Bradley M2A3 / M3A3 upgrade programme The US Army A3 Bradley upgrade programme includes improvements based on operational experience in the Gulf War. The M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) consists of five variants: the M2, M2A1, M2A2, M2A2 ODS (Operation Desert Storm improvements), and M2A3. Tiedown configuration of the BFVS on the M870 semitrailer - �Continued. These provide “hunter-killer target hand off” capability with ballistic fire control. Figure 3�1. Disassembly/Reassembly Teams' Tasking, Three views of the BFVS after disassembly and snubbing, Palletizing M2A2 Components After Disassembly, Table 3. Lifting diagram for the BFVS using wire rope sling. Class III leak. Tiedown configuration of the BFVS on the M870A1 semitrailer- Continued. It assists locating, acquiring, and engaging targets with the Bradley's weapon systems. Army DA administrative publications and forms by the Army Publishing Directorate APD. Technical Manual (TM) 9-2350-252 Title: We do not currently have the title for this manual in our database. Purpose and Scope. - The latest technologies high quality electronic pubs and forms view U.S. Army Regulations and DA Forms. 20 May 2010 M2/3 BRADLEY FIGHTING VEHICLE SYSTEM. (M2A2 ODS, M2A3) is an integral part of the ISU. The Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems (BFVS) M2A3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) features two second-generation, forward-looking infrared sensors, one in the Improved Bradley Acquisition Subsystem and another in the Commander’s Independent Viewer. here for thousands of PDF manuals, Privacy Left side and front views of the M2/M2A1 and M3/M3A1 vehicles, Figure 1-4. The M2A3 is the latest development and incorporates enhancements including enhancements intended to improve its lethality, mobility, and survivability. Press The M2A3 Bradley II, and an M2A3 Bradley variant used in Iraq, were included in the GCV Analysis of Alternatives. Figure 4-2. Tiedown configuration of the BFVS on the M747 semitrailer�contirwed. Equipment Description and Data Tow Launcher Integrated Sight Unit. The flexibility of the Bradley-based platforms allows the integration of existing Mission Equipment Packages (MEP) and the growth capability to future MEP. The M1068A3 Standard Integrated Command Post System (SICPS) Carrier is the RISE powered version of the M1068. (PMCS) fell squarely on uniformed shoulders. cavalry, m3, m3a1, and m3a2. Wire rope tiedown configuration of the BFVS on railcars. The Bradley platform provides the force protection required for today's conflicts and growth potential for tomorrow's conflicts. TM-55-2350-252-14. The Bradley Fighting vehicle and the Abrams Tank are the two central components of the dominant maneuver digital force. Oil seals are more likely to leak in extremely hot weather. stp 9-91m14-sm-tg soldier's manual and trainer's guide for m2/3 bradley fighting vehicle system maintainer mos 91m skill levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 m2a3 bradley lube order technical manual (tm) 9-2350-252 tm 9-2350-406-23&p-2bradley pmcs pdf. SUPERSEDURE NOTICE: This manual supersedes TM 9-2350-293-10 dated November 1994, including all changes. If the replenisher. The M3A3 Cavalry Fighting Vehicle (CFV) is undergoing a conversion to the M2A3 IFV variant. Figure 3�3. Figure 2�3. The Bradley Fire Support Team (BFIST) vehicle is the “Eyes of the Artillery.” Using state-of-the-art long-range sensors, BFIST can acquire, identify, track and designate targets while mounted and under armor, enhancing crew survivability. About Us. The Bradley Fighting Vehicle ensures warfighters can continue to maintain combat overmatch battlefield capabilities to include reconnaissance, fire and maneuver, and “hunter-killer” engagement opportunities. Figure 11. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OFTHE ARMY Detail of chain tiedown configuration using a loadbinder. the checklist sequence numbers herein correspond to those pmcs checks in tm 9-2350-252-10-1 and tm 9-2350-252-10-2. report check results to your immediate leader. AR 55-228, Transportation by Water of Explo. Figure 2-2. Store. Release - note this checklist contains checks to be performed before combat to assure vehicle is mission capable. Fighting Vehicle, Infantry, M2A2 or Fighting Vehicle, Cavalry, M3A2, Figure 1-3. The M3 CFV had a wielded aluminum hull. Would you remind the field to follow lubrication charts to. The Bradley platform provides the force protection required for today's conflicts and growth potential for tomorrow's conflicts. Tiedown configuration of the BFVS on the M1OOO semitrailer - �Continued. AR 55-162, Permits for Oversize, Overweight, 1-1. chapter 1 unit introductory information with theory of operation general information - tm-9-2350-277-100057 general information -- continued - tm-9-2350-277-100058 Some steps are very complicated and many tasks require careful sequencing of steps. Copyright Their main mission is to provide protected transport of an infantry squad (up to six passengers) to critical points. Step-by-Step Reassembly (Begin by placing 2 by 6-inch blocks under road wheels), Appendix E. C-141 Ramp Shoring Kit Instructions, BRADLEY FIGHTING VEHICLE SYSTEM (BFVS) INFANTRY, M2, M2A1, AND M2A2 CAVALRY, M3, M3A1, AND M3A2, Recommended Changes to Equipment Technical Publications. M2/M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle System HOT WEATHER/DESERT OPERATION THE FOLLOWING DATA IS NOT TO BE USED IN LIEU OF OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DATA CONTAINED IN TM9-2350-294-10-1 AND TM9-2350-294-10-2 OPERATING VEHICLE IN EXTREME HEAT. Haplogroup Q M242 Wikipedia. The turret consisted of a 25mm M242 Bushmaster chain gun, … The system was approved for full-rate production in May 2001. The Bradley A3 also has embedded diagnostics and an Integrated Combat Command and C… Position/Title: Bradley Gunner Component: Army/Active NSN or End Item: M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Nominated by: Brian P. Nickel Justification: SPC Washington distinguished himself as a subject matter expert on the M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle hull as the senior operator in the platoon. These systems provide the vehicle with increased shared battlefield situational awareness. Download >> Download Bradley turret manual Read Online >> Read Online Bradley turret manual bradley pmcs pdf technical manual (tm) 9-2350-252 tm 9-2350-284-10-1 tm 9-2350-252-20-1m2a3 bradley study guide m2a3 bradley specs bradley fighting vehicle tm 9-2350-252-10-1. Do not overfill oil. Some Bradley cr… - Od0456a0050 Practical Exercise 2. cont. Procedures for Wire Rope Tiedown. GENERAL. 3QFY19: Fielding of 16th ABCT begins When it was done day in and day out (and by the TMs), PMCSBldg. M2A4. Home > Ordnance Documents and other related manuals > > M2/M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle: Turret . The Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems (BFVS) M2A3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) features two second-generation, forward-looking infrared sensors, one in the Improved Bradley Acquisition Subsystem and another in the Commander’s Independent Viewer. Login to submit a request for this manual. FM3 22 68 Chapter 1 M249 MACHINE GUN. Tm For M242 Marine Corps Forms And Manuals Continued M242 Automatic 25mm. The Bradley’s position navigation with Global Positioning Systems, inertial navigation and enhanced squad situational awareness includes a squad leader display integrated into vehicle digital images and IC3. Tiedown configuration of the BFVS on the M870 semitrailer. cjo1961 has uploaded 2451 photos to Flickr. AFIT GOR ENS 93M 18 DT. Its two-man turret had positions for the commander and gunner. Figure 2-3. ... other personnel responsible for safe transport of. Figure 2�1. Mission. 1. LIN Description TM - Tank, M1A1 (A) TM 9-2350-255 - M2 Bradley fighting vehicle (A) TM 9-2350-252 - M548/M1015, carrier, tracked (M) TM 9-2350-247 CHAPTER 1. Chain tiedown configuration of the BFVS on railcars. technical manual; transport guidance. Figure 3�2. These provide “hunter-killer target hand off” capability with ballistic fire control. BRADLEY FIGHTING VEHICLE SYSTEM (BFVS) INFANTRY, M2, M2A1, AND M2A2 CAVALRY, M3, M3A1, AND M3A2; Table of Contents; Table of Contents (cont) 4QFY20: Fielding of Active Protection Systems Brigade Set The M2 and M3 Bradley FIghting Vehicle is a lightly armored, fully tracked transport vehicle that provides cross-country mobility, mounted firepower and protection from artillery and small-arms fire. Appllcatlon of Materials for ConstructIon of Box for Integrated Sight Unit (/SU). Task 1. Chart in your ASV's maintenance manual prescribes. M1068A3 Standard Integrated Command Post System (SICPS) Carrier. Included in the guide are tasks asso-ciated with turret operation, ammunition loading and unloading, boresighting, weapons operation, and preventive maintenance checks and services. The Bradley A3 also has embedded diagnostics and an Integrated Combat Command and Control (IC3) digital communications suite hosting a Force XXI Battle Command Brigade-and-Below package with digital maps, messages and friend-or-foe information. Preferred marine tiedown configuration for the BFVS. Sample and Legend Of PMCS Procedures Unit Level. Figure 2-1. The major training reference for the Ml is the technical manual (TM 9-2350-225-10) which contains Figure 2�2, Tiedown configuration of the BFVS on the M747 semitrailer. 18 Jun 2018 Bradley Variants and Sub-Variants: A Quick Guide biological, chemical) protection and the addition of a 7th troop seat in the M2A3 variant. The M2A3/M3A3 model of the Bradley will facilitate enhanced command and control, greater lethality, and provide mobile protected transport of an Infantry squad, and Cavalry crewmen to critical points on the battlefield. Previous TM 9-2350-247-PCL COMBAT VEHICLE PRE-COMBAT... Next TM > 9-2350-252-10-1 OPERATORS MANUAL FOR FIGH... No associated NSN's with this TM. Figure 2-4. TM 55-2350-252-14. Lesson 2. Practical Exercise - Answers - Od0456a0052 References - Od0456a0053 References - Od0456a0054 Introduction to The M2/M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) BFIST is assigned to the Armored Reconnaissance Battalion and Combined Arms Battalions of the Armored Brigade Combat Team. Detail of wire rope tiedown configuration. The M2A3 Bradley is an improved version of the original M2 Bradley IFV that was first developed during the Cold War. Fighting Vehicle, Infantry, M2/M2A1 or Fighting Vehicle, Cavalry, M3/M3A1, Figure 1-2. The flexibility of the Bradley-based platforms allows the integration of existing Mission Equipment Packages (MEP) and the growth capability to future MEP. 2. Information. 3303 became a good habit. Preparation for Transport on C-141 Aircraft, Appendix D. BFVS DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY PROCEDURES FOR C-141 TRANSPORT, MINE ARMOR PLATE BEING REMOVED WITH 2-1/2 TON JACK, ATTACH TO ACCESS DOOR (2) AND LIFTING DEVICE, Snubbing kit showing locally fabricated snubbing bracket, cable, and pin, Table 1. Statement - 4QFY16: Bradley M2 as baselined configuration for both IFV/CFV roles Leaft side and front views of the M2A2, M3A2, and 75K BFVS. commander. Through FY22: Track and Suspension ECP upgrade continues, Officers in the Army Acquisition Workforce, Army Acquisition Center of Excellence (AACoE), Army Acquisition Workforce Human Capital Strategic Plan (HCSP), Track and Suspension Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) upgrade in Production, Underbelly Interim Solution Development begins, BAE Systems (York, PA; Santa Clara, CA; Sterling Heights, MI). Periscopes and Support Sights. it is not intended to be used in place of the pmcs. complex set of systems, is similar to the Bradley M2 in that there are some tasks which require a great number of steps. 4QFY17: A4 ECP (Mobility) Production Decision received, 1QFY19: A4 ECP (Mobility) upgrade Production and Fielding begins The INTRODUCTION. Describe The Controls Necessary to Operate The M2/M3 Turret And Tow Launcher Components. This will reduce the sustainment footprint for the fleet and enhance Soldier proficiency and operational utility in the field. Table 3�5. Click here to make your Home Page, Click Rear sponson boxes (a two-person operation). Check oil levels frequently. Common errors have included: improper loading and unloading, failure to time the feeder, bolts and tracks not locked in, tension not released from ammunition, ghost rounds not cycled, excessive links not swept out from the plenum chamber, expended round casings not cleared out of the ejection port during clearing operations, and lack of awareness of sectors and surface danger zones (SDZ). Contact Us, Figure 1-1. Jul 9, 2009 - M2A3/M3A3฀Bradley฀Servo฀Power฀Amp฀. Figure 2�5. november 1992. tm-55-2350-252-14 - page 1 of 67. tm 55-2350-252-14. transport guidance. It was powered by a 500hp Cummins VTA-903 diesel engine with an HMDT-500 automatic transmission at that time. Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems (BFVS), infan-sives and Hazardous Cargo. If you haven't been doing the before and after PMCS checks, you could be putting yourself in. approved for public release, distribution is unlimited. The first low-rate initial production M2A3 / M3A3 Bradley was delivered in November 1998 and entered service in April 2000. bradley fighting vehicle system (bfvs) infantry, m2, m2a1, and m2a2. Tiedown configuration of the BFVS on the M1OOO semitrailer. 6,000 Pound forklift lowers engine access cover into place, guided by IRC platoon soldiers, Table 5. Conclusion - Od0456a0049 Practical Exercise 2. TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR'S MANUAL FOR CARRIER, AMMUNITION, TRACKED, M992A2 NSN 2350-01-368-9500 (EIC: AE2) DlSTRlBUTlONSTATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Section 1. In 1980 the US Army formally took delivery of the new M2 Bradley IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) and M3 Bradley CFV (Cavalry Fighting Vehicle). This range finder enables the crew to determine target ranges from 200 to 9,990 meters within plus or minus 10 meters. technical manual (TM 9-2350-250-10-2, Fighting Vehicle, Infantry, M2, Turret) and a table of contents is provided. MAINTAINER .. 091-91M-1036 Correct Malfunction of the Turret Drive on … Jul 21, 2014 - Explore cjo1961's photos on Flickr. Figure 4�1. Bradley crews have recently experienced challenges with fire control systems induced by crew error. technical manual. M2A3 and M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems (BFVS) Increased funding for Stryker and Future Combat Systems (FCS) came as a result of Army decisions in …