If you are currently registered for the 2020 National Nurse Practitioner Symposium Please contact your travel providers to cancel or revise your travel plans. Tell us where you’re going, when you will be there, and what topics you plan to study and we’ll document your plans to participate in a CME activity at that time and place. The free online CME courses are also great resources for broadening your knowledge on important Psychiatry topics including Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder, and more. BIAS FREE CME - No Commercial Support was provided for this CME activity. Pharmacology focused evidence-based CE and CME for physicians, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurses & nurse practitioners ACPE / AAFP / AMA PRA Category 1™/ CE Broker OUR MISSION Activity ID 19023563. Free Psychiatry CME; Free Psychiatry CME. ... Finding the right Nurse Practitioner conferences and continuing medical education opportunities that fit into your hectic schedule as an Nurse Practitioner can be a challenge. Since 1982, our courses have prepared participants to be more adept at rendering emergency medical care in the wilderness environment. Our unique and award winning series of 6-half day short snapper style focused CPD now delivered online only. Free, fast and easy way find a job of 1.511.000+ postings in Alabama and other big cities in USA. The American Association of Nurse Practitioners® (AANP) is committed to providing members with up-to-date clinical and policy resources and information related to the COVID-19 pandemic and National Emergency Declaration. Search and apply for the latest Travel nurse practitioner jobs in Alabama. 6 talking about this. To convert clinical preceptor hours to CE contact hours, see the Conversion Table in the Recertification … CME Procedures is also accredited by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP, provider number 17052688) to provide CE to Nurse Practitioners. You can earn 2 additional credits with translation to practice™ (t2p™). Appropriate NetCE courses fulfill the requirements for recertification for Certified Nurses in the Operating Room (CNOR) set forth by the Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN). 5. Turn your trip into a CME learning Experience. Physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, radiology technicians, and other clinicians all must be licensed by the state in order to practice. Discover hundreds of national, statewide, and local nurse practitioner conferences, continuing education opportunities, and events. If you made lodging reservations through Keystone Reservations, using Group Code CC3NI20 , you will receive a full refund from Keystone. Join us aboard on one of our CME Cruise Conferences for nurse practitioners. Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts is nationally recognized as a leading provider of high quality CE for Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. Nurse Practitioner CME Cruises. Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts is nationally recognized as a leading provider of high quality CE for Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. CME Procedures is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. 0.5 CME / CE / ABIM MOC Credits Clinical Review. Please see individual courses for the appropriate AACN Synergy CERP category. Join us aboard on one of our CME Cruise Conferences for nurse practitioners. Attend in-person or via a live streaming webcast. The site contains a calendar packed with meetings and events for travel medicine aficionados. A broad range of courses are also AANP & ANCC approved, providing the highest level of accreditation for physicians, mid-levels, & nurses. Wilderness and Travel Medicine specializes in the highest quality expedition, travel, and wilderness medicine CME conferences for medical professionals (Physicians, NPs, PAs, RNs, and paramedics) from all specialties. Precepting is defined as serving as a clinical preceptor for interdisciplinary advanced health care student(s) while providing direct patient care as a nurse practitioner in your area of certification. About Skin Bones CME. AAFP members report your CME credit and view transcript. Hence, a nurse practitioner’s days of learning never truly come to an end-even well beyond graduation. The approved posters will be available prior to the conference and will be accessible to all registrants for up to 3 weeks following the conference. The 2018 Nurse Practitioner CE Compendium is comprised of an extensive collection of hand selected lectures in Family Medicine, along with additional specific lectures that Nurse Practitioners, like yourself, have found invaluable Nurses continue to learn throughout their careers, whether it’s on the job or at a conference. Check out some of the more unusual places you’ll find NP jobs, and see how NPs in these roles are making a difference. If you are still deciding on whether to attend in-person, our CME Conference Reassurance Policy provides a 100% refund guarantee, the ability to Register NOW / Pay LATER, live-stream access from your room and more.If you are unable to travel, you can still earn live CME credit virtually via our LIVE streaming webcast. This activity is approved for 1.0 contact hour(s) of continuing education (which includes 1.0 hour of pharmacology) by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. All CME activities are ACCME accredited, including AMA PRA Category 1™. ... How Will COVID-19 Affect Your Travel Plans? NetCE will not seek approval through AANP as most nurse practitioners are certified through the AANPCB. These clinical reference tools give you fast access to evidence and expertise, practical recommendations for patient care and diagnostic decision support. Need reliable clinical answers? Additionally, Intiva provides state-required, … Drexel's Comprehensive Colposcopy Training Course for Women's Health Practitioners is the expert resource in cervical and lower genital tract pathology. About Skin Bones CME. Most meetings confer continuing medical education credits helping nurse practitioners keep up with state and national CME requirements as well. Participants will be exposed to a premier panel of speakers who offer the most current information, reliable guidance and … These credits are Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. $685.00 for Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, and Others (The conference tuition does not include the cost of the cruise. International Volunteer Opportunities for Nurse Practitioners Nurse Practitioner Credit Designation Statement. MCE Conferences provides half-day format continuing medical education programs that are always 100% free of commercial influence. Audio Digest Nurse Practitioner CE Compendium: Family Medicine. Practical Reviews frees you from the effort of reading lengthy journal articles and keeps you on top of your specialty area with concise, unbiased summaries of the most relevant articles. Click here for cruise reservation information.) These practical and free Psychiatry CME courses help psychiatrists easily complete their CME requirements. $750 for Nurse Practitioners $595 for Nurses, Students & Others . Category 1: CME CREDIT (U.S. and Canada) As an added to bonus to this course, you can also EARN 6 continuing medical education credits while preparing yourself for your new employment. Mayo Clinic Online CME is your one-stop resource for online self-paced continuing medical education. Producing over twenty years of outstanding continuing education for over 10,000 healthcare professionals. Our CME programs are designed to meet the continuing education needs of … You Might Also Like: Sponsored(!) AANP offers member savings on UpToDate ® , DynaMed Plus ® and VisualDx ® . WELCOME!We are proud to sponsor this educational initiative, dedicated to providing free CME & CEUs required by many state boards for NP, Advanced Practice Nurse license renewal.Check back often for new free Nurse Practitioner CME courses offering free CEUs that are posted frequently.Through extensive content review, our staff approves NP CEU courses that are timely and approved by the … The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global pandemic related to the current outbreak of a novel coronavirus — here is what nurse practitioners (NPs) need to know. Competitive salary. In these subscription bundles, typically you will earn your CME credits online over a 6-24 month period and in return, you’ll get a gift card to Amazon, American Express, Visa or somewhere else. Producing over twenty years of outstanding continuing education for over 10,000 healthcare professionals. A healthcare attorney breaks it all down. Provider number 0008122. For too long health care providers have been limited in their CME travel seminars. We offer quick, convenient, clinically relevant CME and medical resources for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists and other medical professionals in a variety of formats that suit your schedule and learning style. Search by calendar for medical conferences, CME opportunities, speakers, and medical news. 33K likes. Practical Reviews for Nurse Practitioners As a nurse practitioner, you are a vital provider of health care services, often busy and strapped for time. Please make all checks payable to Continuing Education Company, Inc. Meeting and ship rooms are subject to … Search for AAFP Continuing Medical Education (CME) activities including live, online, and subscription. ... All CME reimbursement for live, in-person (as opposed to online) activities requires proof of CME completion; travel advances will, therefore, not be possible. Nurse Practitioner and CME Conferences Calendar. Job email alerts. Verified employers. We are seeking an enthusiastic Nurse Practitioner who has exceptional clinical and interpersonal skills to join our team in scenic Moselem Springs, PA. Job Responsibilities: LVPG ExpressCARE’s provide care without an appointment for lacerations, sprains, fractures, rashes, … In addition to staying abreast of the latest developments and practices in the field, as a nurse practitioner, you must earn continuing education credits to maintain your certifications and licenses. If your CME money to spend is in the average range, you may find CME subscription bundles for ~$2,000 which would be totally covered by your allowance. UpToDate ® UpToDate ® is the… This activity was planned in accordance with AANP Accreditation Standards and Policies. Primary Care CME in beautiful family-friendly resort destinations. Unclear on billing rules for nurse practitioners? Nurse practitioner jobs can be found in nearly every healthcare setting, but some are more unique than others.