Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 18 dec 2020 om 12:36. It's a great song, a perfect harmony between Tina Turner's voice and Phil Spector's "Wall of Sound". Spector het hom toenemend uit die publieke oog onttrek, maar het in 1969 in die film Easy Rider verskyn. Spector’s cavernous production technique would come across especially well on monaural, lo-fi AM radio. "Imagine" 1968 heiratete er die Lead-Sängerin der Ronettes, Veronica Bennett alias Ronnie Spector. 55 years on Phil Spector's magic still resonates as supreme. The label was shut down later that year. Save the Last Dance For Me (Spector) 9. I already liked the song in 1966, but I was too young to appreciate its real value. NME ranked it No. Het bereikte niet de eerste plaats, omdat het werd tegengehouden door singles van The Beatles en The Kinks. Some moments in the recording studio are perennial, and timeless. The song River Deep - Mountain High was written by Ellie Greenwich, Phil Spector and Jeff Barry and was first released by Ike and Tina Turner in 1966. ‘River deep, mountain high’ uit 1966 was het grootste succes van de Amerikaanse muziekproducer Phil Spector. Alhoewel hy hoofsaaklik op kortspelers gefokus het, het Spector se groepe minstens een (beroemde) langspeler opgeneem: A Christmas Gift for You from Phil Spector (1963). Ike agreed, but wanted the recordings to be credited to Ike & Tina Turner. 88 on Billboard’s singles chart. Alkmaar 4 nov. '20. Phil Spector arbeitete im Laufe seiner Karriere mit etlichen namhaften Künstlern zusammen. Bieden 4 nov. '20. About “River Deep - Mountain High” A song Phil Spector regarded as his greatest work (though everyone else involved hated it ), this Ike & Tina epic was famously a flop when it was first released. In het nummer wordt de liefde van een vrouw vergeleken met wat een kind voor een pop voelt of een puppy voor zijn baasje. (Phil Spector, John Barry & E. Greenwich) When I was a little girl, I had a rag doll? [13] Due to Spector's perfectionism in the studio, he made her sing the song over and over for several hours until he felt he had the perfect vocal take for the song. Het prachtig naar een climax toe leidende nummer werd echter niet de hit waar Spector … Obituaries. Phil spector productions. Teresa from Mechelen, Belgium Although I love all the songs of Phil Spector, "River deep, mountain high" can be considered his masterpiece. De Australische punkband The Saints had een wildere versie op hun ep One Two Three Four en op hun verzamelbox All Times Through Paradise. Tina Turner recorded a few solo versions, recorded in 1986, 1991 and 1993 respectively. Background and recording. In 2017, Pitchfork ranked it at No. The white stations say it was too black, and the black stations say it was too white, so that record didn't have a home. 11 on the UK Singles Chart, No. Tina Turner and Phil Spector River Deep, Mountain High. I just love it, it's very perfect, very Spector. He died today at the age of 81, while serving a prison sentence. It peaked at No. Het nummer werd in 1969 heruitgebracht voor een meer ontvankelijker publiek en sindsdien heeft het de winst gemaakt die Phil Spector van het nummer verwachtte. Dit album kwam uit in 2011. De genoemde partijen stemden toe en Phil Spector begon met de opname van de lp, waarbij hij zijn Wall of Sound-productietechniek om de sterke stem van Tina Turner te steunen. 33 on their list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. 62 relaties. Commercieel gezien was het nummer niet erg succesvol in de Verenigde Staten, al kwam het in Engeland op nummer 3 te staan. [18], Ike Turner remarked that "if Phil had released the record and put anybody else's name on it, it would have been a huge hit. POP CLASSIC - Phil Spector -1939 - 2021. (Ike) 10. Het magazine Rolling Stone plaatste het op nummer 33 op zijn The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. [58], Proud Mary: The Best of Ike & Tina Turner, "Show 21 - Forty Miles of Bad Road: Some of the best from rock 'n' roll's dark ages. 7 on the soul chart and No. It was considered by producer Phil Spector to be his best work. I first heard it as a child while staying with my parents in London at Robert Fraser's flat. Why it wasn't a big hit in the U.S. is a mystery to me. Waaah! [7] Spector was impressed by Tina Turner and wanted to use her voice with the Wrecking Crew, and his "Wall of Sound" production technique. Phil Spector, music producer convicted of murder, dies at 81 after contracting COVID-19 . "[17] It entered the lower end of the Billboard Hot 100 and stopped at No. "River Deep – Mountain High" is a single by Ike & Tina Turner released on Philles Records in 1966. Am Samstag starb der 81-Jährige in einem Krankenhaus. 42 on the Canadian RPM charts. Only a few copies of LP-4011 were pressed, the covers never printed, before it was canceled by Philles. 25 on Netherlands' MegaCharts.[41]. Song information for River Deep Mountain High - Phil Spector on AllMusic The Supremes/Four Tops cover, included on the 1970 LP The Magnificent 7, with its soaring vocals and string section, peaked at No. Spector negotiated a deal with Ike & Tina Turner's manager Bob Krasnow, who was also head of Loma. “River Deep, Mountain High” — my, oh my. Rolling Stone ranked "River Deep – Mountain High" No. Reviewing the single, Record World called it a "classic, perhaps the greatest single of all time."[16]. Phil Spector's "River Deep Mountain High" is a remarkable record. Another version from an undetermined year was released on the 1991 compilation Proud Mary: The Best of Ike & Tina Turner. It’s likely that he (and Ike and Tina) believed that Tina’s voice was the perfect foil for the Wall of Sound, the vocal instrument most likely to stand up to it. The single did not perform well upon its original release in the US, but it was successful in Europe. Spector claimed to be pleased with the response from the critics and his peers,[1] but he then withdrew from the music industry for two years, beginning his personal decline. He went to the Turners’ house, and struck a deal with Ike Turner to produce Tina. ERecords Alkmaar *RARE* Lp vinyl Darlene Love - Masters (Polydor) The recording of the song was later dramatized for Tina Turner's biographical film, What's Love Got to Do with It. In den Sechzigerjahren revolutionierte Phil Spector die Popmusik und schuf Welthits. Het nummer is diverse keren gecoverd, niet alleen door Tina Turner (zonder Ike), maar ook door Erasure en Céline Dion. Tina Turner - River Deep, Mountain High (1966 Phil Spector version) von Sam Toucan Spectors Vorstellung eines idealen Mix war Mono, zielte also aus einer Richtung auf das Ohr der Hörerin. Als er 1966 mit River Deep, Mountain High für Ike & Tina Turner sein Meisterwerk schuf, kam er damit gerade einmal mit einer Single in die Charts – und das nur in England. River deep - Mountain high is een single die werd geschreven door Phil Spector, Jeff Barry en Ellie Greenwich en wordt gezien als de beste productie van Phil Spector. 88 on the pop chart. When Spector … Quattro minuti circa di pura adrenalina, dove una chitarra tagliente si unisc… Ike and Tina Turner, Phil Spector - River Deep--Mountain High. Een getal geeft de plaats aan; een '*' dat het nummer niet genoteerd kon zijn, omdat het nog niet was uitgekomen, een '-' dat het nummer niet genoteerd was en een '?' [10] After Mike Maitland (then president at Warner Bros.) gave them their release, they signed with Spector's Philles Records.[10][11]. I had to take my shirt off and stand there in my bra to sing."[14]. River Deep – Mountain High is een single die werd geschreven door Phil Spector, Jeff Barry en Ellie Greenwich en wordt gezien als de beste productie van Phil Spector. Het werd in de Verenigde Staten de meest succesvolle uitvoering met een veertiende plaats in de Billboard Hot 100. Oh Baby! Het werd in 1969 heruitgegeven en is sindsdien een van de herkenningsnummers van Tina Turner. The song River Deep - Mountain High was written by Ellie Greenwich, Phil Spector and Jeff Barry and was first released by Ike and Tina Turner in 1966. It was covered by Anita Meyer, Tracey Jones, Jennie Darren & The Second City Sound, Windows and other artists. The Bob Seger System maakte er een verlengde versie van op hun album Mongrel, Jimmy Barnes deed het begin jaren 1990 op zijn album Soul Deep (welke sterk lijkt op de versie van Tina Turner uit 1960), The Animals zette het op hun album Love is (1968) en Fefe Dobson zong het in de televisieserie American Dreams waarin Tina Turner geportretteerd werd. betekent dat de notering nog niet verwerkt is. “River Deep Mountain High”, è una cover scritta da Phil Spector e dall’artista originale Tina Turner. Muziekproducent Phil Spector is overleden. Listening to Phil Spector: A three-minute thrill ride, ... and was stinging from the failure of Ike and Tina Turner’s roaring take in “River Deep, Mountain High” to make a sales dent. [8] At the time they were signed to Loma Records (a subsidiary of Warner Bros.). Commercieel gezien was het nummer niet erg succesvol in de Verenigde Staten, al kwam het in Engeland op nummer 3 te staan. River Deep – Mountain High had een voor die tijd ongehoord kostenplaatje van 22.000 dollar en er waren tientallen musici en achtergrondzangers nodig. A Love Like Yours (Spector) 4. Een jaar na de eerste uitgave van de single gaf Harry Nilsson een cover-versie uit van het nummer op zijn eerste RCA Victor album Pandemonium Shadow Show uit 1967. Seine letzten Lebensjahre verbrachte der wegen Totschlags verurteilte Musikproduzent hinter Gittern. In 1966 produceerde hij River Deep – Mountain High voor Ike & Tina Turner, wat hij zelf als zijn beste werk beschouwde. 23 in Belgium, and No. Deep Purple zette het op hun lp The Book of Taliesyn. Phil Spector - River Deep, Mountain High Lyrics. I also like the album. The single “River Deep, Mountain High” opens the album. Dort starb er nun 81-jährig. [5] The song was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999.[6]. Phil was zich bewust van het overheersende gedrag in de studio van Ike Turner, wat resulteerde in een ongebruikelijk contract: Het album en de single River Deep – Mountain High zouden worden toegeschreven aan Ike & Tina Turner, maar Ike was niet welkom in de studio en enkel Tina Turner zou op de plaat te horen zijn. I was drenched with sweat. [citation needed] It had a progressive rock sound to it, as Deep Purple had not yet adopted the hard rock sound for which they are most famous. [22] It has since gained the recognition Spector wanted for the record. It would be a sonic battle of epic proportions. The only doll I ever owned? Die Entwicklung der Pop-Produktion hin zum transparenteren Medium des Stereo-Mix ließ Spectors Wall of Sound in der zweiten Hälfte der Sixties bereits überholt klingen. (Phil Spector, John Barry & E. Greenwich) When I was a little girl, I had a rag doll? Vinyl LP produced by Phil Spector - Music Hij vond het zelf ook zijn allerbeste nummer en … Phil Spector arbeitete im Laufe seiner Karriere mit etlichen namhaften Künstlern zusammen. As gevolg van probleme in sy eie platemaatskappy, het hierdie liedjie min radio-aandag gekry totdat dit drie jaar later weer uitgereik is. 1 in Spain. Some moments in the recording studio are perennial, and timeless. A Fool In Love (Ike) 5. A version on the 1973 album Nutbush City Limits was released as a single titled "River Deep, Mountain High 1974" on United Artists Records in France. 37 on their list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. The only doll I ever owned? I'll Never Need More Than This (Spector) [Not on original pressing - replaces 'You're So Fine'] 8. Phil Spector arbeitete im Laufe seiner Karriere mit etlichen namhaften Künstlern zusammen. Individual instruments are largely indistinct; instead the soaring onslaught of a seemingly infinite number of instruments and backing vocals chugs along while Tina shrieks atop the proceedings. Het nummer is ook opgenomen in de Grammy Hall of Fame. Ein Nachruf. In 1970 namen The Supremes samen met The Four Tops hun cover op van River Deep – Mountain High. Spector withdrew from music in 1966 after “River Deep-Mountain High,” a song by Ike and Tina Turner that he produced, only rose to No. Harry Nilsson werkte aan het begin van zijn carrière samen met Phil Spector als tekstschrijver. Aangenomen wordt dat het een van de meest originele stukken van de traditionele dwergmuziek is. Hold on Baby (Spector) 7. Spector was so disillusioned that he ceased involvement in the recording industry totally for two years, and only intermittently returned to the studio after that. THE SAINTS - RIVER DEEP, MOUNTAIN HIGH (1977) In memory of Phil Spector, the eccentric and revolutionary music producer who transformed rock music with his “Wall of Sound” method and who later was convicted of murder. The song was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999. Begin 1970 maakte The Flaming Groovies er een cover van op hun compilatie Grease. Other articles where River Deep—Mountain High is discussed: Ike Turner: …1966 Phil Spector made “River Deep—Mountain High” with Tina (he paid Ike to stay out of the studio). In 1966 vervaardig hy die liedjie River Deep - Mountain High vir Ike & Tina Turner, wat hy as sy beste werk beskou. In 1970, their post-Diana Ross era, The Supremes and the Four Tops released a version. In 1969 speelden Ike en Tina in het voorprogramma van de Amerikaanse tournee van The Rolling Stones. Now I love you just t Nachruf auf Phil Spector: Revolutionär und Soziopath. 17.01.2021, 20:15 Uhr. But because Tina Turner's name was on it, the white stations classified it an R&B record and wouldn't play it. Phil Spector went from being a musical genius and one of the most influential pop producers of all time to serving life in prison for murder. Spector was unimpressed by Steinman's efforts, calling Steinman a "bad clone" of himself. Although Ike and Tina Turner's "River Deep, Mountain High" captures the Wagnerian majesty of Phil Spector's wall of sound production ethic at its deliriously grandiose peak, the record also signaled the end of an era; pulling out all the stops to create his magnum opus, Spector left himself no margin for error, and when the single failed at pop radio, the producer's artistic heyday was over. River Deep, Mountain High is misschien wel het mooiste voorbeeld van wat Spector zelf zijn ‘little symphonies for the kids’ noemde. Phil Spector - River Deep, Mountain High Lyrics. Although Ike and Tina Turner's "River Deep, Mountain High" captures the Wagnerian majesty of Phil Spector's wall of sound production ethic at its deliriously grandiose peak, the record also signaled the end of an era; pulling out all the stops to create his magnum opus, Spector left himself no margin for error, and when the single failed at pop radio, the producer's artistic heyday was over. "River Deep, Mountain High" was written by husband and wife song-writing team Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich, along with legendary 'Wall of Sound' producer, Phil Spector. Be My Baby van The Ronettes, Da Doo Ron Ron van The Crystals, You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' van The Righteous Brothers, River Deep, Mountain High van Ike & Tina Turner, Instant Karma van John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band, het zijn slechts enkele van de onsterfelijke singles die voor eeuwig met Phil Spector zullen worden geassocieerd. 1966. Spector beschouwde het album River Deep – Mountain High (1966) van Ike & Tina Turner als zijn meesterwerk. Terry Pratchett haalde het nummer in zijn fictieboek Discworld, waar het door dwergen gezongen werd als "cavern deep, mountain high". Ihr Welthit "River Deep - Mountain High" ist ein Gesamtkunstwerk aus Liebesinbrunst und Mörderstimme - das allerdings unter Qualen entstanden ist. 53 in early 1969 and No. It was originally released by London Records in the UK in 1966, and later A&M Records in the US in 1969. "[13], Writer Michael Billig speculated that although earlier records which had mixed black singers with a white pop sound had sold well, by 1966 the black political movement was encouraging African Americans to take a pride in their own culture, and "River Deep – Mountain High" was out of step with that movement. "[20][21], After "River Deep – Mountain High" was revived by other bands, Ike & Tina Turner's original version was reissued by A&M Records in 1969. Ike Turner produced the remaining tracks which are essentially superior re-recordings of some of Ike & Tina's earlier hits. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. Phil Spector arbeitete im Laufe seiner Karriere mit etlichen namhaften Künstlern zusammen. [57] Dion had previously performed the song in some of her concerts, as included in her live album Live à Paris, recorded in 1995. 55 years on Phil Spector's magic still resonates as supreme. [56] At first, Phil Spector showed interest in producing the album track, but left the project so Jim Steinman took over as producer. River Deep, Mountain High: Equalization (EQ). Now I love you just t It was considered by producer Phil Spector to be his best work. Produced by Nickolas Ashford and Valerie Simpson, the single was one of several recordings that paired the two Motown groups. To my ears, Spector and Tina Turner were a great team. Spector withdrew from music in 1966 after “River Deep-Mountain High,” a song by Ike and Tina Turner that he produced, only rose to No. Their version also peaked No. Ook was Spector verantwoordelijk voor Ike en Tina Turners River Deep, Mountain High en was hij de grondlegger van de ’wall of sound’-techniek. River Deep – Mountain High was een van de eerste opnames die Ike & Tina Turner maakten voor Phil Spectors Philles Records. Een vetgedrukt getal geeft aan dat dit de hoogste notering betreft. Easily the most complex and nuanced of Spector’s famous “wall of sound” productions, it was a hit in Britain, but it attracted little American attention and is usually cited as the… A ten-minute version was recorded by Deep Purple for their 1968 album, The Book of Taliesyn. Von Anfang an die volle Dröhnung hat Spector entgegen dem Klischee gar nicht immer eingesetzt. Dit album haalde goud in Australië. A complete one-off capture of spirit guiding genius. The track cost a then unheard-of $22,000[12] ($173,360 today), and required 21 session musicians. Nederlandse persing. Sold on Song - "River Deep - Mountain High",–_Mountain_High&oldid=57779989, Wikipedia:Geen afbeelding lokaal en geen op Wikidata, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, Tekst - Phil Spector, Jeff Barry en Ellie Greenwich. „River Deep, Mountain High“ von Ike & Tina Turner. Het nummer had meer succes in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, waar het tot nummer 3 reikte. Make 'Em Wait (Ike) 6. George Harrison verklaarde dat het "een perfecte plaat was van het begin tot het eind". De mooiste kathedraal bouwde Spector in 1966 om de stem van Tina Turner. [18], The single, released on London Records in Europe, was a hit overseas. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame added it to the list of the 500 Songs That Shaped Rock and Roll. 33 on their list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. De meest succesvolle cover was die uit 1970 tussen de Supremes (zonder Diana Ross, maar met Jean Terrell) en The Four Tops. It was written by Phil Spector, Jeff Barry, and Ellie Greenwich. The music producer with a life-long list of hits should be remembered best for his work on songs like “River Deep, Mountain High” and “Imagine”, but life works in mysterious ways. The Universal Music Group's Hip-O Select imprint, devoted to pricey, quality reissues of gems from the company's extensive archives, here hits upon the legendary, if compromised Ike & Tina Turner album River Deep -- Mountain High.The title song was Phil Spector's last major effort, a Wall of Sound production from 1966 that hit in the U.K. but flopped in the U.S., leading to his retirement. ... Ook was Spector verantwoordelijk voor Ike & Tina Turners River Deep, Mountain High en was hij de grondlegger van de ‘wall of sound’-techniek. Phil Spector arbeitete im Laufe seiner Karriere mit etlichen namhaften Künstlern zusammen. What led legendary music producer Phil Spector to murder? Legendärer Musikproduzent Phil Spector gestorben. River Deep – Mountain High was intended to be released on Phil Spector's Philles label as LP-4011 in the US, but it was shelved when the single "River Deep – Mountain High" did not do well on the charts. POP CLASSIC - Phil Spector -1939 - 2021. I Idolize You (Ike) 3. It had been over a year since Phil Spector produced a hit record, and he went all out on this one. In 1966 vervaardig hy die liedjie River Deep - Mountain High vir Ike & Tina Turner, wat hy as sy beste werk beskou. Deze cover werd ook uitgebracht op de lp The Magnificent 7 (1970) en behaalde in 1971 de 14e plaats in de Billboard Hot 100, waarmee het de hoogst genoteerde versie was in de Verenigde Staten. [3] NME ranked it No. Dis video made bij Classic hitnight 9 in the Netherlands, and it reached No. [9] He offered $20,000 ($157,600 today) to have them released from their contract. Phil Spector had seen the Ike & Tina Turner Revue perform at a club on the Sunset Strip and invited them to appear on The Big T.N.T Show. 1. An edited version was released as a single in the United States and reached No. The Ramones, the Beatles, Ike & Tina Turner, and Cher all have Phil Spector to thank for some of their most legendary albums. Von Willi Winkler Lesen Sie mehr zum Thema Obituaries. [Part 2] : UNT Digital Library", "The 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time: 100-1", "Tina Turner Stages a Rock-Solid Comeback", "Cuando nací era número 1 de los 40: (1966-12-17)Ike & Tina Turner–River deep - Mountain high", "Spotlight Singles: Top 60 Pop Spotlight", "Go-Set Australian charts - 16 November 1966", – Ike & Tina Turner – River Deep - Mountain High", The Irish Charts – Search Results – River Deep Mountain High", – Ike & Tina Turner – River Deep - Mountain High", "Ike & Tina Turner: Artist Chart History", "Ike & Tina Turner Chart History (Hot 100)", "British single certifications – Ike & Tina Turner – River Deep Mountain High", "The Supremes & The Four Tops - River Deep - Mountain High", – The Supremes & The Four Tops – River Deep - Mountain High", The Irish Charts – Search Results – The Supremes", – The Supremes & The Four Tops – River Deep - Mountain High", "The Supremes Chart History (Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs)", "THE SINGLES CHART: Week of January 16, 1971", "THE R&B SINGLES CHART: Week of January 23, 1971", "Falling into You - Céline Dion | Songs, Reviews, Credits", "Live à Paris - Céline Dion | Songs, Reviews, Credits", Sold on Song - "River Deep - Mountain High", Ike & Tina Turner's Kings of Rhythm Dance, Ike & Tina Turner's Festival of Live Performances, His Woman, Her Man: The Ike Turner Diaries, Here's Johnny: Magic Moments from the Tonight Show, You Can't Miss Nothing That You Never Had, I Can't Believe What You Say (for Seeing What You Do), I'm Gonna Do All I Can (to Do Right by My Man), The Legends Ike & Tina Turner Live in '71, A Christmas Gift for You from Phil Spector, Presenting the Fabulous Ronettes Featuring Veronica, A Love Like Yours (Don't Come Knocking Everyday), King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents: Deep Purple in Concert, In Concert with The London Symphony Orchestra, Live at Montreux 2006: They All Came Down to Montreux, When We Rock, We Rock, and When We Roll, We Roll, Deepest Purple: The Very Best of Deep Purple, Knocking at Your Back Door: The Best of Deep Purple in the 80's, Winning Combinations: Deep Purple and Rainbow, Classic Albums: Deep Purple – The Making of Machine Head, Re-Machined: A Tribute to Deep Purple's Machine Head, The Supremes Produced and Arranged by Jimmy Webb, Diana Ross & the Supremes Join the Temptations, The Supremes Sing Country, Western and Pop, Diana Ross & the Supremes Sing and Perform "Funny Girl", When the Lovelight Starts Shining Through His Eyes, Love, I Never Knew You Could Feel So Good, Reflections: The Definitive Performances (1964–1969), I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch), Without the One You Love (Life's Not Worth While),–_Mountain_High&oldid=1004895872, Song recordings with Wall of Sound arrangements, Song recordings produced by Tom Wilson (record producer), Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Certification Table Entry usages for United Kingdom, Pages using certification Table Entry with streaming figures, Pages using certification Table Entry with streaming footnote, Singlechart usages for Belgium (Flanders), Singlechart usages for Belgium (Wallonia), Singlechart usages for Billboardrandbhiphop, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz release group identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "Betcha Can't Kiss Me (Just One Time Baby)", "Just Seven Numbers (Can Straighten Out My Life)", This page was last edited on 4 February 2021, at 23:40. River Deep – Mountain High is a studio album by R&B duo Ike & Tina Turner. She recalled, "I must have sung that 500,000 times. [citation needed] Tina included live performances on her albums, Tina Live in Europe and Tina Live. 40 on their list of the 200 Best Albums of the 1960s. John Lennon nannte Phil Spector den größten Produzenten aller Zeiten - später wurde Spector zum Mörder: 2003 tötete er eine Frau und saß seitdem im Gefängnis. Written in the spring of 1966, "River Deep, Mountain High" originated from the pen of husband-and-wife team Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich, and the producer Phil Spector. [2] Rolling Stone ranked "River Deep – Mountain High" No. Sales+streaming figures based on certification alone. After several rehearsals, and two sessions for the musicians to lay down a backing track, Spector got Tina Turner into the studio on March 7, but she was unable to provide what he wanted. You couldn't improve on it. 14 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1971,[40] making it the highest-charting version of the song in the United States. 3 in the UK, No. 37 on their list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. About “River Deep - Mountain High” A song Phil Spector regarded as his greatest work (though everyone else involved hated it ), this Ike & Tina epic … Het werd door het echtpaar Nickolas Ashford en Valerie Simpson geproduceerd en was een van de vele opnames die beide Motown-groepen bijeenbracht. Het kwam niet hoger dan de 88e plaats op de hitlijst, wat voor Phil Spector een vernedering was en hem ertoe besloot het label stop te zetten. The melody is a composite of three different unfinished songs. Jack Vidgen maakte er ook een cover van op zijn album Yes I Am. Ike & Tina Turner recorded different renditions of the song without Spector's "Wall of Sound" production style. River Deep, Mountain High represented Spector’s production aesthetic taken to its most extreme limits. It was covered by Anita Meyer, Tracey Jones, Jennie Darren & The Second City Sound, Windows and other artists. Frequency also plays a major role in recording techniques, as equalizers are used to affect the quality of most sounds. River Deep – Mountain High is een single die werd geschreven door Phil Spector, Jeff Barry en Ellie Greenwich en wordt gezien als de beste productie van Phil Spector. Ook in Nederland en Vlaanderen kwam deze uitvoering in de hitlijsten terecht. Toen de single en het album eindelijk uitkwamen, wist de muziekindustrie niet wat men ermee aan moest. [19], George Harrison praised the record,[1] declaring it "a perfect record from start to finish. Hoes en vinyl zijn i. Ophalen of Verzenden. Ike & Tina Turner - River Deep-Mountain High (Phil Spector) Ike & tina turner - river deep-mountain high a&m 1969. "River Deep – Mountain High" is a single by Ike & Tina Turner released on Philles Records in 1966. River Deep, Mountain High is the legendary album from Ike & Tina with six tracks produced by Phil Spector including the title track, which was the first of five singles and a massive hit in Europe. Phil Spector bood een groot geldbedrag om een nummer voor het duo te produceren. Zij zong het live in the Late Show with David Letterman wat resulteerde in een studio-opname voor haar album Falling into You. "River Deep – Mountain High" was the first recording that Tina Turner did for Philles at Gold Star Studios. River Deep, Mountain High (Spector) 2. Het werd in 1969 heruitgegeven en is sindsdien een van de herkenningsnummers van Tina Turner. Hoewel hij zich voornamelijk richtte op singles namen Spectors groepen ten minste één (beroemd geworden) lp op: A Christmas Gift for You from Phil Spector (1963). The disappointing chart performance resulted in the album being shelved in the US. The following week she returned to the studio with Ike Turner. After a revival of the song from covers by Eric Burdon and the Animals and Deep Purple in 1968, the original version was reissued by A&M Records in 1969. Reviewing the single, Billboard wrote: "Exciting dance beat production backs a wailin' Tina vocal on a solid rock tune penned by Barry and Greenwich. He effectively became a recluse and began to self-destruct. Musikproduzent Phil Spector liebte orchestrale Sounds, hatte große Hits ("River Deep, Mountain High") und ist seit 2009 wegen Mordes in Haft. THE SAINTS - RIVER DEEP, MOUNTAIN HIGH (1977) In memory of Phil Spector, the eccentric and revolutionary music producer who transformed rock music with his “Wall of Sound” method and who later was convicted of murder. Het nummer werd als "te zwart voor de witte radio" beschouwd, "en te wit voor de zwarte radio".