It is the funnest part of this game for me hunting down other flags and generally enjoying PVP across the seas. Reply . The Reaper emissary flag is supposed to be used by those who wish to hunt down other Emissaries but a LOT of them are just PVE'ers who use that flag because it gives a bonus to everything they sell rather than just certain items, like other emissary flags. There is only one Reapers Bones merchant, and she stands tucked away in the heart of Reapers Hideout. However, Emissary ships become prey for the Reaper’s Bones, a new PvP-focused trading company. 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful. If you count 5 red bars on that flag and you’re an Emissary, beware… you’re probably being watched! These Emissary Flags will cost you 20,000 Gold Coins—but that’s nothing you can’t make back in a Fort. 1 The Emissary … All players who fly the reaper’s mark or reaper’s bones emissary flags on their ship are visible to all players on the map, regardless of level. Exploring the United States Constitution . share. If you count 5 red bars on that flag and you’re an Emissary, beware… you’re probably being watched! Buy and hoist an Emissary flag, and your rewards increase. If you kill a ship and collect the Reaper’s Emissary flag, you will have to take it to Reaper’s Hideout to redeem rewards. Besides, you only need to purchase the Emissary Flag once. Being an emissary also opens up the option to buy some themed costumes if that's your thing, but how do you claim emissary rewards? the emissary faction tables show the amount of ships flying the emissary flag of this faction. Turn Reapers Chest, and Stolen Emissary Flags into Reapers Hideout. The Hunters Call merchants accept fish and cooked food. I'm not new to Sea Of Thieves but I've never had a ship find me and pull up on me so easily so I can only assume the flags are shown. Becoming a Reaper’s Bones Emissary will show your location on everyone else’s map tables, similar to if you had raised the Reaper’s Mark flag. Embed. Reply Quote. Reply. 255223557 Sea of Thieves offers plenty of chances for loot grabs, and Trading Companies give your character the opportunity to rise through the Emissary flag grade to gain massive gold and xp bonuses to cash in crates. I was flying the Athena's emissary flag and a Reaper's emissary flying ship locked showed up as if they knew our exact location. Here we take a look at the Sea of Thieves Emissary Flag system for new or returning players. Good points, has Rare every clarified what officially counts as a "ship sunk" when counting our annual/total stats? Sailing as an Emissary provides Crews with various benefits, such as increased payouts and Reputation gains for Company-specific Treasure Items, exclusive high-reward Emissary Quests and bonus Cosmetics rewarded to the most active Emissaries on the seas. There are a few additional treasures we haven’t mentioned yet that are exclusive to the Reaper’s Bones. share. Equip it and you will have raised the flag. And if the crew is still in that lobby. Currently, these merchants do not give out quests. If they have left the game or gone to a different lobby, it won't count. By hoisting an Emissary Flag and staking your allegiance to a Company, you make yourself a target, not just to those serving The Reaper’s Bones but to anyone with a mind to steal the loot you’ve been accumulating to raise your Emissary Grade. Insider . Due to the incredible boost of income and reputation it provides, I fully recommend being an Emissary whenever you can. A home for pirates, and scallywags. The flag can be changed by climbing up to the Crow's Nest and interacting with the Ship Flag Customization Chest on the mast. As it stands Reapers Emissary's are able to be seen at all times by everyone, making sneaking up on people a rough time, so long as they are paying attention to the map. As much as i enjoy the Reapers Grade 5 see all Emissary's i'd much prefer that when your reached grade 5 that your Reapers Emissary Flag becomes invisible to all other players instead of seeing all emissary's. However, I'm not too familiar with the other emissaries. Reaper Grade V only see there is an emissary ship, they dont know what type of ship, what grade or anything else, just there is an emissary ship, nothing else. Reaper's Bones: Offered to anyone ... Value can only be gained by selling Company-specific treasures to a Company Representative while flying under the Emissary Flag of said company.