As I have traveled through life, my naming of that… Read more. You can use a natural ending of a track used for your intro for podcast outro with a length of 10-15 seconds. Get ready to feel deeply inspired, receive practical tools, join mystical conversations, and dismantle the veil between the seen and the unseen! Be the first one to write a review. THE object of the Editors of this series is a very definite one. But there is work for the mystic to do that can make a huge difference in all that's going on. Universal Intelligence: The Plant Kingdom–Julian Johnson, FRC January 1, 2021; Harmonizing with the Natural World–Grand Master Julie Scott, SRC December 1, 2020; An Open Letter to Animals–Serge Toussaint, Grand Master, French Grand Lodge, FRC November 5, 2020; Living in Harmony with the Natural World – Our New Story–Grand Master Julie Scott, … The magic and power of Easter is that Love returns, embodied. Do we lose our innocence or just misplace it? Musings of a Mental Mystic. As the mystic core of love and union guides us through...we ourselves are resurrecting, an embodied resurrecting, renewing and transforming, ever-deepening and expanding our capacity to Love. Mysticism holds a very loose definition, which can often be complicated, confusing, and nearly impossible to express with mere words. His message enlightens those who are seeking globally oriented teachings of Love and Wisdom. We wring out the light when we are consciously living on our growing edge and work with whatever arises emotionally, spiritually, energetically. November 18, 2019 by slcreech. [Taoism Audiobook] Musings of a Chinese Mystic (Teachings of Zhuangzi) The Way of Dao - 2017 [Taoism Audiobook] Musings of a Chinese Mystic (Teachings of Zhuangzi) The Way of Dao - 2017 by Matthew Alverez 3 years ago 2 hours, 52 minutes 6,211 views The main text starts at 40:44 mark. David Maib. The Book of Changes (I Ching) by Foolish Musings 1 year ago 24 minutes 3,001 views Primary Texts - The , I Ching , or , Book , of Changes, Richard Wilhelm Translation rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes Secondary Goodie's I Ching - #10 Treading (Hexagram) Recent Podcasts. Listen in and join the Coven: Get new content delivered directly to your inbox. This author concludes that it is absurd to suggest that God contemplates only God but does not propose an alternative activity for God. With Myron McClellan and Lawrence Phillips. Stream Tracks and Playlists from MYSTIC-A on your desktop or mobile device. And of course compassion is for others but also for ourselves, especially those dark corners of our childhood woundings that now more than ever need the light of our love to help ourselves consciously evolve, deepening our mystic practices. No one needs to be told that there is currently conflict and confusion, widespread anger and deep grief in the collective. 5 talking about this. We also point out while alarming conflict and confusion reign in the outside world, we are being infused by a gargantuan amount of Light. Chances are probably not. Today is #TuesdayTools in the Enchanted Hearth group (formerly the Angel Wisdom Tribe), and we are discussing the need for the full and safe expression of our emotions. 2020 Saints and mystics throughout time have been unanimously clear on this one point: Ignoring the unseen spiritual aspects of your life would be the biggest tragedy. it's Springtime, a significant return of the basic codes of our earthly existence, offering us cyclical renewal as a balm for the oppression of current events and unfolding planet-wide changes. Silence opens the door to the vastness of our Being. Your first book is Free with trial! Our embodiment whispers often on Let this podcaster know that you like their show and want another episode: You'll get better recommendations for new podcasts. My First Blog Post. The way of the mystic is one in which we seek to transform suffering into compassion, joy, and love. Reviews There are no reviews yet. not just the Law, not the power-of-the-strongest, but Love! The land of bayous, oil refineries, large Cajun families and gumbo were rich soil for a quiet, introspective girl like myself. You are invited to join Myron McClellan and Lawrence Phillips for a monthly gathering of spiritual renewal in the company of the like-minded. Join the mystic community @Myst… And so we wring out the light with the utter delight of deeply knowing that God is Love, Love Is, and I am Love. Does innocence end Herein our mystic passion is being forged. How do we keep our mystic boat afloat in turbulent waters? Other than that it is a very long, long time? Translated by Herbert Allen Giles [Section]" For the second and all subsequent sections, you may optionally use the shortened form of this intro disclaimer: In terms of the daily living of our lives, perfection is the enemy of the soul. What we might not give thought to is how we can help the situation and how we can learn from it. Many believe that this time is the dark night before an awesome dawn, but this time has intrinsic value and is an invitation to service for all the spiritual communities on earth. Twitter. Such love does the wild hawk of the mind.". It is disputed whether Aristotle wrote Magna Moralia. Mystic and Son of the Divine Creator of Life who's name is also known as Love, but I affectionately call Father. Innocence is our true inner sense; we are born with Buddha nature, with purity, presence, wonder and joy. Magna Moralia discusses topics including friendship, virtue, happiness and God. A Happy Tuesday to you! Floods, fires, infestations, political standoffs and strife: chaos abounding outwardly and inwardly as well. In a culture of conformity, the iconoclastic mystic faces challenges with and from the status quo. How can we keep our sense of oneness in such polarizing and divisive times? His musings shock, provoke, amuse, intrigue and entertain! Audible provides the highest quality audio and narration. But what of eternity? we go deeper, we open more deeply than ever to the Light and to the Dark, the Great YinYang of the felt universe. What's a good mystic to do? Features Writer - Musings of a Wine Maven at Provence WineZine. comment. and not just when it is convenient and easy and flowing, but also and even especially when it is difficult and challenging. Myron and Lawrence present a specific theme each month—an idea or issue that arises organically in their lives and in the lives of their colleagues, students, clients, and friends—and engage with this subject by touching on a range of spiritual traditions and creative explorations. For podcast transitions (bumpers) between podcasting themes, select pieces with a length of 3-7 seconds. 83 likes. We will offer Musings on eternity whispering. The Japanese philosophy of WabiSabi is a paradigm founded on the Buddhist three marks of existence: impermanence, suffering and emptiness, which cultivate kindness through compassion. we often don't recognize it anymore? The inner journey in nature, no matter time of year, offers opportunities for letting go, for deeper presence, absorption, sometimes even rapture or ecstasy. Shapeshifters, skinwalkers, sasquatch, fairies and other fantastic creatures and extraordinary experiences make up the true tellings of Memories and Musings of a Post-Postmodern Nomadic Mystic … Let's wring out the light together at our next Mystical Musings. The podcasts created focused on assistive technology, product accessibility, and taking the intimidation factor out of learning to use your technology. Wringing out the Light, His mission is to uplift and elevate the collective consciousness to benefit the collective whole. Co-Founder at Major Crush Podcast. Sadguru, an uneducated Guru, Jaggi Vasudev, in the book mystic's musings unfolds the truth; the truth which I believe it is, after brooding over it for some time. Let us find our way toward deepening lovingkindness, together in this next Mystical Musings. My mother stayed home to raise us right, and my father worked in… Read more, The word cancer stirs fear The girl faces it unknowingly with courage Her mother crumbles Listen Overcoming, the girl leaves cancer behind, victorious Her mother buries all the suffering in her heart Listen The girl becomes a joyful woman not bending to her limitations Her mother breathes, haltingly steps forward … and flies Listen A… Read more, The constant in my life is that, for as long as I can remember, I have felt a connection to Something outside myself deep in my inner personhood. Welcome to Mystic Podcast where Daniela bridges the gap between the practicality of being human together with spirituality! In this complex and challenging world is access to innocence even desirable? Stephanie Creech I Grew Up in Sunday School I was born fifty something years ago in the southeastern corner of Texas. Return/Turn to the Lord: Ruth, Luke 17, Psalm 111, and The Fear of the Lord; Giveaway—Pleasantly Crafted Lutheran Coloring Sheets With a collective sense of humanity in America, and to some extent the world, being anxious and uncertain amid the rapidly evolving political and environmental scenes, we need as never before to access our genetically encoded sense of joy/peace/love; we need this access as a daily mystic practice to help heal what is ailin' us. How does "eternal" interface with daily reality? Truth-see Darkness is the silence of sight. that whenever I stand in a field. Or use a melody that will be more suitable to your podcast's whole theme to make a final impression. Silence, stillness and darkness give us a chance to disconnect from our wired world, from the external, from the cacophony of everyday life, the onslaught of information and the chaos of noise pollution. It’s All About Balance: By the Hearth Podcast, Episode 6, Season 1. by Dawna | Oct 9, 2020 | By the Hearth Podcast | 0 comments. On each episode, members of the Tarot Coven gather virtually to share ideas and inspirations with our lovely listeners. many different levels, intimating whispers of eternity. home. A podcast for witches, magical practitioners, mystics and hags. Once a month, we will bring you the history and culture of misunderstood pagan religions & the stories of past and present practitioners. The message is Love! The Mystic-Skeptic Radio Show/Podcast asks the tough questions and explores different alternatives to today’s pressing issues, theories or enigmas. Presenter: Rabbi Jeff Roth Event & Date: N/A Podcast Notes: Also titled, The Metaphysical Musings of a Megalomaniacal Mixed Up Mystic, in this talk Rabbi Jeff Roth discusses the laws of cause and effect and how they apply to suffering and to happiness mystic-s-musings_201901 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t9287sk0f Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3. plus-circle Add Review. These are transformative times as institutions, cultural touchstones and some individuals are crumbling, others rising anew, resurrecting. Created and hosted by Danielle of Little Reader Tarot and Lia of CRUCIFIXVI. In time for our Mystical Musings hiatus until September 17, we explore some fundamental strategies for evoking our mystic presence and for cultivating our mystic practice. Please join us midway in our thirteenth year for this first Mystical Musings of the 2016-17 season. The podcast is devoted to the exploration of all things mystical, philosophical, scientific, political conspiratorial, and cosmic. Listen to MYSTIC-A | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.. 10 Tracks. Maggie returns to Mystic … We don't want to miss the opportunity. Remaining oriented toward Love, our mystic paths are our refuges- along with community and the Avatar- amid the stormy evolution. Sisters of Katie Luther. let go of the familiar and open to the depths. Michaelangelo said in late old age, I am still learning. As I have gotten older and as I have realized just how... abnormal I seem to be to most people, I … The musing doesn't present doctrine or dogma, but rather explores the mystical dimensions of life and spirituality that support you in connecting with the Divine. 741 Followers. by Dawna | Jan 26, 2021 | Musings of a Mental Mystic. In April 2013, when Mystic Access was officially founded as a company, the podcast name was changed to reflect the new branding. Disillusioned with the official religion and institution, artifice and constructs offered as "reality," author Jeffrey Charles Archer hit the road and discovered things are indeed not what they say. Join us for our Spring Equinox Mystical Musings. Silence is the potentiated field of possibility. We await the dawn while we do what only spiritual awakening people can do: send powerful showers of Love and Light to everyone on the planet. Whether it is your name being called or your power being called back into your heart and soul, a whisper is what often guides the mystic. Not the loud, authoritative, powerful voice necessarily but the still, small, voice, a whisper speaking spirit. Innocence/Inner Sense is our platform for our being human and for learning anything especially the spiritual art of the mystic. Sadhguru underlines three symptoms of an ill mind which do not allow people to explore their full potential and experience life to the fullest. I hope this finds you and yours well! Hello, beautiful Soul! And Hey! Silence cultivates deeper listening, an active listening. Is it only awe or does it include practicality as well? Please join us. Silence invites a deepening of our inner life. Musings of a Chinese Mystic: Lee "Musings of a Chinese Mystic" por Lionel Giles disponible en Rakuten Kobo. Stillness is the silence of our habitual unconscious body movements. These monthly gatherings provide a contemporary expression of the spiritual impulse that resonates with people of good will everywhere. This was the first time I recorded to the Cloud on Zoom. The WabiSabi aesthetic includes simplicity, intimacy and deep appreciation of the ingenuous integrity of the natural world. Gonjasufi: Musings Of A Hip-Hop Mystic Gonjasufi may sound at first like a rambling hip-hop crackpot, but there's more to the California rapper and singer than mere eccentricity. Kindness, lovingkindness toward one's family and friends, tribe and worthy opponents, and towards oneself, is a mystic practice in great demand right now. Mystical Musings is a celebration of the sacred that promotes growth and an evolution of consciousness. And so Curiosity about even Chaos as well as Compassion is a foundation for all of our contemplative work and will thus be our parting gift to our fellow mystics, curiously exploring body, mind, heart, spirit. I cannot apologize enough for the quality of this video (or lack thereof). They lead inspiring meditation and easy movement, present improvisational music, offer homilies, read poetry, and infuse the proceedings with humor, sensuality, new insight, and wise counsel for honoring the body, expanding the mind, and tuning into the spirit. He also gives us tips for keeping the doors of the mind open and bringing alive various dimensions of intelligence within oneself. Mystical Musings is a celebration of the sacred that promotes growth and an evolution of consciousness. If the mystic path is about anything it is about love and compassion, which have been abundant in the face of the Texas floods as well as the many wildfires plaguing the nation; there are so many examples of ordinary people rising up extraordinarily to help their fellow citizens. And the chaos can also help us grow deeply and rapidly. S(he) can be found in … Hello, In a word I have always been considered, "weird." We look at how, underneath it all, there is brilliant Light shining on us as spiritual beings. Silence breeds insight as we Add the weather to the mix and we can be almost depressed! Download Audiobooks written by Zhuang Zhou to your device. Being raised in the Christian tradition, I learned to call that Something Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit. Join Jasmin, Jessie, Elena, and Jechanovia as they dive into the realm of the mystic! - one of the best books on spirituality I've read! The musing doesn't present doctrine or dogma, but rather explores the mystical dimensions of life and spirituality that support you in … I have to wring out the light American Mystic Daniel Clay Podcast, a weekly message about Love and Wisdom for Today’s World. Musings of a Mystic Leprechaun. 0. Doesn't elusive happiness whisper to us? We also look at what we can learn as we go about the task of lovingly caring for the world, and how we can use all the darkness to illuminate places in ourselves that need attention. 250 Views . Mystic is a new podcast about pagans & witches – some long dead, some right next door. Daniel Clay is an American Mystic. Subscribe. This page is the thoughts and experiences of BubbaG, a Mystic from a Christian background. Musings of a Misfit Mystic. Billy has a Never Forget Your First and walks through Lost Ruins of Arnak (16:05), the deckbuilding worker placement hybrid. reading this is an ineffable joy! Like. Maggie brings her fresh views of Maracaibo (0:28) to the table, the two talk strategy, and Billy reflects a bit on the campaign play. Featured. "Recording by [your name], [city, your blog, podcast, web address]" Say: "Musings of a Chinese Mystic: Selections from the Philosophy of Chuang Tzu, by Lionel Giles. the sky now pour, In Mysticism,