This, though, is a general description, and when considering the role of women in ancient Greece one should remember that information regarding specific city … waiting sufficient time before expressing anger.This avoids the premature use of force (retribution) that rises out of improper anger (a personal reaction).. 3115 /makrothymía ("divinely-regulated patience") is used of God Himself (see 1 Pet 3:20; 2 Pet 3:15). In Homer's epic The Odyssey, there are many examples of how the Ancient Greeks viewed these certain ideals.These values are rules and traditions that the Ancient Greeks lived by in their society. Audio previews, convenient categories and excellent search functionality make your best source for free audio books. Greek law, legal systems of the ancient Greeks, of which the best known is the law of Athens.Although there never was a system of institutions recognized and observed by the nation as a whole as its legal order, there were a number of basic approaches to legal problems, certain methods used in producing legal effects, and a legal terminology, all shared to varying … The goal and focus of all marriages was intended to be reproduction, making marriage an issue of public interest. Free audio books in Ancient Greek that you can download in mp3, iPod and iTunes format for your portable audio player. loyal. English to Ancient Greek Dictionary; German to Latin Dictionary; Woodhouse; Ask at the forum if you have an Ancient or Modern Greek query! View; View source; History; More; They were named after the monster slain by Apollo. Also known as the ancient Greek goddess of the hearth, Hestia was the eldest among the first Olympian siblings, her brothers being Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Greek name derived from the name of an obscure, ancient Hellenic tribe called the Dorians, supposed to have existed in the north-eastern regions of Greece, ancient Macedonia and Epirus. Their founder was Dorus, son of Hellen (also called Hellenas). Marriages were usually arranged by the parents; on occasion professional matchmakers were used. It is believed that there were three virgin goddesses in ancient Greek mythology and Hestia was one of them – the other two being Athena and Artemis. •In ancient times Delphi was said to be the center of the world. Namespaces. The Ancient Greeks regarded their religion and mythology with much respect and loyalty. Although the Ancient Greek Gods are now seen as an explanation created by man, for natural forces and the world around us, there has been much evidence both for and against the debate that these Gods were real. Ancient Greek Women from Mythology: Names of Women: Description of Ancient Greek Women: Amazons: The Amazons were a nation of fierce women warriors who burned off the right breast in order to use a bow and arrow more effectively. Because she is loyal, she gives him the names of the women who have slept with the suitors. Alcmene: Alcmene was a … The earliest Olympic games were also played in Ancient Greece. Unable to vote, own land, or inherit, a woman's place was in the home and her purpose in life was the rearing of children. 3115 makrothymía (from 3117 /makrós, "long" and 2372 /thymós, "passion, anger") – properly, long-passion, i.e. Download a free audio book for yourself today! •The Pythian Games were an athletic event held every four years in Delphi. Women in the ancient Greek world had few rights in comparison to male citizens. Marriage in ancient Greece had less of a basis in personal relationships and more in social responsibility. Those games were something like today’s Olympics. Ancient Greek Values. Its ruins are still visited today. Did the Ancient Greek Gods exist? In Ancient Greeks, there were some ideas and beliefs that were held in higher esteem than in others. Page; Discussion; Page actions.