900+ VIEWS. It is found in dicots, exception - Calophyllum (It has parallel venation) Reticulate venation is of 2 types unicostate and multicostate. Lateral veins divide and redi videforming a network of veinlets in the lamina. 1.1k VIEWS. Found in the plants like weeds having reticulate venation in leaves. Parallel venation: If the veins are parallel to each other or to midrib then such type of venation is called parallel venation. adj. 1.1k SHARES. The pattern of leaf venation determines the type of roots present in a plant. Reticulate venation is found in dicot leaves while in monocot leaves venation is of parallel type. asked Feb 13, 2018 in Class XI Biology by nikita74 (-1,017 points) Reticulate venation is found in dicot leaves while in monocot leaves venation is of parallel type. Reticulate venation-The veins and veinlets are irregularly distyrbed forming a network. 0 votes . 900+ SHARES. An exception to this generalisation is 2:06 4.5k LIKES. For example, mango leaf, gram leaf. Venation This venation is also called as Unicostate reticulate venation. 568 views. Reticulate venation: This type of venation is commonly found in dicots and rarely in some monocots like Smilax, Alocasia and Dioscorea. (c) Shweta is intelligent, eco-friendly and have scientific aptitude. (b) The design made by veins in a leaf is called the leaf venation. Reticulate venation is a characteristic of dicots. Found in the plants like grasses having parallel venation in leaves. Answer: Main functions of roots are: Roots absorb water and minerals from soil for the other parts of the plants. If the leaf have reticulate venation then it has taproot and if the leaf have parallel venation then it has fibrous root. 1. reticulate synonyms, reticulate pronunciation, reticulate translation, English dictionary definition of reticulate. From the Wikipedia article on the reticulated python: The reticulated python is a species of python found in Southeast Asia. Resembling or forming a net or network: reticulate veins of a leaf. This venation is … Nevertheless, there are numerous fern groups in which netted, or reticulate, venation is found. Palmate reticulate venation – In this type, many midribs are present, while other veins are in the form of network. Why reticulate? An example is Mangifera. Reticulate venation is a characteristic of dicots but there are exceptions and they are also found in some monocots like Alocasia, Smilax etc, while parallel venation is a characteristic if monocots but they are alsofound in dicots like corymbium, calophyllum etc as exceptions. In this, the midvein produces many lateral veins. It is called as Unicostate reticulate venation. Unicostate or pinnate : This type of venation has only one principal vein or midrib that gives off many lateral veins which proceeds toward margin and apex of lamina of the leaf and forms a network. Define reticulate. They are the world’s longest snakes and longest reptiles…The specific name, reticulatus, is Latin meaning “net-like”, or reticulated, and is a … Question 4. Answer:Grass leaves exhibit a parallel leaf venation pattern, in contrast with the typical reticulate venation of dicot leaves, and there is a central vein, or … rohitkapoor2580 rohitkapoor2580 14.01.2021 Science Secondary School _____venation is found in grass fill in the blanks questions 2 What are the main functions of roots? The reticulate venation is commonly found in the leaves of 1:46 2.1k LIKES. Reticulate venation: If the design of veins makes a net-like structure on both the sides of midrib then it is called Reticulate venation. For example, wheat leaf, barley leaf. These have vein patterns like those of other ferns for the most part, except that various systems of networks and areolae (areas enclosed within loops of veins) have developed between the …