Once gathered at the dig site, Mel has prepared an eyebot named Sonya to blow through soft walls in the tunnel with sonic resonance. other NPCs 15. 00022A07 1.0k. < > Showing 1-10 of 10 comments . Images used for educational purposes only. Codsworth is the first companion you'll meet long before the bombs even drop. If the headwear is still worn after finishing the quest by getting paid, Bobbi will also immediately turn hostile and attack. The Big Dig often let its contractors start work on pieces of the project before designs for other key parts were complete. Instead, talk to, If this does not work, you can also use the. There are quirks. Table of Contents. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Oh well. The wiki notes the shooting Bobbi immediately after the failed persausion prevents the dislike. You can just tell them to head home while you do the quest if you're worried about your reputation with them. The Big Dig was created by level designer, Four wooden blocks spelling the name "Gary" in reference to. Fallout 4 Quest Objectives RemoteLearning.school - Best Remote Learning School, For Kids Age 5-14. If she’d come straight out and told us what exactly we were getting into, I might even have done it. I really care about my image with my companions like Nick and Piper, will this make them dislike me if I continue this quest, and if it does can I just do the quest alone and walk away fine? We were not digging to the Diamond City Strongroom. Looking at the above, you can kind of see the companion personalities in those likes/dislikes. The Big Dig you can do alone without companions. Well, MacReady likes it if you stick to Bobby's Team, that I know from experience, hehe :). 2 3 3. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. ... Share on: Facebook Twitter Reddit. Well check this video out to continue playing the Game! Let me be whoever I want. There is a wall that the robot can remove. Bobbi revealed that we are digging to the Diamond City strongroom to steal what's inside. In order to do this, Bobbi requires assistance in freeing an old associate, Mel, from the security office. This approach—part of the project’s philosophy of getting things done now and asking questions later—meant expensive changes to contracts. :), Also, isn't there a way to repair the Protectron or something? Never tried that one though because of lack of "skills" (I know it ain't the skill system) :D, In what might be a little known fact, you gain affinity with companions simply by having them around as a companion. Danse dislikes betraying or staying with Bobbi. Next Side quests Goodneighbor Trouble Brewin' Prev Side quests Goodneighbor Public Knowledge. In fact, I would recommend you do it alone because it's going to get crowded. The Big Dig MelSonyaFahrenheit 1.6k comments. Meet with the gang in the strongroom basement. Select the mission to set a marker and speak to Bobbi No-Nose; she is a ghoul who has a place off the narrow alley south of The Third Rail in Goodneighbor. Those familiar with history, and the past of Boston in particular, … I started playing Fallout 4 last week, it's my first Fallout game ever and I love it. After they make it to a cavity underneath the strongroom and blow the ceiling, sacrificing Sonya, it is revealed that it's not Diamond City's strongroom but a secluded storage room at NH&M Freight Depot owned by Hancock, Goodneighbor's mayor. You can find a way to break him out of jail without doing anything immoral or illegal. Quest animation According to the wiki, Cait, String and MacCready dislike persauding Bobbi to walk away. 1 Background 2 Layout 3 Notable loot 4 Appearances Accessed through the basement of Bobbi's place, the Dig is a tunnel system going from Goodneighbor to the NH&M freight depot. Many feral ghouls and mirelurksreside in the tunnels. editor id In the last room before the storage, where the radioactive barrels are lying on the ground, Bobbi will say that "it's no flesh off my face", but the human party members should stay out of the radiation. Press J to jump to the feed. I know for sure that MacReady is ok with it since he approves of greed and self-preservation in general. We were not digging to the Diamond City Strongroom. Cait and MacCready will, however, approve of both betraying and siding with Bobbi. 300+ XPAshmaker300 caps if sided with BobbiHancock as companion, if sided with Fahrenheit She says that she's planning a job that requires discretion, not sharing many details at first. If one decides to use the power armor but then exits the suit before the end of the quest, Mel or Bobbi may equip the suit, effectively removing the possibility of retrieving that particular power armor frame. Cait, Strong and MacCready will dislike persuading Bobbi to leave. This is a complete narrative walkthrough for the entire game. ". Quest Location Walkthrough Strategy Guide/Tips The Big Dig Quest Leads to He directs the player character to Bobbi, starting the quest. After agreeing, this quest will become available.Head inside Bobbi’s.. Reddit; Pocket; Flipboard; Email; To begin this quest, head to Goodneighbor at … One of them really dislikes you wearing Power Armor and lock picking, but I still got him to idolize me pretty quick. The Big Dig is a side quest in Fallout 4. After Mel's robot blows the first hole in a wall, head straight ahead in the room with a fusion core generator with no gate. This allows the player character to return and finish the quest at a more optimal time, such as after completing. Expand to show. After reaching the last fragile wall, the Sole Survivor must talk to Mel and select the "I'm Ready" dialogue option, and Sonya will blow through the wall. There are obvious exceptions though, namely faction enemy making quests. So even if you get a dislike or two from them, it'll cancel out with just a little more adventuring (or a few locks picks, helping people, etc.). Bobbi promoted me after I exterminated a group of Mirelurks in her basement. Alumni Guest: Justin Schram From Bethesda Game Studios (reference starts at 19:50), Alumni Guest: Justin Schram From Bethesda Game Studios (reference starts at 59:00), https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Big_Dig?oldid=3416855. This quest can also be started in a random encounter when a gangster approaches you and tells about some easy money. There are two routes to the strongroom. Dig to the Strongroom. Pressing "e" does nothing, even in the text that tells you to do it is there. Walkthrough. Hot New Top Rising. Top Contributors: Brendan Graeber, Super-Zambezi, JaredPetty-IGN + more. Additionally, Hancock will become available as a follower. His bodyguard Fahrenheit confronted us and we ended up killing her. Nov 18, 2015 @ 10:02pm The Big Dig quest (Spoilers) Should I follow or betray Bobbi? Mel brought a robot to help with the dig. Im currently doing The Big Dig quest, and Bobbi is asking me to break someone out of jail. We dealt with Hancock's bodyguard and found his loot in a locked up train car. Unless you really go out of your way to piss them off, it can all be repaired. In the "Notes" section of this page there are explanations on what actions result in different companion responses during this quest. The room is filled with the mayor's henchmen. given by Bobbi lied. Complete the quest The Big Dig and make sure to side with Fahrenheit to get on Hancock's good side, and he'll offer to join you. Proceed downwards towards the unrendered Commonwealth where a double door can be accessed to enter into Bobbi’s house. Screenshot of the Week Week #18 Winner - Let everyone else kill each other. Instead we ended up breaking into Hancock's strongroom. Note, if the player character enters the room wearing headwear incorporating a targeting HUD, Fahrenheit and her men will be automatically hostile, forcing the player to kill them to continue. It also includes hints and tips for general success in the game. Fallout 4 side quest Even if the player character kills Fahrenheit and sides with Bobbi, Ashmaker can be looted from Fahrenheit's corpse and Hancock will still be available as a follower after finishing Hancock's follow up quest of killing Bobbi. That wall is located in the southwest of the room, as Bobbi explains and will lead to the storage room. After, she asks the player character to meet her in Diamond City, where she reveals her plan to break into the Diamond City strongroom under the mayor's office. She'll offer one hundred caps if you'll agree to hear her proposal. Credits and distribution permission. 0. Quest chain Announcement. For those wondering if Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, or Fallout 76 are worth playing. 10. Tiger-Rex. In this case, however, talking to Mel and then exiting Security to the main part of Diamond City will nonetheless advance the quest to "Recruit Mel". The Sole Survivor receives the quest after speaking to Bobbi No-Nose in a backstreet in Goodneighbor. The Big Dig. March: Chunks of melting snow and ice fall from the cables of the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge and force the temporary closing of four traffic lanes on I-93. Not all companions are the same. Fahrenheit thanked me for not letting Bobbi steal from Hancock's strongroom. She asked that I speak to Hancock in person. An RPG approach to Fallout 4 1) Don't define my character for me Bethesda. Once the last wall has been blown, one cannot return to the dig site. Fallout 4’s Commonwealth is pretty big, but more importantly it’s extremely dense. Nov 18, 2015 @ 10:16pm Bump #1. whit. The Sole Survivor receives the quest after speaking to Bobbi No-Nose in a backstreet in Goodneighbor. From here, one needs to go down into the Dig, a tunnel starting at Bobbi's house basement, and help the diggers fight the mirelurks. We were not digging to the Diamond City Strongroom. Most quests you can do without a companion and walk away without a blemish on your companion affinity. After, she asks the player character to meet her in Diamond City, where she reveals her plan to break into the Diamond City strongroom unde… Approach it and Bobbi the ghoul will offer work for you. He has a limited arsenal of weapons like most Mr Handy robots, but he's decently useful early on. MS16 Neoseeker's Fallout 4 Walkthrough and Guide. Normally Bobbi will open the slot in the alley door and initiate a conversation with the Sole Survivor as they approach her door (no interaction with the door necessary). When attempting to free Mel by releasing the protectron to kill the Diamond City Security guards, the protectron may not win, especially if the guards are high level e.g. Right. Azakan. If the player character persuades Bobbi to leave or betrays her, Fahrenheit will reward them with a legendary minigun with incendiary bullets, Ashmaker. Crimes will of course result in security turning hostile (and possibly one's active companion), however, using dialogue will not turn them hostile (even if the threaten check fails). Nov 19, 2015 @ … Fallout 4 Walkthrough: Side Quests - The Big Dig Fallout 4 created by Bethesda Game Studios. location The Big Dig Speak to Bobbi No-Nose in a back alley in Goodneighbour. Share All sharing options for: Fallout 4: The Big Dig walkthrough. First one is filled with mirelurks, the second one is filled with with ghouls. We were not digging to the Diamond City Strongroom. The lessons learned from the Boston Big Dig highlight the need to have a thorough construction plan that is thoroughly reviewed, questioned, analyzed and vetted before moving forward. 50. Join. ... Browse other questions tagged fallout-4 or ask your own question. Upon returning to the security office, the Sole Survivor will then find Mel outside his cell, without the guards turning hostile. reward Fallout 4 Did you stop playing the game to check where you need to blast a wall in Fallout 4: The Big Dig Quest? Instead we ended up breaking into Hancock's strongroom. The Big Dig Fallout 4 Guide. The Big Dig is a quest that can be obtained within the Commonwealth, in Fallout 4.. 1 Synopsis 2 Walkthrough 2.1 Heist 3 Quest stages 4 Notes 5 Bugs A mysterious ghoul calls out from behind a locked door, looking for a stranger to take on a detail deprived quest. She says that she's planning a job that requires discretion, not sharing many details at first. Prerequisites: ... Mel, robotics expert and prisoner of Diamond City in Fallout 4. Danse doesn't like betraying or sticking with Bobbi. Fallout 4 Game Guide & Walkthrough. You have to use Mel's robot to destroy fragile walls. Fallout 4 Game Guide & Walkthrough by gamepressure.com. When the guards are not looking unlock the cell with the key and meet Mel outside. The tunnels are … In short, don't be too afraid to net a few dislikes from companions. Head downstairs instead to find Bobbi. The start of the latter route can be found by standing in front of the. share. 21.7k. She hasn't told me much about the job. Codsworth, Curie, Deacon, Nick and Piper like attempting to persuade Bobbi to walk away but dislike betraying her if the persuasion fails. A work around for consoles players is to use a jetpack and fly to the top of the ruined building left of the door.There is a small gap on the left and if one heads right there is another below. Loads of sediment impede progress through the tunnels, and requires Mel's specialized robot Sonya. At the first available opportunity to tell Sonya where to blast, it is possible to blow open the wrong path, leading to a dead end with a mirelurk king and a leveled set of power armor. Bobbi lied. Fallout 4 Guide. I started playing Fallout 4 last week, it's my first Fallout game ever and I love it. Bobbi lied. If activating the Port-a-Diner in the main subway station, Mel will comment that he won't trust anything looking so preserved after 200 years. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Talk about quests, gameplay mechanics, perks, story, characters, and more. Dogmeat will love you no matter what you do. Nope, Nick was fine with the whole thing for me. Now all we have to do is use it to dig our way to the Diamond City strongroom. Tell Mel about the job and meet him at the Dig. After blasting through the floor of the strongroom, it is possible to march right past Bobbi and Fahrenheit's conversation and exit the door in the corner opposite where you enter from below, discovering the NH & M Freight Depot location if one has not done so already. Also, if you happen to garner a 'dislike' or 'hated' this can be repaired in the course of events. His bodyguard Fahrenheit confronted us and demanded we leave. I broke a man named Mel out of Diamond City Security. I met Bobbi No-Nose in an alley in Goodneighbor and agreed to work for her. Post Comment. Mel will then tell the Sole Survivor to turn back into the room the Sole Survivor visited before to blow up another wall. This will usually give you a good idea. 20. Instead we ended up breaking into Hancock's strongroom. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 10 months ago. Recruiting Hancock, if sided with Bobbi In the back alley behind Kleo’s weapon shop, there’s a metal door. To the left of the cell is the office, inside the Survivor can steal the key from the desk, then sneak to the right side of the cell. Bobbi lied. After resolving the standoff peacefully, passing a speech check and sending Bobbi No-Nose home, the two Triggermen will remain at the strongroom location, non-hostile towards the player character and will stay so as long as the quest isn't completed. We were not digging to the Diamond City Strongroom. Let me say "no", and let me do things for my reasons, not yours. For Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Betray Bobbi or stay with Bobbi? Goodneighbor. Once inside it is as simple as going out the door again but this time the player character will be behind the locked door, with Bobbi now offering the job which the player character must accept in order for the door to be opened. I confronted Bobbi and she got violent. Jan. 25: Romney again asks Amorello to step down, when a new report on Big Dig managers accuses them of impeding the investigation into tunnel leaks. The Dig is a location in Goodneighbor in the Commonwealth. Hot. Quest: The Big DigNEW Fallout 4 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 includes a Review, Character Creation and Mission 1 of Main Story for PS4, Xbox One and PC. Bobbi lied. Cait - and likely a few other aggressive companions - likes it when you threaten the guard to get Mel out of jail. The Fallout 4 Subreddit. Main Walkthrough. Now I'm interested, how's that possible? 2) Don't force irrational plot choices on me for the sake of creating conflict. There are two routes to the basement: one filled with mirelurks and the other with ghouls. Bobbi No-Nose The Big Dig¶ Return to Goodneighbor and head back down the alley between the two warehouses to find Bobbi’s Place, which you should now enter. Quest Location Walkthrough Strategy Guide/Tips The Big Dig Quest A series of tunnels connecting Bobbi's place in Goodneighbor to a disused subway station, and finally, according to Bobbi, Mayor McDonough's office in Diamond City, though it really leads to the NH&M Freight Depot, property of John Hancock, who uses it as a warehouse for Goodneighbor. Fallout 4 Quest Objectives RemoteLearning.school - Best Remote Learning School, For Kids Age 5-14. Quick Walkthrough: - Meet Bobbi inside - Join the dig - Exterminate the Mirelurks (0/3) - Talk to Bobbi - Meet Bobbi in Diamond City - Get Mel out of jail - Recruit Mel - Meet the gang in the Dig - Dig to the … Actual Public Works Project. She asked me to work on digging a tunnel in her basement. The Big Dig. Nov 11, 2015 @ 11:37am The big dig; Fragile wall bug So in the qeust "The Big Dig" you are supposed to press "e" to break down walls, this worked fine until (as fas as I know) the last wall. 16 Codsworth. Fallout 4 > General Discussions > Topic Details. form id Instead we ended up breaking into Hancock's strongroom. Thank you. I feel like short of the choices that make the faction a companion is attached to dislike you, you would have to try real hard to make them not end up idolizing you. The Big Dig: Mel ran into the bleachers and I can't find him. Talk about quests, gameplay mechanics, perks, story, characters, and more. Posted by 7 hours ago. Now all we have to do is use it to dig our way to the Diamond City strongroom. Dogs rule. I'm pretty sure there are paths through the whole quest without making a 'good' companion dislike you (the immorality of accepting the quest in the first place is ignored). Hot New ... 3 3 & 54 More. There are several ways to free Mel: talk to Mel, then simply wait until the current day has passed (Mel will make a snide comment that Bobbi couldn't even wait a day), pickpocket a key, steal a key from the nearby office, hack the nearby protectron to kill the guards, bribe the guard nearest him or convince the guard to let Mel go by passing a medium or hard persuasion check. Also, welcome to the Wasteland, Scavver :D. Companions only care about actions you do while they are traveling with you. I confronted Bobbi and killed her. Side quests. I met Bobbi No-Nose in an alley in Goodneighbor and agreed to work for her. Instead we ended up breaking into Hancock's strongroom. If the Sole Survivor is already in Hancock's employ to investigate Pickman Gallery however, this might not happen, and interacting with the door will only result in the feedback that a key is required. With companions, though it isn't a guaranteed method, consider what you know about a companion and what impact an activity might have on them. For context, I generally do not travel with companions. r/fo4: The Fallout 4 Subreddit. She asked me to meet her in Diamond City to tell me more about the job. The Big Dig. The group begins traveling through old metro stations and basements filled with feral ghouls and more mirelurks. Now I need to meet up with Bobbi in the tunnel and start digging to the Strongroom. Posts RFN Discord. The Boston Big Dig is notorious for its scale, scope, mistakes, and feats of construction engineering. Mel will frequently express his doubts about the tunnel actually leading to Diamond City, that the team is heading too far south. If you head upstairs you can find Bobbi’s Terminal [Advanced], but for some reason it refuses to be tampered with. The Central Artery/Tunnel Project (CA/T), commonly known as the Big Dig, was a megaproject in Boston that rerouted the Central Artery of Interstate 93 (I-93), the chief highway through the heart of the city, into the 1.5-mile (2.4 km) tunnel named the Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. Tunnel.The project also included the construction of the Ted Williams Tunnel (extending I-90 to Logan … Halp? Fallout | Reddit r/Fallout. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you … Sorry if this seems mundane, but I have no friends who play Fallout 4. This mission is available after entering Goodneighbor. Mel brought a robot to help with the dig. Bobbi paid me for a job well done. After being confronted by Hancock's guard, I talked Bobbi into abandoning the job. From here, one needs to go down into the Dig, a tunnel starting at Bobbi's house basement and help the diggers fight the mirelurks. I, personally, sided with Fahrenheit. Just wait until you get to the end of the Big Dig .. lol if you think you have problems now just wait. I'm done with shooting them in the ass because they decided the best place for them is between me and the target. The guard that can be bribed or persuaded is the one that moves around between Mel and the office nearest to the jail. Welcome to the world of Fallout 4, the ambitious fourth game in … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Oh thanks, i have to find Bobbi and I'm working on MacReady now. The player character is subsequently given the choice to persuade Bobbi to leave and surrender, kill all the guards and stay with Bobbi, or betray Bobbi and kill her for the mayor instead. Sided with her at the end. When trying to break down the final wall, it is not able to be knocked down. Codsworth, Curie, Deacon, Piper and Nick Valentine like attempting to persuade Bobbi, but dislike betraying her if this fails; shooting Bobbi right after a failed attempt will prevent this. Looks suspiciously like a … Preston will become permanently annoyed if you create NukaWorld Raider outposts in the Commonwealth. GoodneighborThe DigDiamond CityNH&M Freight Depot Tiger-Rex. She asked me to recruit a man named Mel who is locked up in Diamond City Security.