Hang out near him, talk to him quietly, and be careful not to startle him. I like the new wood toy boxes that are available at the national chain pet stores. Do … I just adopted this guy. Loneliness – I t is distinctly possible that your feathered friend is acting out simply because he wants to spend more time with you. Once the bird will approach you and eat from your hand, start approaching it in a similar way with an empty hand, extending two fingers horizontally. Always, always consult your vet! View Profile View Forum Posts Hormonal. Cockatiels are very observant, and notice differences of smells or appearance in people, which inform them that there is somebody nearby that they do not know or trust. He's less than 2 years old, and is usually very cranky, but he's laying in a family member's hands right now, which he's never done. He won't eat pellets or Veg. How are his droppings? He takes food from me and moves slightly to get it.. Ive also only been able to feed him apple and seed. Once he knows that, he'll want to make friends. I've had her for a few weeks, and she seems to be settling in well. Continue moving your hand closer during training sessions. If your cockatiel’s consistent training is not yielding positive results, and he is still consistently screaming throughout the day, there are some other factors to consider. When you bring a cockatiel home, you shouldn't try to touch or handle it right away. Give your bird a … The key to getting a cockatiel to talk is to repeat a specific word or phrase and then moving on to another word/phrase once it masters it. After that i just left the millet in the cage and left them alone, but now they are back to the "starring mode" not moving for a couple of hours. Ive had my cockatiel Casper for 2 months and 8 days now and he sits still all day and does not move around his cage. Save Share. And darn it, read real avian publications for more information and more things to look out for. The good news is that most parrots will naturally ease into their new home and start eating and drinking normally within a couple of days. For the next few days, just talk softly to them, and expect that they might not move around much. I was just wondering what he should be eating as a main staple. The best thing you can do for him right now is be patient. Looking for Budgies and Cockatiel. Talk to your bird while he’s in his cage. From what I've noticed, he was not fed a very good diet. Join Date Aug 2006 Location australia Posts 2,199 Thanks 1 Thanked 10 Times in 10 Posts. The first thing you're going to need before you bring your new Cockatiel home is a cage large enough for him or her to have room to spread out. • If you have been out of the house for a while, do spend sometime with your cockatiel. These boxes have various shaped wood toys stained with vegetable dyes. Try to put a little bit of his food in your hand and give it to him. You have to remember he's a little bird, and his whole world has completely changed very quickly. Answered in 4 minutes by: 12/4/2009. Reply. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. Give your cockatiel time to adjust to its new home. Re: My new Cockatiel is not acting normal dont despair and do lower your expectations for one a girl tiel is usually harder to tame … I suppose he'll eventually decide to move and drink instead of dying from dehydration. Birds are chewers by nature and should have toys that they can demolish. One of the most common questions that we received from new cockatiel owners is about a cockatiel not eating very much or not eating at all. So the day before yesterday I bought my first bird - a cockatiel. Check Price. If they are, he is stressed for sure. There’s a great deal of info out there and not everyone agrees on what the best practices are when it comes to caring for a cockatiel. Setting up a cockatiel's cage correctly will help assure that it lives a happy and healthy life with you. Like human beings, cockatiels experience stress when encountering a change in their environment, moving from one place to another, new faces, unfamiliar sounds, different routines, etc.