Sailor Saturn (セーラーサターン, Sērā Satān? A place for peminat-peminat of Sailor Saturn to see, share, download, and discuss their kegemaran screencaps. "My guardian deity is the Planet of Rings. … ), officially spelled as Sailorsaturnin Japan, is one of the central charactersin the Sailor Moonmetaseries. Haruka Tenō is part of the Sailor Senshi. Powers/Skills Sailor Saturn is one of the central characters from Sailor Moon series. 1 Sailor Moon. Sailor Saturn. For well over two decades, we haven’t seen the henshin shiin (変身シーン) or “transformation scene” from Sailor Moon ’s Sailor Saturn in an anime. 1 Story 2 Appearance 3 Origin 4 Gallery TBA Sailor Saturn's dominant color was purple (choker, collar, elbow fittings of gloves, skirt, and boots), and her accent colors were white (tiara gem, earrings, front middle of choker, and center of front … 1. [25], It has been suggested that moe comes from a contraction of her last name, but this is considered a false etymology. Sailor Moon Eternal Film Releases Special Clip Including Super Sailor Saturn's First Transformation in Anime The highly-anticipated second chapter … As Sailor Saturn, Hotaru wields the very power of life and death, and can destroy entire planets and solar systems with a mere exertion of her power. Sailor Saturn (セーラーサターン, Sērā Satān? Saillor Saturn is a character in Griddles' story Lifelines. In the musicals, Professor Tomoe is only present in a few stages, though Sailor Saturn appears in every musical from the third on. This notion fits in with Sailor Pluto’s theme as the Soldier of Revolution. See more ideas about sailor saturn, sailor, saturn. While she become Sailor Saturn, her personality drastically change. (like the Outer Senshi). Sailor Neptune: Kaioh as in Kaiōsei, the Japanese name for Neptune meaning "sea king star". Helios | What evil being was Sailor Saturn possessed by in her first reincarnation? Setsuna … One of the coolest things about Sailor Saturn is that she carries a scythe called the Silence Glaive, which is just about the coolest name for a weapon ever. They live together in an Empire Victorian House. Japanese Name: Tomoe Hotaru Japanese Name Characters: Japanese Name Pronounced: ... She awakens again as Sailor Saturn while taking a bath. I’ve decided… there’s no good reason for me to live in the future of truth and ugliness when I can be forever beautiful in the mirror.” – Queen Nehellenia 48. She was the tenth sailor scout introduced in the series. — Sailor Saturn's Introduction Hotaru Tomoe (土萠 ほたる, Tomoe Hotaru) is the civilian identity and the present-day incarnation of Sailor Saturn (セーラーサターン, Seeraa Sataan). In both the manga and anime she is reborn as an infant immediately upon fulfilling her task as Sailor Saturn,[10] and later, when she is needed in that role again, grows to her former age in a matter of days. Act 33. ), a sickly schoolgirl who can transform into one of the series' specialized heroines, the Sailor Senshi. She then killed the remnants of the Silver Millennium and they were all reborn on Earth. About See All. "Silence Wall" in manga Act 39. Ami was a shy girl who did not make friends easily, preferring to be alone with her books instead. Hanging out with Rini and the other Senshi 60 people like this. She is the Sailor Scout of Destruction. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. . The name Miss Dream comes from the song she sings of the same name. In the anime, Hotaru (in civilian form) healed Chibiusa's knee scrape when she was dealing the "monster of the day". Sailor Saturn (セーラーサターン Sērā Satān? Protected by Saturn, the Planet of Destruction, she's the Soldier of Silence: Sailor Saturn! Aug 4, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Anna Rose. However, when she was six years old, she had an accident occured in her father's lab, causing her badly wounded and killed her mother. Sailor Mini Moon | During Last Dracul Jokyoku, Hotaru is presented in the care of Professor Tomoe, knowing of the existence of the Senshi, yet not awakening as Sailor Saturn until halfway through the musical. Sailor Saturn is seen wielding a different kind of staff (fans can correct me if I’m wrong), but with the original Saturn crystal theme still intact. The Pale Glimmer of a Firefly. Sailor Saturn is one of the four Outer Soldiers of the Solar System, and was the tenth Sailor Soldier to be introduced in the manga. In both versions, Hotaru has visions of coming events, especially of danger, and can project these visions to other people. [citation needed] In the manga, however, Sailor Saturn is said not to have lived among the other Senshi. Like Trista, little is known about Sailor Saturn's lifetime before or after the Negaverse and Queen Beryl destroyed the Moon Kingdomand killed its subjects. As a character with different incarnations, special powers, transformations and a long lifetime virtually spanned between the Silver Millennium era and the 30th century, Hotaru gains multiple aspects and aliases as the series progresses. [13] In the anime, although she upgrades to Super Sailor Saturn, the Crystal is never mentioned and her transformation is again not shown on screen. Tel +82-2-333-4654; OpenHours Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Current Page. Additionally, Yoshihiro Togashi and Naoko Takeuchi are married in 1999. ), a sickly schoolgirl who can transform into one of the series' specialized heroines, the Sailor Senshi. She and Hotaru share different personality. — Sailor Saturn's introduction in the Cinematic Universe Sailor Saturn is the Sailor Guardian identity of Hotaru Tomoe. Princess Kakyuu | To no one's surprise, the title character is the most powerful Sailor Guardian. In the Japanese anime series and movies, Hotaru Tomoe is voiced by Yūko Minaguchi. Not Now. Community See All. ... Beautiful pink sailor moon pattern - In the name of the moon i'll punish you! Fortunately, Sailor Moon entered Pharaoh 90 and retrieved a reincarnated baby Hotaru from the entity before it disappeared. Her father does not die like in the manga, but lives after the end of Super. In all four of the Kaguya Island musicals, Hotaru is possessed by a spirit named Kon, who speaks through Hotaru to the other Senshi. Make Up!. Appears again in Episodes 196 and 197. Takeuchi often used some of the kanji that made up the Japanese word for the Senshi’s respective planets to also create their last name. It is more ornate than a standard… ), is one of the central characters in the Sailor Moon series. She then takes leadership of the Senshi … As Hotaru Tomoe, she known as shy, kind-hearted and lonely girl and at the some point paranoid. Math and science were her favorite subjects, and she was aiming to become a doctor like her mother. Sailor Uranus, Sailor Moon Super S Log In. ), et a écrit son mémoire sur les ultrasons dans les appareillages médicaux. Jul 17, 2020 - Explore Sian Lewis's board "sailor saturn", followed by 171 people on Pinterest. She was used as a tool of the Death Busters during this time. Sailor Saturn is the Sailor Senshi of? [citation needed]Her civilian name is Hotaru Tomoe (土萠 ほたる, Tomoe Hotaru? She is one of the Outer Sailor Scouts. After the Silver Millennium was destroyed by the Dark Kingdom, the Outer Senshi's talismans were activated and awakened Sailor Saturn. Sailor SaturnHotaru-chanMistress 9Super Sailor SaturnEternal Sailor SaturnMessiah of SilencePrincess Saturn In the anime this attack is used against Nehellenia; seeing no other way to defeat her, Saturn intends to bring down her Glaive and destroy everything, but before she manages to strike the ground Sailor Chibi Moon throws herself at Saturn to stop her from completing the action and sacrificing her life, nevertheless, the Glaive releases massive power that destroys most of Nehellenia's palace.[20]. Like, subscribe, or I'll... sic her on ya! Never having had any real friends, she was surprised yet happy to have met Rini. or. She is later adopted by Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Pluto. Act 39, when she acquires her second uniform. [8][9] Unlike the other Senshi, it is stated that Saturn did not awaken in the Silver Millennium until after it was destroyed so Princess Saturn's exact status during that time is unclear. Sailor Jupiter | Sailor Saturn's transformation is shown in the game. Neo Encyclopedia Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Her attacks are based around silence and destruction, death, and rebirth; she has the ability to annihilate a planet and even an entire star system, as well as resetting the evolution of the same to zero and powers granted by her Silence Glaive. She is not given a new title. First appears in anime Episode 172, once with the incantation and once without. — Sailor Saturn's introduction in the Cinematic Universe Sailor Saturn is the Sailor Guardian identity of Hotaru Tomoe. (in one of my favorite scenes in the manga!). 26. The transformation sequence into her Senshi form is never shown in the main series, although one of the video games included a shortened anime-style transformation sequence, which she initiated by raising her hand in the air (like the Guardian Senshi) and shouting "Saturn Planet Power, Make up!" Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Sailor Saturn's powers are mostly based on Roman mythology, in which Saturn is the god of the harvest. In the manga, Sailor Saturn deliberately allows herself to be sucked into Master Pharaoh 90's dimension while he is escaping. Completing the set is Tomoe Hotaru; "Tomoe" = "earth note sprout," "Hotaru" = "firefly." Hotaru Tomoe I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn's first name, Hotaru, means "firefly." Sailor Moon Solider Sailor Saturn of ruin and the birth." What words can Sailor Saturn say if she wants to kill her opponent by sacrificing herself? Sailor Saturn (セーラーサターン, Sērā Satān? Des … After her death, Professor Tomoe gives it to Hotaru in order to ease the pain she must frequently endure. [citation needed] Her civilian name is Hotaru Tomoe (土萠 ほたる, Tomoe Hotaru? Sailor Saturn - Hotaru. As a soldier that is intricately connected to death (and a girl whose bedroom is full of small lamps), it's a suitable name for Sailor Saturn. Sailor Saturn is one of the four Outer Soldiers of the Solar System, and was the tenth Sailor Soldier to be introduced in the manga. For well over two decades, we haven’t seen the henshin shiin (変身シーン) or “transformation scene” from Sailor Moon’s Sailor Saturn in an anime.That is, it seems, until now. When Hotaru awakens she has no memory of what happened while Kon possessed her body. Family The clip includes Super Sailor Saturn's transformation that is depicted for the first time throughout in the entire anime series. Sailor Saturn / Gold 3 0LP / 71W 65L Win Ratio 52% / Senna - 46W 32L Win Ratio 59%, Vel'Koz - 40W 36L Win Ratio 53%, Karma - 37W 29L Win Ratio 56%, Morgana - 20W 16L Win Ratio 56%, Zyra - … Her gaurdian deity is the planet of? No incantation is spoken, and this action is separated from "Death Reborn Revolution" by the dialogue given in between the two maneuvers. Her actual awakening as Saturn is also ambiguous, while implied, it's not shown and she is simply shown as a normal girl at the end of the musical. 1. Sailor Moon | Her memories are seemingly erased and she is given the powers to enter and alter people's dreams. In the manga, Sailors Uranus, Neptune and Pluto gain their second transformation when Hotaru gives them their Sailor Crystals after she has regained her older body. Her Sailor Uniform was also different with sleeves purple rather than white, there was no star on her chest, and the third band on her gloves was sheer with a point. He used Pharaoh 90's power in the hope of reviving her. The first change takes place in Act 39 of the manga, when she obtains the Saturn Crystal and her outfit becomes similar to that of Super Sailor Moon. Sailor Quartet (Sailor Ceres | Sailor Pallas | Sailor Vesta | Sailor Juno), Sailor Stars A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / wards / damage to objectives etc. A third, manga-only form appears in Act 42, also unnamed, but analogous to Eternal Sailor Moon (sans wings).[7]. Here, we will discuss anything Sailor Moon related. Elle est diplômée en pharmacologie de la Kyōritsu Yakka Daigaku (共立薬科大学? Saturn reveals in the Infinity arc of the manga that this power is necessary, because rebirth cannot happen without death. est une mangaka japonaise née le 15 mars 1967 à Kōfu, dans la préfecture de Yamanashi au Japon. Also, Chibiusa's Cantonese name can translate to \"Beans Nail Hare.\" After Hotaru overpowered and destroyed Mistress 9, she awakened as Sailor Saturn, the Sailor Scout of destruction. She defends herself and her allies with Silence Wall (不動城壁?, "motionless rampart"),[19] a dome of dark energy that deflects attacks, and attacks with Silence Glaive Surprise (沈黙鎌奇襲?, "silence sickle surprise attack"). Sailor Saturn, Hotaru's Senshi form, wears a purple and brown uniform. No new phrase is used for her third uniform. He was only stopped by the reawakened Sailor Saturn, who requested Sailor Pluto to seal away the entity into his world, preventing him from returning to Earth. Friends/Allies Sailor Saturn Destroyer of the universe Gives birth to a new beginning Oh, your name may be a take off on Satan But you are not evil You are not Goth Aging and de-aging never old to protect your princess to save people's lives as you are the soldier of destruction noble in your bravery and silence we worship your ways Sailor Saturn Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hotaru Tomoe a.k.a. Sailor Saturn's real name is Hotaru Tomoe. 60 people follow this. Transformed Name: Sailor Saturn Princess Saturn Transformed Name Characters: Transformed Name Pronounced: seh-rah-sa-tah-n . In the world of OviPets, you and your friends are able to raise and care for pets in all the colors of the rainbow. Name: Sailor Saturn, Princess Saturn, Hotaru Tomoe, Soldier of Silence, Soldier of Destruction, Soldier of Ruin and Birth Origin: Sailor Moon Gender: Female Classification: Alien Outer Senshi Princess Age: Variable Powers and Abilities: Super speed and durability, flight, by dropping her Silence Glaive Saturn can destroy planets (when dropped without words, it directly harnesses … The kanji of Hotaru's surname translate as "earth" (土, to?) A similar event takes place in Episode 168 of the anime, and she is given the name Super Sailor Saturn. Sailor Uranus. In the Mixx (now Tokyopop) manga, Hotaru was once named Jenny; Mixx later admitted this was a mistake and changed her name back. Sailor Pluto was killed in a helicopter explosion caused by unnamed Daimons, and Sailor Uranus killed Germatoid with her sword. You can research new species and splice eggs with new mutations. However, it is only in the manga that Haruka stays with her while she reproduces these events to help keep her power in check. But in 90s anime version, she was taken by redeemed Souichi temporarily (as Souichi was not killed in this version) before later she was taken by Sailor Pluto as Trista Meioh and raised by the other Outer Scouts. Forgot account? and "sprouting" (萠, moe?). Her civilian name is Hotaru Tomoe (土萠 ほたる, Tomoe Hotaru? She had growing fears of losing herself someday and struggled to keep her dark side in check, so as not to harm those she held most dear. Molly Baker | ", Rurouni Kenshin Volume 5 (The Secret Life of Characters, Sanjou Tsubame), p. 68. Never used in the anime, where her attack on Pharaoh 90 is not directly shown. Fictional Character. Sailor Venus | Additionally, the Outer Senshi were not supposed to be reborn when the Kingdom was destroyed,[6] but they gathered together because of its destruction, and their Talismans reacted and accidentally awakened Saturn from her sleep. Sailor MercurySailor MarsSailor JupiterSailor VenusSailor Mini MoonSailor PlutoSailor UranusSailor NeptuneLunaArtemisSailor Galaxia, Pharaoh 90Souichi Tomoe/GermatoidQueen NeheleniaSailor Galaxia (formerly). Sailor Saturn refused to relent, however, and leapt into Pharaoh 90's core. 11,186 talking about this. : clothing: skirt A skirt is a tube- or cone-shaped piece of clothing that hangs from the waist and covers the legs partially or fully. Articles containing Japanese language text, Anime and manga characters with accelerated healing, Anime and manga characters who can teleport, Fictional characters who can manipulate darkness or shadows, Fictional characters who have mental powers, Fictional Japanese people in anime and manga,, "Moe and the Potential of Fantasy in Post-Millennial Japan", In the anime, Hotaru is still a baby when her power floods Sailors Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, upgrading them and herself to their Super forms. Veteran Sailor Scouts like Sailor Pluto, Uranus and Neptune feared her return. The former comes from the name of her planet in Japanese, Dosei (土星, Star of Earth?). Destroy Pharaoh 90 (succeeded)Save the world with the other senshi from evil threats. A place for fans of Sailor Saturn to see, share, download, and discuss their favorite screencaps. She become stoic, serious, less empathetic , little-bit … Perle | Sailor Mercury is one of the central characters in the Sailor Moon metaseries. [24] In early 1996, with fifty one choices, Saturn was the sixth most popular character, and Hotaru was the seventh. Do-Gooder Sailor Pluto, Sailor Moon S She also ceases to have seizures after this point. She possesses powers associated with Earth, Death and Rebirth. In 1994, with fifty one choices, Sailor Saturn was the third most popular character and Hotaru was the fourth. ... She is the Sailor Scout of Destruction. Sailor Saturn (セーラーサターン, Sērā Satān? Occupation In the anime she was not popular with her classmates because of her powers and her strange seizures as well as personality changes for being the host of Mistress 9, the evil entity that lived in her after the age of 5. Sailor Saturn's Silence Glaive is used to channel her power into powerful attacks. While she become Sailor Saturn, her personality drastically change. 1. Skirts are often seen … While several Sailor Senshi have unusual powers as civilians, Hotaru's are numerous and varied. After Sailor Moon prevents Sailor Saturn from destroying the world at the end of Infinity she is reborn as a baby without the cybernetic parts. Hotaru Tomoe was the civilian identity of Sailor Saturn, and appeared in the Sailor Moon anime, manga, musicals, and video games. Jul 17, 2020 - Explore Sian Lewis's board "sailor saturn", followed by 171 people on Pinterest. She was among those given the duty of protecting the galaxy's Outer Rim. sailor saturn / Lv. Sailor Neptune's real name is Michiru Kaioh (Michelle in English). When she is a young girl, she creates a small projection of the galaxy which hovers in the air in her room, simulating astronomical history at high speed. Outer Sailor Senshi of Silver Millennium and Crystal TokyoStudent at Mugen Academy Official Name: ja セーラーサターン: Guise of: Tomoe Hotaru (ch7521) Age: 12: Gender Identity: female: Bloodtype: AB: Height (in cm) 147: age range: child Older than a baby but younger than 13 when they should have the adolescence tag. Full Name Sailor Mars | Sailor Saturn Sailor Saturn is the Sailor Senshi identity of Hotaru Tomoe. 2021 - Elle annonce la destruction,la mort. Sailor Moon S However, the exception in the Cloverway English Dub was her last name. Her given name is in hiragana hotaru (ほたる?) Sailor Neptune | [14] As such, her primary role is that of the destroyer, and her coming is greatly feared by the Outer Senshi. In the manga, after Professor Tomoe's death, Hotaru becomes the adopted daughter of Haruka Tenoh, Michiru Kaioh and Setsuna Meioh. According to the manga, during the Silver Millennium, Sailor Saturn was also the Princess of her home planet. Like the other Outer Senshi, her dominant color is purple (sailor uniform, choker, linings of her gloves and skirt) as the sleeves of her leotard resembling flower p… The initial version of this uniform has petal-shaped sleeves, a star brooch and choker with the same kind of star, gloves, and knee-high, laced-up stiletto boots. The item most associated with Sailor Saturn is her iconic Silence Glaive, which, apart from its capacity as a bladed weapon, figures in many of her named attacks. Enemies My name is Katy, I'm 25, I'm Catholic, and I am a MASSIVE anime/manga freak! Hotaru Tomoe is a weak and extremely introverted young girl who becomes the powerful Sailor Saturn, the Senshi of Ruin and Rebirth. She is given various specific titles, including Soldier of Silence,[4] Soldier of Destruction,[4] and Soldier of Ruin and Birth.[5]. She become stoic, serious, less empathetic , little-bit sarcastic, and also having fondness for chaos of destruction. Sailor Cosmos | She was possessed by Mistress 9 in Sailor Moon S. She is voiced by Yūko Minaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime and by Yukijo Fujii in Crystal, and by Jen Gould and Christine Marie Cabanos in the English version of the anime. Sailor Saturn is one of the central characters from Sailor Moon series. In the musicals, Sailor Saturn was played by Keiko Takeda, Chihiro Imai, Asami Sanpei, Mao Mita, Mario Tomioka, Ayami Kakiuchi, Ruria Nakamura, Yui Iizuka, and Eriko Funakoshi. As her power is is associated with destruction, life and death, the evident fear expressed by the other Outer Scouts suggests that Sailor S… Fictional Character. Her first act upon arrival is to assault Master Pharaoh 90 with the attack "Death Reborn Revolution. News; Review; Pullip Saga; Q&A; Gallery; Customer Service. Sailor Saturn was the only one of the Solar System Senshi with no transformation sequence shown in the anime, the only one who did not appear in any of the Sailor Moon movies or opening sequences, and the only one who was never shown fighting a monster-of-the-day. Kon is the remnant of stars destroyed by Dark Plasman and the comet Coatl. What is Sailor Saturn's real name? It has been suggested that moe comes from a contraction of her last name, but this is considered a false etymology. Sailor Pluto always calls out the name of her father, Chronos, god of time. In the original character sketches, Takeuchi drew Sailor Saturn with a brown staff rather than her Silence Glaive. 22 janv. Please don't be shy! Why are the themes of Sailor Saturn and Sailor Pluto switched from their mythological counterparts? In the anime, all of the Senshi (including Saturn) had lives in the Moon Kingdom and their represented planets, and were all reborn with Princess Serenity and her court. Forum. RELATED: Sailor Moon: 10 Amazing Sailor Jupiter Cosplays That Look Just Like The Anime Shop Categories. Her choker also differed from the final version having a gold 6-pointed star rather than the present choker.[3]. See All Categories. As Sailor Saturn, she retains her civilian appearance but also wears a gold tiara on her forehead with a white gem on front. She managed to annihilate Pharaoh 90 from within, but, as predicted, the battle killed her. "Act 39". Kon was given the song "Hitosuji no Hikari no Kokoro" in her appearances. Log in Join(New home) New homepage 한국몰. ... Clearly, “Sailor Moon,” which was first released in 1992 based on Naoko Takeuchi’s manga of the same name, still vibes with fans and hasn’t lost its luster even among the Gen Z audience. It was pronounced as To-moh instead of To-MOH-eh. Act 33. Discover (and save!) Sailor Pluto's real name is Setsuna Meioh (Trista in English). Prior to VIZ Media re-releasing the Sailor Moon series with a new English Dub which would restore all of the Sailor Scouts' English names to their original Japanese variant, Hotaru was the only Sailor Scout whose name was not changed to an English name in the previous English release when Sailor Moon S was released by Cloverway. Anime:Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal IIIMusic:Angel of Darkness Resolve Her classmates mistook her withdrawn nature for arrogance, so they did not approach her either until Usagi started doing so. Some of these are portrayed only in the third story arc, when she is possessed by Mistress 9; these include forcefields and energy beams that arise when she is in danger, often involuntary. I am the Guardian of Death and Rebirth, Sailor Saturn!" Sailor Moon objected, knowing that it would mean Saturn's death. ), is one of the central characters in the Sailor Moon series.Her civilian name is Hotaru Tomoe (土萠 ほたる, Tomoe Hotaru? Anime:Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal IIIMusic:Angel of Darkness Resolve Using the Silence Glaive, she destroyed the star system, including herself, and all was reborn. [12] In the manga she eventually gains her Saturn Crystal and does transform in front of the other Senshi, evoking Saturn Crystal Power! It was Saturn who destroyed the remnants of the war-torn Silver Millennium kingdom, allowing a new world to be born. As shown in that arc, she also has the ability to heal minor flesh wounds. … Never having had any real friends, she was surprised yet happy to have met Rini. 151. Like all of the other Sailor Senshi in the franchise, Sailor Saturn’s civilian name links her to her planetary status. ." Kakeru Ozora | in the name of the moon. Create New Account.