For + Defense, the value is directly added to the Defense value. In general though, Techs usually 1) shoot out from you or where a talis is thrown, 2) affect an area around you or where talis is thrown, 3) affect a target area or… Techniques, or "Techs", are casting spells. I love the techter support abilities and the pets system so is there a way to make the techer use a harmonizer and the pets using Su as subclass? The Summoner has the ability to control powerful Pets that aid him in combat. Techer as a Caster No link to a build for this, but just talking generally. Alongside Hunter, Ranger, Force, Braver, and Bouncer, Summoner may be chosen upon creating a new character. The higher the enemy attack power, the more effective the resistances are applied, and conversely, the lower the enemy attack … This is a collection of guides written by Flamii, specifically for beginner players, during their time playing PSO2JP (along with some external guides). Techer is usually a support class. The Harmonizer, referred to as a Takt (Japanese: タクト) in the Japanese version, is a weapon category in Phantasy Star Online 2. The damage is vastly better; it is a very strong PA for its cost in PP. Hey i saw online that it was possible to do a techter/summoner build. used in PSO2 are owned by SEGA Corporation. Point Assist and Pet Sympathy make it seem like Summoner will have a stronger influence on Support even though Point Assist only works for your own Pet. Summoner is geared towards mid-range combat, commanding Pets around the battlefield in order to attack enemies all around. There are several kinds of Techs. Summoners may wield Takts and Gunslashes, as well as use the corresponding Photon Arts; … not anywhere near as good as viable combinations such as br/fi or br/hu with br/hu you don't have to worry about healing because automate will automatically heal you without you having to do anything. All rights to the copyrighted works (images, data, audios, texts, etc.) 1 Attributes 2 List of Harmonizers 2.1 1★ Rarity 2.2 10★Rarity 2.3 13★Rarity Harmonizers are small batons that are wielded by players. Only Techer, Force, Bouncer, Summoner, and Hero can use Techs. If you are coming into Phantasy Star Online 2 as a beginner and are just hoping to get your feet wet while you learn to play then you may want to select between the Braver, the Hunter, or the Summoner. So it is looking like Techer is the way to go. I realize sometimes there is content where Techer might do okay as a caster because of Light Mastery and Element Weak hit. techer - better than force, but still awful. You can also check other PSO2 Builds created by our team right here: Best PSO2 Builds . trash tier combination su - the closest thing to a viable build. It seems like Summoners will in fact be able to cast techs after all so this seems to call for either Force or Techer to become the sub. General Information and playstyle. For Resistances, the damage is reduced by a percentage of the total value. 2. Summoner is one of nine playable classes in Phantasy Star Online 2. It is a retractable wand that can be used by Summoners to control Pets. PS: i'm not an experienced player so go easy on the flame please Search for: All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners He works in tandem with them which turns every fight, Summoner gets involved in, into 2v1 and makes soloing content surprisingly easy. This ring comes in handy when you are in dire need for more PP; good to have, but not mandatory. Techer 2: 15 50 10 Braver 2: 20: 20 30: Bouncer 2: 20 20 30: Summoner: 10 40: 40: 40 Total 60 10 120 120 120 90 90 90 60; Next PSO2 Station!+ January 23rd @ 20:30 JST. For subclasses, try out Fighter, Phantom, or Summoner…