Applied ethics also tackles specific moral challenges that people face daily, such as whether they should lie to help a friend or co-worker. Y1 - 2014/1/1. Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introductionis a compact yet comprehensive book offering an explication and critique of the major theories that have shaped philosophical ethics. It gets students to struggle with the big questions of morality while it also relates these questions to practical issues, especially racism, global warming, moral ⦠. Itâs also available as a paperback through the UVic Bookstore. 36 short illustrated videos explain behavioral ethics concepts and basic ethics principles. Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, Philosophy, Introductions and Anthologies. Metaethics: A Contemporary Introduction provides a solid foundation in metaethics for advanced undergraduates by introducing a series of puzzles that most metaethical theories ⦠3.5 Stars. Apr 16, 2020 Lauren rated it really liked it. Three common frameworks are deontology, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. Moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that contemplates what is right and wrong. Moral, social and political philosophy. Copy a citation. Being Your Best Self, Part 1: Moral Awareness, Being Your Best Self, Part 2: Moral Decision Making, Being Your Best Self, Part 3: Moral Intent, Being Your Best Self, Part 4: Moral Action, Ethical Leadership, Part 1: Perilous at the Top, Ethical Leadership, Part 2: Best Practices, Curbing Corruption: GlaxoSmithKline in China. 54 animated videos - 1 to 2 minutes each - define key ethics terms and concepts. TY - BOOK. Copyright © 2021 Ethics Unwrapped - McCombs School of Business – The University of Texas at Austin, 8 short videos present the 7 principles of values-driven leadership from. Originality and imagination 6. Moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that contemplates what is right and wrong. The Philosophical and Theological Foundations of Ethics: An Introduction to Moral Theory and its Relation to Religious Belief. He has published widely in the areas of moral and political philosophy and is the author of The Constitution ... Social and Political Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction (2002), and The Politics of Persons: Individual Autonomy and Socio-historical ... Citation ⦠PY - 2014/1/1. APA (6th ed.) Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction. Art and emotion 9. Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction is a compact yet comprehensive book offering an explication and critique of the major theories that have shaped philosophical ethics. Life's Hardest Questions: Big and Small: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Philosophical Dilemmas: A Pro and Con Introduction to the Major Questions. T1 - Moral psychology. Hobbes wrote several versions of his political philosophy, includingThe Elements of Law, Natural and Politic (also under thetitles Human Nature and De Corpore Politico)published in 1650, De Cive (1642) published in English asPhilosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society in1651, the English Leviathan published in 1651, and its Latinrevision in 1668. This book is also available as a paperback in the UVic Bookstore. This Element provides an overview of the central components of recent work in virtue ethics. Write a review. T2 - A contemporary introduction. Copy link Link copied. Problems of moral philosophy an introduction to ethics, Paul W. Taylor, 1971, Philosophy, 559 pages. It introduces the origins and development of the tradition, tracing it ⦠Moral philosophy has three branches. Engaging with both historical and contemporary figures, this book explores the scope, limits, and requirements of morality. This collection of classic and contemporary readings in ethics presents sharp, competing views on a wide range of fundamentally important topics: moral relativism and objectivism, ethical egoism, value theory, utilitarianism, deontological ethics, virtue ethics, ethics and religion, and applied ethics. Engaging with both historical and contemporary figures, this book explores the ⦠Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Free Will: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy). A Contemporary Introduction to Free Will. This point should be underscored. It answers the question of what we ought to do. can you answer these question in your own words, also the book we cover in our class is called moral philosophy a contemporary introduction by daniel r. denicola so you can use this to guide yourself and please answer them in easy and simple words. You can buy a digital copy direct from Broadview Press here. ABSTRACT Ethics: A Contemporary Introduction introduces the issues and controversies of contemporary moral philosophy. It explores the nature of morality and examines how people should live their lives in relation to others. 8 short videos present the 7 principles of values-driven leadership from Giving Voice to Values by Mary Gentile. Very much focused on the traditional Eurocentric philosophy cannon. Moral Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction presents research by philosophers and psychologists on these topics, and addresses the overarching question of how empirical research is ⦠Broadview Press. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. The last branch is applied ethics. You can buy a digital copy direct from Broadview Press here. AU - Tiberius, Valerie. The situation and tasks of the philosophy of art 2. It will help students to think more clearly about how to form their moral beliefs in the wisest and most rational way. The first section explores central themes in neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics, while the second turns the discussion to major alternative theoretical perspectives. Art and society: some contemporary practices of art 11. Ethicsintroduces the issues and controversies of contemporary moral philosophy to undergraduate students who have already done an introductory course in philosophy. How Should One Live? Contemporary Bioethics: A Reader with Cases. Engaging Political Philosophy: An Introduction. Engaging with both historical and contemporary figures, this book explores the scope, limits, and requirements of morality. Beauty and form 4. Moral Reasoning: Rediscovering the Ethical Tradition: Moral Reasoning: Rediscovering the Ethical Tradition. Identifying and evaluating art 8. 30 videos - one minute each - relate recent scandals in the news and give ethical insights. Normative ethics focuses on providing a framework for deciding what is right and wrong. The Moral Domain: Guided Readings in Philosophical and Literary Texts. The most contemporary and applicable introduction to moral philosophy, An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Jonathan Wolff, 9780393428179 Drawing on materials from classical and contemporary philosophy as well as from literary theory and art criticism, he explores the representational, expressive, and formal dimensions of art, and he argues that works of art present their subject matter in ways that are of enduring cognitive, moral⦠Next Article: Others of his works are also important inunderstanding his political philosophy, especially his history of theEnglish Civil War, Behemoth (publis⦠All of the other readings for this course will be available through the CourseSpaces page. Engaging with both historical and contemporary figures, this book explores the scope, limits, and requirements of morality. San Diego, CA, USA: Bridgepoint Education. Art and morality 10. One of the best, brief explanations of moral theories is found in Rachels and Rachels (2010). It addresses specific, practical issues of moral importance such as war and capital punishment. Moral Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction presents research by philosophers and psychologists on these topics, and addresses the overarching question of how empirical research is ⦠Applied ethical issues bring together a unique approach to philosophy. This text is designed to help students who have already done an introductory course in philosophy - guiding It explores the nature of morality and examines how people should live their lives in relation to others. Download citation. Click HERE for more information.. Another branch of moral philosophy is normative ethics. Contemporary philosophy is the present period in the history of Western philosophy beginning at the early 20th century with the increasing professionalization of the discipline and the rise of analytic and continental philosophy.. Much has been written about moral philosophy and the theories that support ethical decisions. 1)What is the difference between normative and descriptive moral relativism? Moral Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy) - Kindle edition by Tiberius, Valerie. The Faculties of the Human Mind and the Case of Moral Feeling in Kant's Philosophy. 2018. To access the page, go to and Abstract _Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction_ is a compact yet comprehensive book offering an explication and critique of the major theories that have shaped philosophical ethics. Start your review of Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction. Classical modern philosophy : a contemporary introduction. Continental Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction is ideal for students coming to the topic for the first time. Shelves: philosophy. A collection of one-of-a-kind videos that highlight the ethical aspects of various subjects. Broadview Press. Engaging with both historical and contemporary figures, this book explores the scope, limits, and requirements of ⦠Epilogue: the evidence of things not seen. On the other hand, it requires training to apply a moral theory to a situation with real people who have deep concerns about their interests, goals, and projects. On the one hand, it requires training in the abstract disciplines of metaethics and moral theory. Understanding art 7. Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction. So, whether our moral focus is big picture questions, a practical framework, or applied to specific dilemmas, moral philosophy can provide the tools we need to examine and live an ethical life. Moral Psychology: Historical and Contemporary Readings. 2018. January 2015. _Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction_ is a compact yet comprehensive book offering an explication and critique of the major theories that have shaped philosophical ethics. Moral Realities: An Essay in Philosophical Psychology. Decent intro and teaching guide, but wouldn't assign to students. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Moral Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy). Moral Philosophy and Moral Psychology in Mencius. Political Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction is one such text. One branch, meta-ethics, investigates big picture questions such as, “What is morality?” “What is justice?” “Is there truth?” and “How can I justify my beliefs as better than conflicting beliefs held by others?”. Introduction. DeNicola traces our various attempts to ground morality: in nature, in religion, in culture, in social contracts, and in aspects of the human person such as reason, emotions, caring, and intuition. An Introduction to Ethics and Moral Reasoning. Chicago (Author-Date, 15th ed.) Moral philosophy is the branch of learning that deals with the nature of morality and the theories that are used to arrive at decisions about what one ought to do and why. José Luis Bermúdez, Philosophy of Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction, Routledge Contemporary Introduction to Philosophy Series. Preface 1. Free Will: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy) - Kindle edition by McKenna, Michael, Pereboom, Derk. Morality's Critics and Defenders: A Philosophical Dialogue. Representation, imitation, and resemblance 3. Explain each briefly. All of the other readings for this course will be available through the CourseSpaces page. Expression 5. Ethics A Contemporary Introduction, Harry J. Gensler, 1998, Philosophy, 211 pages. Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction is a compact yet comprehensive book offering an explication and critique of the major theories that have shaped philosophical ethics. N2 - This is the first philosophy textbook in moral psychology, introducing students to a range of philosophical topics and debates such as: What is moral motivation? eBook available for $31.95. A documentary and six short videos reveal the behavioral ethics biases in super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff's story. [REVIEW] Jun Luo - 2008 - Minds and Machines 18 (1):141-144.