Advertisement Related: We asked every Democratic presidential candidate the same reader question. Martha Stewart Won’t Endorse a Candidate Because Republicans Buy Housewares Too ... about “whether she planned to publicly support a candidate in the 2020 presidential election… To help explain them, Fr. ... demanding it endorse the Republican Party in the 1860 election.) Editor Marv Knox The editorial did not find fault with Jeffress’ endorsement of a political candidate, but rather his blatant denial of an action he obviously took. President Trump has … Around a third of pastors (32%), however, say they have personally endorsed political candidates this year outside of their church role. In our two-party democracy, pastors who endorse a specific candidate must count the cost of such endorsement. .bptable.sortable.endorsementTable { Our president endorses candidates but is careful to have his name listed on the endorsement sheets with the phrase “organizational affiliation for identification purposes only.” [In other words, the individual has endorsed the candidate but the organization has not; his organization is … Timeline of announcements in the presidential election, 2020, List of registered 2020 presidential candidates, Presidential candidate campaign travel, 2020, Presidential election campaign finance, 2020, Presidential campaign logos and slogans, 2020, Presidential campaign pageviews on Ballotpedia, 2020, Green Party presidential nomination, 2020, Libertarian Party presidential nomination, 2020, Constitution Party presidential nomination, 2020, Important dates in the 2020 presidential race, Changes to the presidential election in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Democratic presidential primary debates, 2020,,_2020&oldid=8146879, Tracking election Christine Todd Whitman (N.J.). [1], Following a new policy by the owning company. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; Communications: Kristen Vonasek • Kayla Harris • Megan Brown • Mary Dunne • Sarah Groat • Heidi Jung … he is the one leader who can … Ayokunle made the assertion in a statement signed by Pastor Adebayo Oladeji, the special assistant, media and communications to the CAN president, on Tuesday in Abuja. @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { With more than two dozen noteworthy candidates entering the Democratic primary for president in the 2020 election, endorsements from party leaders were one tool candidates used to distinguish themselves. That's Joe Biden", "Register's endorsement: Clinton a vote for American values", "Review-Journal Endorsement: President of the United States", "Our Endorsement: Joe Biden should be our president", "Our Opinion: Hillary Clinton is our choice for president", "Biden and Harris have earned our support to lead the nation", "We endorse Clinton for president and implore voters to be responsible", "Our Endorsement: Joe Biden is the better choice to restore, unite America", "Our Endorsement: Hillary Clinton. We Will Never Endorse Any Presidential Candidate, Says CAN "We have been hearing speculations going the rounds that CAN had endorsed one presidential candidate … According to political strategist Susan Del Percio, “Endorsements do matter; what you do with them is more important. Alex Heath. 2016-10-19T01:17:36Z The letter F. An envelope. } Fairfax, Va. - The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) endorsed President Donald Trump for reelection as the president of the United States of America in 2020. Sign up for Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing. Martha Stewart Won’t Endorse a Candidate Because Republicans Buy Housewares Too . America's only hope is Joe Biden", "After Trump, America faces a long road back to basic decency", "Trump crosses the final line of dishonour: Editorial", "The Irish Times view on the US election: America's opportunity", "Outcome of US election awaited with interest", "After four years of Trump, a change would be welcome", "Donald Trump should quit presidential race", "Globe editorial: If Canada could vote, Joe Biden would win in a landslide", "Time for a US leader who serves the people, not himself", "US election: Hillary Clinton offers us all a better future", "Editorial: Too much at stake in America", "The Observer view on the US election | Observer editorial", "The Observer view on Hillary Clinton's fitness to lead America", "Editorial: The eyes of the world are on the US elections", "Editorial: Why the pandemic is a bigger threat to Donald Trump than Joe Biden", "Editorial | Hoping to end the American nightmare", "Editorial: The Disqualified Donald Trump", "Irish Examiner view: So much is at stake in seismic poll", "Kyle Responds To Being Called "Irresponsible" & "Delusional" For Not Voting Biden", "Let Gary Johnson & Jill Stein In The Presidential Debates", "Progressive Voter Guide - November 2020", "Joe Biden for president: endorsement editorial", "To Defend Its Interests at Home and Abroad, America Must Vote Trump Out",,, "We Endorse Joe Biden Time To Flush The Turd On November Third", "Climate Crisis Weekly: Electrek explains why we back Biden",, Lists of newspaper endorsements in United States presidential elections, 2021 storming of the United States Capitol, Republican reactions to Trump's election fraud claims,, 2020 United States presidential election endorsements, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 January 2021, at 05:10. Coverage of Democratic primary endorsements halted after former Vice President Joe Biden (D) became the presumptive Democratic nominee on April 8, 2020. "On behalf of America’s 5 million NRA members, the National Rifle Association … You can read more about Vice President Biden at They need to be treated as a way of targeting the group you seek to persuade, especially on certain issues.”[1], Noteworthy primary endorsers included current DNC members, governors and other state executives, members of Congress, mayors of large cities, state legislative majority and minority leaders, and former presidents and vice presidents. The magazine has been running more opinion pieces lately, and, in 2016, wrote an editorial questioning Trump’s fitness to be president, although it didn’t endorse Hillary Clinton. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. — Law Enforcement Today proudly stands for the more than 800,000 men and women who serve on the front lines in our law enforcement community and their supporters. By H.A. Primary endorsements are separately listed - see News media endorsements in the 2020 United States presidential primaries. Electoral fusion is an arrangement where two or more political parties on a ballot list the same candidate, pooling the votes for that candidate.It is distinct from the process of electoral alliances in that the political parties remain separately listed on the ballot. !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",function(a){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"])for(var e in["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-"+e)||document.querySelector("iframe[src*='"+e+"']");&(["datawrapper-height"][e]+"px")}})}(); The following table indicates which governors endorsed a Democratic presidential candidate during the primary. A president comes with a platform; endorsing a presidential candidate for us requires approving of at least the broad outlines of that blueprint. Goodman - 09/25/15 07:30 AM EDT . font-size:60%; View Related Articles. The Clinton and Trump presidential campaigns have been endorsed by military leaders. This page includes a list of cross-party endorsements in the 2020 presidential election and noteworthy endorsements made during the Democratic presidential primary. … he is the one leader who can reverse the downward death spiral of this nation we love so dearly.” All kinds of … GOP presidential candidates Donald Trump and US Sen. Ted Cruz have courted the evangelical vote. Vladimir Putin tells reporters Donald Trump is the man to watch. (Reuters) By . Vote for Biden", "Editorial: Hillary Clinton will lead with skill and vision", "Editorial: We recommend Joe Biden for president — and overwhelming rejection of Trump", "Editorial: Hillary Clinton for president", "EDITORIAL: Vote Biden and restore decency", "Sentinel Editorial: Joe Biden; An experienced, empathetic hand at the helm is just what this country needs right now", "Hillary Clinton is the only real choice for president", "Hillary Clinton should be our next president", "PD Editorial: Joe Biden is the right person to heal the nation", "PD Presidential Endorsement: For Hillary Clinton — and it's not close", "We recommend: Let's get rid of the king and elect a president — Joe Biden | Editorial", "Editorial: Biden will restore decency and honor after ruinous reign of Trump", "Editorial, Oct. 11, 2016: Clinton's the only option for president", "Presidential endorsement: Clinton is the only option for president", "Our Say: Joe Biden is the best hope for an exhausted, divided America | COMMENTARY", "Editorial: Joe Biden's leadership would benefit our country", "Editorial: Hillary Clinton is prudent pick for president", "The Star-Ledger Endorsement: Joe Biden for President", "Clinton for president: Why we need a landslide | Editorial", "In the matter of our endorsement for the president of the United States of America...", "Joe Biden is the president Pennsylvania needs", "Daily News: We endorse Hillary for president", "Our Endorsement: Biden will bring competence, civility to the White House", "We endorse Hillary Clinton for president", "ENTERPRISE EDITORIAL: Endorsements listed for Nov. 3 election", "EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton is the least objectionable choice for president", "LMT Editorial Board endorsements for the 2020 general election", "Editorial: Biden has qualifications to do job of president", "Clinton is the far superior choice for president", "Editorial: Biden can reunite, restart America", "For president: Trump unfit, Clinton is qualified", "Editorial: Elect Joe Biden to the presidency", "EDITORIAL: Joe Biden will do what's right for Western North Carolinians", "Clinton the only qualified pick for president", "Letter from the Editor: MLive is not endorsing a candidate in the presidential race, and here's why", "Opinion: Hearst CT editorial board weighs Biden, Trump on 5 key issues and offers endorsement", "Endorsement: Hillary Clinton for president", "Readers need information and facts from their local paper, not our endorsements", "The Editorial Board: Biden for president | Editorial", "Editorial: Clinton's experience and Trump's faults leave voters with only one realistic choice", "The Oklahoman endorsed Trump without endorsing Trump…", "Editorial: The Daily recommends Joe Biden for president", "The Republican endorses Joe Biden for president (Editorial)", "The Republican endorses Hillary Clinton in presidential contest (Editorial)", "Courant Presidential Endorsement: You probably think you can vote for Donald Trump but not support racism; here's why you're wrong", "Vote for Joe Biden | Jersey Journal endorsement", "Vote for Hillary Clinton for president | Jersey Journal Editorial", "Statesman endorsement: A democracy under siege needs Joe Biden", "See correction at end of article: Only 4 major US newspapers have endorsed Trump for reelection", "Trump is the change agent America needs", "USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency, "Editorial: La Opinión apoya a Joe Biden para Presidente", "We recommend: Let's get rid of the king and elect a president — Joe Biden", "Editorial: For president, we cannot endorse anybody", "The Record's endorsement: A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for stability, America's future", "The Record endorsement: Vote for Clinton, a fighter qualified for the presidency", "Endorsements: A recap of the candidates", "George Pyle: The flaw in Chris and Spencer's excellent adventure", "Editorial: In the end, Hillary Clinton is the only qualified candidate, and the best choice", "Editorial: Joe Biden: The right man for this moment", "Editorial: Hillary Clinton for President", "Our view: Hillary Clinton is the clear choice for president", "An Editorial: We stand firm on choice for President | New Hampshire", "Editorial: Our vote is going to Joe Biden", "Editorial: Trump is the right choice for president", "Press-Citizen Editorial Board: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will allow our nation to heal", "Endorsement: Clinton the best and only choice", "Editor's Notes: Here's why we continue to endorse in elections", "Sunday's Editorial: Clinton, The only viable choice", "Our View: Elect Biden president to heal and unify our country", "Our View: Your Vote: Biden offers more for Mankato area than Trump", "Our View: Hillary Clinton for president", "Editorial: Elect Joe Biden or president", "Opinion: Here are our recommendations in federal races", "Editorial: Hillary Clinton clear choice for president", "Editorial: With misgivings, vote Trump for president and Inslee for governor", "Rob Curley: A lot of things are essential in a newspaper, but endorsements aren't one of them", "Clinton the rational choice for president", "Endorsement: Colorado should vote for President Donald Trump", "The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election", "Editorial: The Times Record endorses Joe Biden", "Here are all the major newspapers that have endorsed Hillary Clinton for president", "The Editorial Board endorses Joe Biden: Here are seven reasons why | PennLive Editorial", "Editorial: For president, we can't lend our name to men whose values we don't share", "Endorsement: Libertarian Gary Johnson for president", "The Citizen Editorial Board: America needs a Joe Biden presidency", "The Recorder - Editorial: The Recorder endorses Joe Biden for president", "Our View: Biden is the best candidate for America", "EDITORIAL | Editorial Board endorsement: Biden can reunite, restart America", "Editorial endorsement: Joe Biden for president", "Editorial endorsement: Hillary Clinton for President in 2016", "Gazette-Mail editorial: Biden would make life easier for Justice, WV GOP", "In Our Opinion: Joe Biden best choice for president", "Tribune-Star Editorial: Biden right person to restore faith in American democracy", "Editorial: For presidency, Clinton the clear choice", "2020 election: Newspapers provide coverage to help you make informed decisions", "How The Cincinnati Enquirer will cover the 2020 presidential election", "Editor's notebook: Why the Tribune isn't endorsing candidates this election cycle", "Election 2020: Here's who will be most angry if they lose the election", "Paper's failure to endorse a candidate for president is slammed: Letters", "Editorial: Apathy is not an option Tuesday", "Editorial: Biden is leader to unite U.S.", "Editorial: Clinton clearly better choice for president", "Editorial | Biden our choice to bring country together", "Hillary Clinton the only choice for president", "VINnews Endorses President Donald Trump for Reelection", "In this election, as in past, The Blade is independent", "Vote a new beginning: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris -- Our Opinion", "Why Joe: Vote proudly for Joe Biden when you vote against Donald Trump", "Daily News Editorial: Damn right, we're with Hillary! For the first time ever, 'The Rock' Dwayne Johnson has endorsed a presidential political candidate publicly ahead of Election Day 2020. Tables below also show which candidate each publication endorsed in the 2016 United States presidential election (where known) and include only endorsements for the general election. Author has 79 answers and 660.7K answer views. This list only includes endorsements by notable individuals and organizations which have been reported in reliable independent sources.