But you know blue blood is copper-based, which is a more efficient mineral for transporting oxygen in a cold, low-oxygen environment. Only the blue-ringed octopus is fatal just with one bite. For this they need three hearts, one which works exclusively to power their bulbous head, the other two to pump blood to the rest of their body. Required fields are marked Although there is an ongoing study about some species showing social skills, octopuses are non-social creatures and they prefer to live alone in dens made from rocks. The hemocyanin is also dissolved in the plasma rather than being carried within blood cells making the octopus’ blood look bluish. The adult giant Pacific octopus weighs around 33 lbs. *, 30 Strange Flamingo Facts That You Never Knew About, 50 Interesting Giraffe Facts That Will Tower Over You, 50 Whale Facts About The Giants Of The Ocean. Octopuses are considered the most intelligent of all invertebrates. Check out Octopus! 1-5 Octopus Facts 1. They can detect subtle chemical signals and move individually, even folding in half in a pinching gesture, because they’re extremely sensitive. The waters off Hawaii’s coastlines are full of fascinating marine animals, but few have as many surprising qualities as the octopus. It has been commonly studied among the octopus species. Dumbo octopuses usually lack the radula (which resembles a tongue consisting of thousands of tiny teeth used for scraping or tearing prey, found in other octopuses). Octopuses have three hearts. Octopus is one of the many life forms that make the marine world so interesting. 10 Fun Facts About Octopuses. 9 brains, 3 hearts: Some wild facts about octopuses Back to video The giant Pacific octopus has three hearts, nine brains and blue blood, making reality stranger than fiction. Known to inhabit the oceans at a depth of 9800 to 13000 feet (where there is no sunlight! The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) is 12 to 36 inches (30.5 to 91.4 centimeters) long and weighs 6.6 to 22 lbs. Hence, it has to swallow its food whole. Octopuses come in many different sizes. Therefore, many victims of the blue-ringed octopus suffered from the effects and they are harmed even without knowing it. Thank you for taking your time to give us such interesting facts about the octopus. People call them the “monsters of the deep” because most of them live in deep waters. Octopuses are one of the most interesting sea creatures. They can also develop opinions about people. Although all octopuses have venom, not all of them are dangerous to humans. The giant Pacific octopus is also known as the Northern Pacific giant octopus. For one, the octopus has 33,000 protein-coding genes. They're some of the smartest creatures under the sea, they can change their appearance entirely, and some of them are pretty darn cute. Like their cousin, the squid, octopuses are often considered ‘ monsters of the deep ’, lurking in the depths of the seas. Octopuses usually live alone. Not only Giant pacific octopus but all octopus have three hearts. The term “octopus” came from the Greek word, ‘októpus,’ which means “eight-foot.”. The descendants of octopuses and squid were dressed in hard shells. Although the restaurant’s employee called an ambulance to get proper treatment in a hospital, it was too late. 35 Interesting Octopus Facts The biodiversity of the marine world is far more vivid and rich compared to that found on land. Interesting facts that octopus is a blue-blooded creature, which is awesome and probably makes them unique. 54 Interesting Facts About Dumbo Octopus. Two branchial hearts of octopus pump the blood to the gills while the larger systemic heart circulate the blood to rest of body. Octopuses can change color just like a chameleon. Hiding, camouflaging, and mimicry are just a few tricks octopuses use to defend themselves against predation. Follow us on Twitter. 03 They have three hearts. As researchers continue to discover incredible things about the capabilities of these remarkable invertebrates, they continue to grow in popularity. Your email address will not be published. Written by Elise McDonald. On the other hand, if they relax their muscles, the sacs shrinks back to their size, so the pigment is less visible. Want to know more about them? There is a stark physical similarity with villain characters in the modern media, such as comics, video games and animated movies that suggest inspiration from the same. Here are the octopus facts about its existence and the camouflage. for more fun facts on the cephalopods. It’s interesting to know that they walk most places because their heart actually stops beating when they swim. The word “octopus” has Greek origins which … Octopuses have three hearts that pump blue, copper-based blood. This was shown in a 1992 study were octopuses were shown another octopus performing a task requiring an object to be picked up. Two-thirds of an Octopus’ neurons are in their arms, meaning they can act independently of one another without consulting the main brain. (272 kg) and measure 30 feet (9.1 m) across, according to National Geographic. They mostly feed on crabs, shrimp, and molluscs. [3] Nearly 2/3 of an octopus's neurons are in its arms, which means its arms can react to stimuli and function at a fairly high level even if they are separated from the body. According to new research, not all octopuses are solitary, some of them live in groups. They have bulbous heads, large eyes, and eight very useful arms. The taste is like the calamari or squid, whereas its texture is similar to a slice of chewy pork. Scientific studies are increasingly confirming that they are sentient creatures. True octopuses are members of the genus Octopus, a large group of widely distributed shallow-water cephalopods. The ‘chromatophores’, special cells of the octopus, are the reason behind their amazing transformation. In their efforts to map the genomes of the entire animal kingdom, scientists have discovered some interesting facts. Here’s a fun fact! They are also small compared to most octopus species with a size of only five to eight inches. The giant Pacific octopus has three hearts, nine brains and blue blood, making reality stranger than fiction. In fact, this means they can cram themselves into tiny containers like jars and coconut shells. Although many octopuses are known to live in the intertidal zone (area within the tidal range), some of them also live at the abyssal depths. Octopus living in non-stimulating environments in captivity become pretty stressed out, and some even turn to a disturbing behaviour known as autophagy, or eating their appendages. This amazing octopus got its name from its giant ear-like paddles that sit on top of its head. For all of their amazing abilities, octopuses have short lives that typically last only a few years. BOSTON (AP) — Mythology and superstition have portrayed octopuses as alien beings or evil creatures dwelling in the terrifying dark depths of oceans. Octopuses have decentralized brains and the majority of its neurons live in the arms. To satisfy your curiosity and find the answers read these 29 interesting facts about Octopus…. During which, the mother octopus stops eating, and only focuses on protecting her eggs from any danger. Like fish, the octopus is breathing by extracting the water through their gills. The small octopuses are common in tropical and subtropical coral reefs and tide pools of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, ranging from southern Japan to Australia. An octopus has 8 appendages. The 300 species of octopus on earth have many interesting facts to know about their adaptations that help them survive in the ocean. There are over 200 species of octopuses and all of them live in oceans around the world, usually near the coral reefs. Some even make a door from a rock pulled into place once they’re safely popped into their homes. I have been on the records reading alot about the octopus and I must say it really nice. Octopuses are extremely complicated, mysterious, talented creatures with a long list of hidden talents! Aside from having a good sense of touch, octopuses have very strong eyesight. The regrowth process will start as soon as they lose their tentacle or after it has been damaged. This problem is so widespread that restaurants and bars serving live octopus had to display warnings for customers to “chew thoroughly before swallowing.”, Read also: 50 Chimpanzee Facts About The Great Ape. 1-5 Octopus Facts 1. List of Octopus Species - View a list of octopus species and learn about specific octopus species on the ADW website. Your email address will not be published. Like most creatures, they also have two eyes. Have you guessed yet? They live in dens they construct from rocks, or in shells they pull over on top of themselves. In their efforts to map the genomes of the entire animal kingdom, scientists have discovered some interesting facts. However, they can still survive for a short time. Top Octopus Facts. The hectocotylus is the modified arm of the male octopus which they use to transfer sperm to the female. These interesting octopus facts are only the beginning on this list, full of fun information about octopuses. Mimicry … Interesting Facts about Octopus Three hearts. Blue-ringed octopuses usually catch crabs and shrimps using their arms. A 71-year-old man in South Korea choked to death after eating a chopped but wiggling octopus tentacles. By Landess Kearns. Anecdotes from aquariums and biology labs suggest octopuses are very curious and need stimulation. The Octopus only lives in oceans due to their need for saltwater. This will give them a brighter color. The systemic heart is notably remains inactive when the octopus swims that’s why octopus becomes easily tired and crawls. 11 Fun Facts That Prove Octopuses Are All Kinds Of Astonishing. Their arms span up to 4.3 m or 14 ft. When sensing danger, octopus will release a cloud of black ink, which confuses predators and dulls an encroacher’s sense of smell. When mating, the male octopus will insert his hectocotylus into the female’s mantle cavity and deposit spermatophores. 29 Fun Facts about Octopus This is why it is able to get into very small … Find us on Facebook are a family of cephalopods (a subgroup of marine invertebrates) known for their intelligence, their uncanny ability to blend into their surroundings, their unique style of locomotion, and their ability to squirt ink. Share them in the comments! You already know that the Octopus is an amazing creature, but there are plenty of fun facts to discover about them as well. For some, eating live octopus is said to be good for the blood sugar levels. These soft-bodied octopuses are invertebrates – they don’t have bones. If you’re curious about the qualities that make the octopus stand out in comparison with its marine neighbors, here are our 10 Fun Facts About Octopus. Octopoda is the scientific name of the octopus. (50 kg). Chances are you only know the basics of these creatures, but that is all about to change. Watch the trailer to this incredible film here. They typically grow to 16 feet (5 meters) long and weight around 110 lbs. Although, its flavor mostly varies on the ingredients served with it. The beak is made of cartilage and is located inside the head and it helps them to squeeze their heads get them out from anywhere. They are more commonly found in Japanese waters, the Mediterranean Sea as well as the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. An octopus also has many photoreceptors, a sensory cell that responds to light falling on it, than vertebrates. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Unfortunately, some species die after just six months. About an hour after the octopus has died, the octopus’ tentacles still have the ability to move and react. You can find a freshwater octopus in the rivers of, Octopus are also popular in mythology much like the “Kraken.”. You already know that the Octopus is an amazing creature, but there are plenty of fun facts to discover about them as well. Top Octopus Facts. They are also fast swimmers with a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. [3] Octopuses are the only marine animal that can open a jar. And watch out for those arms - they are more than just suction cups! If the muscles around the sac tense, the sacs stretch, so more color is visible in the octopus’ skin. “Cephalopod” is Greek for “head-foot” The eyes of the octopus are big and located at the top of its head. Octopus in general, is any eight-armed cephalopod soft-bodied invertebrate of the phylum Mollusca, of the order Octopoda. The smallest octopus is the Octopus wolfi, smaller than an inch long (2.5 cm) and weighing less than a gram. Found in every ocean, there are around 300 species of octopus. 10 Amazing Facts about the Blue Ringed Octopus The blue ringed octopus is one of the ocean’s most interesting creatures. Read also: 30 Strange Flamingo Facts That You Never Knew About. Most don’t have enough poison to injure people, but a bite from a small blue-ringed octopus can paralyze a human in minutes. Two hearts pump blood through every one of the two gills, while the third heart pumps blood between its organs through the body. 2. Raw octopus has a slightly sweet taste. Raw octopus delicacies like octopus sushi or tako are popular in sushi restaurants. Octopuses are ocean creatures that are most famous for having eight arms and bulbous heads. Octopuses are sea animals famous for their rounded bodies, bulging eyes and eight long arms. You have now reached the heart of this article. There are around 300 species of octopus, usually located in tropical and temperate ocean waters. However, this protein makes the blood very viscous, so it needs substantial pressure to pump it around the whole body. 30 Fruit Bat Facts About the Majestic Megabat, 70 Ancient Cleopatra Facts Weve Dug Up From the Past, A 71-year-old man in South Korea choked to death, 100 Interesting Facts That Will Boggle Your Mind, 300 Random Facts No One Knows What To Do With, 100 Nutrition Facts To An Easier And Healthier Lifestyle, 100 Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind, 300 WTF Facts That Will Make You Question Everything, 300 Weird Facts That Will Confuse And Amaze You At The Same Time, 100 Did You Know Facts Most People Have Never Heard About. They are divided into finned deep-sea varieties that live on the ocean floor and finless, shallow water … Octopus is grouped within the class ‘Cephalopoda’ along with squids, nautiloids, and cuttlefish. Some species of octopus can live down to the depths of more than 10,000 feet. They’re a lot of fun to watch as they prowl around the reef in search of a meal. Octopuses (or octopi, if you prefer) are cephalopods, invertebrates that also include squid and cuttlefish. It is believed to be a “stamina booster” primarily during the summer season. The smalle… They squirt ink when they face danger and need to escape from their predators. Once the prey is caught, they paralyze them using their venom. Police reports revealed that the octopus suckers had blocked the airway of the old man, eventually causing the loss of oxygen. Amazing Facts About the Octopus. In general, most of the octopus species grow quickly and have fast maturity. Required fields are marked *. The octopus’s ink expulsion is their best defense against predators to hide from their sight. Their ability to change colors, using greater force compared to their body weight, and squirt ink when they feel threatened is the evidence of its problem-solving skills. This octopus can paralyze and kill an adult human with a single bite. Octopuses are among the most flexible animals on earth. Its psychedelic coloring and pint-sized packaging make it seem more adorable than alarming. Octopuses (Octopus spp.) Those neurons assist the arms to independently touch, taste, and have their own basic motions giving the impression that octopus has nine brains. According to National Geographic it was recorded that one Pacific octopus’s weight was more than 600 lbs. These octopuses live across the globe. Octopus lives in different places of the ocean such as pelagic waters, coral reefs, and the seabed. Due to this, the octopus’ blood pressure can exceed 75 mmHg or 10kPa. Octopus - Britannica - Read more interesting facts about the octopus on the Britannica website. Due to the high intelligence of the octopus, the U.K. has considered it an honorary vertebrate for the sake of animal cruelty laws and it is illegal in many countries to perform surgical procedures on an octopus without anesthesia. They can hide in plain sight because they can match the colours and even textures of their surroundings. Octopuses have been known to rip the stinging tentacles from a Portuguese Man-O-War and use them as weapons. ➤ FACT 5. Live octopus, or san-nak-ji, is a delicacy in South Korea. A blue-ringed octopus’ bite is often painless. Our fun facts about octopus behavior are: The octopus, although not particularly long-lived and expressing a solitary lifestyle, are able to learn from other member's of its species. Use our interactive map to navigate our fascinating planet and discover many interesting and fun facts for every country…, © 2021 Planet Numbers Ltd.   Some, like the paper nautilus, drift nearer to the surface, but most live on the seafloor. The Giant Pacific octopus is the largest. They can open clamshells, move rocks and have even been known to disassemble filtration systems of an aquarium tank. Most octopus has a short lifespan between 1 year to 5 years depending on the species. While octopuses are often … The octopus is not just a tasty meal for humans but also from its predators in the ocean such as sharks, dolphins, whales, seals, and other large varieties of fish. An interesting fact is that there is only one hard part in the octopus body i.e beak. The blue-ringed octopus is an extremely venomous animal known for the bright, iridescent blue rings it displays when threatened. – Source 2. As a comparison, humans have around 20,000. But the octopus doesn’t simply take on the overall pattern of its surroundings. On the other hand, open-ocean octopuses feed mainly on other cephalopods, prawns, and fish. Yes, we’re talking about Octopuses. It is also a part of the evolution of its intelligence. The giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) is a fascinating creature. So, they can pretend to be a fish, seaweed, rock, or a snake under the sea! Whether you know it or not, octopuses are incredible. Octopus Interesting Facts For Kids and Information. This actually makes sense, since their limbs are attached directly to their head. The giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) is the largest octopus. An octopus can change the color of its whole body in just three-tenths of a second. Of all the fascinating sea creatures known to man, Dumbo octopuses are one of the cutest and rarest sea creatures discovered so far. When an octopus catches its prey, it breaks into the shell and injects its venomous saliva into the prey to paralyze or kill it. All octopus have blue blood, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg when you reflect on the fact that they also have 3 hearts! Well, having eight arms might sound like fun, but there's more to being an octopus than spitting out ink and attending Detroit Red Wings games. They have a chewy texture which makes it a perfect addition to salads. The blue-ringed octopus is the world’s most venomous marine animal. Did we miss any interesting facts about octopus? Red blood is iron-based which, is an essential component for living beings. Perhaps the most alien part of an octopus is something we can’t even see. All octopuses can produce ink except for those octopuses that live in the deep open ocean. In honour of World Octopus Day, let’s explore a few fun facts about the giant Pacific octopus: Their arms can continue to move even after they’ve been cut off. Interesting Facts 01 Octopoda is the scientific name of the octopus. 10) Most octopus for human consumption comes from North and West Africa. 1. The giant Pacific octopus or ‘Enteroctopus Dofleini’ is the biggest known octopus species. Octopus in general, is any eight-armed cephalopod soft-bodied invertebrate of the phylum Mollusca, of the order Octopoda. Octopuses can change their skin colors in the blink of an eye! The smallest is about 5 cm (2 inches) long, while the largest species may grow to an incredible 5.4 metres (18 feet) in length and have an arm span of almost 9 metres (30 feet)! You are going to learn some really interesting octopus facts for kids. An octopus escaped from… 15 Interesting Facts about the Blue-Ringed Octopus: Part II Blue-ringed octopuses feed on crabs, shrimps, and injured fish. Below, 11 facts sure to convince you that octopuses are your new favorite animal. Japanese culture has long celebrated the octopus as animals of love. Site Map. Octopuses are playful! Octopus size is about 1/2 inches to 30 feet across and weighs up to 600 pounds. Octopuses May Change Colors When They Dream Very fascinating! (272 kg) and 30 feet (9.1 m) measured across. Although the Dumbo octopus is a carnivore, its mouth is different from other octopuses. There are more than 250 species of octopus. Highly intelligent ocean creatures, masters of camouflage with eight arms and bulbous heads! The environment and lifestyle of cephalopods means that they need to be capable of complex and flexible behaviour. It’s thought that all octopuses have some venom that comes from bacteria living inside the animals. Chances are you only know the basics of these creatures, but that is all about to change. The octopuses’ ink comes from the ink sacs in their gills. As a comparison, humans have around 20,000. Name octopus is derived from a Greek language and it means eight-footed. Normally, the male octopus dies within a few months after mating. Here are 21 interesting Octopus facts. To prevent this, they either mate in a distance, or the male octopus will mount onto the back of the female octopus, leaving time for his escape if things go wrong. Some other fun facts: They have three hearts and blue blood; they squirt ink to … Also known as the common octopus, this species of octopus belongs to mollusks class Cephalopoda. When the octopus is out of the water, they cannot breathe as their gills are no longer buoyant. Their ink is accompanied by mucous when produced. Octopuses can sense smell through their tentacles. So their tentacles or “arms” are vulnerable to damage. The correct plural honourably goes to ‘octopuses’ not ‘octopi’. Dane August 29, 2019 This is one of my favorite specie of aquatic creature and it is because of its ability of blend into its surrounding. Look no further, here are some octopus facts! How does this happen? Interesting Facts About Octopus For Kids Octopus Facts For Kids. Scientists say octopuses are capable of learning from experience and maintaining short- and long-term memory. Octopuses (Octopoda) - Discover more amazing octopus facts and information on the National Wildlife Federation website. In 2020, a filmmaker in South Africa shared his story in a beautiful nature documentary, showing off his encounters over one year with a very curious octopus. Here are 21 interesting Octopus facts. Things to know about the giant Pacific octopus, which is … in Marine Life. 1. Octopuses are invertebrates, which mean that they are boneless. Interesting and Fun Facts about Octopus. The blue-ringed octopus has a life span of around two years and varies depending on their nutrition, environment, temperature, and intensity of light in their area. Check out this list of the most fun octopus facts and quickly see why these creatures reign supreme on the ocean floor. Octopuses are marine creatures with rounded bodies, protruding eyes, and eight long arms. The duration of egg incubation normally takes 2 to 10 months, depending on the species and water temperature. Sep 16, 2017 | Fish Guide. Reportedly, the old man had been asking for help for respiratory difficulty. An octopus can build their own shelter or dens using shells or moving rocks secured by its powerful tentacles. This gives them a slight edge of advantage to escape from predators as well as catching prey. 02 There are over 250 species of octopus. Little wonder, considering they are a bit unusual. Privacy Policy | Instead, to disappear into the underwater scenery, it often mimics specific undersea objects, like plants or rocks. Like most creatures, they likewise have two eyes. It is because of the octopus’ tentacles that sucks in the throats of the victims resulting in accidental suffocation. Read also: 50 Whale Facts About The Giants Of The Ocean. The bottom-dwelling octopuses feed mainly on polychaete worms, whelks, clams, crustaceans. The Octopus only lives in oceans due to their need for saltwater. Found throughout the coastal North Pacific, this charismatic invertebrate thrives in the cold, productive waters off the BC coast. Octopuses are widely considered to be the most intelligent of all invertebrates. However, there is a risk of the male octopus being eaten during mating due to the cannibal nature of the female octopus. Read more cool octopus facts here: Octopus can walk, swim and cling to any surface thanks to their powerfully strong suction cups. Aside from the fact that male octopus typically dies a few months after mating, the female octopus also dies shortly after their eggs hatch. Your email address will not be published. True octopuses are members of the genus Octopus, a large group of widely distributed shallow-water cephalopods. Depending on the species, the mating may take up to several hours. Take a look at all the facts below and vote up the coolest and most interesting octopus tidbits. Due to the high intelligence of the octopus, the U.K. has considered it an honorary vertebrate for the sake of animal cruelty laws and it is illegal in many countries to perform surgical procedures on an octopus without anesthesia. Octopus Facts – Camouflage and Other Defences: Octopuses can change both their colour and body shape. Write for us | As active predators they need to explore, understand and remember their environment and the behaviour of other animals. These special cells beneath their skin have thousands of colors. And if you’re fascinated about sea life and want to dive in to see it up close, check out these fun facts about scuba diving! When it’s cooked, the octopus has a unique smell and texture. These cool critters live in all the world’s oceans, but they’re especially abundant in warm, tropical waters. Amazing Facts About the Octopus The environment and lifestyle of cephalopods means that they need to be capable of complex and flexible behaviour.