Other leader’s had business interests in Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada and New Zealand; however, their down line did not have the same depth as Barry and Holly Chen’s. Today, as an engineer, I’m in the process of building a “social media” website, not unlike Facebook or Myspace that is entirely member supported, (no spam, no advertisers, and no member information available or for sale to anyone at any price), that is MLM in nature. His upline Diamonds are Khu Chong Kok and Chai Choo. How did you get educated for your profession? Thanks. Is there a lesson there? Love our lives. While I was in Amway, Bill Britt was my favorite Diamond (close tie with Dave Severn). I’m not sure if Nancy is still running their business or not. Doug explains everything Bill went through and achieved. Mom was green before the term was coined. I knew some about twenty-five years ago, but I do not know where they are. Source. Thousands of people join the company every day, so it’s definitely worth considering. They said that they knew that Merritt and Beth Wiese would be Diamonds one day. That’s something that very few people ever do. I credit their success to their work ethic, hard work, leadership and perseverance. I was part of a mass exodus when leaders were terminated in the middle of negotiations. Even more inspirational, his children have followed in his footsteps, with daughter Anja taking over his business in Austria.|The other thing I really like about Max is that he is also very willing to help other work towards his level of success. The ring weighs a little over 165 grams or 5.8 ounces. At the time, John was involved in Real Estate. There is a lot to be learned from them, even as you grow in Amway too. The Top 27 Amway Diamond Distributor IBO Top Earner Success Story Distributors of All time, MLM Team Names: Tips on Naming Your MLM Downline, Top 10 Herbalife Marketing Tips and Success Tips, I do not know specifically how much money any of these distributors made in their. Network Twentyone, is a training and support organization for distributors working with the Amway business. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. As they sponsored new distributors, they worked with them personally and helped them succeed. The purpose of the CRADOR system is to provide training, motivation and business support materials to its Amway distributors. Since then, they have gone on to achieve phenomenal success with Amway. At the time, she was a stay-at-home mom, and wanted to improve her family’s financial situation. They went Diamond in 1976 and Founders Crown in 2004. Please tell us how you met her, who was your upline Diamond, how long were you involved in the business, and what pin level you achieved. The Schwarz Organization, and Amway Motivational Organization, provides tools, training and resources to help Amway distributors build a successful business. If you have ever worked with Amway Taiwan Crown Ambassadors Johnson and Jennifer Tu, I would love to hear from you. Thank you Chuck. The fourth commandment says Honor your mother and father. I do not know if you believe in God. I’ve had several friends try the business in the past without huge success. Getting this job was a major accomplishment for him and what he always wanted. Please tell us how you met them, when you worked with them, where you were in their group, and how they helped you succeed. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, here are my Amway Diamond Success Stories…. I know the name was or has changed over the years. Network TwentyOne's founders Jim & Nancy Dornan and their son Eric Dornan have also created The Ambassador Fund and the Fernando Foundation, in honor of Fernando Ruelas. The people on this list are responsible for much of the company’s success. Most of the Diamonds have one to five “Diamond” legs, and several other smaller Platinum sized legs. My only advice would be to compare two or three companies before joining one. Rick and Sue Lynn Setzer are frontline to Yager Family. You say you are proud of Amway Balchand, are you a member or distributor? If a person has the desire and perseverance, Amway is still a great program with wonderful products and the ability to make money beyond a person’s wildest dreams. When I was in Amway, I was part of their organization. His “Max Club” helps train and motivate others to reach their diamond qualification and he spends numerous hours every week mentoring and advising people who aren’t even in his downline. The couple had more diamonds as well as other distributors than anyone else in the organization. Please tell us when you worked with them, what you learned from them, and how long you were involved in their downline. "Diamond and Silk Crystal Clear" debuts Saturday, Aug. 8, at 7:30 p.m. If you do the work, you could make the list of the top Amway Diamonds. I love reading about these Amway Diamonds. What I found most impressive is that this couple built their business before the invention of the internet. Since then, they have become some of the top producers in Amway Japan. The purpose of SAC is to train and motivate Amway distributors within its line of sponsorship. That being said, I like the idea that you can start a part-time business for just a few hundred dollars and have the opportunity to do something amazing. In either case, they are in the top 100 earners in the Amway business, too. He is a master recruiter and trainer. When i became a distributor I disobayed them as well as God. The only real problem I can think of is because Amway has been around so long, most people have heard of it, and already have their own opinion of it. That means they prospected strangers, worked with friends and family, utilized the three-foot rule, and built their business with one-on-one presentations and in-home meetings. Yes, Amway had thousands of Diamonds through the years. Welcome to Network 21 Malaysia Network TwentyOne Malaysia is part of the global organization of Network TwentyOne International and is dedicated to supporting affiliated Amway business owners in building strong and profitable businesses in Malaysia. They are currently active with Network 21, one of the largest Amway Motivational Organizations. Kudos for such a detailed and well explained article. The CRADOR and CA Success Associates provide training, motivation and business support materials for its Amway distributors. They are currently FAA 50 Crown Ambassadors with Amway. They built their Amway business by retailing the products and by sharing the business opportunity with friends, family members and strangers. If you have ever worked with them personally, I would love to hear your story. Their upline Diamond is Robert Stonelake (deceased). I thought the blog post was absolutely fantastic as it provided me with an insight into the importance of network marketing for individuals as well as organizations as a whole. I would describe her a a leader, motivator, master recruiter, trainer, and entrepreneur. I wonder how many of them are still active in the business? TOP4 holds conferences and seminars, and sells business tools such as books, tapes, websites and CDs. The purpose of Network J&J is to train and motivate Amway distributors within their line of sponsorship. This couple was second generation successes in Amway and their son is currently in the business as a Platinum. Great list. Over the course of many years, they built a large downline that now spans the world. We can source inventory, and connect with buyers around the world, and build good relationships with other dealers in Israel, Antwerp and New York. I’ll definitely be coming back to understand even more. Calling those folks failures because they didn’t make it to Platinum would be deceiving. When it came out that he was in fact presenting Amway, my friends felt duped and I felt like a crook. At that point, they started working with the leaders. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Thomas David “Tim” Foley (born January 22, 1948) is a former American football player. When I think of an Amway Diamond, the first person that comes to mind is Dexter Yager. It just goes to show, while you don’t want to be overly pushy about your business opportunity, you need to bring it up at some point! Is most of their business in Europe and Asia now? I couldn’t find the exact date online. Is network 21 a scam? In summary, Amway is the biggest MLM Company in the world. I have always been skeptical about MLMs. It’s definitely the big dog in our industry. Many pictures of my upline and fellow distributors who have became lifelong friends. Do you happen to know of any successful Deaf IBOs in Amway or LTD? Kenny Chin is an Executive Diamond in Amway Malaysia. They went Direct Distributor in less than six months. Jim and Nancy have an Amway business that spans the globe, in countries such as the U.S., Canada, China, Sweden, India, Turkey and much more. Over a period of a few years, they built an enormous Amway business with thousands of downline distributors. It has zero per cent tolerancr policy. Just another N21 Global Blogs site. Collin & Dawn McClean 5. According to one online website, he is one of the top 400 income earners in the entire network marketing industry. Dexter is pretty much the founder of the “systems” within Amway. Doing the research for this post was fun. Merritt and Beth Wiese built their Amway business the old-fashioned way. I’m so happy to know they had extreme success! They are wonderful leaders, recruiters, trainers, motivators and entrepreneurs. He did one-on-one meetings, conference calls, hotel meetings and in-home meetings to find new customers and distributors. Their upline Diamonds are Barry and Holly Chen. It was a great experience overall being part of the company. If I were to guess I would say there are more than 10.000 Diamonds in the world. They offer a lot of rewards to their distributors and the whole system is set a bit better (in my opinion) than any other MLM out there. Kaoru Nakajima built Amway Japan! Are you still in touch with her? Robert Crisp is a former Triple Diamond who built a team of more than 200,000 distributors. When it comes to Amway Indonesia, Robert Angkasa is the ultimate success story. How I wish I get to make it some day. They had just qualified as FCA in Malaysia August this year. With so many Amway Horror Stories out there, it’s nice to read about people who achieve success with Amway. Ah, I see. They joined the Amway business in 1977. Ryusuke and Elaine Seto are Crown Ambassadors with Amway Japan. He is also an ex-minister, who spent 13 years traveling the country with a gospel quartet, before teaming up with Jim Bakker and becoming a senior vice president at the PTL Club. Please tell us when you met them, how long you worked with them, and how they helped you. These organizations make/Made their $$ from selling tapes and books and rally’s. Yes, all of these Amway Diamonds had a big vision. So if anybody doing business unethically, it terminates him. I was intrigued to learn that the founder of Amway (or at least a co-founder), Richard M. DeVos. The purpose of Network 21 Indonesia is to help, to educate and to inspire Amway distributors, by providing books, tapes, seminars and business support materials. They got started in Amway more than 20 years ago. I understand now that the worst that can happen is I don’t make a big income income ( or perhaps any), but I can become better at interacting with people. Amway, and other MLMs, are no differently. You will be glad that you did. Membership will be $15.71 per month, and there will be no initial investment, and no products to move. line of sponsorship. Some are still with the company and others aren’t. He is the leader of the Schwarz Organization. Lots of great information here about the Amway Diamonds. While the information presented is from sources we believe reliable, we do not guarantee the accuracy or validity of any information presented by Rapaport or the views expressed by users of our internet service. I saw many crooked happenings. The system provides books, motivation, websites, CDs and seminars, all designed to teach distributors how to build a successful and profitable Amway business. According to one internet report, they are the # 160 income earners in the entire network marketing industry. When compared to traditional business, that can be a much better option for most people. ET, only on Newsmax TV, America's fastest-growing cable news network. Awesome. They can definitely help you succeed. I used to babysit for Jim and Nancy Dornan when their children were very young and they were just beginning their Amway journey. I can see that many of these folks have been earning big incomes with Amway for 30-40 years. That is, a member can sponsor other members, grow an organization, and make money as a result. This page was last modified on 2 February 2016, at 15:11. On a side note, if you have ever worked with Amway Double Diamonds Paul and Linda Agus, I would love to hear from you. His downline spans the globe and has more than 600 Diamonds in it. According to several internet reports, they are included in the top 400 earners in the entire network marketing industry. Yes,they are my ancestor in Amway Malaysia business. They are exceptional leaders, motivators and trainers. This couple is at the top ranks of Amway in many different markets. They reached that pin level in 1996. Amway Founders Crown Ambassador Jim Dornan died after a long battle with cancer.. Jim headed what is probably the largest networking organisation in the world, Network 21, and did so often outside the limelight, avoiding the controversy which … Network marketing is very popular in Malaysia. RapNet has transformed how we buy and sell diamonds, bringing us up-to-the-minute pricing so we're certain we're buying at a price that suits us, and selling competitively. This list will cover both current and former Amway Diamonds, U.S. and foreign, and living and deceased Diamonds covering the 50+ year history of the company. How did they help you succeed? This includes books, tapes, seminars, websites, conferences, toll free numbers, coaching and business support materials. In conclusion, this couple is a true credit to Amway and the entire network marketing industry. They are Founder’s Crown Ambassadors with 55 FAA points. Network TwentyOne International provides complete 'turnkey business support solutions' for Amway Independent Business Owners from meetings and function production including education, recognition and motivation to web applications and multi-media products designed to aid you in building a profitable Amway business. When they first got involved with Amway, they grew their business by hosting in-home meetings and one-on-one presentations. Network TwentyOne Philippines is part of the global organization Network TwentyOne International and is dedicated to supporting affiliated Amway business owners in building strong and profitable businesses. He left Amway and became the top earner in Mona Vie (he has since sold his Mona Vie business). I like the business model a lot. The other consideration is that you are buying at a wholesale price and selling to non-members at a retail price. That’s where they learned sales, leadership, recruiting, goal setting and many other important things. Dad sponsored two Platinums in three years, allowing him to retire in Florida at the age of 65. David Steadson, Amway Watcher reports: Just thought I'd let the Network world know that a legend was lost yesterday. In 2003, Leslie Giblin, author of the book Skill with people, sued "Network 21", for unauthorized translation, copying, and selling of his book in China, Greece, Malaysia, the Philippines, Romania, South Africa and Turkey. Great article and I have many fond memories and pictures from my experience with Amway. At that point in time, the couple lived in Australia. Michael and Gaby Strachowitz are Amway Germany Crown Ambassadors. Just leave a comment to this post. Network TwentyOne Malaysia is part of the global organization of Network TwentyOne International and is dedicated to supporting affiliated Amway business owners in building strong and profitable businesses in Malaysia. With its global outreach, Network of Caring has taken on many projects including child sponsorship, building schools, help for the disabled, and disaster relief. Mikio and Yuka Kaku built their Amway business the old fashioned way, by talking with friends, strangers, and family members. Thanks for the kind words. If you live in Japan, and are thinking about joining Amway, you should look this couple up, so they can sponsor you. And many join just to make a few extra hundred bucks per month. It took him another 14 years, but he finally reached Diamond in 2000. She is the ultimate success story and is a true credit to our industry. She leads conferences, provides training and helps her downline achieve success in Amway. Since then, they have built a sales organization that spans the globe and has tens of thousands of distributors. Whenever he sponsored someone new, he helped them get started right. View the latest business news about the world’s top companies, and explore articles on global markets, finance, tech, and the innovations driving us forward. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Tell us about your experience working with them. They are both still very involved with their Amway business. Just leave a comment to this post to share your story. It would also be good to know if this was so. Sky of Diamonds-1.11.1 *** Hot Fix! Sorry, David. He wasn’t perfect, but I learned a lot about leadership from this guy. If you live in Japan, and are thinking about joining Amway, this is the type of sponsors you would want. 2020-09-21 【送料込】【新品未開封!!】【初回版! Music for the Movie is composed by Vivek V K. Most distributors who join the company don’t work even 1% as hard as this couple did. Their (former) downline now has millions of people in it, with leaders such as Jim and Nancy Dornan and Kaoru Nakajima, both successful distributors on this list. Never met Bill Britt, although he did attend one of our conventions. And, they are the big dog in our industry. I’m glad to hear that you’re a loyal Amway fan, and pulling out this efficient list takes a lot of work, I really admire your work. https://dougwead.wordpress.com/2013/01/27/bill-britt-amway-legend/.