This is the armor of Sauron from Lord Of The Rings. These armor meshes provide compatibility for Robert's Female body within a standard FCOM 1.0 installation. And that anime crap is also unacceptable. I don't play oblivion but that looks good for armor. This makes it quite unique. Download link here. Oceania. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Fiona Armor for HGEC Mod. i mean i like the alt body mods that make the women look hot but i only use it because the default body looks so bad. 15. looked like. The Steel cuirass is the perfect example. For exceptions, see: Oblivion:Best Non-leveled Items TES IV: Oblivion Arthas Armor and Sword [Mod] The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. Sitemap. Raven Witch Armor. Information. i mean i like the alt body mods that make the women look hot but i only use it because the default body looks so bad. (its active in some mods) The shield belongs to this set. Before jumping into using the mods, you'll need to download the Oblivion Mod Manager v1.1.12. This mod adds several new armors to spice up your female … EVE adds distinct female versions for many items, and this plugin must be active for those to work. #17 … Unfortunately, they're buried in all those other ones. Skyrim's The Witcher 3 Armour Standalone Colours mod by UndeadGoblin and ZZJay, converted to SSE CBBE BodySlide. They often also offer mesh replacements for custom armor and clothing added by popular overhaul mods like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, Martigen's Monster Mod, and Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items. Description. Someone posted an Oblivion Gate that they had made they other day … Most non-random armor is low-level armor, generally fur/iron or maybe leather/steel armor. , 1, 2, 3 Next Found 1924 results. Check Out This Mod. The Horse Armor Pack is an official download that allows you to outfit any owned horse with a set of protective armor. a fighting chance, the sale. This mod adds a new Tyrael Armor set from Diablo III. Download Midas Magic Spells of Aurum. Look at each image in sequence to understand the process of importing, configuring and exporting an armor model that ships with Oblivion. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game ... what do you mean by armor and weapons? It is the most popular, fairest ENB available for Oblivion. but all these "armor" mods that are just skimpy lingerie are stupid. This will be an ever growing plugin and it will be updated constantly to add more clothes. Let’s be honest. Some mods … !--- Mod reveiw! Since Ive started to play Oblivion again, I want to equip my char (female, this time) with some decent modded armor. Also, there is a mod that replaces female armor with meshes similar to the male versions. Separate new tags with spaces. Best weapons and armor mods? However, this … Alternative Start. In general, it should probably go toward the end of your load order. The mod claims to retain the balance of Oblivion, and it does to a certain extent, but once you've gained the most powerful spells on offer, nothing will … *** Female EyeCandy – Body Replacer v1.0 by Exnem Description Eye oblivion nude mods: This is a modification for “The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion” in an attempt to make female bodies more to my liking. Let's face it, the nexus is full of it. This mod acts as a comprehensive revamp that adds new skin and eye textures, hairstyles, head shapes, and mor… English: Some Armors mod for The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, Arthas Armor (World Of Warcraft) , Sauron Armor (Lord Of The Rings), Tyrael Armor (Diablo 1,2,3) and Fable 1 Armors Dark and Light. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. answer these and we might be able to help you. Joined Dec 4, 2003 ... every female video game hero requires at least ~75% bare skin exposure. Oblivion v. or v. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Bloodeus' Unique Armor/Texture v1.1 Mod . Oblivion LOTR Sauron Armor Mod and TES4. - posted in Oblivion Mod Talk: Is there a single mod I can download that replaces all Vanilla female armor for HGEC compatible models? Works with any body replacer. This MOD will add one set of light armor and two sets of haevy armor. Click Image to Enlarge - Click name for download link. ... And I'm about to add some really nice weapon and armor mods to … Oblivion Modded Sauron Armor. 9. However, none have come closer to achieving that goal than Oblivion Character Overhaul Version 2. Also, the female version is a bit more succubus-like sexy badass. You can filter your search by including or excluding tags. Heavy Armor Trainer Oblivion License This Mod; When your Heavy Armor skill is less than 40, you can receive training from the following NPCs. This mod adds a beautiful armor for female characters it works with the body pattern of oblivion the photos were taken in pattern of the game, but was made for HG EyeCandy Body. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Fiona Armor for HGEC Mod. Berserk PS2 game rips - Bagserk ported some of this stuff and I added in some other stuff; TDA Armory - Lots of manly stuff in this mod. This mod adds several new armors to spice up your female … Minecraft Mod - Miners Deluxe Mod - New Armor, Items, and Dimension. There are two version of top, with and without jeweled cross necklace, Sotonhorian armor set: To unzip the mod correctly select Extract. 3 kind(Dcup/Hcup) 36 colors of armor for HG EyeCandy Body. 16:16. It's changes are lore-friendly, and really make those dated graphics pop. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Get Wet v0.9 Mod . This Oblivion nude mod brings new realistic race for each female body. An Armor Set is defined as a complete set of armor that includes one matching armor piece for the head, chest, legs, hands and feet. The stark color difference was because there is another leather armor set in the files that seems to be unused in oblivion. This plugin uses my female body replacer (underwear or nude version), so you Their name is . -------------------------------------------------------------- To add tags, simply start typing the tag you're after. === Dark Illusion Armor (ver 1.0a) === Might merge them into one DL eventually. SI Armor & clothing mod will probably be added sometime in the future. but all these "armor" mods that are just skimpy lingerie are stupid. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Katanas Mod All rights reserved. Found a couple good male armor mods, now I just need to find some armor sets that don't have hentai tiddies flopping around. Odjela čudovista - Mod review ep 2 - Mob Armor MOD. they dont fit in the elderscrolls universe at all. Mobile PlayStation 3 PSP Xbox 360. The NeverSlayer Mod for Oblivion by Webslug » Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:20 pm 2 Replies 1903 Views Last post by Webslug Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:34 pm; Morrowind Vs Oblivion. Fully covering sets reworked from male versions to fit a female figure. Oblivion only allows for one body mesh for all playable races! Before I begin, let me just point out that there are many Oblivion mods that tweak certain technical aspects of the game. HG Eye Candy Mod. This will be an ever growing plugin and it will be updated constantly to add more clothes. 1 Heavy armor sets 2 Light armor … DOWNLOAD HERE: In vanilla Oblivion, several armor and clothing sets do not have distinct female meshes for every item (particularly cuirasses). Works with any body replacer. This author has not credited anyone else in this file, This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. Now converted for BBB, HGEC E cup. Screenshot Gallery. MY OTHER MODS. Main article: Armor (Oblivion) For other uses, see Armor Sets. Oblivion: Best armor mod ever for woman! And that anime crap is also unacceptable. Minecraft Monster School. Location. Works best if you have the mod "unlimited rings and amulets" because then you will be able to have pauldrons,face mask,wigs,headbands and such equipped at the same time with your armor. Most main light and heavy armor and a few extras. As is, this is a very personal project, and not one for any comercial purposes or fame or anything like that, just his own attempt at making women more beautiful in Oblivion. Article by Bre Alpha Skyrim Mods Female Female Armor Witcher 3 Armor The Witcher 3 Knight Armor Armours Body Mods Dark Knight Community 4 years ago. There are several different armor sets available in Oblivion, both in heavy and light variants. Oblivion changed my perception of mods and why they can be fantastic additions to a game. really?) They often also offer mesh replacements for custom armor and clothing added by popular overhaul mods like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, Martigen's Monster Mod, and Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items. It prolongs the game’s length immensely, especially for mage characters, so if you love magic, you know which mod to install. The new armor is bulkier, spikier and more fitting for roleplaying an evil character that descended from the depths of Oblivion. Daedric Reaper Armor mod adds just that to the game. Secondly, WAC - I covered this in my Oblivion mod guide so I won't put links here but it adds a ton of male and female armour to all NPCs. Game: Elder Scrolls Oblivion IV LC Purple Dynasty Armor. This mod adds a new light armor for the HGEC body, R18PN - Eisen Platte Armor Author NPR (any other cool mods you know of are welcome too) 25% are useless or cheat mods The last 10% are actually useful and good mods. Can anyone suggest some good armor mods that dont make you nude or look like a complete wh0re? A great mod … Horse armor is purchased from Snak gra-Bura at the Chestnut Handy Stables outside of the Imperial City.Each set of horse armor costs 500 gold, and comes in Elven and Steel varieties.The two styles are simply cosmetic, and a horse with one armor style can be outfitted … This mod Replaces All Female Armor & Clothing for the Original Oblivion game to be Cute and sexy, converted to HGEC body. do you want awesome looking items? Enjoy! What Im looking for is some good, realistic looking armor for a female warrior. This plugin uses my female body replacer (underwear or nude version), so you, This mod adds the armors of Soul Calibur III Ivy. All mods, modifications, sound packs for free download for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. HGEC Eyeacandy Variants Expansion ( EVE ) is a big stock which replaces the vanilla\'s armors and clothes with HGEC versions. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. This adds circlets to the game, which can be purchased in Skingrad at Colovia. oblivion female armor mod Home; About; Schedules; News & Events; Contact Us This is a modification for "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" in an attempt to make female bodies more to the authors liking. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Female EyeCandy v1.0. Currently filtering by: categories. Last edited by Tibbles ; Aug 6, 2014 @ 3:45pm They reflect the changed armour paths in the latest versions. do you want God Mode items? Which has the best Mods? This MOD for Exnem Eyecandy body. Realistic and protective female armor - posted in Oblivion Mod Talk: Hi! Currently covers Iron, Dwemer, Ebony, Chainmail, Mithril and Glass sets, all as separate downloads so you can pick and choose. Install NMM. It simply adds Sauron's Armor, Mace. Colourwheels Sexy Stock Armor & Clothing Replacer HGEC v2.2 by Colourwheel PATCHED. A new rogue like armor.It is pretty detailed and very realistic looking. Assorted Protective Female Armors - Refined. ". OBLIVION. Overwrite all(Select \'Yes to all\'). [Mod] Posted almost 5 years ago; 229 downloads; This is an ENB preset for Oblivion. 7:15. This mod adds a beautiful armor for female characters it works with the body pattern of oblivion the photos were taken in pattern of the game, but was made for HG EyeCandy Body. Certain Armor set can provide special bonuses if the full set is worn. Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. One of the must-have Oblivion mods, Midas Magic Spells of Aurum adds 290 new spells to the game along with new, fun quests as a way to obtain them. Shortly after playing my first warrior, I realized that he\'d spent so much time in his bucket helmet that I hardly knew what his face Description: They also often include a plugin that alters various clothing and armor items to add female mesh paths to items that previously did not have a female version. Note about Oblivion loli mods Please Read! The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. The Exnem female body is recommended but many items can be used by non Exnem users and males. Or. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. These armor pieces will always be found in a specified location (or on a specified NPC), and will always be of the same quality type, no matter what your character's level is. And that anime crap is also unacceptable. Queen\'s Armory for the HGEC Body, available at Best Defence. Seamless Equipment for Robert Female body is provided with optional files for Unsexy Oblivion (original mod … Then I'd suggest all of Nuska's Assorted Protective Female Armors . Oblivion Music in Skyrim (Requires the Original Game and some tweaking) Chapter II - Jeremy Soule Inspired Music (I find this music mod recaptures the mood and atmosphere of Oblivion very well) Gameplay Changes How to Download and Install Oblivion Mods w/ Oblivion Mod. Elder Scrolls Oblivion - Armor Browse through our selection of Armor for the Oblivion game on the PC. Alfheim Knights Alfheim Knights is a mod that brings the fusion of elven Ayleid race and the bulkiness of Nord armor, perfect for … Download free Qarls Texture Pack 3 and Length((database()))<32 mods for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion sorted by rating page 2. Not a good thing when you\'re trying to roleplay what had become a suit of armor! I highly recommend Seamless Equipment. With that popularity of armour mods in-mind, we’ll walk you through 10 you wouldn’t want to miss out on. This mod adds three Underworld sets from the film of the same name. This Oblivion nude mod brings new realistic race for each female body. This mod adds some new sexy armor for use with the the. Author: Locaster . New LC Lingerie Colors. These armor meshes were created by several TeamAlpha members for personal use, and are being posted here because those members have no other home. If you want to improve the look of Oblivion simply and easily, you're going to want this ENB. - Installation The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC . When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. This only replaces female cuirasses, greaves and male armor textures for the covered sets. Start launcher select Data Files and check DarkIllusionArmor.esp. REQUIRES ROBERT FEMALE BODY MOD. For The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best weapons and armor mods? This mod adds some new sexy armor for use with the the. Main article: Armor (Oblivion) For other uses, see Armor Sets.. An Armor Set is defined as a complete set of armor that includes one matching armor piece for the head, chest, legs, hands and feet.. Overhaul MODS: Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul Martigens Monster Mod Francesco's Leveled Creatures / Items Mod Oblivion WarCry FCOM:Convergence Leveled List Weapons & Armor MODS: Bob's Armory Loth's Blunt Weapons Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On Francesco's Unofficial Armor Add-On Francesco's Unofficial Level 30 Items Add-on Slof's Oblivion Robe … OBLIVION Nexus. The original is from a FF11, Name: Diano Armor 2 v1 Dcup Hcup Version Author NPR. Sure, some look alright but most of the faces you come across in this game looked weird even way back in 2006. Oceania Mod!! Note this does not include SI armor or clothing. A Visual List of Armor. GORILLA ZKITTLEZ AUTOFLOWER BY BARNEYS FARM! Sorry for the simple name. Copy whole file to Data folder. All rights reserved. two colors are added. Add a new set of clothes/armor (using HGEC fighter Dcup and medium bottom) for Oblivion. Not condemning it by any means, but I am looking for armor mods a bit more tasteful on the female side of things. Chainmail, Dark Brotherhood, Dwarven, Ebony, Elven, Glass, Iron, Mithril,Orcish, Steel & Thief (leather). Log in to view your list of favourite games. Replacers for vanilla female armor. That covers all of the vanilla clothing and armor, and just reshapes things to fit female bodies. Valar morghulis. Page 1 of 2 - HGEC full armor replacer? Males and females use the same 3D model. Which means you will want to avoid trying this dark set on an Argonian for sure. They may add new content, modify existing content in the game, or both. May 7, 2006 #17 S. Stereophile Supreme [H]ardness. I've been looking for a mod that adds female armors but all I can find is colorhweels, ... but this mod replaces the female armor texture with the male armor texture. - ebony chain, black decorated leather, unique set of light armor for both males and females And Tail Armor for Argonians, Female EyeCandy - Wardrobe v0.1 It is amazing. Log in to view your list of favourite games. And in this post I’m keen to share my picks for the best Oblivion mods with all you TES fans! The huge disparity between the female and male armor sets bothered me, so I fixed this up as a quick solution - vanilla armor set replacers modeled for the female body out of the male armors. Female EyeCandy - Wardrobe v0.1 by Exnem Description: This is a plugin for \"The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion\" that brings new armors and clothes for females to wear. Oblivon mods were created for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Works with any body replacer as there is no skin showing, I roughly modeled the shape after HGEC. I use the exnem female body and I already have the apachii goddess store and a few other smaller mods if that helps any. There is also a retex of iron that gets rid of the grubby brown shirt underneath, This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions, This author has not credited anyone else in this file, This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. A Visual List of Armor. I like it over other overhauls just for that aspect. Certain Armor set can provide special bonuses if the full set is worn. So this little vanity mod was born. It based on HGEC and Robert's bodies (not female one). they all look like stupid crap from anime garbage. Description: EPIC Wepons, Armor, Boats, Structures, And More!!! One of the best known places to find these mods is the Oblivion Nexus. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Ayleid Weapon Enchantments Mod . Replacers for vanilla female armor. add total 470 items (Full Package). 5:45. Fully covering sets reworked from male versions to fit a female figure. ============ It's called Assorted Protective Female armor or something like that. There are many different types, ranging from follower to retexturing to new quests. They also often include a plugin that alters various clothing and armor items to add female mesh paths to items that previously did not have a female version. they dont fit in the elderscrolls universe at all. LC Lingerie. (, Mercantiles (shops, stores, inns, taverns, etc), Oblivion 2.5 Millionth Member Competition, Bodyslide, OutfitStudio, and TexBlend Presets, R18PN 04 - Amy AM Set S M L size for HGEC. This small tutorial will show you how to import a Bethesda armor model into Blender and set it up properly so it can be exported to a working NIF file ready for use in-game.