The capital city of Korvann had been unusually restful since news of the king’s death and the end of the war had arrived, as if its one million residents believed a period of prosperity would return now that resources would no longer be funneled across the sea to the north. Zenia almost yelled for them to get off the fountain—that statue represented the Blue Dragon founder of the Water Order and deserved respect—but she had a greater criminal to catch. She’d passed her thirty-second birthday, and she was established in her profession. But not quite long enough to forget… other things.”. Having read a couple of other series by this author I bought this five book series for £1 on amazon. Repeatedly. Rhi touched Zenia’s shoulder. Most people who owned the valuable gems hid them, lest they tempt the desperate and the hungry. And don’t tell me you don’t know it.”. Older and more experienced. To research the strange “disease of the blood” that killed Targyon’s three cousins and left him unexpectedly ruling an entire kingdom at barely twenty years of age. Something went wrong. All the other men spoke of plans, of all the delightful things they would enjoy now that they were free. Too many memories. She consistently writes the best science fiction, steampunk, sci-fi romance (done under the pen name Ruby Lionsdrake) and fantasy. Thanks for listening! Realizing that Rhi was almost to the top of the stairs with the prisoner, Zenia trotted up after them. We have a lovely bog where we grow lots of gort leaves.”, “Hm.” The single note held disapproval, for the paucity of trees rather than for the gort bog, Jev assumed. “Nearly a mile,” Jev said, waving toward the gangplank. For details, please see the Terms & Conditions associated with these promotions. Please try again. All the soldiers had been gone for years, so they couldn’t be associated with any recent trouble in the city. It was very possible one of the Orders’ law enforcers would opt to pick him up instead of letting him roam free in the city. Wonderful characters with sharply etched dialogue, lots of action, humor, and a well thought out and written plot. He’d been silent during the exchange, but he scratched his head vigorously with his hook now. The Dharrow family emblem marked him as zyndar, a noble from one of the oldest and most recognizable lines. “I’d hate to have to break your nose when you’ve somehow managed to survive all these years of battles without a blow to crook it.”. Jev felt he owed something to the estate for that, especially since he hadn’t been able to keep an eye on his men once he’d been transferred to Gryphon Company, but a job overseeing Dharrow farms, dairy, and craftsmen seemed far too tame to hold his interest after the action of war. “You going to live here among the humans, Lorn?” Cutter asked. Thanks for reading! “I didn’t need magic to deduce our criminal’s motives.”. Free delivery on qualified orders. Death Before Dragons Books 8 and 9 (Secrets of the Sword II / III) Are Available! “I’ve heard you have to join some kind of criminal guild if you want to be an assassin in a human city,” Cutter said. “I’ve never met her,” was all he said. Please try again. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. “You’re a soldier,” Jev said. Book 3 releases 9/8. I have to say it is a little unexpected that this should be the last book as the previous installments gave me the feeling of a longer series and as a matter of fact the author leaves it open to write more stories in this world if reader demand is there. Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2019. A full-blooded one? As he walked, he made sure the gold wolf-head clasp securing his gray cloak to his shoulders was visible. “You decide to take me up on my offer, Lornysh?” Jev asked. Whoever holds it has access to great magical power, but, as in all times and places, power is seductive and dangerous. “You would be the boss over the whole temple. Elven Fury (Agents of the Crown): Buroker, Lindsay: Books. Blood Ties (2) (Agents of the Crown) (9780988315648) by Buroker, Lindsay and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. He didn’t know what it was, but it wasn’t what he’d expected. Agents of the Crown (Series) Lindsay Buroker Author Vivienne Leheny Narrator (2018) Racing with the Wind Agents of the Crown (Series) Book 1 Regan Walker Author (2012) Eye of Truth Agents of the Crown (Series) Book 1 Lindsay Buroker Author Vivienne Leheny Narrator (2018) The Eyes of … She’d risen to her current level of fame—or perhaps infamy, at least in the eyes of guilty parties—three years ago after finding and defeating the elusive Dark Stalker, a man who’d raped and murdered his way up and down the kingdom coast. Jev nodded. It was on the clumpy and scraggly side, but Jev’s wasn’t much better. His honor wouldn’t permit that. Thanks for reading! A disease of the blood? The characters and plot are engaging and light hearted for the most part. Why did she still feel the need for praise? Only one person stood near the robed figure, another woman, this one in a blue monk’s gi. “Your people are such… assiduous loggers.”. “Don’t let anyone tell you differently. There are just a few problems. The stories are exciting and fun to read. Become a professor of the sciences, as I’d always planned. The Stormborn Saga (the triple trilogy omnibus): An epic sword and sorcery fantasy adventure, Blood Magic Box Set: The Complete Urban Fantasy Action Adventure: (Blood Magic Omnibus: Books 1-6), Dragon Mage Academy The Complete Series: Books 1-7 Box Set, The Variant Series Box Set: The Complete Dystopian Series - Books 1-7, Star Kingdom Box Set (Books 1-3): A space opera adventure series. If Jev can’t convince Zenia they’re on the same side, find the artifact, and clear his name, his homecoming will turn into a jail sentence. Jev felt numb as he watched them go, having a hard time envisioning Targyon as king. There are just a few problems. And his hand strayed often to his purse full of stolen coins. You wouldn’t mind arresting a zyndar, would you?”. To research the strange “disease of the blood” that killed Targyon’s three cousins and left him unexpectedly ruling an entire kingdom at barely twenty years of age. “Of six boys. This left the kingdom without a named heir. The Emperor’s Edge is my other big fantasy series, and that’s also free. Inquisitor Zenia Cham grew up with nothing, but she has distinguished herself as one of the most capable law enforcers in the city, and she’s next in line to become archmage of her temple. Claps, cheers, and shouts came from behind Jev as the ship sailed closer. Lornysh looked at Jev, as if Jev were Cutter’s handler and could silence him with a jerk of a leash. Not that Jev would lie if the subject came up. Amazon Price New from Used from Kindle "Please retry" $5.99 — — Audible Audiobook, Unabridged “I’m looking forward to getting smashing drunk and sleeping it off on the beach under one of those thatch umbrellas,” he offered, both because that was what so many of the men had expressed longing for and because it did sound appealing right now. This is a great series. “That’s how you’ll celebrate? You won’t go home to see your father? Yes, please! Even though she liked to think her work and dedication to the Order would make her ideal for the position, there were other mages and inquisitors who were more eligible. I suspect that would have to be one of the stipulations of the promotion, that you would continue to tackle difficult assignments as an inquisitor.”. Jev wasn’t sure what was worse. Moreover, you got only enough detail about the world to support the events that were currently happening, not enough to really flesh out the full context and make this universe stand on its own. The Fleet Stallion was only seconds from sliding into one of several vacant slips along the main dock—other troop transport ships trailed behind, waiting their turns. It seems like alot of real estate to just abandon, especially when there’s so much left to explore in this rich world you’ve created. I would describe these books as adventure fantasy. Great! I’ll be taking a break from the world after Book 5, but it’s always a possibility that I could return one day. Cutter touched one of the many leather pouches and kits attached to his belt, one that held his jewelry tools. We have fields for the cows and sheep, but there are copses here and there near the water. We’ll be docking shortly, and he’s arranging a suitable bodyguard for you. Cart All. Jev walked down the gangplank ahead of his companions, hoping people would notice him first and not make trouble for Lornysh. Poor kid. The blue-robed woman from the Water Order still waited at the bottom of the gangplank. It was Lieutenant Morfan, one of the signal officers. “Indeed,” Jev said. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 20, 2020. “All those hours I spend sparring with Jagarr and throwing sandbags around in the gym,” Rhi said, shaking her head, “and criminals are more terrified of you than they are of me.”, “It’s the pin that terrifies them.” Zenia accepted the pouch and pointed to the dragon claw pin attached to the front of her robe, the pin that marked her as an inquisitor. Eye of Truth (1) (Agents of the Crown) (9780988315631) by Lindsay, Buroker and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. Sheer terror flashed in his eyes, making Zenia feel like some tyrannical troll that ate those who trespassed in its territory. He’d longed for an end to the war for so long, it had become a habit, but he wasn’t sure what he was coming home to. “A dirt flower? Read Duty Bound (Agents of the Crown) book reviews & author details and more at “He’s barely out of diapers.”. His mouth hung open. Archmage Sazshen regarded him with cold eyes. And Zenia was… well, her father had never acknowledged her existence, so it didn’t matter that she was technically half zyndar. “How did you convince the thief to return to the temple?” Sazshen asked. Was that odd?