2. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Plate Tectonics Quizlet. The layer of Earth that is the only liquid layer is the ___________ __________________. Plate Tectonics 1 Reproducible Student Pages 511-1-50-MSS05-000000_CR 3/22/04 4:08 PM Page 1 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc511:layouts: 2 Plate Tectonics Hands-On Activities Hands-On Activities 511-1-50-MSS05-000000_CR 3/22/04 4:08 PM Page 2 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc511:layouts: Learn. The concept of plate tectonics was formulated in the 1960s. The scientist that named "Pangaea" was a German scientist by the name of __________________ ___________. The lithosphere is made up of the ______ and a tiny bit of the ____ _______. Plate Tectonics, Volcano and Earthquake Webquest Objective: Learn and explore the ins and outs of Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes. The ensuing theory, known as plate tectonics, has had a major impact on Earth Sciences. The Plate Tectonics Gizmo™ shows a cross-section, or side view, of Earth. Ridge … Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 3. Delve into the structure of the Earth to learn what causes earthquakes, volcanoes, and more. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Written By: Kim Castagna Jennifer Foster Meagan Callahan Tracy Schifferns Jean Rogers-O’Reilly Summer Bray. Start studying Plate tectonics web quest. The best-studied strike-slip fault is the San Andreas in _______________. Iceland - Rift Valley Mid-Atlantic Ridge . Created by. this browser does not support html5 video. It represents a scientific revolution as significant to geology as relativity was to physics. Daily Agendas: Vocabulary & Quizlet: Name: Torryn Todd Period: 2 Date: February 22, 2017 Plate Tectonics, Volcano and Earthquake Webquest Objective: Learn and explore the ins and outs of Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes. Task: Be able to discuss Pangaea and describe the theory of plate tectonics. When this magma finds its way to the surface through a vent in the crust, the volcano erupts, expelling _____________ and _______________. Plate Tectonics. Oh no! Ocean Floor Boundaries . Please take a minute and look over your web-quest to make sure you answered all questions and completed all tasks. When two __________________ plates diverge, a valley- like rift develops. The continents of Earth were clustered together in formation that a scientist named _________________. Theory of Plate Tectonics WS. To create heads, you must design and decorate a large head on an 8x10 sheet of paper. Boundaries have different names depending on how the two plates are moving in relationship to each other. At plate boundaries, plates collide, move apart, move under or over each other, or slide past one another. A fault is a crack or _________________ in the earth's crust that is associated with this movement. Dynamic Earth. Instructions: Go to each of the websites indicated below. Test. Oceanic Match. As the crust widens and thins, valleys form in and around the area, as do ________________, which may become increasingly active. Deep Ocean Volcanoes- Sea Floor Lab. The plates of the lithosphere move (or float) on this hot, malleable ______ _______ zone in the upper mantle, directly underneath the lithosphere. The crust continues to be forced deeper into the earth, where high heat and pressure cause trapped water and othe gasses to be released from it. Flashcards. Do not use websites such as Ask.com or Wikipedia to locate information. Describe evidence for the theory of plate tectonics. The magma formed at a subduction zone rises us toward the earth's surface and builds up in magma chambers, where it feeds and creates _____________ on the overriding plate. . This stress is released in quick bursts when the plates suddenly slip into new positions. 1. It causes earthquakes, volcanoes, the rise of mountains etc. Plate Tectonics Webquest. Plate Tectonic Boundaries Description: Please complete the worksheet individually after you have read or watched the websites or videos with your partner. mid-ocean ridge. plate_tectonics_webquest_1.pdf: File Size: 182 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File Homework #2- Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift. Plate Tectonics History. any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock. Answer the questions or complete the requested responses about each of those sites. Inner Outer Mantle. Plates and Boundaries Challenge. Plate Tectonics Webquest. ____ model and explain how convection currents in the mantle cause the movement of tectonic plates. Harry Hess. use this link to access the webquest document and the site: plate tectonics web quest. At convergent boundaries, tectonic plates _____ with each other. boundaries; convergent boundary; divergent boundary; transform boundary. This forms what is called a subduction zone. Make sure your name is on the front and turn it in. If two plates are moving apart from each other it is called a _____________ ______________. TRANSFORM BOUNDARY: A plate boundary where two … In 1967 Berann painted the first in a series of plan oblique physiographic maps of the ocean floor for Marie Tharp and Bruce Heezan and their collaboration culminated in the 1977 World Ocean Floor map. The events that occur at these boundaries are linked to the types of plates (oceanic or ________________________) that are interacting. Developed in Conjunction with K-12 Alliance/WestEd. Instead, a collision between two continental plates crunches and folds the rock at the boundary, lifting it up and leading to the formation of ________________. Even though plates move very slowly, their motion, called plate tectonics, has a huge impact on our planet. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. List all websites that you obtain information from (that have not been given to you) and attach that list to this webquest. To solidify our understanding of why the plates move and how they shape our world, we will complete the following webquest. PLAY. Ring of Fire . Because the rock making up continental plates is generally lighter and less dense than oceanic rock, it is too light to get pulled under the earth and turned into magma. The tectonic plate found underneath the Pacific Ocean Over 100 million square kilometers, making it the largest tectonic plate Made up almost entirely of oceanic crust. plate tectonics webquest. the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago, any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock, an undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced at a divergent boundary, the process by which molten material adds new crust to the ocean floor, deep valley along the ocean floor beneath which oceanic crust slowly sinks toward the mantle at a convergent boundary, the theory that states that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant slow motion, currents in the mantle that cause the movement of Earth's plates, a section of the lithosphere that slowly moves over the asthenosphere, carrying pieces of continental and oceanic crust, a plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions (for example the San Andreas fault in California), a plate boundary where two plates move away from each other (mid-ocean ridge or rift valley can form here), a plate boundary where two plates move toward each other (subduction or mountain building), the process by which the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle, a deep valley that forms on land at a divergent boundary where two plates move apart, created by two pieces of continental crust converging or coming together, Alfred Wegner's hypothesis that the continents were once joined together in a single landmass and have slowly moved apart, the area where oceanic crust sinks beneath continental crust. Webquest: Using Dynamic Earth. Sea Floor Spreading/Plate Tectonics. Early in the rift formation, streams and rivers flow into the low valleys and long, narrow lakes can be created. (Not to scale.) Quizlet - Plate Boundary Practice . A subduction zone is also generated when two oceanic plates collide- the older plate is forced under the __________________ one, and it leads to the formation of chains of volcanic islands known as _________ ________. At transform boundaries, tectonic plates are not moving directly toward or directly away from each other. PartI: Earths Structure. Good Luck! Heads: Using the information from the tasks you have completed, design your own head on Pangaea and Plate Tectonics. With input from: Barbara Barr. Terms in this set (16) Pangaea. At some convergent boundaries, and oceanic plate collides with a continental plate. Earth's plates SOL quiz Moving Plates SOL Quiz Watch Plate Tectonics Movie & take Quiz Animations & Information on Earthquakes, Volcanoes and the planets What is shown in this picture? The magma also spreads outward, forming ________ ocean floor and ___________ oceanic crust. Instead, two tectonic plates _______ past each other in a horizontal direction. The earths crust that makes up the continents. how to locate an earthquakes epicenter on a map ... plate tectonics, erosion, deposition, and weathering. blhemphill. The plates move away from each other allowing magma to create new ocean crust. Answer the questions or complete the requested responses about each of those sites. A high, large mass of earth and rock that rises above the earth's surface with steep or sloping sides. 2. Where is it located? Use the following link to find these answers: 1. Choose from 500 different sets of the plate tectonics dynamic earth flashcards on Quizlet. If two plates are pushing towards each other it is called a ___________ ___________. Part E: Plate Tectonics: Types of Boundaries: Convergent Boundaries Scroll down to: Convergent Boundaries. Instructions: Go to each of the websites indicated below. Subduction-Computer. Label the layers of Earth in the diagram below. At divergent boundaries, tectonic plates are moving ____________ from each other. Follow directions for the challenge. You both will need to create an account or sign in. At convergent boundaries, tectonic plates ______________ with each other. Theory of Plate Tectonics. Wegener's theories of plate movement became the basis for the development of the theory of __________ ______________. In this webquest, you will be visiting web sites that will help you better understand the Earth's interior, how heat is transferred, continental drift, plate tectonics … Indo-Australian Plate. The spectacular 1977 map revolutionized the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift. how to find the distance to an epicenter. About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found at Earth Science: Plate Tectonics. What did Earth look like 250 million years ago? The motion of the plates at a transform boundary has given this type of fault another name, a _______________ __________. An example of this is the band of active volcanoes that encircle the Pacific Ocean, often referred to as the Ring of Fire. What is the location where sinking of a plate occurs is called? away; seafloor; mid-ocean range; new; new. 6.E.2.2 Plate Tectonics Understand the structure of the earth and how interactions of constructive and destructive forces have resulted in changes in the surface of the Earth over time and the effects of the lithosphere on humans. Back to Science for Kids Sea Floor Spreading. Gravity. The plates move in opposite directions building up tension until they slip causing earthquakes. Plate Tectonics Webquest KEY In this webquest, you will be directed to a specific website or you will need to search on your own to answer the questions. The events that occur at these boundaries are linked to the types of plates (oceanic or _____) that are interacting. The following quiz tests your knowledge on Plate Tectonics. Make sure your explanations to the answers as … PLATE TECTONICS: The theory that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle. A arc-shaped chain of volcanoes formed above a subduction zone. The theory of plate tectonics describes how the plates move, interact, and change the physical landscape. This is known as the ________________. Introduction: A Webquest is a way for you to explore a topic and find useful information to help you understand the topic. What happens when two continental plates collide? Information about each of the major types of plate boundaries is shown, along with their locations on Earth. Number of boundary types correctly labeled=_______________. STUDY. Dynamic Earth- Interactive Map. For webquest or practice, print a copy of this quiz at the Earth Science: Plate Tectonics webquest print page. Start studying Plate Tectonics (WebQuest). Plate Tectonics Web-Quest. Landforms Study Quizlet. ____ describe the movement and interaction of the 3 primary types of plate boundaries (convergent, divergent, transform). Theory of Plate Tectonics … SOL 5.7 Earth's Matchup! Learn the plate tectonics dynamic earth with free interactive flashcards. Plate Tectonics Quizlet. One result of huge masses of crust moving apart is ______________ spreading. Subduction Zones and Volcanoes At some convergent boundaries, an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate. Transform boundaries and the resulting faults produce many ______________ because edges of tectonic plates are jagged rather than ______________. When the concept of seafloor spreading came along, scientists recognized that it was the mechanism to explain how continents could move around Earth’s surface. Spell. Because the plates are locked together without moving, a lot of ___________ builds up at the fault line. The lithosphere is made up of the crust and a tiny bit of the upper mantle. 1. Every continent formed rises above the sea due to plate tectonics. This kind of boundary results in a _________. Move the Earth's crust at various locations to observe the effects of the motion of the tectonic plates, including volcanic eruptions. Create your own flashcards or choose from millions created by other students. Plate tectonics form the oceans, continents, and mountains. fossil. The plates of the lithosphere move (or float) on this hot, malleable semiliquid It also helps us understand why and where events like earthquakes occur and volcanoes erupt. All 6th Grade Earth Science Plate Tectonics Lessons and Literature can be Downloaded here. Number of correctly placed plates=_____________ Part 2. 1. This, in turn, makes the base of the crust melt, forming ____________. Write. As the plates grind past each other, the jagged edges strike each other, catch, and stick, "locking" the plates in place for a time. The boundary where two plates meet and trenches are formed. Dynamic Earth Interactive. SOL 5.7 Earth Surface! The sudden movement is what we feel as the shaking and trembling of an earthquake. Before you start to do the task, please read the instructions in the file and criteria in the assessment list given to … Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The place where the two plates meet is called a _____________________. The area where one plate is being pulled under the edge of another, Molten rock, gases, and solid crystals and minerals, a steep sided depression in the ocean floor. Desserts: Please select (1) option from the dessert list below.. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to understand how plate tectonics creates certain geologic features, land forms, Earth materials, and geologic hazards. Crust. A crack in the ocean floor appears and then magma oozes up from the mantle to fill in the space between the plates, forming a raised ridge called a _______________ ________________. Record your results below: Part 1. Like the scientists before us, we will now merge the ideas of continental drift and seafloor spreading into the theory of plate tectonics. This ___________ is a dropped zone where the plates are pulling apart. C. If two plates are sliding past each other it is called a ________ __________. True or False? Plate Tectonics. He theorized that "Pangaea" split apart and the different landmasses, or continents, drifted to their current locations on the globe. Tectonic Plates are responsible for shaping the earth's crust. Bill Nye Sea Floor Spreading Questions. Earth's Layers SOL 5.7! Oceanic crust tends to be _______ and ______ than continental crust, so the denser oceanic crust gets bent and pulled under, or _________________, beneath the lighter and thicker continental crust. A. Be able to identify and differentiate the three tectonic … ... Quizlet Play Quizlet on your own or with another classmate. Mantle. Use the following links to review and complete the plate tectonics webquest. What type of plate boundary is it? FAULT: A break or crack in Earth's lithosphere along which the rocks move. Image A depicts what Earth looks like today. B. A vent in the earth's surface through which magma and gases erupt. Start studying Plate Tectonics. Plate Tectonics Webquest----Free: View in iTunes: 12: WebQuest Seafloor Spreading/Continental Drift----Free: ... Quizlet: Quizlet is the easiest way to study, practice and master what you’re learning. The type of convergence -- called by some a very slow "collision" -- that takes It looks like your browser needs an update. This occurs when two plates made of oceanic crust pull apart. As the oceanic crust sinks, a deep oceanic ________________, or valley, is formed at the edge of the continent. the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago. denser; thinner; subducted; trench; magma; volcanoes; lava; ash. ____ use a boundary map to explain various plate interactions around the world. Eventually, the widening crust along the divergent boundary may become thin enough that a piece of the continent breaks off, forming a new tectonic plate.