It has a lifespan of 15 years but grows at a sluggish pace. Moreover, they love consuming fresh leaves of plants and green algae. 21,122 21.1K. Platy fish are Prolific Breeders as it ensures the survival of their species in the wild. Like most fish Platys require a large tank, and a strong filter. The Common Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus), also known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Moonfish, Southern Platyfish, or Mickey Mouse Platy is native to North and Central America, but is also found in Belize and Central Mexico.. Platys share similar habitats with, and are closely related to Green Swordtails, which they will readily interbreed with when given the opportunity. Platies vs Swordtails. A young male Half Black Platy - rare A young male Red Mickey Mouse Platy - notice the deep rich red coloration in this variety. Both species are livebearers, similar to other fish of the family Poeciliidae, such as the guppy and molly.Platies are native to the east coast of … Platy is a common name of freshwater fish in the genus Xiphophorus that lacks a "sword" at the bottom of their tails. It looks like Mickey Mouse’s face tilted sideways! A young male Neon Gold Tuxedo Comet Platy - a rare variety. Species Name: Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) Water Temperature Range: 21 to 25 °C (70 to 77 °F) The Platy in the above picture is called the Mickey Mouse Platy, because of the marking near the tail. ... and the Mickey Mouse Platy that features a black tail on a creamy, golden-white body. The Mickey Mouse platy is a terrific choice for new aquarium owners. The bottom picture shows a nice female. Different platy varieties are similar to each other in size and shape but come in many color combinations. The vivid coloration of this tiny fish makes it instantly recognizable Some of these are produced by crossbreeding with X. helleri or X. variatus. Platy fish is known as Mickey Mouse Platy, Moon Fish, or Southern Platy, which is native to Southern Mexico and the East Coast of Central America. Platy. See more ideas about platy fish, freshwater aquarium fish, aquarium fish. Platy Fish Overview; Habitat of Platy Fish; Appearance of Platy Fish ; Tank setup for Platy Fish; Tank conditions for Platy Fish; Lifespan of Platy Fish; Diet of Platy Fish ; Breeding Platy Fish; Sexing Platy Fish; Tank mates for Platy Fish; Conclusion – How Many Platies In A 10 Gallon Tank Can You Keep? VR2WAX 67,339 views. Platies are fit as a fiddle and easy to care freshwater aquarium fish. A young female Dalmatian Platy - rare and unique pattern of jet black spots on a bright white background. Common Name(s) : Platy Family : Poeciliidae Genus: Xiphophorus. The name comes from the dark splotch on its tail that looks like the legendary cartoon character, “Mickey Mouse.” ... “Mickey Mouse.” ... What is the lifespan of a platy fish? Lifespan: up to 5 years: Since the fish is undemanding, keeping Buenos Aires tetra even in a community tank isn’t a difficult or troublesome thing to do. Platies are relatively inexpensive and can be found at …