CallMeCarson • Techno wandered atop the catwalks of the hold, eventually finding the room that would become the Antarctic Empire's ancient stronghold home. The duo set down a platform for their planes in the ocean and plotted out the route for surrounding the world with claims. Techno tried to find Michael's exact location, during which James asked him what they had in Antarctica, hinting of the End Portal in the Empire's possession. Tommy shot at Wilbur with a bow, leaving himself open to attacks from behind. He introduced his chat to librarians Larry, Gary, and Terry, explaining the whereabouts of their meeting. Techno crashed his plane off the shore of Australia due to mobs and logged out, re-logging and breaking the plane. Summary: mmmm. Techno also convinced Tommy to buy his YouTooz. Gaming Web Stars. tommy and tubbo are "brothers" but they aren't related, sam cares for them! The former then demanded who had given him permission to mine in Antarctica, which the latter responded by saying he had brought cookies. According to Technoblade himself, he's an atheist. Techno was known to have said, "It's just discussion between their civilians and our bombs". Soon afterwards, Josh indirectly confirmed to Techno that they had found a stronghold on the map. High quality Technoblade Youtube gifts and merchandise. FitMC • Techno, after getting over the shock, acquired the fastest plane as well several tools. Techno refuted this point, giving the example that missing a flower wouldn't cause any major issues, but missing a bear would be a matter of life and death. To his chagrin, his faction power was reset to zero. During the mining, Sylvee requested to meet Techno in peace. He collected some wood, remarking that the lumberjack plugin had failed him while explaining that he had chosen to go to Africa for being rich in diamonds. ConnorEatsPants • BedheadBernie • Techno got 10 Books of Mending and gave Tommy $400 dollars in-game. During this time, a fiasco at the CHIP WAS HERE monument occured in which multiple people were killed, beginning with his teammate VoiceOverPete. It is rumoured that Techno stated he would only play on the server if, He made fun of the SMPEarth Wiki during the aftermath of the grand and fantastical. The Epic Travel of Alfred the Chicken • He towered himself out of the Ancient Stronghold and descended the mountain. They also assured Burren that he was "more than a rounding error", amusing him. The battle lasted 30 seconds. JunkyJanker • Technoblade is a YouTuber who mainly creates Minecraft content. Nevercake • 22 November 2019 Tommy later asked for the rest of his stuff back. Many members of his chat, including Krinios, tried to convince him that the cookies were some sort of trap. The two quickly jumped down and together they killed Jmak. He briefly stopped at the prismarine islands north of Antarctica, where the Dynmap showed him that Jmak was indeed following him. (Which dropped on December 27th, $29.99 with free worldwide shipping). Techno proceeded to talk with VoiceOverPete, Ph1LzA and Sophietexas and said the same 3 jokes until he made Sophie laugh so hard she had to take her inhaler. Technoblade called out WilburSoot on racial profiling after he asked Techno to explain how he "wasn't the traitorous pig that [his] skin suggests [he is]". After much more breeding and leveling, Techno took Michael and Sneeg out with him to the Villager Adoption Agency. Technoblade • Michaelmcchill • The conversation turned to one concerning Techno's journey, and he informed Grunk that he was being pursued by Jmak as he arrived in Australia. The experiment proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the auto-fill was cosmetic and only affected the Dynmap and that the preexisting claims were not affected. When he realized how broke Connor was, though, Technoblade took pity and gave him 12 diamonds. Connor then shot Derrick in the face three times. ), used to bowspam. He claimed the Antarctic Empire's first land while standing on the Ancient Stronghold's northern water system entrance and quickly set his faction home at the chunk he claimed. ", "Officer, I dropped kicked that child in SELF-DEFENSE", “NOT EVEN CLOSE BABY!, TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES”. He explained to the group what the meme was, as Pete thought Techno meant a shield made out of babies but was fortunately wrong. View the daily YouTube analytics of Technoblade and track progress charts, view future predictions, related channels, and track realtime live sub counts. Phil and Techno continued to search the stronghold, finding more paintings, an anvil, and ores. Following multiple near-death experiences, the dragon was slain by TimeDeo. ToxxxicSupport • VoiceOverPete • Technoblade began his stream in Africa. Echoing footsteps were heard as a lanky and disfigured being stepped in. Techno resumed strip-mining shortly and quickly acquired seven more diamonds. Techno almost immediately located diamonds following this revelation, instantly prompting TommyInnit to message him. As he joined the call, he noticed that Jamakattack was following him in transit. AntVenom • Techno then plotted a route over to the volcano, informing the audience that the Nether was disabled on the server due to the dimension making no sense in the context of SMPEarth lore. Back at his house, Technoblade sees Tommy there and finds the base he made underground. They gave Tommy a chance to write the first draft, which they would edit later. Technoblade told his audience near the start of his stream that he would be taking over the world. He constructed an orphanage in the ice southwest of his castle, building a wooden half-box and leaving a sign that read, "villager adoption agency. Jmak also joined the call, explaining that he was only there to deliver steak. 21 Year Old #21. Techno attacked Sophietexas and accidentally killed her, not realizing how much damage he was actually doing due to her passiveness (caused by her being distracted by her chat). He then called for Wilbur to help him attack Tommy, reasoning that the military alliance between the Empire and Newfoundland supersedes the diplomatic alliance between Business Bay and the latter. This prompted Techno to directly message Ant, asking him how many times he ought to kill Tommy. He left the clearing (3146, 42, 6813) and continued south, wondering where all the mobs and food were at and stating that the creators were promised food. He continued to level up and exiled the disappointments, remarking that the failure box was itself a failure. He joined the discord server call though he left the call shortly upon logging back into the server. Due to this, the Ancient Stronghold was declared to be the worst place on the server to live. Techno remarked that he had taken a long break from YouTube again and explained that the Great Potato War video only really came to be because he had dozens of hours of footage in his OBS folder. It was dissolved into Manberg on September 22, 2020, reformed on November 16, 2020, and then finally griefed and permanently dissolved on January 6, 2021. Alfr2d† • Finally, out of pre-existing examples, he tested the claims again by encircling a claim by the DPRC in Africa. SenzuFrijole • X33n • Technoblade continued working on the castle off-stream. Gaming Web Star #27. Boomer Bridge • A discussion ensued, of which Techno barely participated in, aside from the times where he "thanked" the others for saving him from COPPA. Technoblade met Spoon who had laid down landing lights, impressing Techno with a genuine landing strip. He acquired some more ores while commenting that AntVenom had randomly showed up in the land above him and remarked that he didn't know quite what the Stal leader had come for. Sophietexas asked Techno how to prevent her chat from calling her "daddy", which had the result of making Techno's chat spam "Technodaddy" instead to his chagrin, which Sophie apologized profusely for. I’ve realized the boys are spoiled rich because of how much money they make every month, so heres how they deal with it - The boys are STUPID RICH because they take on lots of hard jobs (hard jobs = more money), AND Wilbur makes a good bit of money from performing (they all decide to share their money… because communism) - They all grew up lower-mid class, so they … Techno then went to claim South Africa for the Antarctic Empire. Sneeg also took the initiative to remove Terry from the village, exiling him to the Agency. Techno then began reading out his own chat's descriptions of Tommy, "Tommy Untrusty", "Techno Scam", "Sounds like a scam", "Don't!". Pete, alerted to his leader's failed autoclaims, rejoined the call as Techno attempted to figure out how exactly to fly higher using the plane. and "Technoblade neva dies". He visited Kara's Palace, Ye Eiffel Tower, Florida, New Beanland, Packle, Business Bay, Moscobama, and Chernobyl. ", Technoblade knows a bit of Spanish from middle school. As Tommy hadn't repaired the hole he made in the bridge, Techno and Pete resumed after him. Techno affirmed this, and Fit told him he had come to sacrifice himself to the Blood God and bring Floridian sugar cane, a gesture Techno greatly appreciated. Several others joined the call, though Techno left them to their own devices, instead asking Josh about how much power a faction loses. Kara then provided him 3 Emerald Blocks and directions to IAmSp00n's base in Arkansonia. Ben3759 • … After teaching Pete how to use a plane and collecting more dirt for the Empire, he chose to transport a chicken by boat. Techno then explained once again that his major reasons for heading to Antarctica was to conquer the fortress that lay there due to his own inability to build, and owing to his desire to live in a place similar to a supervillain's lair - something either Antarctica, a volcano, or the Moon would provide. He decided to move out of the caves as he had collected enough resources to last himself in the Antarctic mainland. Shortly after their duel, Sylvee expressed surprise at how Fruitberries beat her so easily, and she told him that even Techno couldn’t accomplish such a feat. They landed on the Business Bridge and waited for Charlie's arrival. Phil sniped from the ice, striking Tommy at this time. One of his most watched videos is titled "Huahwi Vs Technoblade - 1v1 of the Ages." He continued on foot and swam across a smaller river as he continued to the southeast. Home gallery. Techno suggested that it could mean that the two would share resources, or that they would come to each other's defense in case the other was attacked. Technoblade's Diamond Axe: Used to disable his enemy’s shields. Technoblade currently wants to go to war and instigate conflicts with many factions. After the battle ended, TimeDeo and Techno agreed to unclaim the chunks they had claimed in each other's land. All Craft Supplies & Tools ... Technoblade shirt, unisex shirt SalBeDesign. The three then headed into the heart of the Bay, where Wilbur gave Tommy an ultimatum: Sign treaties with The Cumin Squad and the Antarctic Empire, or have his bridge dismantled by the latter two factions. Miqzah • Isaacwhy • Techno's chat then told him to head for the Eye beneath Chip's monument. Techno took this time to sneak in "buy my youtooz" into the treaty. During this experiment, Techno ended up inadvertently killing Phil with an airstrike, resulting in Phil's first death on the server. Immediately following this, he and Fit agreed to an alliance under the request of his chat. Techno returned to base to collect 5 diamonds. Phil also told him that he had broken his plane by attempting to circumnavigate using one, to which Techno pointed out the vehicles had specifically marked out not to attempt such. As Phil and Pete were both beginning to feel guilted, Techno reiterated his statements, citing Corvarian Fork and the Lasagna claim by ItsAsaii as evidence. Following Chip's announcement that they would reimburse players for their lost planes, Techno logged on for the first time since the Port-aux-Offensive. CrowWing15 • Techno then made his way around Lake Tanganyika as he headed south, informing his chat that he was going to Australia soon as part of his journey to the Antarctic. Finishing up his claims, Techno asked his chat which volcano it was. Amethystt • The Empire hinted at a new member, confirming them to be male and very good at PvP (since Techno admitted that Phil inviting Wisp was a bit too much and that no suspense would be had if the secret member joined), however nothing else was mentioned. He landed in the Corvarian Empire first and learned, to his delight, the land protection still existed. Let's make more of that YouTube money! Techno also gave back the AK-47, because it didn't have any ammo, and left for his palace. Tommy quickly replied that it had only been the boots before banter resumed. The three discussed the stronghold they were in again, noting again that there was likely to be an end portal within the mountain. Upon collecting his $1,000,000 (200 in diamonds), he logged back off. One of the messages left by Techno at his turtle farm in Antarctic South Africa. The duo then decided to return home via Pete's plane. Techno explained his reasoning for acquiring the resources: It was true that planes could be used to fly anywhere, but to establish a presence in claimed land, the creator had to build there. He then began excavation of the Eye, though he wound up finding nothing. Techno clarified that he simply wanted to know Michael's intentions, which the latter revealed to be asking for an allyship. Techno then stated his intention to head to Papua New Guinea, wanting the volcano located there. He ended up doing so against Tommy's will, who hit him with a diamond sword and did no damage. Phil meanwhile began planning how they be able to cheaply acquire emeralds to power their portal and obtain Enchanted Golden Apples. He collected stacks of sand, stone, and various ores. Techno then attempted to profit off of him by secretly messaging Ant to name a higher price (such as a car) in order to cause Svyoshi to go bankrupt upholding his offer. Although he is not an expert at the crossbow's differing range from the bow, he is still highly dangerous with it. Ten minutes following the flight's beginning, both Phil and Techno's planes were despawned by JoshA20. This put him on guard, and he told Sylvee about the allegations of the cookies being poisoned. Tommy steered things back towards possibilities of an alliance, to which Asaii stated that Tommy's feet smelled very bad. Spifey also dropped a polar bear on Techno's face, which the latter later described as "wasn't very successful - the polar bear immediately disintegrated into blood due to being dropped from hundreds of meters in the air.". Pete then fell from a high place and died. Following this, Technoblade declared war on the Transatlantic, Arlus's faction. Soon however, Phil's chat informed them that Spifey was back. Phil hesitantly explained that he was co-leader, and that Techno was far more well-versed in taking political actions. Techno also opened Scot's present; though he seemed ecstatic at the gift and bonded with Scot over the horrors of long-distance livestock shipping, he still declined to ally with New Hawaii, saying that he might spare his life for it though. He continued to discuss the Octangula and its significance, wondering if it was part of an "ARPG". Phil immediately messaged Techno once the server rebooted for an alliance, with the two deliberating on whether or not Phil should join the Antarctic Empire. Tommy requested to address Techno as Blade, though Techno explained that Blade was his father's name, resulting in Tommy addressing Techno as Blade Jr. Upon arrival, Technoblade took possession of Pete's, Michael's, KaraCorvus' valuables including Pete's Beacons and Kara's diamond armor. Technoblade also plans on turning France into a giant chunk error. He once jokingly stated he had canonical access to to stream snipe Tommy after he couldn't find him. Meanwhile, Michael crashed into Katla and died, to Ant and Phil's laughter. As he came into view, Tommy quickly retreated down the bridge. They shared a riveting discussion of their plans for taking over the world, though the two joked about doubting Phil's capabilities as he had left after four hours of streaming. Pete however, interceded on behalf of Kara, prompting Techno to return Kara's diamond helmet, chestplate, sword, pick, and shovel. Banter took place in the air, with Techno teaching Connor how to fly a plane. During this course of this journey, KaraCorvus offered a deal to Technoblade: An alliance between their factions in return for Corvarian emeralds and leather. Phil then equipped a voice changer with an echo and boomed out, "We refuse." YouTube icon On the return trip, Techno entered a plane and plunged through the ice onto the ocean floor, to Sneeg's great amusement and Techno's dismay. Years active Techno found that the Transatlantic had placed claims on Iceland, but didn't claim the volcano. During the journey, he also tried to reassure his chat that despite the long and arduous boat trip, it would be worth it. A tirade followed whereupon he criticized the usage of "water has memory" and put forth the idea that rocks and the landscape held more "memory" than water. DoniBobes • However, the gap in items will likely delay the highly anticipated duel between the Ice Emperor and the best UHC trapper as Techno isn’t likely going to handicap himself to be on equal playing-field as Fruitberries (as evident when he mercilessly killed ConnorEatsPants after the murder of Alfred). Pete was also alerted to the existence of Chien and the CHIP WAS HERE monument, causing Techno to lament that while he had been stuck escorting a chicken, Pete had been off having a lore filled adventure. Villager Adoption Agency† • Technoblade pointed out that Tommy's nation had been rather "controversial", though asked him what geopolitical advantages Tommy had to bring to the table. Faced with his own mortality, Techno chose to escape by logging out, breaking the plane in the process. A small argument between the two erupted, broken by Techno explaining that he probably wouldn't ally with someone who didn't like his chat. YoItsGold • Grunk • He then turned to the coop, where he formally named Alfred and threw eggs. Technoblade completed the second stage of his palace's exterior off-stream. Upon arrival, he mentioned that he disliked the amount of non-ice blocks on the Ancient Stronghold and voiced his desire to create a hangar for landing his planes. If i get more ill add them. Techno decided that he needed eggs after a chicken wandered over to him while logging. Twitter icon He then chased down Phil in a plane though Phil outran him. BOOMER cave, Antarctic Empire's Coop • At first, he lurked in WilburSoot's chat and was timed out by one of his moderators. His search was fruitless, though he managed to acquire some more glowstone. Techno then clarified that he meant the villagers who would provide good trades, not "the disappointments". 126. Michael immediately informed Techno that he was speaking with a member of SMPLive's Team Chunk Error, telling him that he could be of service if Techno needed a chunk removed. Michael decided then to head to find a volcano, piquing Techno's interest. In light of this, Techno declared war on Newfoundland. He then settled down and began sorting his resources acquired earlier. Following this, he tried and failed to have /f home reenabled, causing him to leave the area by plane while debating connection issues (whether internet would be better between Germany and America or Germany and the center of the world). You're on the 'Tube! The battle never took place; as Techno closed in, Michael fell to his death on the Antarctic mountainside. Technoblade Wilbur re-wrote the terms. Sylvee then decided to "invest" in Fruitberries and gave him stronger gear, as well as a stack of emerald blocks to craft Notch apples. Techno found that he had acquired 35 more diamond blocks and 83 blocks of lapis. I have NEVER been a nice guy. How could it have? Michael then joined the call, informing Techno that his viewers had invaded his stream and were telling him to turn away from Antarctica or be shot as a trespasser. As Pete exited the Ancient Stronghold, Techno began regalling his chat with stories to pass the time, telling them of King Menelik II, the Great Potato War, roleplaying on the server, and his own Minecraft history. Banter continued between Michael and Pete, prompting Techno to state that, "The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural." Port-aux-Francais • Techno explained that the plan called for the total unclaiming of their land. Arlus then proceeded to claim over the lines, forcing the Empire to stop and consider their next actions. When Fruit dueled Sylvee, he completely overpowered her and severely damaged her armor, even though she had far better gear. Techno laughed and immediately declared that Pete was welcomed to the Empire. Tommy attempted to appeal to Techno's friendship, though due to their introductions only taking place two days prior, Techno was not swayed. Pete remarked that sometimes in life, it's not what you know, but who you know, implying the Empire had secretly paid off the admins for free loot. SootDan • ScotGriswold • UnderscoreMason • Techno considered the offer, joking that he could claim his house in real life and build a dirt shack. Incredulous at Tommy's failure to name any successful examples from history, Techno pointed out that the organization too, had been a failure, once again sarcastically stating that it had been "famously successful". He crashed landed in northern Europe, finding cows and chickens. After struggling with the connection, he joined a call with AntVenom who offered some assistance - the latter could fly him places. Pete joined the call then and warned Techno of "Timmy", causing a confused Techno to wonder why anybody wanted to kill him. His mother was immune to fires. Techno then jokingly stated that the gods were angry with Tommy, prompting Tommy to explain he had his sounds off and was "in denial." More banter took place, whereupon Michael told Techno that his intention had been to take California, though cscoop had taken southern California, leaving Packle with the north. Ant explained that he was likely going to accept Tommy's offer, prompting Techno to "quietly" tell him to consult his chat before making a decision. Meanwhile, Techno had reached the CHIP WAS HERE monument and was investigating the underwater gorges forming the letters. RainyMuffinn • With Connor closing in, Pete decided to make a dive and kill the polar bear residing near the chest. Svyoshi and AntVenom resumed their bids for an alliance against each other, causing Techno to tell Ant to send the diamonds through his Superchat. Due to being in flight, Techno ignored him. Techno and Chip had a talk where they decided to postpone banning Techno for clickbait, though Chip promised to do so at a later date to Techno's amusement. Techno had managed to track down Michael's nametag infiltrating the Stronghold around this time, and asked for the username and coordinates of the others in the call. SoftWilly • This post is often updated with new information on Technoblade’s estimated income, salary and earnings. The offer was accepted immediately, with Arlus joining the faction. He noted that it was likely to be several volcanos merged into one, though he would be naming after the largest volcano in Iceland. Techno, slightly paranoid of the treasure hunter, double checked that Pete had claimed the area. This was supported by the judge who presided the trial, WilburSoot. CaptainSparklez • InkTea • It is worth mentioning, however, that Techno himself had 3 Notch Apples (though he ate none), and every time they would go for melee combat Techno would display expert levels of strafing (similar to what Fruit did in his duel) and have killed Sylvee without severely damaging her armour.