He's a year old. The reason your dog likes to roll in nasty things is to cover their smell from potential prey. but the poop has always been quite dry and large, so I was never worried. It can absorb water and turns into a gel-like substance, which can help prevent diarrhea. This morning I noted he smells like really strong onions. They are usually quite sweet-smelling and can be found in hare scrapes. The cause of all the fuss. Causes of this condition include gluten intolerance, IBD, Crohn's disease, or lactose intolerance. She has been neutered. According to Healthfully.com, a half cup of cooked onions contains about 1.5 g of fiber total, and 1.2 g of that is soluble. Other causes of smelly poop include infection, food poisoning, dehydration, or a side-effect from medication. Onions don't have all that much fiber to begin with. The odor associated with a normal bowel movement is usually mild and it passes quickly. While poop has its own…special aroma, it’s not supposed to stink so badly that you regret even having the ability to smell. Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern is a travel and cuisine television show hosted by Andrew Zimmern on the Travel Channel in the US. This may be due to diet like from consuming vegetables like asparagus, or it can be from a medical condition like diabetes which can trigger a fruity odor in the breath and urine from ketone production. They’re also more likely to be found away from field edges. Talk to your vet as soon as possible. She has always had smelly poop, and her rear occasionally smells like strong onions, and b.o. OUR FORUM IS UP BUT WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF UPDATING AND FIXING THINGS. How Often Should Rabbits Poop? She is fed with a mixture of pellets and wheat based pet shop food, she absolutely adores veggies and … Her poop is now smaller, quite sticky and sometimes sticks to her bottom. I want to share a story with you. You will not be able to determine whether a rabbit's poop is unhealthy if you are unaware of what healthy stool should look like. Feces normally have an unpleasant smell. If you’re stinking up the bathroom to high heaven, enough to make yourself gag, it’s a sign of your poop … Rats love the smell of most vegetable matter. We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. A big thank-you to Christie Taylor for sharing this article with BUNS. It’s likely that your pet will eliminate in a private, unseen part of her hutch. Note that unneutered/unspayed rabbits usually have stronger smelling urine than their neutered/spayed counterparts. Bizarre Foods focuses on regional cuisine from around the world which is typically perceived as being disgusting, exotic, or bizarre. A hungry dog may try just about anything that smells vaguely food-like, and some dogs appear to simply like the taste. "my stool comes out in small pieces and smells like sulfur (usually takes 1-3 movements in the morning to get it all out). Hare droppings are like rabbit droppings but larger, flattened and more fibrous, containing larger bits of plants. We used a black light on the carpet and there are many "dots" that show up all over the carpet in the areas with the strongest smell. He is a healthy, goofy, energetic young bun and we love him dearly. You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) … Domesticated pets have the same instincts, so you’ll notice that your rabbit’s nose is rarely still. Guide to Bunny Poops. However, a healthy poop also should not smell too strongly or too awful. p.s. If you line the box with newspaper, its easy to dump the waste into a trashbag for disposal or use for composting. They do this to detect food and check if predators are nearby. In the wild, rabbits constantly sniff the air. Bugsy is about seven months old and was neutered a little over a month ago. If you have a pet rabbit in a properly cleaned cage, or "hutch", you shouldn't notice any strong smells coming from it at all. Learn more about what your rabbit’s poop should look like here in this pictorial guide. This bloody stool will often take on a tar-like appearance and smell horrible, so if you suddenly poop a poop that's black and sticky and smells like something crawled up … I have been having a bout of IBS for the past 10 days and I forgot To tell my PCP that my BM smell like very strong onions. Soluble fiber on the other hand can actually help. Note that unneutered/unspayed rabbits usually have stronger smelling urine than their neutered/spayed counterparts. In each episode, Zimmern focuses on the … The presence of Candida in stool does not always signal an overgrowth. The smell did not appear until our carpet was cleaned and was always quite bad on the most humid days. YOUR PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED. Many proteins are made of sulfur-containing amino acids (such as … SOME THINGS WILL LOOK WEIRD AND/OR NOT BE CORRECT. CHANGE THE LITTER BOX EVERY DAY. Ever had gas that smells like rotten eggs? Signs of Candida in stool include white or brown mucus, froth, or foam. They find it very inviting, but certain types of veg can be used to keep them from setting up home. Do not worry if this sounds like far more feces than your rabbit ever produces. Christine is an Educator with the House Rabbit Society and has a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. What would be the reason for this? Rabbits are clean animals. Greasy and grey dog poop: Grey, greasy dog poop can indicate a biliary or pancreatic problem. In this article, learn about the possible causes, as well as treatments and home remedies. “Another reason you could smell like onions is that you have been eating onions – or other foods like garlic, shallots, etc., – that contain volatile sulfurous substances. Can be diet, and so on. Bunnies like to munch on hay and use their litterbox at the same time. If you line the box with newspaper, its easy to dump the waste into a trashbag for disposal or use for composting. If your pup’s poop is black, this can be a sign of bleeding in the upper GI tract. White spots in dog poop: If your dog’s poop has white rice-like spots in it, this can point to the presence of worms in dog poop. You will also, interestingly, find thioalcohols in skunk spray (via Gizmodo). The most useful varieties are strong-smelling white onions, garlic and also peppers. Black, round and hard. He'll only eat carrots though. He seems to be healthy and in normal spirits. So by rolling in deer poop, the dog is trying to make itself smell less like a predator to make deer and other animals less likely to detect it. Pebble poop is small, pellet-like stool, and it is usually a sign of constipation. The fact is, you won’t see all of these poop pellets. Treatment options include antifungal medications. In fact, a bad smelling rabbit can be a sign that something is wrong with your pet. ... (like watermelon and mangoes) and vegetables (like broccoli and Brussels sprouts), high-fiber grains, onions… It's normal poop. If your diet is the culprit, eating more fiber-rich foods and staying hydrated can often help you get back on track, although it may take a … So, while you may be glad to know that smelling like an onion is totally normal, you still might not be super thrilled to do so. Foul-smelling stools have an unusually strong, putrid smell. Best Answer: The protein causing onion smell is a very close relative of sulfuric acid, sulfenic acid. Rabbits rely heavily on their sense of smell. A story about Pudge and his small poop. His litter smells like onions as well. Healthy stool in a rabbit should, generally, take one of two forms: Hard feces : a healthy rabbit's stool should be hard and contain traces of hay or other types of fiber essential in their diet. Passing poop that looks like nuggets, small pieces, rabbit pellets, or balls from time to time is usually normal. i have no other issues during the day." CHANGE THE LITTER BOX EVERY DAY. The most common cause of foul smelling stool and gas is nutrient malabsorption, meaning the food you eat are not being absorbed properly in the intestines. The average healthy rabbit can produce up to 300 poops per day. Bunnies like to munch on hay and use their litterbox at the same time. The first season debuted on Monday, February 6, 2007 at 9pm ET/PT. What Causes Urine Smells Like Onion? All carnivores give off a certain scent, which most prey animals can detect. I guess I only smell it when his cage is in the same room with me. Rabbits urine and poop can give off an "oniony" smell once they become sexually active. p.s. A rabbit’s sense of smell is up to 20 times better than a human. His diet has not changed and we keep his pen clean. Check if the bad smell is coming from your rabbit or its hutch, and clean and care for it safely to stop your rabbit from smelling. I feed him lots of hay, he has his pellet food, and some greens. First, a little background into why Pudge began acting…, well, acting up. If it does, that can have some implications for your health. The reason for the similarity to onions, though, is because actual onion scent is also caused by thioalcohols (via Journal of Food Science).