This guide will help you know exactly what Facebook Messenger symbols are trying to tell you. You can access secret conversations right from your old Facebook Messenger app. Can someone help me, please. This article explains how to tell if someone blocked you on Facebook Messenger with instructions for the desktop website and the mobile app. I don’t get what does the date mean next to the “first seen by this device”. I have a few chapters of information below that can work to your advantage if you put them into practice. If you can view the person's Facebook profile, they may have blocked you on Messenger but not on Facebook. At this point, you should be able to navigate away from the message without any worries, but the person you are sending the message to may not be able to see it yet. As per my experience, seen means that the message has been seen, or acknowledged, by the recipient. Messenger’s secret conversations supports images, videos, stickers, and voice recordings. Hang out anytime, anywhere - Messenger makes it easy and fun to stay close to your favorite people. What do the Facebook Messenger symbols mean? Is it the date when the secret chat was used last or something else? Now, keep in mind that there are some applications that provide an interface for different chat engines, including facebook. If you see a warning saying that the message wasn't sent, the person might have blocked you. The open blue circle with a check mark means that your message has been sent. If you see this symbol, you’ll want to wait until the message finishes sending before navigating away. It does not support GIFs or any type of calling (audio or video). The secret conversation can be deleted from the Facebook Messenger app. It is all easy steps to follow, and I … An open blue circle means that your message is in the process of sending. 1. Facebook Messenger Icon: Filled Blue Circle + Check They're tucked away in a hidden inbox that's a little tricky to … Open Blue Circle. There is a lock button on the Secret Conversation, and a user can click on the lock button to unlock it and turn it into a normal Facebook Messenger conversation. Does it interest you to see the latest login on Facebook Messenger? YOU may have a load of unread Facebook messages that you don't even know about. How to have secret conversations on Facebook Messenger. This is typically because you don't have any internet access when you try to send a message. On your messenger, what you need to do is Tap and Hold on a chat and select the option Mark as unread. How to See “Last Login” on Facebook Messenger. Hello, I’m trying to understand how does secret conversations work on Facebook Messenger. However, deleting your conversation does not mean that the other person has deleted their chat. The biggest limitation with Facebook Messenger unsend is that you only have a 10-minutes-long window to delete your messages. An unfilled, empty circle means the message has not been sent. You will first need to turn the feature on. Facebook Messenger Icon: Open Blue Circle + Check.