You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. pleasee explain to me what are trojan horse viruses and how serious is it? Engage in some sneaky warfare with the tale of the Trojan Horse, one of the most legendary Greek myths ever told. You can block them via your e-mail provider web options. The story of the Trojan horse is meant as an allegory to the tricks people can use to gain the upper hand. 14._____ is a trojan horse that allows an attacker to log in as any user on the compromised computer without the correct password. What is the evidence to the greeks or any nation attacking troy? 7. Share practice link. A war conflict in Ancient Egypt. Level: intermediate Age: 10-17 Downloads: 145 : Katy Perry Dark Horse Song Level: intermediate Age: 10-100 Downloads: 102 : IDIOMS: HORSES Level: intermediate Age: 8 … What do you think of the answers? Currently running Windows Defender. 61% average accuracy. The Military Plan. Where were the Greek ships stranded without a wind before setting out for Troy? This report includes answers to questions about this threat. Most spyware (& virus's) are send unknowingly from infected computers. Delete Quiz. Trojan … Question: 1.Define The "Trojan Horse Defense" In Terms Of "actus Reus" And "mens Rea". 3: Repetition: Virus could not get repeated by itself just like worm also the spreading rate of viruses are moderate. what are the functions of trojan viruses? Live Game Live. My questions 1. I have no idea what to do. Trojan War Quiz consists of 10 questions with answers which will help you to test your knowledge of this topic. List two methods of countering the Trojan Horse defense that can be performed by law enforcement during the execution of a search warrant and/or interview. 0. Trojan Horse Book . City of Troy. Reading text + 4 activities Level: elementary Age: 7-12 Downloads: 259 : Writing Prompt Mini Book about Horses Level: elementary Age: 11-17 Downloads: 156 : A horse with no name- song! The Trojan Horse is a story from the Trojan War about the subterfuge that the Greeks used to enter the independent city of Troy and win the war. Also Trojan Horse can be controlled by the remote as like of worms over the network. Lv 7. Seems fine, but I wanted to ask and make sure. 4. You can also practice more online tests and quizzes for free of cost by visiting our web portal. This document contains questions and answers and provides more information about this Trojan horse … 4 years ago. The server … Sign in. The Aeneid (by … A war conflict in Ancient Greece. Anonymous. Download Worksheet Add to collection Assign … It may or may not be a true story but similar ruses have certainly been carried out. so i ran Trojan Remover but that too, couldnt remove trojan. Sub-Categories With More The Trojan War Quizzes: Homer. RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. 0 0. injanier. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE MP3CONCEPT TROJAN HORSE 9 April 2004 - Intego, the Macintosh security specialist, yesterday announced that it had updated its virus definitions for Intego VirusBarrier to protect Mac users against the first Trojan horse that affects Mac OS X. THD, Phone Forensics, TRIM. i have AVG and that could not erase the trojan viruses. Edit. Finish Editing. The Trojan horse was indeed devised by the Greeks to defeat the Trojans. Right answers. If you have any Questions regarding this free Computer Science tutorials ,Short Questions and Answers,Multiple choice Questions And Answers-MCQ sets,Online Test/Quiz,Short Study Notes don’t hesitate to contact us via Facebook,or through our website.Email us @ [email protected] We love to get feedback and we will do our best to make you happy. Which famous novel focuses on the Trojan … Play. Published: 25 February 2014 (GMT+10) In the famous tale from Homer’s “Odyssey” the fortress of Troy was defeated by the Greek army by leaving a large wooden horse (secretly filled with soldiers) behind as a supposed gift. Ans: Information Security Education and Awareness. The Trojan Horse was deceptively meant to be a dedication to the god Poseidaon so the Greeks could have a safe voyage back across his sea. Find out how before answering the comprehension questions. 1. The Trojan Horse was a tale from the Trojan War, as told in Virgil's Latin epic poem The Aeneid. Note: your question will be posted publicly on the Questions & Answers page. Play this hour's "Trivia About The Trojan War" mixed quiz game A new The Trojan War quiz every hour! by alexis_crumel_96136. By clicking on the View Answer button, the aspirants can see the solution along with a description (if any). A war conflict in Ancient Greece. 4. Trojan horse malware may cause annoying computer problems, but can also cause fatal problems. Identify this logo. However, it wasn't until mid-2006 that it started gaining attention. English. Around 1200 B.C. What was the Trojan War? Trivia Questions. They State At The Start … Define the "Trojan Horse defense" in terms of "actus reus" and "mens rea". Did the trojan horse exist and who wrote about it? Anonymous. Trojan War Quiz consists of 10 questions with answers which will help you to test your knowledge of this topic. Our online trojan war trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top trojan war quizzes. For each question choose one of the multiple answers then click done to check your results. In the best-known version, after a fruitless 10-year siege of Troy the … Over 140 quiz questions in rotation. Source(s): trojan horse iliad: Recent Scores. This Trojan horse has received a great deal of attention because it is similar to the infamous Stuxnet worm of 2010. Therefore, the contenders need to visit and take part in the online quizzes. Ans: Trojan.Skelky Malwarebytes didn't find anything. Some Trojan horses may be distributed over the Internet, but they can also be distributed by USB memory sticks and other means. CTU researchers have put countermeasures in place to detect Duqu C2 traffic, and they continue to monitor for new Duqu samples and update protections as needed. 1 decade ago. Found error? The Zlob Trojan, also known as Trojan.Zlob, is a trojan horse which masquerades as a needed video codec in the form of ActiveX. There are 13 The Trojan War quizzes and 140 The Trojan War trivia questions in this category. The Trojan Horse DRAFT. Basic quiz concerning major episodes connected with the Trojan War, many of which are part of the tradition but not specifically mentioned in the Iliad or Odyssey. I found in Croatian literature a story about a 'wooden horse' which came from the island of Krk from … 7th grade . by Calvin Smith. inside the horse except that as it was on wooden rollers it must have been noisy and vibrated as the Trojans wheeled it into Troy, and it might have been strange to hear the muffled sounds of the foreign city and its people's accents once the horse was wheeled inside. Now I admit I'm no computer expert, but as I understand it, a Trojan Horse is a program your computer THINKS is legit, like the Trojans thought the Horse … The Trojan horse was a votive gift for Poseidon, and it always contained the bronze or iron swords, spears, and other metallic things. What caused the trojan war but in many different interpretations(eg, Greek mythology, hittie records) 2. Where is the Trojan Horse, and why was I told I would read about it in the Iiad? Where did the Trojan War take place? The building of the Trojan horse took three days. Information Security Quiz. The Trojan War took place in Greek Mythology during a time period where countries as they are known today did not exist. 0. Questions & Answers Get quick answers from The Trojan Horse staff and past visitors. This quiz is incomplete! What is … Wouldn't let me close Windows 10. 2. 3. Played 102 times. Can't add to the other answers about what the Greeks could see, smell etc. Progress: 1 of 30 questions . One modern theory is that the Horse is actually a metaphor for an earthquake. It recommended me to remove it thru safe mode but still unsuccessful. Source(s): The Trojan Horse plan: the men will hide in a huge horse they construct, then leap out at night and slaughter the Trojans. Select it and press Ctrl+Enter . can it steal files on my computer? Word Count: 175 ... How is Helen presented in Menelaus’ tale of the Trojan Horse? So I shut my computer down and restarted. Test yourself. 0 1. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Solo Practice. The 30 soldiers were then loaded into the belly of the horse, and it was wheeled close to the walls of the city. When did the Trojan War happen? Odysseus shoots the commander of the Trojan army with an arrow. Before giving the gift, the Achaeans made a peace settlement with Trojans. Trojan Horse Warning and Activation Key Damaged The message below popped up over a red warning screen that I had a Trojan Horse. The Trojan Horse. A war between Gods. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. The war was fought between the … Edit. On other hand Worm get repeated by itself in the system and spreading rate of Worms are faster than virus and Trojan horse. 2.List Two Methods Of Countering The Trojan Horse Defense That Can Be Performed By Law Enforcement During The Execution Of A Search Warrant And/or Interview. For the best answers, search on this site But the point is in the fact that the Trojans accepted it themselves, because they thought the Greeks had given up on the war and left them the Horse as a gift. … 1. After fighting for ten years, it seemed like the Greeks and Trojans would never stop, but a big wooden horse was all it took to finally end the war. Book 4 Questions and Answers Last Updated on October 26, 2018, by eNotes Editorial. A comprehensive database of trojan war quizzes online, test your knowledge with trojan war quiz questions. It was the stratagem that allowed the Greeks finally to enter the city of Troy and end the conflict. 1 decade ago. And Schliemann's site does have some evidence that an earthquake occurred around the supposed time of the Trojan War. Information Security Quiz Questions and answers 2017. Is there any facts in the movie Troy or is it all fiction? How does "The Women of Troy" utilise the myth of the Trojan war to convey Euripides and his society's views on war and Athenian society.” Practice. What was the Trojan War? 7 months ago. 1. 0 0. The Trojan Horse, Grand Baie: See 82 unbiased reviews of The Trojan Horse, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #38 of 161 restaurants in Grand Baie. identified as the Duqu trojan. That way is very hard to trace back to the person who wrote it and helps spread it around fast. 's Article On Small Block Forensics Is Motivated By Four Main Reasons. 2. Microsoft Edge. Homework. The ‘Trojan Horse’ of deep time The ‘hidden’ reason why people abandoned biblical authority. This quiz is incomplete! Immediate answers will appear on the page for all the Malware Questions. 3. Specifically targeted Trojan horse malware can be some of the most difficult malware to detect. Free to play! Get rid of the Trojan horse and never ever open any e-mails from that person/company again. Save. The Trojan Women Questions and Answers The Question and Answer section for The Trojan Women is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. It was first detected in late 2005. Not at … Found a mistake? Free Humanities Trivia Questions. Select and press Ctrl+Enter. The events in this story from the Bronze Age took place after Homer's Iliad, and before Homer's Odyssey. 3.Garfinkel Et Al. 13.