I'm a master. Popular Quizzes Today. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . RELATED: Which Legend of Korra Character Are You Based on Your Astrology Sign? BuzzFeed Staff. Take the Quiz to Find Out, Which Valorant Agent Suits Your Playstyle? What's your favorite color? B. Legend of Korra. Whichever Avatar you are most like, you're sure to enjoy this free online quiz. I'm the avatar. Everyone's Personality Matches A "Legend Of Korra" Character – Who Are You? Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Can you name the pictured characters from The Legend of Korra? *Updated* 1. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. While Jinora's abilities and spiritual awareness certainly make her a rather intriguing character in the starting few moments of Season 2, one has to admit that her personal journey and the overarching narrative of The Legend of Korra feel noticeably disjointed.. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Take this quiz with friends in real time and compare results. This Quiz Will Say. You're quite stubborn and prefer to rebel against rules. Earth because I love to show off my skills during pro-bending matches! 16 Comments. "The Legend of Korra" takes us back to the world of the Avatar and her struggle to maintain peace between the four nations. How important is being able to fight? Questions and Answers . What LOK character are you? Take this quiz to find out! 3) What is your favorite color? 1) If you could bend one element what would it be? "The Legend of Korra" has given us so much: a strong female lead who's also a woman of color, fight scenes that are thrillingly choreographed and animated, amazing stories about the human spirit's capacity to change and grow and, of course, Korrasami (Korra + Asami !) Get all the best moments in pop culture & entertainment delivered to your inbox. Zaheer would like these skills, and he'd also enjoy how Sokka prefers results over noble ideals. 4) If you could do one thing for the entire day what would it be? BuzzFeed Quiz Party! Funny and cute. Maybe you're more like Avatar Korra, quick witted and implusive. I had everything I could ever want or need. Really important! Try this amazing Witch Legend Of Korra Charactar Should You Date? Find out who you’d be based on your Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality type. D&D Beyond Which Character From "The Legend Of Korra" Are You? Maybe you are patient and full of wisdom like Tenzin. What's your favorite kind of movie? The most accurate quiz you can find! C. Focused and tuff. California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. The Legend of Korra Which Character Are You fun online quiz game asks you to answer a few questions about how you would live your life in Republic City to determine which character you would be. Created by Devin Moore On Oct 5, 2014 How would you describe your childhood? Songs used (Sorry they aren't in order!) What do you do during tense conversations? It follows the next Avatar, a water bender named Korra, as she tries to find her place in the Avatar lineage and balance the responsibilities that the position calls for. Those were listed as the main characters in the wiki page so I'm going to stick with that. Find out here! Or your friend made you. Which of these places sounds the most fun to go to? it's important, if you need it. Which Legend of Korra character are you? Bolin~ Sagittarius = Optimistic and Easy going. Which of these jobs would you want to have? A. What is this sign all about? You...? Swaggy Thunder 19,740 views Which Animal Crossing Horse Villager Are You? But there's more to "The Legend of Korra" than dope characters or beautiful animation. 1. Mako ~ Either Cancer or Capricorn because. Think you know all there is to know about the Legend of Korra? ... 10 Voice Actors From "Avatar" And "Legend Of Korra" That You'll Kick Yourself For Not Recognizing. With Korra being your favorite character, you might be a person who has also had unrealistic goals placed on your shoulders that you have no chance of achieving - but that sure doesn't stop you from giving absolutely everything you have in order to try and achieve them, no matter what obstacles lie in your path. 12 Aries (March 21 - April 10): Korra. 6. There are 15 Comments on this Quiz (View Comments) 1: are you a boy or girl : boy: girl : 2: where do you like to live : hawihi: alaska: idk: somewhere where no one is around : 3: are you … and other free online games on nick.co.uk. Which Legend Of Korra Character Are You Based On Your Astrology Sign? Also explore over 3 similar quizzes in this category. 50%. Quiz introduction. Which Legend of Korra Character are you? Free mbti test and quizzes based on your personality type myers briggs test We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. What's your favorite music genre? Can you name the characters in Legend of Korra. C. Orange. As Korra, you are determined to reach your goals and will stop at nothing to achieve your desires. This is out of the new Team Avatar, Tenzin and Lin Beifong. Take This Personality Quiz to Find Out. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Nothing! Let's see who you would be in the Legend of Korra! Every bender out there despises you, because you can take away a person's ability to bend, and you're bent on creating a world where NOBODY can bend. 6) Which is your fav saying? Make A Cake And We'll Tell You Which "Legend Of Korra" Character You Are. Who's your favorite character from the original Avatar show? Which special bending skill is the coolest? I am a non-bender and I'm okay with it. Your Result: You are Amon. You may even be most like Avatar Roku, always learning from your mistakes and passing along your wisdom to others. Take This Quiz to Find Out, Can You Guess Who Said these Classic Always Sunny Quotes? Favorite Answer. Of course, that's why you're taking this quiz! If you have, this Legend of Korra personality quiz will be perfect for you. Home » Quiz » Which Legend of Korra Character Are You? You need to know how to attack and defend. 2) What best describes you? In honor of Book 4, it's time to find out who you really are! Did you like Take This Quiz to Find Out, Which Mario Side Character Would You Be? 1. Avatar Korra is practically the paragon of Aries. Think You Know Everything About Genshin Impact? what character are you from legend of korra book 1. please tell me your results. At times, you are impatient, which leads to lack of knowledge. Blue. 12 FACTS ABOUT UNCLE IROH YOU SHOULD KNOW [Avatar the Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra - Duration: 4:43. Some people might try to hurt you. What is Avatar: The Legend of Korra? You're a Korra fan, right? Which Avatar The Legend of Korra character are you? I constantly fought with my family. Obsessed with travel? Which Avatar: Legend of Korra character are you? What do you like most about yourself? This is a fan poster of Korra, Bolin, Mako and Asami from my favourite tv series, the Legend of Korra. Take this quiz! The dimensions are 11X17 and plastic sleeve protected. personality test. 10 If you could bend one element what would it be? Avatar: The Last Airbender became available on Netflix not too long ago, and The Legend of Korra did the same just this month. Which Legend of Korra Character Are You? Once you … Which of these locations would you be most likely to travel to? Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. A. You are Korra! If you have, this Legend of Korra personality quiz will be perfect for you Are you strong-willed and expressive like Korra, or maybe a bit more calm and reserved like Tenzin? 3. Avatar Aang Avatar The Last Airbender Bolin Legend Of Korra The Last Airbender Characters Avatar Movie Question Game Super Smash Bros Nerdy Star Wars. What's your favorite color? The name of Avatar: The Last Airbender's spinoff was known as Avatar: The Legend of Korra, aka LOK. . Hopefully, you've had time to watch most, if not all, of the show by now. 11 Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Pema. by Morgan Sloss. Are you like her friends, Bolin and Asami or are you more similar to the avatar? Which Legend of Korra character are you? Which Korra character are you? You are Amon, leader of the Equalist. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! 5) What is your favorite Korra character(s)? Which Legend of Korra Character are you? Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . (or close to it) How random are you? This is a digital print on rice, rock, vellum paper. Which of these best describes you when you're talking to your crush? Hot and curious . Red. The series was expanded further in July 2012 to 52 episodes. Popular Quizzes Today. What's your goal for the future? And if you liked this quiz, we have a bunch more right here for you to check out. Instead, Sokka is creative, resourceful, and practical, and he comes up with most of Team Avatar's plans and knows how to navigate any city or landscape. The Legend of Korra was initially conceived as a twelve-episode miniseries.Nickelodeon declined the creators' pitch for an Avatar: The Last Airbender follow-up animated movie based on what then became the three-part comics The Promise, The Search and The Rift, choosing instead to expand Korra to 26 episodes. Considering both her role in … If you haven’t The Last Airbender or its sequel series The Legend of Korra, go away ... come back and take this very necessary quiz to find out which of the main characters you are. I had it rough. Play The Legend of Korra: Which Avatar Are You? Find out with this quiz. How do you feel about family get-togethers? Who's your favorite of Aang's descendants? Your mother asks you to clean the dishes. : A world without fences - Lady and the Tamp 2Why Should I Worry? by Peacemaker Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Take this quiz! I grew up fast. Article by Emiko Shiro. Take Our Trivia Quiz to Find Out, Wing of Darkness for PS4, Switch, & PC Gets New Video Showing the Making of Cutscenes, Microsoft Flight Simulator Gets KDCA Washington Airport Video & Macau Screenshots; Tivat Is Free for a Day, Neptunia ReVerse for PS5 Reveals “Adjusted” Box Art; Uncensored Japanese Art Included on Reverse Side, Diablo Immortal Preparing For New & Longer Testing Phase; “Epic Endgame” Teased, Diablo IV Details the Rogue Class, Open World, & PvP With New Gameplay Aplenty, Which Legend of Korra Character Are You? Tenzin ~ Capricorn … But while you're waiting for the next episode, take this quiz to see which character you get! by POKEMONlover13 Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . We can't all be Korra. Hopefully, you’ve had time to watch most, if not all, of the show by now. Take this test to see if you can truly cut it as the Avatar. How would you solve tough problems in school? (Only Girls) quiz which has been attempted 4406 times by avid quiz takers. Which legend of korra character should you date? You are a badass avatar! 92. B. Air, because I know everything about it! Reporting on what you care about. Which Character From "The Legend Of Korra" Are You? Korra ~ Aries = Aggresive, Impatient, Impulsive. What's your personality? You have a courageous spirit and are very confident in yourself. 2. Find out which character in the main cast you have the most in common with by completing the quiz below! Take This Quiz to Find Out.