9 comments. How do you get the mask shard in queen's station? Shard 6 is in the bottom right section of the Queen’s Station Stagway which is located in the far left of the Fungal Wastes. There are 3 grub mimics in the Deepnest grub room, the real one is one before the last. Mask Shards are to Hollow Knight what Heart Pieces are to The Legend of Zelda. Found above King's Station near a lift n/a 6. To Queen's Station: 6: Mask Shard: Quick Slash: Nailmaster Oro: Hiveblood: Dash Slash: Wanderer's Journal x2: Use the Bench, leave the Tram and leave from the top right exit. Mask Shard - follow the water to the left from the entrance Isma's Tear - Can swim in acid, obtained from Kingdom's Edge entrance Wanderer's Journal - … Deepnest One can be found after a boss in the Forgotten Crossroads. There are 3 grub mimics in the Deepnest grub room, the real one is one before the last. Right side of Queen's Station: Mantis Claw: Grey Mourner in Resting Grounds: Complete Delicate Flower quest: How do you get the mask shard in queen's station? Starting the site back in 2016, Eli has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike. Close. Head back to the Queens Station at room 21 afterwards and ride the stag to the City Storerooms back at room 1. THE FUNGAL WASTES. Room 1 Equip the following charms, then take the west exit. With a total of 16 Mask Shards in the game, the Knight can increase their mask count by 4, for a maximum of 9, not counting bonuses from Charms and Lifeblood Cocoons. There are 16 mask shards in total. Spoilers below, of course. 10. share. Don't forget Queen's station's Mask Shard. This will be needed for the Flower Quest. report. Left of the lift in Forgotten Crossroads: Unlocking the lift in City of Tears: 5. New comments … Tags: Hollow Knight Indie PC. ... is the last Stag Station talk to the Stag and he’ll offer to take you to the Stag Nest where you can find a Vessel Shard. 4 can be bought from Sly (2 only after you give him a neat key) One can be found in the Forgotten Crossroads near the worms. Queen’s Station. enricofairme. You’ll need Mothwing Cloak and the Mantis Cloak in order to get this one! save. Queen's Gardens. 100% Upvoted. 11. 6. Inside the Queen’s Station you’ll find a Bench and Stag Station, as well as a Mask Shard but you’ll need the Mantis Claw before you can reach it. This will be needed for the Flower Quest. Queen's Gardens. Queen’s Station. Help. Deepnest Queen’s Garden – 200 Geo. We're taking a little detour to Royal Waterways. Posted by u/[deleted] 1 year ago. Don't forget Queen's station's Mask Shard. 9. 3. hide. Take the exit at the top to the right of the station to enter the Fungal Wastes. Make it all the way to the top and leave the screen. Help. Found at the beginning of the Stag Nest: Opening all Stag Stations: 8. This thread is archived. Stag Nest – Unlock all stations. The Queen’s Station connects Fog Canyon with the Fungal Wastes. Queen’s Gardens. Equip Grimmchild before heading to Deepnest! As said on the map, make EXTRA sure to open the shortcut for later. Leave this … Hidden Station – 300 Geo. Found in Greenpath near the inaccessible Queen's Gardens entrance n/a 4. Grab the MASK SHARD 10/16 in this small room, the quit/reload to respawn back at the bench in room 8. One's in Queens Station… Equip Grimmchild before heading to Deepnest! One is given by Grubfather. Found in Deepnest above the working tram n/a 7. Archived. As said on the map, make EXTRA sure to open the shortcut for later. The Queen’s Gardens is in the western part of Hallownest and is filled with Mantis Traitors and thorns. How do you get fungal waste map? Mask Shard 6.