Trying too hard too soon will make no much difference as it will appear as if you’re trying to take advantage of them. Now let’s see the no contact rule used the right way… William recognized that his girlfriend Mandy was having difficulties, between work, home and their relationship. Sadly, it takes much longer. 24 Ways To Success, 8 Benefits Of The No Contact Rule Once You Break Up With Him, The No Contact Rule: The Best Way To Move On (Or Get Them Back). It means no text messages, no phone calls, no snooping through their social media accounts, no nothing. Which you won’t make. That notion will flatter him at first but sooner than you know, he will play it cool and uninterested again. Right now, your guy is expecting you to come pleading for him to change his mind. Leah Lee is a relationship expert who pours her knowledge into words. Instead of chasing after him, texting, calling, looking for closure, you simply disappear from his life and that’s the only thing that will make your ex think, “I made a mistake when I broke up with her.”. Yes, it has everything to do with gender and the different mindsets men and women have. Whether you want your ex back or you want to get over him for good, there is one truth—the no contact rule works like nothing else. You’re heartbroken. I believe that most people get the concept of the No Contact Rule wrong.The idea is that you won`t contact your ex for a certain period of time (usually 30-60 days) after which you will make contact again. Female and male psychology differ. The No Contact Rule is a widely prescribed strategy to break free from a narcissist. Take a deep look inside though—if you did something wrong, why you did it, if there was something lacking in the relationship that made you act out, etc. But I at crazyJackz only give you practical conclusions that are true to real life. The psychology behind it is simple. If you are wondering does this rule work on men, the answer is: most definitely yes. How To Get My Ex Back Fast | My Ex Back Coach. If one has to use “No Contact” (not everybody wants to, or needs to), there are “healthy” reasons to do it. If you try to contact her right away after the break up, then I can guarantee that your situation will get worse. Don’t worry, that’s a good thing for your efforts to get your ex back! Will the no contact rule work on this man? Unlike the other guys, who want to contact you but they don’t want to because of their male pride, this guy has no wish to hear from you. After a 30-day no contact period, you will have to be the one who will have to sit down with him and explain that certain things need to change if he wants you back. You can either confront him or even better, send his friends or your family members to advise him to keep off. It all takes time to impress this on your ex. Your mind is anything but focused. It all makes sense, since your ex hasn’t heard from you. Articles on dating relationships, getting an ex back after a break up, and content to help you experience the best in your relationships. You and your ex girlfriend may get into the big argument instead of nice talking. Do you have advice or experiences about the 30-day no contact rule that might help other women in a tough situation? It’s one thing to understand what a breakup means. As I stated earlier, the 30-day no contact rule is the minimum time in which you can’t be in touch with your ex. He will finally realize that you’re one of a kind. You were subject to your ex, only able to beg for their mercy. So let the anger pass, remember that you went through things that were far worse and you’ve come out stronger and wiser from all of it. Following the No Contact Rule. It’s another thing to internalize it and be affected by it. The Law of Attraction to Get Your Ex Back. So, how long does it take for a man to miss a woman after a break up? If your ex got to the point where he/she thought they wanted a breakup and they went through with it, the No Contact Rule isn’t likely to have them running back to you right away. Let’s talk about the no contact rule … the only “rule” we really support here at A New Mode! Men definitely come from a different planet, there is no doubt about it. The pain of no longer having the person who you love. Jealousy in a healthy amount is a good indicator of somebody’s feelings. If you go back to him too soon, he will naturally assume he has done nothing wrong and that he can come running back to you whenever he pleases. The no contact rule simply states that you do not initiate any contact with your ex.