Our incline dumbbell fly standards are based on 43,000 lifts by Strength Level users. Find related exercises and variations along with expert tips Lie back on the bench and, as you do … ExRx.net > Directory > Upper Chest > Exercise. Incline dumbbell fly strength standards help you to compare your one-rep max lift with other lifters at your bodyweight. Video is not supported by your browser. Support dumbbells above upper chest with arms fixed in slightly bent position. Support dumbbells above upper chest with arms fixed in slightly bent position. The same principle of progressive overload still applies to these exercises, and you should always strive to increase the weight you’re using for a given rep goal. Stiffen (“brace”) your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine, and attempt to avoid any arching of your low back throughout the exercise. Maintain the slight bend in your elbows, neutral wrist position and vertical alignment of your trunk throughout the movement. INCLINE DUMBBELL FLYES. 35% off Certification Study Programs. Lay down on a flat or incline bench.Hold a dumbbell in each hand. The incline flye targets the top of the pecs more than the flat version of the exercise does. Here’s how to perform Dumbbell Chest Flyes safely and correctly. How to do Dumbbell Fly. Standing Incline Cable Fly. Decline dumbbell flyes are a move to add to your chest workouts. How to do Incline Dumbbell Flys. It targets the upper chest area which is most responsible for increasing the appearance of fullness in the upper chest. Let's take it from the start. Exercise Instructions: Begin in a standing position with your feet about hip distance apart holding a dumbbell in each hand with your knees slightly bent; Keeping your back straight, lean forward until your torso is at about a 45 degree angle. Your arms should both be fully extended whilst holding the weights. To perform this exercise, you need only one dumbbell. Stiffen (“brace”) your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine, and attempt to avoid any arching of your low back throughout the exercise. It will require less weight than an incline press, which makes it a great hypertrophy exercise with high reps. Begin by choosing a set of relatively light dumbbells, that allow you to perform roughly 12-15 reps. Next, lay down on flat bench, holding both dumbbells in the air directly above you. Grabbing a pair of dumbbells in each hand, lie on a bench set to an inclination of 30 degrees. Performing the same exercise while standing on an unstable surface (e.g., balance training device). The Kim Kardashian Workout uses dumbbell flys to work her chest. This exercise can be progressed in several ways including: Avoid the tendency to lean forward during this exercise as this increases the stresses within the shoulder joint, which happens frequently when the resistance used is too heavy. Dumbbell Incline Fly. Copyright© The American Council on Exercise. In addition, this exercise help in the upper segment body strength and maintains balance. Variation 2: Decline Dumbbell Flyes: Again with this variation, the technique will remain the same. Refer to the illustration and instructions above for how to … Lie supine on bench. Adjust the bench to an incline between 45 and 60 degrees. Press both arms down and infront of your body to a level just above chest level until your elbows are fully extended Performing a press in a standing position targets your pectoral muscles in a unique way which creates new muscle growth and stimulation. Exhale gently and slowly squeeze your chest muscles to pull your arms forward until your hands meet level with your face or above your head . Take a look at the correct way to perform incline dumbbell flyes. Remember, the degree of incline should be between 30 and 45 degrees – No more than 45 degrees, otherwise, you’ll be targeting the front deltoids more than your upper chest. Position yourself with your back lying on the incline bench. Bend elbows .Julia Steel working her check by doing Flat Bench Dumbbell … With a dumbbell in each hand, sit on a decline bench, rest the dumbbells on your knees, and hook your feet under the foot pads. Lie supine on bench. Learn how to correctly do Incline Dumbbell Flye to target Chest, Shoulders with easy step-by-step expert video instruction. Start with your arms lifted straight above your … It uses a cable stack to target the pectoral muscle. Exercise Advice: This exercise is very similar to both the Hammer grip incline dumbbell press and the flat bench cable flyes.Place a free-standing incline bench in between a cable pulley machine that has pulleys on two sides. It is your starting position. Maintain the slight bend in your elbows, neutral wrist position and vertical alignment of your trunk throughout the movement. But not all flyes will help your gains take flight, says David Otey, C.S.C.S., a personal training manager at Equinox Fitness Clubs in New York City.. Dumbbell Flyes 1. There’s also a standing variation. Starting Position: Position the cable handles level with the region between your knees and hips, and grasp each handle firmly. The incline dumbbell fly is a very effective exercise that flushes the entire chest area with blood. The traditional way to perform a dumbbell chest fly is to do the move while lying on your back on a flat or incline bench. Exercise Advice: This exercise is very similar to the regular incline dumbbell flyes except that you will twist your wrists inward at the top of the movement.Position yourself on a free-standing incline bench, lying on it with your back flat on the bench. Dumbbell strength standards are based on the weight of each dumbbell, not the weight of two added together. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press . Strong pectoral muscles gives her a more shapely figure. It is similar to a dumbbell lateral raise except that you perform it without the full range of motion. However, you shouldn’t increase the weight at the cost of technique. Grasp two dumbbells. Extend your arms above you with a slight bend at the elbows. Just use an incline bench, instead of a bench press. A dumbbell fly is an exercise for your upper body. Besides exercising the upper pectoralis it also works the anterior deltoid and bicep branchii. Some basic anatomy: What we usually refer to as a "shoulder" is two bones, the collarbone and the scapulae. Flex your elbows slightly, and internally rotate your shoulders so that your elbows point out to the sides. #8 Incline Dumbbell Flyes This is a very popular finishing movement for the upper pectorals with pro bodybuilders but is not seen as much with recreational bodybuilders. Press both arms down and infront of your body to a level just above chest level until your elbows are fully extended. You can do cable flyes standing up without the risk of having the weight fall on your shoulder joint and causing a serious tear in the rotator cuff or worse. Incline dumbbell flye. Allow your arms to slowly open , moving downward and outward to your sides. To do it, set your bench up … Limited time! To allow your elbows to move behind your torso, you should do the exercise on a bench. Classification. Raise the weights to your chest level by pushing them with … The dumbbell fly is a weight training exercise that recruits a number of muscles in the upper body. Long story short, cut out the dumbbell flyes on a flat bench and start doing cable flyes instead. At the far end away from your throat they connect, basically making a frame for muscles to attach to (such as delts, traps and upper pecs). Flyes are a great way to induce a massive stretch and recruit more muscle fibers than a press would. A fly or flye is a strength training exercise in which the hand and arm move through an arc while the elbow is kept at a constant angle. The standing dumbbell fly, unlike the other versions, is performed by standing upright and then lifting the dumbbells to your sides. INCLINE DUMBBELL FLYES. Incline bench dumbbell flyes is a gym work out exercise that targets chest and also involves abs and shoulders. Incline Dumbbell Flyes The incline dumbbell chest fly is an upper body isolation exercise targeting the upper chest and is typically used with aesthetic goals in mind. They target the lower chest, which is sometimes left out. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows, neutral wrist position (i.e., wrists aligned in a straight line with your forearms) and do not allow your hands to move past the midline of your body (level of your armpit). Decline dumbbell flyes are a move to add to your chest workouts. Save now. Preparation. Pause momentarily then slowly return to your starting position, allowing your arms to move back outwards in a slow, controlled manner. What Muscle Does a Dumbbell Fly Work?. Have your spotter hand you two dumbbells, one for each hand. After the bench press, it is time to move on to incline dumbbell presses, dips, and standing cable flyes. From a lying position on a flat bench, hold the dumbbells over your chest with your arms fully extended. Perfoming the exercise unilaterally (one arm at a time) while avoiding any trunk rotation. Variation 1: Incline Dumbbell Flyes: The technique for this variation is the same, except you will be inclining a bench. It is performed by holding dumbbells (one in each hand), lying back on a .Incline Dumbbell Flyes: Grasp two dumbbells. Limited time! Building-Muscle101.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Stand with feet shoulder width apart holding a dumbbell between your palms on bent arms in front of your chest. To protect your shoulders from potential injury, lower the resistance, align your trunk vertically and follow the instructions provided. Hold a dumbbell on each hand and lie on an incline bench that is set to an incline angle of no more than 30 degrees. Save now, Up to $350 off all Specialist Programs. A dumbbell fly will primarily work muscles in your chest and shoulders; however, it will have some strengthening effect on other muscles in your back and arms as well. Dumbbell flys can be performed using either a flat, incline or decline angle, while cable flys can also be performed lying on a bench (flat, incline or decline) or in a standing position (these are referred to as “cable crossovers”). Utility: Auxiliary: Mechanics: Isolated: Force: Push: Instructions. Assume a staggered-stance position (i.e., walking position, with one leg forward) to stabilize yourself and align your trunk vertically.