Use the filter below to see the different teaching technology tools available in the UNT classrooms supported by Classroom Support Services.. Currently enrolled UNT students. How long can it be used? Email More Info Details for each course section can be found in the Search of Classes through MyUNT by simply clicking on that section. This portal is updated daily as credentials are earned or renewed. Enter search criteria then click 'Search' This portal allows you, the user, to see your information with UNTWISE. Faculty choose the textbooks each semester. Welcome Welcome to Classroom Support. Certificates are at the bottom of the page. Texts are shelved numerically by course number and section number. Every student is unique, and sometimes you might need a little extra help. Top Register A textbook request along with the number of students expected in the class is given to the UNT Bookstore. Students new or retuning to UNT who will be younger than 22 years old by start of the semester must show evidence of receipt of an initial bacterial meningitis vaccination (meningococcal meningitis vaccine) dose or booster in the last five years and at least ten days prior to the first day of the semester in which the student initially enrolls. Enrollment Reporting. UNT Health Science Center. There you will find tabs for details, meeting information and section notes. We can help you with everything from legal matters to financial planning, so you are sure to have the support you might need as a UNT student. The UNT Libraries The UNT Libraries provides laptop checkouts to currently enrolled UNT students. Microsoft® Office 2019 for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10; Microsoft® Office 2019 for macOS 10.13 and macOS 10.14 Search Classrooms. Classroom Support Services (CSS) is your starting point when it comes to classroom teaching technology at the University of North Texas.CSS has been in operation for over 16 years and manages approximately 300 UNT classrooms. If you have questions about a credential, please email or call us a 940-565-4000.. Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm; Extended hours and weekend support available via email; 817-735-2192. For those wishing to verify the enrollment or degree of a University of North Texas student, please visit the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) website to obtain this information quickly, securely, and legally. This service is available only to currently enrolled UNT students. Students should review class information using MyUNT. The UNT Bookstore stocks all books required by the academic departments. The University of North Texas Libraries maintains community workstations in support of learning and research at University of North Texas. The Faculty Information System is not part of UNT’s Learning Management System, Canvas. For Canvas questions, please email ... Search the UNT Media Library Toggle Dropdown. Initial enrollment data will be submitted to the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) on the first day of classes. Please note that this information is for planning purposes only and that not all rooms are going to be available for you to schedule for activities. Special policies, fines rates, and other guidelines apply. We have a variety of support services and resources to make your life easier. What is included with Office 365? If you are a Texas Provider, you will see your credential information. Only while currently enrolled at UNT as a student – not after graduation. For more information, contact the Registrar's Information Counter by calling 940-565-2111 or visiting Eagle Student Services Center (ESSC) Room 147.