even though the telos version has a syndicate proc? 25.33 % BOLTOR PRIME RECEIVER. Also could start doing melee builds. 2. 1 year ago. WARFRAME WEAPON . Talos Boltor bleed build partnered with Ash or Garuda and every enemy on the star chart will have hemophilia baseicly lots of blood. Aklex Prime vs Akvasto Prime; Opticor Vandal VS Optico; Boltor Prime VS Telos Boltor; Stug Build 2019 (Guide) Quatz Build 2019 (Guide) Efficient Beams on the Convectrix is Awesome (Warframe Gameplay) Seer Build 2019 (Guide) New Nightwave Season "The Emissary" Kraken Build 2019 (Guide) My Thoughts & Expectations of TennoCon 2019 (Rambling Vlog) The Boltor Prime has the following base stats: 1: Meso M1 Relic. Price: 39 platinum | Trading Volume: 134 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Boltor Prime Blueprint Since it's a status weapon, 4 60-60 elemental mods. Featuring improved stats and an additional polarity slot, the Telos Boltor also features innate Truth effect. It's a good hold-over, until you aquire the Primed verison. Both of these arguments combined with the rather similar performance put the Telos Boltor in front but if this was a beauty contest than the Prime would have the upper-hand. The Boltor Prime or the Telos Boltor? anyone recommend the Telos Boltor? 1. While doing reviews for individual weapons might not be a good idea because of melee 3.0, doing a basic guide would be just one video that gets outdated whenever melee 3.0 finally drops. level 1. 3 - Volt - 6% Arme Principale 1 - Soma - 13%. The Telos Boltor is an exclusive version of the Boltor available only from the Arbiters of Hexis. Boltor Prime. TELOS BOLTOR. A comparison of soma prime, prisma gorgon, and fulmin auto mode could be good. 4 Forma | 61 Platinum | 54050 Endo - Maybe Lato Vandal instead of the normal one. or at least 1-2 vid about warframe builds for newb like me, I think for 155 or more corrupted enemys the status build always be better because of the insane amor, Think u could do a video explaining the different The Syndicate procs and which u feel are the best, Tombfinger vs catchmoon with similar construction and vectis prime vs rubico prime. Also don’t forget the faster travel time on prime makes it easier to use at range! Yes, they are useless and not viable but that's part of the charm, isn't it? BOLTOR PRIME. The cedo also feels really satisfying to use, and the Proboscis Cernos provides utility. I have to say this first: I like the Boltor concept so please don't just say "use the Soma Prime/Baza/Burston Prime because they're hitscan" or something similiar. This weapon deals primarily Puncturedamage. What do you think of pushing them to the limits of usefulness? 6. Please do shotgun Fulmin vs Arca Plasmor! BOLTOR Blueprint. The Telos Boltor is an exclusive version of the Boltor available only from the Arbiters of Hexis. The Boltor fires slow, heavy bolts that are capable of impaling enemies to walls. You could do Akstiletto Prime vs Akbolto Prime I would definitly like to see it.And now, thanks to you, I know which Boltor should use. Advantages: 1. > Weapon 101 – Boltor / Boltor Prime / Telos Boltor. 1. share. The Boltor Prime or the Telos Boltor? How about try to build the Boltor Prime on its environment. Now I changed my mind. Despite this, the Boltor Prime can … I love it!You haven't lived until you've kicked a Heavy Gunner into space, just because you can. ... [Warframe] BOLTOR PRIME RIVEN MODDED [rivens got boofed] - … Price: 18 platinum | Trading Volume: 14 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Boltor Prime Stock Slash build is the ultimate build cause you can hear the sirens of paramedics coming for those bleeding heavygoons at 5:30 :). anyone recommend the Telos Boltor? Originally released for PC Microsoft Windows in March 2013, it was later ported to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. (Plus, Prisma Obex+Obex Augment=Infinite Energy Hyperspeed Punching. Let's just discuss about those 2 weapon variants, also by comparing to other kind of weapons. The syndicate proc is rather good, 25% max health recovery is very good, and the 50% higher magazine helps mitigate the rather long reload time. It shoots a bit slower but also has a 50% larger magazine. ARCHGUN ARCHMELEE MELEE PISTOL PRIMARY SENTINEL WEAPON . Haven’t did the zakti yet? 5. Time to find out! I see a lot of players who can't mod their archwings for crap. En expliquant votre choix svp - Topic [SONDAGE] Boltor Prime VS Soma Prime du 26-12-2014 14:19:37 sur les forums de jeuxvideo.com The crit chance went from 5% to 30%, and the crit multiplier went from 2x to 2.4x. Warframe: How to Farm New Un-vaulted Relics Fast (Loki Prime, Ember Prime, Frost Prime) - Duration: 4:47. Disadvantages: 1. Salut, selon vous, quelle est la meilleure ? I've been using the standard Boltace since my first days on Warframe and never changed it, it just looks so damn sick. Price: 39 platinum | Trading Volume: 134 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Boltor Prime Blueprint Low recoil. The Boltor fires slow, heavy bolts that are capable of impaling enemies to walls. (1.8 for Boltor) 1: Axi R1 Relic. One of my favorite weapons beside my Zaw and my Catchmoon. TELOS BOLTOR. WARFRAME WEAPON PRIMARY × ARCHGUN ARCHMELEE MELEE PISTOL PRIMARY SENTINEL WEAPON ASSAULT RIFLE × ASSAULT RIFLE BOW SHOTGUN SNIPER BOLTOR; BOLTOR TELOS BOLTOR BOLTOR PRIME. Get out of my fucking brain, dude. BOLTOR Blueprint. I completely maxed out on Arbiters of Hexis and I don't know if I should waste the standing and get the Telos Boltor right now or wait until Boltor Prime is available to farm for. Prime has a higher damage, is more accurate, has abit more status and shoots faster. The Telos Boltor is an exclusive version of the Boltor available only from the Arbiters of Hexis.Featuring improved damage, critical stats, fire rate, and magazine size, the Telos Boltor also possesses an innate Truth effect.. Acquisition. BOLTOR. Awesome! The Telos Boltor can be acquired by reaching the Rank of Maxim with the Arbiters of Hexis, and spending 125,000‍125,000to purchase. I am rank 27 so it wouldn't be so much for me but I enjoy your videos and want to see what you can dig out of the game to make different tutorials cheese builds farming guides etc etc it would suit your format and I think everyone would get something out of you explaining different things in this game from your own experience. i have all other boltors (Regular Boltor and the Boltor Prime). This weapon deals primarily Puncture damage. Which is better? I recently levelled the Prime and got the Telos version. Don't forget to take a break, I'd ask for you to compare differences between weapon stances just so DE can update to Melee 3.0 right as you put the video outjk I don't wish that on any content creator. 2. Featuring improved damage, critical stats, fire rate, and magazine size, the Telos Boltor also possesses an innate Truth effect. Sweet Video! High Slash damage effective against health. Like its classic version, its bolts' flight time require compensation, making this weapon more difficult to use at longer ranges, and requiring the user to lead targets for effectiveness. Accuracy: Has an accuracy of 50 able to accurately hit enemies at low to high ranges. Thanks! PRIMARY. The Telos Boltor offers a bit more build diversity thanks to the fact that it can make use out of Hunter Munitions and it also offers an innate syndicate effect. Weapon 101 – Boltor / Boltor Prime / Telos Boltor. Also, if you are facing an endless horde of enemies, Telos will be able to kill more enemies, simply because you will have to reload 50% less, AND if you are facing a group of 4, Boltor Prime will have to reload while Telos will be able to kill them, in other words, you take LESS damage. ASSAULT RIFLE BOW KITGUN SHOTGUN SNIPER . [DISCUSSION] Telos Boltor vs Boltor Prime after rework. ARCHWING COMPARISON Railjack is coming man... A breakdown of their abilities would be nice to have out there. Boltor. Price: 20 platinum | Trading Volume: 14 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Boltor Prime Barrel (25 for Boltor) Critical Chance: Has a 12% chance to deal critical hits per shot. Id go with Telos boltor because Boltor Prime is currently vaulted so the Telos variant is easier to obtain. But if you are a good shot, Latron Prime's status procs + high crit damage can do a lot more against the priority targets in T4S 1hr+, where you absolutely positively need that armor gone, than Boltor Prime. Hate to ruin the fine 404 comments, but I wanted to thank you for showing me that my old favorite weapon is still viable! What is that thing on the shoulder that is like a moving pillar of energy? Price: 13 platinum | Trading Volume: 13 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Boltor Prime Receiver Status is only 16% though that's not a completely negligible number. i have all other boltors (Regular Boltor and the Boltor Prime). One important thing is that the Telos Boltor's accuracy is a bit low due to the recoil, so the results may not be the same in a standard combact scenario. WARFRAME WEAPON . And let me tell you, this thing absolutly shreds everything in seconds, it's amazing. Lato vs Kraken. While you can get the normal version of the Boltor pretty early on, getting the Boltor Prime … Boltor Prime VS Telos Boltor - The Impalers Showdown (Warframe Gameplay) - Duration: 8:59. No builds found. Advantages: High Puncture damage effective against armor. Multiple possibilities exist, with builds focusing on crit, status, reach, damage,...On the boltor side, the Telos bolter having 50% extra ammo becomes another big difference because it is close. I really like how you do weapon builds & I would appreciate one for this weapon. Both the Boltor Prime and the Latron Prime/Wraith are good endgame. I think it'll be like Telos Boltor, Boltor, and Boltor Prime, Telos is better than regular and has the syndicate effect, but the overall DPS is a little lower than the Prime… TELOS BOLTOR. Here are the Boltor Prime Relics you will need to build it. That ofc means you wouöd make videos that are not weapon and riven reviews. I wonder how your opinion would change now with the status changes. The boltor prime does do more damage per shot and have a better status chance and that's it. 2 - Gorgon - 9%. Boltor Prime VS Telos Boltor - The Impalers Showdown (Warframe Gameplay). Don't use a catalyst on it because it has a prime version, which is better in several aspects. Telos has Lower puncture damage, lower base damage, lower status chance, (slightly) lower firing speed, and lower visual appeal. Telos Boltor is a crit weapon, at 30% chance and 2.4x vs the Prime's 12% chance and 2.0x. TELOS BOLTOR. @Leyzar: you could do a complete guide on Zaw builds. )...Oh, yeah, boltors. The Telos Boltor offers a bit more build diversity thanks to the fact that it can make use out of Hunter Munitions and it also offers an innate syndicate effect. I prefer the Telos. Picking the right mods for your Boltor Prime should be fairly easy if you have ever build any rifle in the game: You should (almost) always use Serration, Point Strike and Split Chamber.Also you’re usually well equipped if you put in two elemental mods, with Infected Clip and Stormbringer being the standard choice. What about the Tigris Tigris prime and the syndicate tigris. © 2020-2021 EDILICO | Great videos to watch right now, 継承者コルニ戦ルカリオをメガシンカさせずに勝つとどうなるのか検証した【ポケモンXY】, 【スカイリム】気まぐれノルドの解説&実況 第30話 船巡りハーフィンガル PC SE版 【The Elder ScrollsⅤ Skyrim】最新TES6記念, Lady Gaga - I'll Never Love Again [Tradução/Legendado] | Nasce Uma Estrela, Curiosidades del Modo Caos en GTA San Andreas [Loquendo] Android. Telos Boltor. 7. Telos Boltor also has the "truth" syndicate effect that does 1000 gas damage to nearby enemies and restores 25% of the players health when proced. I hope you find something good content to make that suits you. CRITICAL CHANCE 30% . <3, Great job on your videos brother thank you, I've got a +fire rate +crit chance + status duration riven and for the telos, I'm having a lot of fun with it. BOLTOR PRIME. ASSAULT RIFLE. Bloopers! I have a decent damage/multi shot riven and I’m pretty sure it would make prime pull ahead, but not 100% sure. Time to find out! TELOS BOLTOR. I think it was a waste to make a telos weapon that already had a prime. Warframe. You haven't actually done many of those by themselves. I got my BoltMOAR which is a Boltor Prime with a +Damage +Heat +Projectile Speed and -Status Chance Riven. And, another weapon to add to your rank mastery. Can reach 100% status with Thermite Rounds, Rime Rounds, High Voltage, and Malign… Thank You! Check out the Buzlok, too. you could make a showdown about dual pistolslike telos akbolto vs aklex prime, Since your out of content, I think its time to you to make the eris sabotahe cache guide Leyzar XD, Mayby moa ? 25.33 % Meso N6 Relic. I was just watching your old videos for the two boltors and ended up being disappointed that I chose to forma the tells first. Also shoots a bit faster and is more accurate. Fires Orokin designed bolts that are faster and sharper. Bring down judgement, with this boltor crafted by the Arbiters of Hexis. Good day, Leyzar. Those are two things I would personally love to see! Has a polarity. Price: 18 platinum | Trading Volume: 14 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Boltor Prime Stock New Build. 2 - Nova - 17%. I can't justify using the ugly Telos Boltor over it. boltor prime vs telos boltor. It handles similar to Prisma Gorgon. i thought maybe if its not worse than the regular, i might as well get it to level up. 1. share. I've seen this question pop-up many times. Rino vs Rino prime or do you only do weapons? Raw damage when to use IPS mods and when to use elemental mods (like if weapon has (30-30-40 ips its better for elemental mods, and in case of galatine the 120 slash is much bettter)i know that enemies have weaknesses) and when to build dmg over extra cc. Fires Orokin designed bolts that are faster and sharper. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). I doesn't matter that my status chance gets lowered cause it still has 89% status chance. New Build. Did you intend to post the footage past 8:30 mins? Maybe Telos is worth a shot? The Boltor Prime has the following base stats: Primary. Also shoots a bit faster and is more accurate. Finally: why heavy cal? Telos and Prime Boltor are actually side grades of each other and a direct upgrade over the base Boltor. The different builds. I will be looking forward to play the latter. Boltor Prime VS Telos Boltor - The Impalers Showdown (Warframe Gameplay) I've seen this question pop-up many times. 3 - Boltor Prime - 6% Arme Secondaire 1 - Brakk - 13%. Pretty sure the Telos has a projectile speed even slower than the original Boltor, while the Prime is faster than the classic Boltor. You got so many comments that I don't think you can read them all but I'm gonna try my chances :D What do you think of a topic no other content creator wants to even look at, which is Oxylus/Multron. Aren't they counted in the hunter ammo dmg ? Time to dust it off and shred/pin everything! WARFRAME WEAPON PRIMARY ... SENTINEL WEAPON ASSAULT RIFLE × ASSAULT RIFLE BOW SHOTGUN SNIPER BOLTOR PRIME; BOLTOR TELOS BOLTOR BOLTOR PRIME. … BOLTOR. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. The Telos Boltace can be acquired by reaching the Rank of Maxim with the Arbiters of Hexis, and spending 125,000‍125,000to purchase. Warframe: How to Farm New Un-vaulted Relics Fast (Loki Prime, Ember Prime, Frost Prime) - Duration: 4:47. In terms of performance, the weapons are similar despite the fact that one leans heavily into status chance and the other into critical chance critical damage combo. i thought maybe if its not worse than the regular, i might as well get it to level up. I'm for Soma Prime over Boltor Prime. Telos Boltor. you talked about rivens, but you never showed off yours :/ im just sayin, You should do the Sybaris Prime vs. Dex Sybaris. 1. Boltor Prime Builds Guide WarframeSchool January 21, 2019 2 Comments. "And now this video exists. New Build. More ammo, hitscan, and easier headshots. Telos Boltor got buffed early last year when they did that huge balance pass. Arum Spinosa is an Infested Warfan that shoots Toxin projectiles on Heavy Attack. Lol. Bring down judgement, with this boltor crafted by the Arbiters of Hexis. Funny. Build. Advantages: Highest base damage of all warfans. Soma and Boltor Prime has the smae status chance. They are pretty neat, I guess. Boltor good against grineer karak good against corpus. It doesn't get to pin enemies to walls, but it has stupid high base damage, and the 'mark' give you massive crit chance; you get a 50% flat crit buff for 20 seconds, which is not limited to the 'tagged' enemy. 3:14 Speaking of launching people into orbit, this is one of my favorite things about 'sparring' weapons.That little slide-kick they do just sends enemies FLYING. Posted on June 5, 2019 June 1, 2019 by Andy. Grind Hard Squad 93,257 views 1: Lith B1 Relic (Radiant) 20.00 % Neo R1 Relic (Radiant) 20.00 % BOLTOR PRIME STOCK. their is not much video of them and they are good companions. But what will I do if I legitimately use hammer shot and 3 dual stat mods to make Boltor P shred through armor with a random crit alongside it as well? Price: 42.5 platinum | Trading Volume: 35 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Telos Boltor Boltor. BOLTOR TELOS BOLTOR BOLTOR PRIME. Boltor Prime, which has been in the Prime Vault, is now available to farm in Warframe again. Item Count ... BOLTOR PRIME [8 Mod Combo] (20.1k SUS DPS) 5 Forma /w Reactor 55,490 Endo No … This weapon primarily deals Slash damage. © Valve Corporation. Love your videos man, been watching them for quite a while. High Puncture damage – effective against armor. Warframe 1 - Rhino - 36%. So: the huge Weapon and Warframe rework is online since some days. I'll admit i started with a karak and anything is better than braton but i would have to say now i would go boltor over karak. Highest status chance of all warfans. The Telos Boltor can be acquired by reaching the Rank of Maxim with the Arbiters of Hexis, and spending x26px‍125,000 to purchase. Item Count Source; BOLTOR PRIME BARREL. Akbolto Prime vs Telos Akbolto or Rakta Cernos vs Mutalist Cernos. EDIT: I stand corrected. Just tag a goon every 20 seconds, and enjoy >100% crit chance after point strike, with 60 base damage, 2.5x multi, and 23% status chance. In terms of performance the weapons are similar despite the fact that one leans heavily into status chance and the other into critical chance critical damage combo. Boltor Prime. Tied with Glaxion for the third highest status chance of all continuous primary weapons, behind Phantasma and Glaxion Vandal, and highest status chance of all fully automatic rifles. Please do best zaw to build and why coz i just made a trash one and im lost at it. The Telos Boltor offers a bit more build diversity thanks to the fact that it can make use out of Hunter Munitions and it also offers an innate syndicate effect. Never really been my style, but they're cool. “Battle of the beams”. Karak has slower Rate of fire. You can actually see the bolts fly, and then subsequently impale enemies with fatal shots turning the entire carcass into a projectile. Thank you. It's ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS! Item Count Source; NEURODES. It shoots a bit slower but also has a 50% larger magazine. Both are high crit auto rifles wit almost exactly same crti and status stats, but Telos Boltor has much higher base damage. BoltorP is more reliable, is telos boltor had an accuracy buff and fire rate buff, then it could be a side grade to prime. Telos boltor is a strong weapon, but the boltor prime is better and it is only an MR2 weapon while the Telos boltor is MR12 for some reason. Boltor will nail enemies to the wall. i have both and i generaly pick the telos over the prim simply becuase it has more rounds in the mag and has that syndicate proc so yeah its worth it. New Build. I've always wanted to make my own general build for non-Fortuna use but I don't even remotely have needed mods. Will probably get the Boltor Prime for MR fodder. Please can you try to make a video on the venka prime and a good build for them in the future seeing as they are such a popular weapon? Trumna is dope, especially the fricking nuke alt fire. Low Impact and Slash damage – less effective agains… Warframe builds. Popular TELOS BOLTOR Mods. 4. !I would like to see a Atterax vs Scoliac comparision...if it makes any sense. Status is only 16% though that's not a completely negligible number. Higher Mastery Rank required (12 vs. 2) Telos Boltor, compared to Boltor Prime: Higher base damage (33.0 vs. 32.2) Higher Impact damage (3.3 vs. 3.2) Higher Puncture damage (29.7 vs. 29.0) Lower fire rate (9.33 rounds/sec vs. 10 rounds/sec) Larger magazine (42 rounds vs. 36 rounds) Larger max ammo capacity (168 rounds vs. 144 rounds) Love it bud! BOLTOR PRIME Blueprint. Another thing you could do. ASSAULT RIFLE. Boltor Prime is a status weapon, with a base of 34%, but also higher base damage ( Prime: 41.4 puncture 4.6 slash vs Telos: 27 puncture 3 slash) . I've been enjoying your videos for a while (very informative, clear, concise, and not prone to bias afaict) but adding those bloopers on the end is some top notch icing on an already damned fine cake! Decent status chance. The Telos Boltor can be acquired by reaching the Rank of Maxim with the Arbiters of Hexis, and spending 125,000‍125,000to purchase. High Puncture damage – effective against armor. … I think you would be good utuber to do some "basics" videos for new players. The same thing applies for the much lower projectile flight speed of the Telos Boltor. And, another weapon to add to your rank mastery. The Boltor and its variants are a staple of any Tenno arsenal. I have a riven with damage+/status chance+/status duration+Would that work better on the telos or the prime? I have a severe lack of visibility right now and need help to get things started. A lot of that is just not being able to get the basic elemental mods or other archwing mods. i do like the vs style of this video. i thought maybe if its not worse than the regular, i might as well get it to level up. Do note that Boltor's ammunition has travel time. Telos Boltor has a larger magazine (which is kind of nice), a tiny bit less damage, fires a tiny bit slower (9.33 vs 10), Heavy Caliber noticably impacts its accuracy, but has the Truth syndicate proc that can heal you. On death, bodies will follow the bolt that killed them, damaging anyone in their path and pinning the corpse to walls. i haven't watched the video completely yet i'm at the stats atm, from what i see they don't have any slash so... imma go for telos boltor cause crit and hunter mumu. Braton Prime by mynameiscorn, last updated on Jan 11, 2021. That makes a difference when your targets aren't just sitting there. PRIMARY. New Build. The Boltor Prime is the prime variant of the Boltor with a direct upgrade to the overall performance of the original but still carries with it the standard features of the original. Needless to say you should be satisfied with either build so it becomes a question of preference rather than anything else. Boltor Prime is for status and Telos Boltor is for crit. On top of that, it comes with the Truth passive, which builds up from gained Affinity to periodically explode 1000 Gas damage ( Toxic damage over time though ) in a 25 meter radius. Thanks. The Telos Boltor is an exclusive version of the Boltor available only from the Arbiters of Hexis.Featuring improved damage, critical stats, fire rate, and magazine size, the Telos Boltor also possesses an innate Truth effect.. Acquisition. ASSAULT RIFLE. Both of these arguments combined with the rather similar performance put the Telos Boltor in front but if this was a beauty contest than the Prime would have the upper-hand. 2 - Gremlin jumeaux - 11%. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Is there a big difference between these weapons at all? ASSAULT RIFLE BOW KITGUN SHOTGUN SNIPER . Speaking of Telos, how about reviewing the Telos Boltace? Is there a chance you can do a supplemental video on rivens? High base damage. The Telos Boltor can be acquired by reaching the Rank of Maxim with the Arbiters of Hexis, and spending x26px‍125,000 to purchase. The Boltor Prime is the Prime variant of the Boltor, retaining most of its stats with a few changed as well. I'd like to suggest you make a blooper compilation with similar stuff to what was at the end of the vid. Don't rely on the "Truth" mod, however. ACCURACY 25.0. It surprises me how many people forget about the big advantage of higher magazine (if available) MATTERSS in everyday missions... Could you do a video on the Broken War please. This weapon fires bolt like projectiles which makes it feel like a cross of an assault rifle and a nail … Both of these arguments combined with the rather similar performance put the Telos Boltor in front but if this was a beauty contest than the Prime would have the upper-hand. Boltor Prime is a status weapon, with a base of 34%, but also higher base damage. The Telos does 10% less damage per bullet, and it fires about 10% slower, so simple math tells you the Boltor Prime does 20% more damage if you use the same set of mods on both weapons However that's only half the story, the Boltor Prime fires faster and has a smaller magazine, so you spend almost half your time reloading. Boltor prime is better because it’s golden and I like gold. If they just give the prime some slash and a crit of at least 20% then i would pick it over telos every time. I don't give a dime, Zenith is mine. It really outperforms the prime by far with corrosive hunters mu, and argon scope. Price: 90 platinum | Trading Volume: 28 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Boltor Prime Set The impact proc animations combined with heavy cal means a ton of missed bolts unless you’re tickling nuts with the rifle. I like the Secura Penta as well, because explosives are dope. This weapon deals primarily Puncture damage.Advantages: 1. I'm sticking to my Telos, then. Good fire rate. Good accuracy. The base Boltor is also one of the first Warframe-unique weapons available to new players, providing a very small taste of the massive array of weapons in the game. What makes telos be not as good as boltorP is not the 5 points of lowered damage, it's the decreased fire rate and even worse accuracy. Back to topic, Boltor is a solid buy. BOLTOR PRIME Blueprint. All rights reserved. It's a good hold-over, until you aquire the Primed verison. 3. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This idea is sponsored by 71% of my team's damage in a sortie in melee only condition. If I'm feeling like using something more classic, I use the Telos Boltor or Kuva Karak. If you like warframe-builder.com and would like to support me, give me a hand or return the favor for the five years I worked on this app (not sure it's a good way to say it, I've always been bad for asking help), please consider trying my kinetic novel, available on Steam. I just completed the second dream & want to use it but I have no idea whats best. Price: 42.5 platinum | Trading Volume: 35 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Telos Boltor Same here. Telos or Prime? i have all other boltors (Regular Boltor and the Boltor Prime). It's positively delicious. Just yesterday, I was looking at my Boltor Prime and thinking: "I'd rather have that thing doing crits. Telos Boltor is a crit weapon, at 30% chance and 2.4x vs the Prime's 12% chance and 2.0x. Album of R8 Heavy Caliber on Boltor P and Telos Boltor comparison at 15meters.