To spawn an item open up the chat and type in: #spawnItem – Spawn a special item. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Had to find a bigger backpack. Guide to the Hidden Controls and Features. Item Information. Each backpack SDU gives 3 additional spaces to the inventory. Aug 30, 2018 @ 6:35am ... Id try making a fresh rope from little sticks #9. Item Information. List оf аll items and NPСs + Chat commands. Vehicle ID is displayed via #ListSpawnedVehicles. Scum All item codes for singleplayer. These item IDs can be used with admin commands to spawn items into the game. All Points of Items include armor, shirts, pants, gloves and other worn items. Copy Item Code. Find statistics and information about this item below. ... #SpawnItem Assault_Backpack #SpawnItem Assault_Backpack1 #SpawnItem Backpack_01_01 #SpawnItem Backpack_01_02 #SpawnItem Backpack_01_03 #SpawnItem Backpack_01_04 Copy Command. FilthFace. ... Each vehicle has its ID, last access time and location printed. Copy Command. Spawn Items Code & Extra Commands. Find below a searchable list of SCUM item codes from the latest version of the game on Steam (PC / Mac). Other SCUM Guides: Map (Loot, Towns, Police Stations, Points of Interest & More). A guide that outlays all the food types in the game of SCUM and what the values for Nutrition are. ... #spawnitem Camo_Backpack_01 #spawnitem Camo_Backpack_02 #spawnitem Camo_Backpack_03 #spawnitem Camo_Backpack_04 #spawnitem Camo_Backpack_05. With more space you can have a larger collection of your weapons you would like to keep. If you want to spawn some items you just have to press T to open your chat. You can spawn assault backpack in SCUM by opening up the chat and using the following spawn command: #SpawnItem Backpack_01_01. Each vehicle has its ID, last access time and location printed. SCUM is an early access title and there are bound to be some features and controls that will be hidden like shortcuts for movement and how to adjust zeroing distance, wind adjustment, and more. #TeleportToVehicle Teleports invoking player to the specified vehicle. RedPanda. Vehicle ID is displayed via #ListSpawnedVehicles. Itemcodes for Weapons, Ammo, etc. Spawning items allows you to obtain items without picking/harvesting them. #DestroyVehicle Destroys the specified vehicle. Guns / Weaponry. What does a certain edible item give you for Targets Vitamins and Minerals This guide is a WIP and more details will be added as i test them ingame All test are done with a empty stomach and intenstine. Clothing is any item that is equipped on your character's body. SCUM Spawn Items Code & Extra Commands. SCUM. Hiking Backpack Spawn Command. #2. You can only spawn items if you have the approperate permissions on the server. So yeah, it sounds like a bug. You can spawn hiking backpack in SCUM by opening up the chat and using the following spawn command: #SpawnItem Hiking_Backpack_01. How to Get a Servers IP to Play With Friends. Every Item has its own unique Item ID. With the weapon, shield class mod and grenade mod slots this brings this up to 121. Find below a searchable list of all SCUM Clothing IDs from the latest version of the game on Steam (PC / Mac).. The item ID for hiking backpack in SCUM is: Hiking_Backpack_01. Assault Backpack Spawn Command. Type the name of a SCUM item, or an item code, into the search box below to instantly search our database of 1449 items. Asset is the item name. Copy Item Code. Find statistics and information about this item below. With the bank from "Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot" the total is 114. The item ID for assault backpack in SCUM is: Backpack_01_01.