S.I. Please I think you may be right about Perc Westmore, since his professional name is a shortened form of Percival. He was the first and remains one of the few Asian actors to find stardom in the United States and Europe. How to pronounce those difficult names . The film is a work of fiction but borrows the construction of theBurma Railwayin 1942–43 for its historical setting. Also, feel free to ask how to pronounce … Pronunciation of Sessue hayakawa with 1 audio pronunciation, 2 translations and more for Sessue hayakawa. ", I remember reading also that Hedy Lamarr's first name rhymes with "Lady". Thanks for the help. I will venture as to the pronunciation of some of these names [i will [b]gladly[/b] stand to be corrected - this is a place for learning/education, after all...]. The last name for me rhymes with "flower" or the German surname Bauer. (Sorry for the delay, but I just got back from vacation! Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. look alike. "e-LEE-uh ka-ZANN" instead of "E-lee-uh" came as news to me when I heard it., And I still hear some say the latter. The following lists the film appearances of the actor and film producer Sessue Hayakawa.Hayakawa was one of the first Asian actors to gain great fame and success in the United States.He starred in both English language and Japanese language films. Sessue Hayakawa (早川 雪洲, Hayakawa Sesshū?, June 10, 1889 – November 23, 1973) was a Japanese and American Issei actor who starred in American, Japanese, French, German, and British films. He received degrees in English from the University of Manitoba and McGill University in Canada, and the University of Wisconsin. Sessue Hayakawa (June 10, 1889 – November 23, 1973) was a Japanese and American Issei actor who starred in American, Japanese, French, German, and British films. And, while we're at it, is it: VEE-da or VAY-da for Veda Ann Borg (I've heard both. He does so, but commits seppuku rather than fully surrender. I'm going to start with a few names I've occasionally heard mangled on TCM in recent months, and let you add your own: Perc Westmore persh (he once said "I'm not a cup of coffee."). January 27, 2006 in Information, Please! Sessue Hayakawa; Of all the 1910s heartthrobs, Sessue Hayakawa was the biggest kindred spirit to Valentino’s dangerous 1920s sheik. Sessue Hayakawa (早川 雪洲, Hayakawa Sesshū?, June 10, 1889 – November 23, 1973) was a Japanese and American Issei actor who starred in American, Japanese, French, German, and British films. S.I. One function of. ), Glad to help out, Midge. Do I look like him?" Actually, Sessue is a name he took when he started acting in movies; his given name – given at his birth in 1889 – was Kintaro. As for the last name, I've always said AWE-er, so thanks for straightening me out. The others are door-SAY and HO-mire [the "meier" part being like "Meyer", as in "Oscar Meyer"]. His name was Sessue Hayakawa. © 2021 Turner Classic Movies Inc. A Time Warner Company. or post as a guest. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. How interesting that Daniels and Harold Lloyd were an item! S. I. Hayakawa. Congrats! 100% Upvoted. He received degrees in English from the University of Manitoba and McGill University in Canada, and the University of Wisconsin. Having grown up in an intensely ethnic neighborhood (where I learned how to pronounce names with no vowels), I can at least offer some educated guesses! in English from McGill University in Montreal in 1928, and a Ph.D. in English and American literature from the University of Wisconsin in 1935. All Rights Reserved, {{app['fromLang']['value']}} -> {{app['toLang']['value']}}, Pronunciation of Sessue hayakawa with 1 audio pronunciations. All Rights Reserved. Other similar names and variants include: Daffy, Daffyd, Dafydd, Dai, Dajon, Dave, Daven, Davey, Davi, Davian, Davidde, Davide, Davidson, Davie, Daviel, Davies, Davin, Davis, Davon, Davy, Davyd, Davydd, Davyn, Dewey, Tab. years older than I am. And, for Louis Jean Heydt, I've always gone with the French pronunciation for the first two names. I wasn't on board yet when it was running. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of Sessue hayakawa. Joseph Calleia's last name is pronounced "kah-LAY-ya." That's how I've been pronouncing most of them, but I was afraid I might have been anglicizing them a little too much. hide. Do you by any chance know the correct pronunciation of Bebe Daniels's first name? Your input is extremely valuable. Connery or Siobhan (Shivaun?) Log in or [1] Active at the beginning of the American film industry, Hayakawa was the first and remains one of the few Asian actors to find stardom in the United States and Europe. look alike. He decides to undergo a dangerous mission: to stop General Matsui (Sessue Hayakawa, who was married to Tsuru Aoki) from leading his dying, starved, and desperate troops, on one last death assault on the Americans. I've always wondered about Theda Bara. I remember remarking to someone about it. Famous people named William. I have read extensively about the demonization and emasculation of Asian men in Hollywood history from Sessue Hayakawa onwards, and am aware that (for example) anti-Japanese sentiment fueled general anti-Asian backlash and biases formed in America during that era. As to the last name, the "H" might be silent here as well, like the flower [but no relation to Mary...]. Sessue Hayakawa was an actor. Congrats! years older than I am. I appreciate the information. in English from McGill University in Montreal in 1928, and a Ph.D. in English and American literature from the University of Wisconsin in 1935. And it's definitely George Sanders. Oops! Hayakawa (not to be confused with actor Sessue Hayakawa, best known for playing the commandant of the prison camp in The Bridge on the River Kwai) was born in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1906. . Again, that may be idiomatic. Near Kanchaburi, about 120 kilometres, 75 miles, from Bangkok, is the site of one of the most famous bridges in the world, brought to public attention by a best-selling book and block-buster movie, but the real story and the real bridge have a very different history to … Hayakawa was active at the outset of the American film industry. I think i might have actually got a stop. (Columbia Pictures) Memorial Day, May 26, honors the men and women who lost their lives while serving in the military. His most notable accomplishments were from 1914 to 1966. Our Swedish friend - well, I will pass but I lean toward SEE-nya HAW-so for now. They said, "Yes." His name is Sessue Hayakawa. Word of the day - in your inbox every day, © 2020 HowToPronounce. The title kind of gives away the ending, doesn’t it? See more. ), DOOR-say or DEE-or-say for Fifi D'Orsay (Those apostrophes throw me off. You can try again. Do I look like him?" For Mischa Auer, I always thought it was MEE-sha, but recently I've heard of someone new in the spotlight (I'm not sure if it's a male or female, nor do I care) who pronounces their name with a short I, like in Michigan. Having once been the Robert Osborne of my college town, I put in a lot of research into the proper pronunciation of certain Hollywood names, and received some polite correction at times. Sessue Hayakawa reprised his role for a 1937 French remake; that film is presently unavailable in the United States. Miss Wynter pronounces her given name DAH-nah. Keep up. Loos herself wrote a quatrain for The Literary Digest in 1936 in which she bemoaned the mispronunciation of her name as "loose," and said it actually rhymes with "dose" (she used that very word). When I was a kid and being a native Spanish speaker, I was startled when I read about the correct pronunciation of certain Irish/Scottish names of actors like Sean (Shawn?) It’s his autobiography. His background was tinged with both drama and good fortune: after failing to get into a Japanese naval academy, a rift came between him and his father and he attempted suicide. I heard Suzanne Lloyd say that her grandfather, Harold Lloyd, called her "Beeb," but it was obviously a pet name (they were in love and almost married at one time), and not the actual pronunciation. Awesome thread. ', Examples of Sessue hayakawa in a sentence. You can contribute this audio pronunciation of Sessue hayakawa to HowToPronounce dictionary. What would you get if you pronounce a [t͡ɬʼ↓] a affricate or a stop? THAY-da...THEE-da? I can't stand not knowing how to pronounce someone's name. . Pronunciation of Seshu with 1 audio pronunciation, 1 translation and more for Seshu. Some people think it's "Beeb," or "Bay-BAY," but I've always thought it was "BEE-bee. By language which has fascinated Inc for He was a Japanese actor who was known for his television show 'Taikōki. ), HO-mire or HO-me-yay for Skip Homeier (TCM has used both.). J. Very recently, I saw a "bit" in which the female announcer on TCM pronounced George Sanders as George Saunders. [1] Active at the beginning of the American film industry, Hayakawa was the first and remains one of the few Asian actors to find stardom in the United States and Europe. But Anita Loos's last name does rhyme with "dose." Eighty-three years ago, the first Chinese-American star in Hollywood lost the role she was born to play to a white actress. Seems like your pronunciation of Sessue hayakawa is not correct. It is the diminutive/colloquial form of the Russian name Mikhail [but I don't know if Gorbachev was ever called this when he was a boy, or around the water cooler]. former U.S. Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce Sessue Hayakawa in Japanese with native pronunciation. {{app.userTrophy[app.userTrophyNo].hints}}, Sessue Hayakawa: Silent Cinema and Transnational Stardom. Register in English from the University of Manitoba in 1927, an M.A. His most notable accomplishments were from 1914 to 1966. Actually, it's Loos as in "loose," and Perc as in "purse.". His background was tinged with both drama and good fortune: after failing to get into a Japanese naval academy, a rift came between him and his father and he attempted suicide. This subject has been proposed elsewhere on the boards, so let's get it started! The movie was filmed inCeylon(now known asSri Lanka). I can think of a couple that have tripped me up: CoffeeDan, thanks for sharing this information! Sessue was given the name Kintarō Hayakawa on June 10th, 1889 in Minamibōsō, Chiba, Japan. Unfortunately, this device does not support voice recording, Click the record button again to finish recording. Mischa is a man's name. Thank you, coffeedan! in English from the University of Manitoba in 1927, an M.A. Hayakawa definition, U.S. semanticist, educator, and politician, born in Canada: senator 1977–83. In semantics, we try to look upon language not in the way that. But the Japanese actor thought the stereotypes were demeaning, and started to make millions with his own films, produced by … share. S.I. He told me it's an old Dutch name, and his family often uses the mispronunciation of the name to tell family members from "outsiders.". Since you have exceeded your time limit, your recording has been stopped. A lot of people call her ?Day-na?. Hayakawa (not to be confused with actor Sessue Hayakawa, best known for playing the commandant of the prison camp in The Bridge on the River Kwai) was born in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1906. I can't verify this, but I seem to remember a BBC radio broadcast where the announcer pronounced her name as "Baby" Daniels. You're welcome! Starring: William Holden, Alec Guinness, Jack Hawkins, Sessue Hayakawa, Geoffrey Horne. MEE-sha more closely parallels the Russian pronunciation than would MISH-a. You have earned {{app.voicePoint}} points. His career peaked during the silent film period but continued on and eventually thrived in the talkie era, … Franchot Tone FRAN-show. Here’s a list of VIPs named William: William Shatner (actor) born in March 22, 1931.; William Burroughs (actor) born in February 05, 1914.; William Leymergie born in February 04, 1947.; William Levy (actor) born in August 29, 1980.; William Hurt (actor) born in March 20, 1950.; William Holden (actor) born in April 17, 1918.; William Giauque (Nobel Prize laureate) 's surname starts with "ts" as in "tsar" or "tsetse fly", with "yang" [rhymes with "hang"] after it. Sessue Hayakawa was an actor. ), Eric von Stroheim (I've heard many renditions.). Director: David Lean. Thanks again, Wordmaster! The commando mission to blow up the bridge led by Jack Hawkins and shirker William Holden is fairly standard war movie fare but serves to highlight the disintegrating mind games between Saito and Nicholson. Pronunciation of Seshu with 1 audio pronunciation, 1 translation and more for Seshu. As for these, I would lean towards the first pronunciations you have indicated [although I suppose it could be VAY-da, I would tend to say VEE-da]. Senator Born: 7/18/1906 Birthplace: Vancouver, Canada Son of Japanese immigrant parents, Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa earned a B.A. S. I. Hayakawa. Sessue Hayakawa featured in the documentary was a Japanese actor who “was one of the biggest stars in Hollywood during the silent film era of the 1910s and 1920s” and “became one of the first male sex symbols of Hollywood,” as described on the Wikipedia page … report. Famous people named William. Plot Synopsis: A group of British POWs is forced to build a bridge in Burma for the Japanese. Also - Sessue Hayakawa's character is not Wing Chai or subtitled as Yin Chai but it's Ying Tchai according to IMDb, pronunciation by the cast, and in subtitles although in one scene he's subtitled as Lin Chai by a priest speaking to him. Sessue was given the name Kintarō Hayakawa on June 10th, 1889 in … H.T. It starsWilliam Holden,Jack Hawkins,Alec GuinnessandSessue Hayakawa. language which has fascinated Inc for A lot of people pronounce it "Saunders" but, being mainly Americans, they can't speak English, anyway. Thanks for the feedback Wordmaster. The Bridge on the River Kwaiis a 1957World War IIepicfilm directed byDavid Lean, based on the novelLe Pont de la Rivière Kwai(1952) byPierre Boulle. English teachers look upon it, but as a social science. It's good to know that other people care as much as I do to pronounce these names right. The camp commandant, Colonel Saito (Sessue Hayakawa) is driven close to suicide by Nicholson’s recalcitrance. The "H" is silent in Vera's middle name... NILLs - I would say - rather than NILEs. Thanks Mongo for pulling this up. I have read extensively about the demonization and emasculation of Asian men in Hollywood history from Sessue Hayakawa onwards, and am aware that (for example) anti-Japanese sentiment fueled general anti-Asian backlash and biases formed in America during that era. I guess to some people, all Orientals. I also love the way the English pronounce Leicester (Ls'ter?) Thanks for any help. Here is the front cover. The Bridge on the River Kwai won seven Academy Awards. But it’s how he gets there that is of interest. I've heard he was quite a ladies' man. former U.S. S.I. Senator Born: 7/18/1906 Birthplace: Vancouver, Canada Son of Japanese immigrant parents, Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa earned a B.A. Anita Loos rhymes with "dose" Thomas Meighan as in "me an' him" Maria Ouspenkaya oo-spen-SKY-ya. MEE-sha OW-er it is. Sign up for a new account in our community. Oliver Burgess Meredith (November 16, 1907 [1] [2] – September 9, 1997), [3] known professionally as Burgess Meredith, was an American actor in theatre, film, and television, who also worked as a director.Active for more than six decades, [4] Meredith has been called "a virtuosic actor" [5] who was "one of the most accomplished actors of the century." English teachers look upon it, but as a social science. He received degrees in English from the University of Manitoba and McGill University in Canada, and the University of Wisconsin. In semantics, we try to look upon language not in the way that. save. Log in … You've got the pronunciation of Sessue hayakawa right. Unfortunately, this browser does not support voice recording. and Gloucester (Gl'ster? We recommend you to try Safari. He received degrees in English from the University of Manitoba and McGill University in Canada, and the University of Wisconsin. Sessue Hayakawa SES-su. Sessue Hayakawa; Of all the 1910s heartthrobs, Sessue Hayakawa was the biggest kindred spirit to Valentino’s dangerous 1920s sheik. It's easy! -pass-...James FLAY-vin would be my educated guess here... Arthur Treacher does rhyme with "Teacher". Guy captures Matsui, who in turn is ordered to tell his men to surrender. do. Can anyone tell me how to pronounce the last name of Joseph Calleia? I think someone on TCM said that Dana Winter preferred her first name to be pronounced ?Donna.? Availability: The 1931 version of The Cheat is available as part of the Universal Pre-Code Hollywood box set and as a stand-alone disc . What an interesting post! Throughout his career as a filmmaker, Oshima kept questioning the modernized feudal patriarchy of the emperor system after the Meiji Restoration that led to the devastation of World War II, oppression toward women and minority groups, and the immorality of the Meiji generation for … Perc Westmore persh (he once said "I'm not a cup of coffee.") 's last name rhymes with "white". Since very few people on these boards were around when these names were in the public eye, I'm glad to see that some people are still in the know. L. Sessue Hayakawa is somewhere between fifteen and twenty. Subscribe to learn and pronounce a new word each day! ), In this country, I've never heard Ms. Daniels' name pronounced any other way but "Beebee.". Here’s a list of VIPs named William: William Shatner (actor) born in March 22, 1931.; William Burroughs (actor) born in February 05, 1914.; William Leymergie born in February 04, 1947.; William Levy (actor) born in August 29, 1980.; William Hurt (actor) born in March 20, 1950.; William Holden (actor) born in April 17, 1918.; William … The narrator of the trailer for "House of Bamboo" pronounces Hayakawa's first name as SESS-oo-uh. Sessue Hayakawa featured in the documentary was a Japanese actor who “was one of the biggest stars in Hollywood during the silent film era of the 1910s and 1920s” and “became one of the first male sex symbols of Hollywood,” as described on the Wikipedia page … "...she...and said it actually rhymes with "dose"... She was probably suffering from a bad head cold at the time. I had this confirmed by her grandnephew Rob Loos, whom I met when he stayed at the hotel where I work. Crowdsourced audio pronunciation dictionary for 89 languages, with meanings, synonyms, sentence usages, translations and much more. He played the Japanese Colonel. Also: Arthur Treacher (Does it rhyme with teacher? Hayakawa (not to be confused with actor Sessue Hayakawa, best known for playing the commandant of the prison camp in The Bridge on the River Kwai) was born in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1906. I guess to some people, all Orientals. do. It is a Hebrew name and its pronunciation is \d(a)-vid\. Sessue Hayakawa is somewhere between fifteen and twenty. One function of. Sessue Hayakawa became a star rivaling John Barrymore and Charlie Chaplin, thanks to films like Cecil B. DeMille’s 'The Cheat', in which he played an exotic villain. Thanks! In this essay, I consider Oshima Nagisa’s unmade film, Hollywood Zen, to be his historical project. They said, "Yes." Led by Colonel Nicholson, they not only build the bridge but organise the whole building program and are proud of the final result. Hayakawa (not to be confused with actor Sessue Hayakawa, best known for playing the commandant of the prison camp in The Bridge on the River Kwai) was born in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1906. The following lists the film appearances of the actor and film producer Sessue Hayakawa.Hayakawa was one of the first Asian actors to gain great fame and success in the United States.He starred in both English language and Japanese language films.