If you see a turtle or fish behaving erratically, calmly swim away. That’s why sharks will mistakenly and eat pieces of boat, trash, people and even other sharks. A person has a higher chance of being struck by lightning than being attacked by a shark. Whale sharks are the largest shark species in existence today, reaching lengths up to 40ft. They also have a thicker, shorter rostrum (beak) that old-time sailors thought looked like a gin bottle, hence its name. The species of shark suspected to be involved in Saturday’s attack was not … Of Hawaii’s 40 shark species, about eight of them are somewhat common near the shore. Bite marks from a shark are seen on a Lahaina, Maui man’s surfboard. When you join us on a whale watch tour on Maui, breaching is one of…, Hawaii Ocean Project Lahaina Harbor, Loading Dock Main Booth 675 Wharf Street, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, HI 96761 Reservations Hotline: 877-500-6284 • Local Reservations: 808-667-6165. They feed by swimming with their mouths open and filtering everything that comes into its path. This shark bite took place a great distance from shore—180 feet: Most snorkelers in Maui recreate in the ocean at a distance of between 30 and 45 feet from shore. Sharks are apex predators, found everywhere from shallow water reefs to the deepest parts of the ocean. The most common type of sharks on Oahu are the White-tip Reef, Galapagos, Sandbar, Scalloped Hammer-head, and the Tiger. Sharks in Hawaii have been around for over 400 million years. To learn more about humpback whales, we ran a full series of articles: Part 1: Humpback Migration from Alaska to Hawaii Part 2: Why Humpbacks Breach Part 3: Visual Guide of Humpback Actions 10 Fun Facts About Humpback Whales Humpback Whale Q & A Whale watch Q & A specific to our tours, Whale season in Hawaii refers to the return of the north pacific humpback whales every…. This is when sharks like to feed inshore. Shark Species. The species of shark suspected to be involved in Saturday's attack was not confirmed, although tiger sharks are most commonly responsible, according to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. The spinner dolphins of Maui feed at night, primarily on small fish, squid and shrimp. Surfers, on the contrary, aren’t so lucky. A shark’s typical diet include dolphins, fish, Hawaiian green sea turtles and monk seals. Whale sharks are the largest fish in the sea, weighing up to 21 tons and measuring out from 18′-to-33′. These types of waters are known to be frequented by sharks. They tend to feed most often at dawn and dusk, mainly on shellfish, squid, octopus and bony fish. O’ahu is the second most dangerous island for sharks, with 29 attacks reported in the last 20 years, although no deaths have been reported. 3.) The Galapagos shark and the Tiger shark are the fiercest of the Hawaiian sharks and can grow up to 20 feet long and weigh up to 1500 lbs. Whale sharks are the largest fish in the sea, weighing up to 21 tons and measuring out from 18′-to-33′. Steer clear of the water at dusk, dawn and in the middle of the night. Lead researcher and renowned shark expert Carl Meyer said that in the past, scientists have had […] New DNA technology helps identify shark species in fatal attack | News, Sports, Jobs - Maui News In fact, sharks prefer to hunt right before the sun sets, rises or in the middle of the night. Experts suggest that the bubbles emit a sound that seems to ward off sharks from thinking divers are their next meal ticket. False killer whales are black with grey throats. "A crew aboard [Maui Fire Department] MFD's Air One helicopter observed at least three and as many as five tiger sharks a few hundred yards off shore of Kamaole 1 and 2 shortly before 8 a.m. The habitat around Maui can support fairly resident tiger sharks, and it also attracts tiger sharks from other parts of Hawaiʻi. Shark attacks in Hawaii are very rare. The last fatal shark attack in Hawaii was in April 2015, when a snorkeler was killed off Maui. They feed primarily on squid and have been dubbed the “cheetahs of the deep” for the way they chase down squid while hundreds of meters deep. Combining this with murky waters is a perfect recipe to entice a shark to investigate. Molokai arguably has the healthiest reef and clearest water in all of Maui County. SHARKS Blacktip Reef Sharks (common) Growing to an average length of about 6 feet, blacktip sharks are easily identified due to their, wait for it… blacktipped fins. Though, there are occasional sightings of tiger sharks, as well. Whale Sharks (rare) Though rare, there were two prominent sightings of whale sharks in Maui in 2017, both occurring near Molokini. Though in 2017, the first humpback whales appeared in October and whale tours started in earnest in early November. In poor light or limited visibility a shark's eyes are ten times more sensitive than those … WHALES They feed by swimming with their mouths open and filtering everything that comes into its path. The most dangerous and aggressive is the tiger shark, which averages 12 to 13 feet in length. 2010/12/26, 3:30 pm: Maui, Kahului Harbor, Trenches; approx 300 yds from shore: Surfing: Clear: 10-15 ft: V. Stover-French: Lacerations to left shin and foot. While there are numerous species of sharks in Hawaii , for the most part, there are only six or seven species you can expect to see nearshore. If you’re looking for rare wildlife this is your dive! Be aware of dolphins. This predates dinosaurs by over 200 million years! There have been very few incidents involving human/blacktip interactions and no fatalities. WHALES Humpback Whales (Common) Whale season in Maui refers to when the humpback whales visit our waters. One-third of all shark species are threatened or near-threatened. They are a favorite source of food for sharks. Honokowai River spills into the ocean at this point: This area of the ocean is often murky because the Honokowai River flows into the sea here. These friendly dolphins are generally 4-to-7 feet in length and weigh between 50-to-170 pounds. Short-finned pilot whales grow to about 18 feet in length and can weigh up to 6,600 pounds. Check them out below! Often, a departed ancestor took the form of a shark after death and appeared in dreams to living... Parts of a Shark. They are quite a sight to see on Oahu’s reefs, which are no deeper than 30 feet. Humans are not a sharks favourite meal. These gentle giants only feed on plankton, small fish and squid. The species of shark suspected to be involved in Saturday's attack was not confirmed, although tiger sharks are most commonly responsible, according to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Whale sharks are considered the world’s largest living fish and grow up to 60 feet though they are usually between 15-40 feet. Of these, the whitetip reef shark, the blacktip reef shark, the sandbar shark and the scalloped hammerhead shark are the most common. Hammerheads, reef fish, barracuda, and nudibranchs abound, but we also get the occasional visit from eagle rays, manta rays, dolphins, and other pelagic sharks. Hawaiian Shark Species Hawaiians & Sharks. The last fatal shark attack in Hawaii was in April 2015, when a snorkeler was killed off Maui. Here on Maui, hammerhead sightings are far less frequent than the other islands where they give birth and raise pups. Hawai’i is home to 40 species of sharks and nine species of ray, the shark’s cousin. Part 1: Humpback Migration from Alaska to Hawaii, 10 Fun Facts About Humpback Whales in Maui, Maui Whale Watch Guide - Why Humpbacks Breach. Sharks see contrast very well. There are numerous types of sharks found near Hawaii’s shores. This is not a complete list, just the ones that are most often seen from Maui’s shores and while on whale watch and snorkeling tours. ... uncertainly over the size and species of sharks responsible for bites to people was common. Updated December 9, 2020. There are many things one can do to avoid being a shark’s potential next meal. https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/sharks/hawaii-sharks/shark-identification-guide They have cat-like eyes that help them see their prey in the darkest of waters. While their name can be confusing, this is indeed a shark species and is named for its potentially massive size. Also, with the exception of white tip and black tip reef sharks, seeing a shark is so exceptionally rare that most locals have never seen one. The darker water gives them an advantage because they are also able to detect faint electrical fields that their prey emits. We often get asked what types of whales, dolphins and sharks are spotted here in Maui. When diving, swimming or surfing, stay near a group. Sharks figure prominently in Hawaiian mythology. Where is Molokini, and Why Should I Snorkel There? The most common type of sharks on Oahu are the The White Tipped Reef Shark, Scalloped Hammerhead Shark, Tiger Shark, Galapagos Shark, Gray Reef Shark, and the Sandbar Shark. Avoid murky waters, harbor entrances, and areas near stream mouths (especially after heavy rains), channels, or steep dropoffs. Humpback whales are the fifth largest whales in the ocean, growing up to 60 feet long and weighing between 25 and 40 tons. This type of shelf habitat is home to a wide variety of shark prey, and Maui Nui has more of this shelf habitat than all of the other main Hawaiian Islands combined. Whitetip Reef Sharks (common) The whitetip reef shark is the only shark in Hawaii with the ability stop swimming and rest for long periods of time. Most shark attacks in Hawaii occur on the island of Maui. They are mostly dark colored with light grey stomachs and throats. Dodge water that is murky and harbour entrances, especially after heavy rains, as this is where sharks tend to frequently feed. Other sharks in Hawaii include hammerheads, reef sharks, blacktip sharks, white tip sharks, and sandbar sharks. DOLPHINS Spinner Dolphins (Very common) We consistently see spinner dolphins on our Lanai snorkel tours, where they will play in the wake of our boats. Culturally, sharks have been held in high reverence by generations of Hawaiians as aumakua (family guardians); ancestors reincarnated as animals and sent to protect the family. Blacktip Reef Shark Of the 40 species of sharks found in Hawai‘i, the blacktip reef shark is amongst the most common due to the areas it inhabits. With that being said, sharks have been known to mistaken people for their normal food source and take a bit out a surfboard or a surfer’s leg. The most common sharks seen around Hawaii are Blacktip Sharks, Reef Blacktip Sharks, Reef Whitetip Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Sandbar Sharks, Galapagos Sharks, Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks, and Gray Reef Sharks. There have been 51 reported incidents in the last 20 years, five of which have proved fatal. A 56-year-old man from Lahaina died Dec. 8 after being bit by a shark while surfing in Honolua Bay on Maui. Short-Finned Pilot Whales (Somewhat rare) A member of the dolphin family, short-finned pilot whales, with their rounded foreheads and snouts, look like whales. Do not wear high-contrast clothing or shiny jewelry. Just in case you need help, you don’t want to be alone. Sharks do most of their hunting at dawn, dusk or in the middle of the night. Like actual killer whales, false killer whales will hunt other marine mammals. 2010/12/12, 1:50 pm: Maui, Pā‘ia, Mantokuji Bay; approx 75 yds from shore Shark knocked victim and child off board, then bit side of board. The last fatal shark attack in Hawaii was in April 2015, when a snorkeler was killed off Maui. This allows sharks to identify their food source without even seeing the prey. There are about 40 species of sharks found in the Hawaiian waters ranging from 8 inches to over 50 feet long. Bottlenose Dolphins (Somewhat common) Though similar looking to spinner and spotted dolphins, bottlenose dolphins are much larger in size, ranging from 6-to-13 feet and weighing up to 660 pounds. This predates dinosaurs by over 200 million years! They are most commonly seen while scuba diving off of Molokai. They generally do this in caves or under ledges. Hawaiian Love: A Valentine’s Day to Remember. The shape of a surfer above the water’s surface can be reminiscent of a monk seal or fat sea turtle and their erratic splashing creates ripples in the water which eludes a sharks to think that they detect prey struggling above. The Tiger Shark and the Galapagos Shark are the most aggressive of the Hawaiian reef sharks. Grey up top and white on its belly, the bottlenose dolphin is difficult to see from both above and below. The whale shark is found in open, tropical water. When they do come close to shore on Maui, they warrant beach closings. False Killer Whales (Rare) We’ve seen a couple of false killer whales during the 2017-2018 whale season on our whale watch tours, but for the most part, these are rarely spotted in Maui. They can grow up to 6 feet long and are not considered dangerous to humans. 3 reasons humpback whales arrive to play off the Maui coast. Sharks can detect blood and body fluids in extremely small concentrations. They are quite large, averaging 16 feet in length and they can weigh up to 4,900 pounds. Sharks on Oahu are pretty comfortable with scuba divers swimming around them. Hammerhead Sharks (rare) In Hawaii, hammerhead sharks have been seen up to 14 feet in length, though they tend to average out at about 7 feet. On Maui, ocean safety and police officers closed beaches and ordered people from the water after at least three tiger sharks around 15 feet long were spotted, Maui County officials say. Tiger shark, length 8-10 feet. Whale Sharks (rare) Though rare, there were two prominent sightings of whale sharks in Maui in 2017, both occurring near Molokini. The Hawaiian general name for sharks is manō, and the general name for stingrays is lupe. The whale shark has also been spotted near Molokini but this sighting is very rare as they usually tend to stay north of Kauai Island. Photo credit: UH Manoa. Tiger shark, length 10 feet. Maui constantly rotates animals back into the ocean and changes its seawater by 1,500 gallons a minute from nearby Maalaea Bay. What Type Of Sharks Live In Maui? Officially, it runs from December – April. COPYRIGHT © 2019 HAWAII OCEAN PROJECT. The Shark Dive welcomes divers into its 750,000-gallon Open Ocean exhibition which houses 60 species of fish, including black tip reef sharks, sandbar sharks and a tiger shark. If you have the courage to jump into this literal shark tank (no entrepreneurial ideas required), you’ll have the opportunity to make friends with many different types of sharks, including Blacktip Reef Sharks, Hammerhead sharks, Tiger Sharks, Grey Reef Sharks, Sandbar Sharks, and more.