1. Number of roof … Online metal weight calculator which helps to calculate the weight of Stainless Sheet metal. Enter your estimated square metres (or lineal metres for purlins). The Length of roof sheets are manufactured to your requirements. Galvanized steel: 24 gauge, 20 gauge, 18 gauge and 16 gauge. For comparison, let’s look at the weight of one “square” of various products. With our patented ventilation system, it provides a good return of investment by keeping a measurable cost saving on your electricity bill. 686mm = 0.686 3. Alpha Rain Incorporated have been serving, installing and developing top notched metal roofing Virginia. Standard Steel Galvanized Steel Stainless Steel Aluminum, Brass, Copper Thickness Weight Thickness Weight Thickness Weight Thickness Aluminum Weight Brass Weight Copper Weight … Our metal roofing system has more resistant to strong and intense winds. Corporations and manufacturers in the industry are introducing wide varieties of styles options to increase the elegancy of the house and at the same time increase its worth. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. It keeps the inside temperature cool as things get hotter from outside. The dead load of a typical asphalt-shingled, wood-framed roof is about 15 pounds per square foot. | Design and Developed by. Furthermore, saving material does not only have construction advantages. Calculating Steel Plate Weight. In general, roofing companies offer roll-formed and vertical panels which may in fact not suitable for suburban places. Determining the weight of complete constructions is quite complex, but the weight of sheet metal … While most people think about metal roofing is heavier compared to other materials. Metal Grid System 0.8psf Metal Suspension with Tile 1.8psf Wood Suspension with Tile 2.5psf Plaster, 1" 8.0psf Plaster on wood lath, 1" 10.0psf Plaster on metal lath, 1" 8.5psf Roofing Asphalt Shingles 2.5psf Wood Shakes 3.0psf Roll Roofing … The good news is, Alpha Rain Incorporated offers more available options which can help you out to create a new metal roofing appearance. ROOF DEAD LOADS IN (psf) Material Weight Felt, per ply .5 Gravel 4 Roll Roofing 1 235 Ib Shingles and Paper 2.5 (2) 15 Ib and (I) 90 Ib 1.7 (3) 15 Ib and (I) 90 Ib 2.2 3-ply Ready Roofing 1 3-ply Felt and Gravel 5.6 4-ply Felt and Gravel 6 BUILT UP ROOF … A 12 inches metal roofing panel weighs for about 10 lbs. A “square” covers 100 square feet of roof … Example - Weight of Steel Plate. The … Material: Weight (kg/m 2). A low weight roof also lessens the risk of a roof collapse if there is a fire inside of the home which reaches the attic. In fact, with many heavy roofs, fire fighters will not go inside the home to fight the fire if it has avery heavy roof on top. You no longer have to increase the thermostat cooling system of your air condition which tremendously can affect your monthly billing because of intense heat. Roof pitch is a determining factor for cost of the roof, as well as the roof … Such technology acts as natural coolant for the house because of its airflow. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. A clay-tiled roof … Consider removing accumulated snow from your roof … Weight per sq. The panels are woven which creates a maximum wind resistance. The load increases with the use of heavier roofing material. While during winter season, it reduces for about 10% of your monthly bill. Simply click the ‘calculate weight’ button and the answer will appear in kilograms (kg). Dead Load Weight of Roof Trusses Top Chord Bottom Chord Webs Weight per Lineal Foot (plf) 2x4 2x4 2x4 4.3 2x4 2x8 2x4 5.6 2x6 2x4 2x4 4.8 2x6 2x6 2x4 5.5 2x6 2x6 2x6 6.2 2x6 2x8 2x4 5.9 2x6 2x10 2x4 6.6 2x6 2x10 2x6 7.2 2x8 2x8 2x4 6.6 2x8 2x8 2x6 7.2 2x8 2x10 2x8 8.4 Dead Load Weight … Code: 0.50mm steel sheet: 5: AS1170.1-2002 TA2: 0.80 mm steel sheet: 10: AS1170.1-2002 TA2: Terra-cotta tiles: 57: AS1170.1-2002 … There are more and more people are becoming aware about having numerous advantage of metal roof panel. Corrugated steel roof sheet PPGI PPGL GI GL 5.- PPGI Roofing sheet/GL corrugated sheet Galvanzied sheet metal roofing; cheap price for gi corrugated sheet; Corrugated metal roofing sheet weight per … Yet, if you do the math and compare asphalt shingles over metal roofing, asphalt can weigh 5 lbs. As winter comes, blizzards and winter storm occurs. You can have panels treated or painted which give you the edge over your residential home appearance. Cost of Zinc Roofing Per Square Metre (m2), UK Prices The cost of Zinc roofing per m2 can vary depending on the supplier of the material. A single 26 gauge panel weighs only 0.88 lbs. In case of repair cost, we have 35 years of warranty. Roofs which are made from metal materials are strong and has the capability to standout against adverse climate conditions. Weight savings can also have a positive effect economically. 3.3 Dead Loads Dead loads consist of the permanent construction material loads comprising the roof… Here is a list of sample roofing material weights, per 100 square … While in the West region, there are several rustic metal roofing designs applicable for most homeowner. W = (40.8 lb/ft 2) (3 ft) (8 ft) = 979 lb. �_vb��QѤ�ʩ�B3ǒ卮�#4>#�RУ����&K�-�/S@��_uB�;#O;�N�y/J/�G� ��;[lq�JҠ[� M�a�i���a�C��p&��:/c��Y� endstream endobj 11 0 obj <>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(�6� �OQ�*=l;�S�0�Äh\\���"P��}@)/P -1052/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(&��@༥R�x���� )/V 4>> endobj 12 0 obj <> endobj 13 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 14 0 obj <>stream In addition, metal roofing is lightweight which are much lighter compared with asphalt shingles. The weight of a 1 inch thick 36" (3 ft) x 96" (8 ft) steel plate with weight 40.8 lb/ft 2 (from table above) can be calculated as. For cover width sizes please refer to our Fibreglass or Polycarbonate Roof Sheeting pages. per square foot. Tiles can weigh up to 60 kilograms per square metre, opposed to steel at five kilograms per square metre. Such material gained popularity in fact, there are lots of homeowners upgrade their roofing system from traditional to metal roof. per square foot a 4.12 lbs. If you would prefer a tile effect panel, however, you can expect to spend £15 or more per square meter. Our patented roof ventilation system can decrease extreme temperature about 35 up to 45 percent. It is an energy efficient roof ventilation system powered by Therma-Vent. While here in Virginia, the climate becomes increasingly warmer and humid farther with an average of 86 degrees. metal roofing contractors northern Virginia. A single 26 gauge panel weighs only 0.88 lbs. In fact, energy bills can trim down to 30% during summer days. Aluminum standing seam weighs about 70 pounds per 100 square … Home » How Much Does a Metal Roof Panel Weigh. #1 Brandy Station, VA 22714, Copyright © 2020 Alpha Rain Inc. All Right Reserved. 10 0 obj <> endobj 27 0 obj <>/Encrypt 11 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9C957EDD20ABFF024B06ACDF109F9FDD>]/Index[10 28]/Info 9 0 R/Length 84/Prev 62155/Root 12 0 R/Size 38/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 15025 Jats Dr. Ste. differential. feet of hot rolled mild steel … h�bbd``b`Z$� �x�D�,� �)��@��b�=q� �: a���x�0012����H���� ,�) endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 37 0 obj <>stream Weight per Unit Area (kN/m2) Material Weight per Unit Area (kN/m2) Floor Asphalt, 25 mm thick Clay tiling, 13 mm thick Concrete slab (stone aggregate)* ‐‐‐ solid, 100 mm thick solid, 150 mm thick Galvanized steel … On average, two feet of snow can equal up to 19 tons of weight on your roof, which can significantly weaken the structure. Steel standing seam will weigh about 85 – 120 pounds per 100 square feet of roof area. While you’ll hear both terms, bundle is more commonly used when purchasing shingles, while square is associated with a completed roof or shingle removal. For instance, a 7/12 roof pitch means that the roof rises 7 inches for every 12 horizontal inches. Styles and designs may vary from region to region. CFR & Roof Systems Metl-Span CFR Roof panel is an insulated metal standing seam roof panel and is the foremost innovation in all-in-one composite roof … Today’s available roofing materials include a wide range of weights. You can also find the load per square meter or square foot of roofing … Asphalt shingle or asphalt-fiberglass composite shingle (2.7 lbm/ft2, 13.2 kg/m2) Metal roofing - aluminum or steel - panel, sheet or shingle (1.2 lbm/ft2, 5.9 kg/m2) … Once you know these values, our snow load calculator automatically finds the total weight of snow on your roof. Metal roofing sheets can cost as little as £7 per square meter, with both box profile and corrugated sheets being the most cost-effective. It typically takes 3 bundles of shingles to cover a square of roof. (S)1.25 = P, where (S) is the number of inches of snow on your roof, and P is the pounds per square foot of that snow. The copyright of this document is the property of Steel & Tube Holdings Limited and shall not be reproduced, copied, loaned or disposed of directly, or indirectly, nor used ... Technical Bulletins Weight ---- ---- Approximate weight per square metre of variopus roofing … The cheaper option will set you back around £20-£30 per metre square… For an instance, in Southeast region, residential homes faces strong winds which make 14% of home owners prefer metal roofing system. Cover width entry in meters eg. 2. 4. You might be thinking that since metal is tough, it weighs heavier. ��4S�GP��X�O�M��hO�5� kb�]�yp�E;Y1E+�u���jB�l,^O��[�t}5]����3�����QF�(y��tS�8w�(*�'���oR�@D�l�����4#�F~w�&�C�U'�r���7���A ����8��D�ݯ���Z�������BwJ�Q���»ER�gՔ��5�>�SC�B�����9Jn�����%�b��K�i�iB�m��s�X�C�&����e��$��c*��F,�4�:����ّa'�����ϒz�Ϗ�ᅛk������]��B����Z. –Textured Asphalt Shingle: 3.5 – 5 pounds per square foot –Wood Shingles/Shakes: 3.5 – 4.5 pounds per square foot –Clay or Concrete Tile: 5.5 – 10 pounds per square foot. Because of extreme climatic conditions such as hailstorms, hurricanes, extreme heat and wildfires which affects residential homes in different stats across the country. Iron roofs offer many advantages over traditional … GI sheet making machine - wave shape galvanized roofing sheet - package of hot dipped galvanized sheet. Now, for some great information if you’re thinking of a new roof. Keep in Mind: The exact weight per bundle or square … overturning should also consider roof uplift forces unless a separate load path is designed to transfer those forces. Stainless Sheet Weight Calculation Material Alloy Steel Aluminum Beryllium Brass Bronze Cast Iron Columbium Copper Copper Alloys Gold Lead Magnesium Molybdenum Nickel Plastic Silver Stainless Steel … per square foot. %PDF-1.6 %���� We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Outside of the U.S., a degree angle is typically used. One important item is the weight of the roofing system.