Snakes, crocs, drop bears, kangaroos — Australia is a wonderful country full of some of the biggest, most dangerous and quirkiest things in the world — and road rules are no exception. The possession of a knife is illegal and punishable by a $10,000 fine. 8 Weird Australian rules you won't believe. By. Australia is home to some weird animals, attractions that seem as though they’ve come from another planet and place names that can feel as though they’re completely made up, but we’ve also got out fair share of odd laws. Having said that, there sure are some wacky ways to find yourself behind bars in the Land Down Under. 51. Weird and little-known SA laws that still pack a punch. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject. Browse Iowa: No faking your butter. In Australia, men are free to cross-dress, just as long as their dresses are not strapless. Even though Australia has only been making laws for 116 years, there are still some very odd ones creeping around. She holds a Bachelor of Laws, a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) and a Master’s in Criminology. However, any Australians with a liquor license are prohibited from engaging in “practices or promotions that encourage rapid or excessive consumption of liquor,” the law states. One of Australia’s first hippie communities can be found in the rainforest hinterland just west of Byron Bay. Pakistan is known for giving tough times to India but surprisingly the country spelling trouble across the world did gave a chance to the world to laugh out loud. As of 2013 it’s no longer a criminal offence, but you’d better stick with the name Wilbur if you want to avoid charges from the country's strict slander and defamation laws. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard recently fell foul of Australia's strict laws regarding animal transportation. Every country is different, and every country's laws are different. However, these joyful activities mean busier roads and unfortunately, a sobering road toll. Homing pigeons are protected by law in Australia. I Can’t Believe It’s Not A Misdemeanor! Australia. Michelle has had a varied career, working in commercial litigation, criminal law, family law and estate planning. Helmets in the US are advised, though not technically against the law :) That one could vary from State to State though. One of the most well known weird Australian laws is that all taxis are supposed to carry a bale of hay at all times. 56. by Michelle Rennex. Top ten weird German rules and laws . 55. Every year, Aussies seize the chance to visit family, go on holidays and take day trips over the Easter weekend. The 47 Weirdest Laws from Around the World 9 You or your future spouse were unconscious during your nuptials in Germany. Bangladeshi children of 15 and older can be sent to jail for cheating on their final exams. What are the rules on drinking alcohol and driving? Stupid Laws. All weird laws have to originate somewhere. Most citizens aren’t even aware that such weird laws exist. HAVE you ever advertised a reward for missing or stolen property with the promise of "no questions asked"? During the 1960s counter culture movement, a music and arts festival brought students, hippies & artists to Nimbin. Back to Top ten weird German laws and rules » « Start. Hi, just wondering if anyone knows of any old laws, or weird Australian laws that are commonly broken or that are turned a blind eye to, if that makes sense. We have some of the strictest gun laws in the world in Australia so it’s actually a lovely place to live – & one of the safest in the world. Australia is home to some of the strangest laws in the world. While the chances of you copping a fine or getting arrested over violation of one of these laws is slim to none, it is nevertheless interesting to know about some of the very strange laws that govern the land we live in. So don’t call the police if your UBER driver doesn’t have a bale of hay in the boot! Aussie Rules footy was originally designed to help cricketers to keep fit in the off-season. MATE?? The states and territories of Australia are the second level of government division in Australia, ... Commonwealth laws apply automatically to the territory unless expressly stated otherwise and residents of both external territories are associated with Northern Territory for federal elections. And it seems every state has at least a few of them. This law, however, is FICTION. Some laws in Pakistan are so strange that if Indians go there they would end up being restricted to enter Pakistan forever. Hoping that some professionals might be able to help with … No … Weird Australian ‘Laws’ – Fact or Fiction? 54. Written by Michelle Makela. The question was: Which of the following is the correct way to indicate so that the other drivers know what the blue car intends to do?A. This law may have been applicable when transport was a horse and carriage, but there is no evidence to suggest that this law still exists. 50 dumb laws in America. Australia’s British heritage and multiculturalism mean that most of their traditions are adopted from far and wide; however, there are a few customs and rituals that are purely Australian, and although they may seem ridiculous to non-Aussies, they are a part of their true blue identity. BuzzFeed Staff, Australia 1. Enter ‘weirdest laws in Australia’ into any online search engine and the list of mind-boggling legislations is almost laughable. 10 Weird Laws of Pakistan Which Will Make You Laugh Loud. They may have made sense when they were written, but today they seem a little questionable, weird or just plain dumb. … Here's 14 other far more peculiar Australian laws. More than 75% of Australians believe the roads are more dangerous during the Easter period. What do you mean you don't chuck a fried egg into your burgers?? Weird and wonderful Australian road rules. Weird - 9News - Latest news and headlines from Australia and the world Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is dangerous and Australia has very serious penalties if you are caught doing so. weird laws in australia. In Australia, you are not permitted to drive a car if your blood alcohol level is 0.05 per cent or higher. Queensland’s Department of Transport and Main Roads has asked drivers if they know the rules around indicating in a roundabout. The festival came to an end, but many of those that had attended agreed to stay on in Nimbin and form communes and a self sufficient community. Any person who attempts to … We've compiled a list of 50 weird laws around the world you may not believe exist. Sometimes these laws border on the seriously ridiculous, and other times they point to important cultural values that might be different than your own. 21 Quirks Australians Don’t Realise Are Super Weird. This bird can travel long distances and can find its place miles away. Joanna July 4, 2016 There are some funny laws in your list. Don’t worry – firearms, slingshots, throwing stars, and just about anything you could conceive of are illegal in Australia. Michelle Makela is one of our Legal Practice Directors and the National Practice Manager. It was once used for sending messages and racing. There are truly some wacky laws out there There are truly some wacky laws out there. Today's Australia Day so here's a quick reminder that this country is still as strange as ever. Emma Kapotes/ Latest travel advice for Australia including how coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting travel and entry requirements at this time as well as safety and security and local laws and customs The Australian and the Aboriginal flag fly together on the Sydney Harbour Bridge for the first time ever on Australia Day, 2013. A wedding is a magical day, and you... 31 Flying a kite until it aggravates somebody off in Australia. We’ve ran the ledger over five of the strangest laws that still exist in Australia. Source: AAP. They are, thus, constitutionally part of Australia. After a few hours of google searches I have uncovered the usual ones that seem to be floating around like: wearing a disguise in public, jaywalking, joking at an airport, etc. However, some of the laws in Singapore (like chewing gum or singing in public) is not something that is considered illegal in other countries, and you could easily get in trouble in Singapore if you did not know about that rule. The bird has earned a prominent position in the country, so according to these weird laws, it is considered illegal to capture, injure or kill homing pigeons. 52. Home; Random Stupid Laws; Popular Stupid Laws; Recent Stupid Laws; Stupid Laws. Australia . Here are 15 weird dog laws you didn’t know existed in America. Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano. In the UK, a law still exists from the Middle Ages that requires all males over the age of 14 to be trained in shooting a long bow. Truth is, most of these are farce, or laws from colonial times that have been regurgitated for comic effect. 50 Weird Laws Around the World. So the law no longer states Napoleon specifically, but instead says that it's illegal to offend the heads of state by naming your pig after them.