As of September 2016, Ordinance No. First deemed illegal in 1957, the City of Chicago has reversed course – Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), also referred to as Accessory Conversion Units (ACUs), are now legal, following the passage of the ordinance in City Council. Columbia, Missouri now allows Accessory Dwelling Units in all R-2 zoned residential lots, excluding two neighborhoods / overlay districts. An accessory dwelling unit, or ADU, is an additional residential building that occupies the same lot as a primary residence. This program reduces some Planning Code requirements to make it possible for property owners to add ADUs. At the November 19, 2015, Council meeting, the Council approved the following changes to the ADU regulations: Reduce minimum lot size for ADUs on SF-3 zoned lots to 5,750 square feet. Accessory Dwelling Units. 162-16 allows the construction of accessory dwelling units (ADU) Citywide in areas that allow residential use. Evaluating the effectiveness of an ADU ordinance can assist the local government in determining appropriate measures to improve usefulness and further facilitate the development of housing affordable to lower- and moderate-income families. While the majority of residential lots in the city are zoned R-1 and are not affected by the new ADU ordinance, it is possible for future ordinances to extend this to the R-1 residential lots as well. Five of those bills relate to the production and regulation of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and junior accessory dwelling units (JADUs). ADUs are independently habitable and provide the basic requirements of shelter, heating, cooking, and sanitation. On May 18, 2019, the Arlington County Board adopted an ordinance updating the standards for accessory dwellings in the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance that take effect July 1, 2019. Accessory Dwelling Unit Program available Citywide. ... Revised Zoning Ordinance text *approved by the Planning Commission Oct. 21, 2019. If you are interested in submitting an application for an accessory dwelling, visit the Building Arlington accessory dwelling permit application process webpage for more information. Limit the total number of approved second units to 466 in the … Including standards in the zoning ordinance will require careful drafting. If the accessory dwelling unit is located within the principal unit, the principal structure must be at least 1,000 square feet and the accessory unit cannot exceed 1/3 of the total floor area of the structure. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are smaller, secondary independent housekeeping establishments located on the same lot as a principal dwelling. An ordinance amending Sections 12.03, 12.22 and 12.33, and repealing portions of Section 12.24, of Chapter 1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code for the purpose of regulating Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units in accordance with State law. THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ADUO Process Flowchart ADUO Neighborhood Committee Form; Board of Adjustment process: Ordinance Accessory Dwelling Units Ordinance Passes City Council January 4, 2021. In the Coastal Zone, in addition to the Accessory Dwelling Units Ordinance, the following requirements of Local Coastal Program Policy 3.22 (Accessory Dwelling Units in R-1 Zoning Districts) apply to second dwelling units on building sites containing a single-family residence:. A municipality “may establish standards for accessory dwelling units for the purpose of maintaining the aesthetic continuity with the principal dwelling unit as a single-family dwelling.” This is an appealing option, but implementing it may be tricky. Set the maximum size of an ADU to 1,100 square feet or … Governor Newsom recently signed numerous housing bills that are intended to boost housing production statewide, which became effective January 1, 2020. In San Mateo County's Coastal Zone. Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance. If CC approves, an Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay is placed over the neighborhood and property owners may then submit necessary plans and documents to Building Inspection for permits to build an ADU. Revised May 8, 2020.