Nct 127 Members Nct Dream Members Winwin Taeyong Jaehyun Kpop Quiz Legendary Pictures Interesting Quizzes. Well, either way, this sounds like a "WinWin" to us! He is a hard working as much as he is a fighter, he is in all NCT subunits and he honestly needs to get some rest. ♫ Apr 20, 2019 - ♫ Oh baby, it's you! What would you do together? NCT (Korean: 엔시티) is a South Korean boy group formed by SM Entertainment.Since the group's initial introduction by their native label's founder in January 2016, the group consists of 23 members as of January 2021, ranging from their late-teens to mid-twenties and participating in … You’ve got the cute and smiling RenJun! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. If you are looking for more quizzes with all the NCT 127 members (including JungWoo), you can check this one. On september 21, 2020, it was revealed that sungchan. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Name All 23 NCT Members (SPEED QUIZ) 160; BTS Blitz (Minefield) 142; Score Distribution. nct127, nctzodiacs, zodiacs. This oppa will steal your heart in few seconds. Which of the NCT members do you ship with me? Approved and edited by BuzzFeed Community Team What do you do in your free time? He knows how to make girls’ heart flutter with cheesy ments and athletic handsome look. Congratulations! He is also open-minded and gentlemen. Which member makes your heart go boom? He is a hard working as much as he is a fighter, he is in all NCT subunits and he honestly needs to get some rest. You’ve got the ultra-handsome and funny Lucas! Get the best of Sporcle when you Go Orange.This ad-free experience offers more features, more stats, and more fun while also helping to support Sporcle. Obviously, your age will be taken into account for your results. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. You were about to fall asleep when the vibration of your phone woke you up. It was ByungChan and you answered with a yawn. He likes drawing and is fan of Avengers movies and of Moomin. QUIZ: Which Male K-Pop Idol Will Build A Snowman With You? If you're an avid follower of the Korean Pop group sensation, BTS, then you've definitely got a favorite member and also probably a member who you feel you relate to most and matches your personality. QUIZ: Which NCT Dream Member Would Be Your Perfect Seatmate In School? Today. 0. Whether you frequently daydream about going on a … Pinterest. LINE . VK. Look no further to find your one true NCT boyfriend. I decided to make a little quiz including all NCT members (yes, the dreamies as well) because I can barely find any quizzes like that!! Find out your true BTS soulmate by answering these hard-hitting questions. Lucky for you, HowStuffWorks Play is here to help. They are described as having an unlimited number of members. They are described as having an unlimited number of members. Mark & Lucas 11% 3,901,262,143 quizzes played. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. I decided to make a little quiz including all NCT members (yes, the dreamies as well) because I can barely find any quizzes like that!! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. More information... People also love these ideas. Do you believe in love at first sight? From Jin to Jungkook, each member of the hit K-Pop group has positive qualities that they bring to the team. Chenle,Renjun, Mark & WinWin 33% (3) ♫.. Entertainment. Pinterest. What would you do together? 8. I’m not saying you CAN’T get an older member if you’re young, I’m just saying that your age matters in this quiz because I wanted the … NCT 127 isnt my style but a few of their members caught my eye and although I adore NCT U theyre only a promotional unit. Would it go smoothly? Originally posted by haechens NCT 127 as Boyfriends NCT 127 as Sub/Switch/Dom NCT 127 Kinks NCT 127 When Angry NCT 127 Reaction to Getting Angry With Their S/O NCT 127 Reaction To Getting Angry At Their S/O - Part Two NCT 127 Age They Would Date NCT 127 Reaction of S/O Putting … Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. “Please, I’m going to fall.” “You’re doing fine.” Jaemin held out his hands. Nct 2020 is already chaotic. by godelvabars. Next Question. By the time both of you were heading back, you guys had boarded a bus that brought you straight to the station. Dino and you were practicing for a school’s talent show and after 2 hours of continuous dancing, you felt tired and slightly dizzy. Hearing the severity in his tone, you thought that something might have happened and became more alert before asking what the issue was. Haechan. Kun 22% (2)Lucas, Yuta & Ten 11% (1), Johnny 17% You got NCT Dream's sweetheart Haechan! These NCT "Would You Rather" Questions Will Determine If You're Introverted Or Extroverted. Would it go smoothly? VK. Article from This oppa is kind-hearted and is always bright and laughing. Jun 22, 2018 - Who is your NCT soulmate (nct u + nct 127 + nct dream + johnkunsol) Explore. Although BTS works cohesively as a group, along with Big Hit Entertainment, each BTS member is unique and distinctive. So take this fun K-pop quiz to find out which NCT 127 guy is your type! CALLING ALL K-POP FANS! Chenle 22% Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Reporting on what you care about. nct 127 reaction: another member likes you. 174 notes. If you’re a BTS fan, then this is the perfect quiz for you! Congratulations! Hope you enjoy ️ You got NCT Dream's Canadian member Mark! Which member would it be? This NCT quiz game is for all NCTzens and kpop lovers, play this quiz to see how well do you know NCT. NCT Quiz 2019: How well do you know NCT? Community Contributor. Haechan. Naver. Dino was surprised but managed to gain his composure and hold you by the side of your arms before regaining your footsteps. QUIZ: Which NCT Dream Member Would Be Your Perfect Seatmate In School? These cookies do not store any personal information. Created by: pearlwellington on December 17, 2018 | 29,470 plays. Ten 33 percent. Telegram. Lucas 22%. Article from NCT’s boys have their ideal girl, a person who meets certain characteristics and virtues will be the one who steals their heart. nct nct 127 nct smut nct 127 smut nct fluff nct scnearios nct imagines nct quiz jaehyun taeyong doyoung taeil jungwoo mark lee johnny suh haechan yuta. Oct 1, 2018. by fanniberger. 38. While some may be expected and others surprising, here’s who every member chose. Which NCT subgroup would you be in? 0. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I tried to make this quiz as accurate as possible! Twitter. ReddIt. How would your friends describe you? QUIZ: Which NCT 127 Member Will You Go Out With? If you're a fan of BTS, formed in 2013 by Big Hit Entertainment, then we've got the perfect BTS quiz for you. By. Simon says you're a boy with luv! Jul 30, 2019 - NCT in the house! Pinterest. QUIZ: Which Male K-Pop Idol Will Surprise You On Valentine’s Day? Share. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! Article by BuzzFeed. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Facebook. Take our quiz to find out. NCT in the house! We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Jul 30, 2019 - NCT in the house!. Take our quiz to find out. ♫ Article by BuzzFeed. im planning on making one with dream nd wayv as well :) i hope the way i write in past tense doesn’t confuse yall TAEIL: Taeil would feel so betrayed when he found out Doyoung has a crush on you. Guest. Company About Us Stats Blog Jobs Podcasts. Article from Linkedin. From fun quizzes that bring joy to your day, to compelling photography and fascinating lists, HowStuffWorks Play offers something for everyone. NCT Members Profile, NCT Ideal Type and 10 Facts You Should Know About NCT. Haechan. Quiz! Linkedin. Renjun . It's Time To Find Out Which Members Of NCT 127 And BTS You're Most Like. Question: 1. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. pls take it梁 . Lucas ~a birthday quiz. Renjun. Twitter ByungChan then said that he was suffering from … Congratulations! He is also open-minded and gentlemen. im planning on making one with dream nd wayv as well :) i hope the way i write in past tense doesn’t confuse yall TAEIL: Taeil would feel so betrayed when he found out Doyoung has a crush on you. If you're an avid follower of the Korean Pop group sensation, BTS, then you've definitely got a favorite member and also probably a member who you feel you relate to most and matches your personality. The lively and playful boy is talented in languages and dance. When you tried to say something, he would hush you straight away telling you that he’s doing something serious. Share. What if you got to go on a date with a BTS member? Tumblr. A fun quiz I made for you to find out which male kpop idol would fall for you, hope you like it ♥ For more kpop related stuff check out my tumblr @kpopreactionuniverse. NCT U NCT Dream NCT 127 . For dates, you will go take sticker pictures and … Then we have NCT U's Without You which shows off 3 or 4 members vocals. Quizzes. As a special treat to fans, all twenty-three members of NCT 2020 answered a few questions for the digital version of their album booklet. NCT Members Profile, NCT Ideal Type and 10 Facts You Should Know About NCT. Obsessed with travel? Jun 22, 2018 - Who is your NCT soulmate (nct u + nct 127 + nct dream + johnkunsol) ♫ Oh baby, it's you! What if you got to go on a date with a BTS member? WinWin 11 percent This oppa will steal your heart in few seconds. Naver. WhatsApp. During the entire time, he was very quiet and concentrated in braiding your hair. Question: 2. by marsanbaz17. Go to your Sporcle Settings to finish the process. Congratulations! Renjun, Yuta and Ten 22% Johny 22 percent Doyoung already knew you were taken, yet he still confessed to you. For dates, this talented oppa and you will go eat and have fun at the arcade. Add to library 1 Discussion. There is no sign up process, nor any extra charge to access the Members Club – there’s exclusive access for all our members. Community Contributor. Taeyong unveiled his account on February 18, 2021, during a three-hour broa "Peaches and cream, sweeter than sweet." 1. I recently got into NCT Dream, which just led me to the other units. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Obsessed with travel? Apr 20, 2019 - ♫ Oh baby, it's you! Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! so yeah I got winwin but I'm hoping I would get yangyang or yuta TT but I still like winwin tho. Kun 9% Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Apr 20, 2019 - ♫ Oh baby, it's you! The following 20 images have all been pixelated to make it harder to identify the member in each one, and it’s up to you to see if you can figure out which is which! Would you rather date the "Takoyaki Prince" known as Yuta Nakamoto or the "Valentine Boy" called Jaehyun? a/n: jusT REALIZED HOW HARD IT IS TO make different scenarios for each member. Community Contributor. Read NCT DREAM: WHO'LL FALL FOR YOU EVENTUALLY from the story NCT ZODIACS by jongdaeddybtch (Cada) with 1,839 reads. If you think you know the members of NCT 127 well, now’s your chance to test yourself! Community Contributor. Ten 6%, Chenle 44 percent Reply. Haechan. Pinterest. Thank you for becoming a member. Whether you frequently daydream about going on a … 0. He is a sunshine and is loved by everyone. V combed your hair gently before gathering strands of your hair and started ‘working’ on you. Renjun 13% This is a pretty short quiz but i hope you enjoy it and find out who would fall for you. NCT, an acronym for ‘Neo Culture Technology’, is a boy group concept. On stage, he knows how to look charismatic with a perfect rap! For dates, you will go take sticker pictures and have a huge delicious meal in a cute restaurant. Your BTS soul mate is waiting for you... but he might not be the member you thought! Lucas ~a birthday quiz. If you're a fan of the South Korean boy band named BTS, formed in 2013 by Big Hit Entertainment, then we've got the perfect BTS quiz for you. Johnny 33% Winwin 10% It was ByungChan and you answered with a yawn. QUIZ: Which SuHo-JuGyeong Moment From "True Beauty" Will Happen To You. Seeing how sincere he was, you finally agreed and sat in front of him. You’ve got the ultra-handsome and funny Lucas! You can join and make your own posts and quizzes. Chenle 14% I … So far I’ve only found one which has ALL 18 members in it. Rapper, dancer, and visual Taeyong is the latest NCT member to open his own personal Instagram account! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. It's nice that you guys had finally debuted, i hope it goes well!! You got NCT Dream's Canadian member Mark! QUIZ: Which NCT 127 Member Will You Go Out With? Jul 30, 2019 - NCT in the house! January 2021. Quizzes. "Cafe Midnight Season 3: The Curious Stalker" (2021 Web Drama): Cast & Summary, The New "Inkigayo" MCs NCT SungChan, IZ*ONE An YuJin, & TREASURE JiHoon Take First Picture Together, QUIZ: Which Male K-Pop Idol Will You Match With On A Dating App? Which BTS Member Should You Date? I tried to make this quiz as accurate as possible! Your Music Preferences Will Reveal Which NCT Dream Member You'll Date. Mark 174 notes Feb 8th, 2021. He knows how to make girls’ heart flutter with cheesy ments and athletic handsome look. Tumblr. Add to library 1 Discussion. Our award-winning website offers reliable, easy-to-understand explanations about how the world works. CALLING ALL K-POP FANS! Lucky you! NCT Members Who Would Fall For Their Enemies NCT Members Okay With Long Distance Relationship 127 Version . You were about to fall asleep when the vibration of your phone woke you up. By becoming an NCT Member, not only are you helping us to support new parents, you get exclusive access to our collection of money-saving rewards, discounts and services through the NCT Members Club. by ijdavies304. Matthew Cage - December 19, 2020. Jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your Account Isn't Verified! From fun quizzes that bring joy to your day, to compelling photography and fascinating lists, HowStuffWorks Play offers something for everyone. 8 days ago Y n . Take this quiz with friends in real time and compare results. He knows how to make girls’ heart flutter with cheesy ments and athletic handsome look. Well, if you’re wondering which NCT member would be the best for you to date, this is the quiz for you! This is one of the best kpop quizzes featuring over 15 questions and always adding more. Sign up to the BuzzFeed Quizzes Newsletter - Binge on the latest quizzes delivered right to your inbox with the Quizzes newsletter! Johnny 56% (5) Lucas 22 percent You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I'm a later 1993, so keep in mind I'm an adult. LINE . Shinjayjin May 26, 2020 10:27 am BTS’s JungKook You knew JungKook was going to be out of energy after seeing how he had a great time at the beach. And if a member doesn't stand out to a specific fan then odds are … NCT’s boys have their ideal girl, a person who meets certain characteristics and virtues will be the one who steals their heart. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Facebook. Telegram. Which NCT member are you Which NCT member are you: It’s only been three years since this K-Pop boy band made their debut on April 9, 2016, under S.M. Your BTS soul mate is waiting for you... but he might not be the member you thought! He is also open-minded and gentlemen. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Honestly you were worried when V told you that he wanted to try braiding your hair. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing.