who will Ash marry? This is a transcript for Ash's Adventures of Beauty and the Beast. Why is Ash called Red? Does Ash have a girlfriend? She does reprimand Ash sometimes, but only because she cares for … (906355) She briefly met him at Professor Oak's Summer Camp in Pallet Town years ago. Ash also will marry Mist because she is strong, independant, beautiful, and is a very good Pokemon trainer, unlike May and Dawn. When he got there, Brock & Clemont greeted him. Some range from coma …