That must have been so difficult to pull off. In the past, the King siblings have taken multiple legal actions regarding copyright issues, including actions against USA Today, CBS, the 1987 PBS series Eyes on the Prize, actor-activist Harry Belafonte and even each other. The Web's Largest Resource for (Yes, sir), How long? Bush. The film about Martin Luther King's marches for voting rights is being accused of alleged historical inaccuracies. Feel free (heck, I implore you!) A chronicle of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma … And Other Amazing Comic Book Trivia! Directed by Ava DuVernay. “Let’s not start another battle when we haven’t even won the first,” he says, referring to the Civil Rights Act of 1964… One of the things that I think that has become clear over the years is that people don't quite understand that the world of intellectual property goes beyond just books and movies and TV shows, but also to a whole lot of other types of content, including, yes, political speeches. Glory! MOVIE URBAN LEGEND: All of the speeches by Martin Luther King in the film, Selma, were written for the film. Stephen Galloway With David Oyelowo, Carmen Ejogo, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Wilkinson. Rights to King's speeches are controlled by Intellectual Properties Management, which charged $761,160 to use the pastor's words and images on the MLK monument in D.C., in addition to a $71,000 "management fee" for the family. Sitemap | , That doesn't matter when it comes to news coverage of King, and that's why you likely have heard the "I Have a Dream" speech constantly over the years. "Selma" Movie. David Oyelowo's performance as King is as uncanny as it is inspirational, and the story itself is still as relevant today as it was back in 1965 … (How long?) I say to you today, my brothers and sisters. Despite the pain, despite the tears, our freedom will soon be upon us. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. The 1964 Civil Rights Act outlawed segregation in the United States. He features legends about entertainment and sports at his website, Legends Revealed. ", "This is not King, but it is very well done," says David J. Garrow, a Pulitzer Prize-winning King biographer (Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference) who is no fan of the King family. Be sure to check out my archive of Movie Legends Revealed for more urban legends about the world of film. I’d look at it, having listened to many of King’s speeches and say, ‘I think he would say the word three times,’ because that’s what he tended to do, or I would say ‘I think it’s too long there’ or ‘I think it’s too short there.’ I would record it and she would listen to it. THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER is a registered trademark of The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. Soon, and very soon. In December 1964, Martin Luther King Jr (David Oyelowo, perfect) meets President Lyndon B Johnson (Tom Wilkinson) to discuss the issue of black people being denied their legal right to vote. Starting from the beginning of this excerpt, he immediately goes into a restatement of, “I do not have command of my own life,” to “I cannot determine my own destiny,” talking about … The warring children of Martin Luther King Jr. never have been able to unite on any film project, and two of them reportedly are not even on speaking terms with the third. Therefore, when it came to the 2014 Academy Award-nominated film, Selma, directed by Ava DuVernay and written by Paul Webb (with an uncredited rewrite by DuVernay), the film did not have access to the actual speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. for the film. 9:00 AM PST 12/16/2014 "There were no negotiations," says Sophie Glover, head of publicity for Pathe UK, which co-financed the picture. It portrayed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as he fought against the government in their constant pursuit to deny the African American of their God-given liberties and American rights. It is based on the 1965 Selma to Montgomery voting rights marches initiated and directed by James Bevel and led by Martin Luther King Jr., Hosea Williams, and John Lewis.The film stars actors David Oyelowo as King, Tom Wilkinson as … Read more Golden Globe Nominations: From 'Budapest' to 'Selma,' Which Films Got an Oscar Boost? His truth is marching on. Selma is a beautiful movie, and one that you should definitely check out on Martin Luther King Jr. Day or any day for that matter. They told us we wouldn’t get here. At one point, Selma's producers held meetings with reps for DreamWorks and Warners but were unable to buy the rights. Oyelowo has said that she gave him her blessing. His truth is marching on. 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Add a Quote. 1 Finds Purpose in the Zombie Apocalypse, BossLogic Transforms Emma Stone's Cruella Into DC's Harley Quinn, Fox's Quicksilver Is Faster Than Either MCU Version, Why Jared Leto's Joker Doesn't Have Face Tattoos in Zack Snyder's Justice League, PETA Demands Disney's Cruella Endorse Pro-Adoption Message. All rights reserved. During the scene at the funeral of civil rights demonstrator Jimmie Lee Jackson, for instance, the MLK in the film gives a rousing oratory, asking the crowd, "Who murdered Jimmie Lee Jackson?" Not long, (Yes, sir) because "no lie can live forever." Hallelujah! Soon, and very soon. | California Privacy Rights My e-mail address is His writing has been featured at, the Los Angeles Times,, the Huffington Post and Gizmodo. ... Don't let people miss on a great quote from the "Selma" movie - add it here! The powerful movie Selma, directed by Ava DuVernay, is a biographical drama about Martin Luther King's role in the civil rights marches in 1965. He was a preacher, but he didn’t want to be old school like his dad — he also liked big words, so that would punctuate his speeches.". As a result, Martin Luther King Jr. (and now his estate) has a copyright over the speeches that Martin Luther King Jr. wrote over the years. Martin Luther King Jr.: Selma it is. 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