243k members in the 90DayFiance community. The more I see of Singyn the more I think he's trash. Libby's own family has so many arrests and skeletons in their own closets,that all of these accusations thrown at Andrei are surprising. 190. Related: 90 Day Fiancé: Asuelu Acts Like Kalani's Third Child It has come to the attention of fans that Chuck may no longer have a leg to stand on when he starts to investigate his son-in-law for sketchy behavior in upcoming episodes. 90 Day Fiance: Jennifer & Charlie Still Bitter. 246k. Close. 90 Day Fiance: come to learn about the K1 visa process, stay to be frauded by … Press J to jump to the feed. PS. Its pretty rude, I agree! 90 Day Fiance: come to learn about the K1 visa process, stay to be frauded by TLC. Seems like an appropriate king for this band of winners. 240k There isn't any really likeable couples here . Larissa is trash. While complimenting Becky, a fan said, "She's the hottest of them all. 90 Day Fiance: Tampa Trio Grilling Andrei Castravet – But They’ve Got Criminal Records. 246. It’s particularly rich that Libby’s asshole father was all concerned about how Andrrrrei would provide for his daughter and yet was arrested for being massively massively behind in child support. '90 Day Fiancé': Libby's Brother Isn't Going To Back Down After Brawl With Andrei. Zero315. I feel like Libby could commit murder and Chuck would be like, "Andrei, why did you let Libby commit murder?". If this news is true, it’s a shocker for fans! Related: 90 Day Fiancé: Andrei Defends His Rude Treatment of Elizabeth However, amid this family drama and several explosive fights throughout the season, fans couldn't help but notice how "gorgeous" Lib's sisters are.A Reddit user wrote, "Don't wanna be mean but I do agree, the sisters looked prettier." A thread on Reddit that talks about Orlando making an appearance on Andrei and Elizabeth’s 90 Day Fiancé American wedding, has comments about Jenn having met him when she was interning at the radio station. '90 Day Fiance' star Elizabeth 'Libby' Potthast comes from a big family, but her mom, dad, brothers and sisters don't approve of husband Andrei Castravet. I agree with this. Given the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19, In Touch wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. Elizabeth Potthast, star of TLC's hit reality series 90 Day Fiancé, has had a tense relationship with her family since she brought her husband Andrei Castravet back to the states. New episodes every Sunday at 8pm EDT. New episodes every Sunday at 8pm EDT. Archived. And at only 22. I agree, she's trying to be manipulative, but I feel bad for her a bit. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ET. Libby Potthast is afraid that her American family will be too judgmental of Moldova. You don't have to blindly support him 100% but when your family is putting shit on him and making veiled accusations that speak to his character I'm sorry Libby but not speaking up is pretty fucked. Andrei is mostly trash. 90 Day Fiancé viewers may be aware that Libby was at one point pursuing a career in acting. Colt is trash. Elizabeth's family had trouble with the law before '90 Day Fiancé.' Created Nov 11, 2014. The couple recently went back to Moldova, Andrei’s home, to have their second wedding. 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After’s Elizabeth’s father may be running a scam of his own.It has come to the attention of fans that Chuck may no longer have a leg to stand on when he starts to investigate his son-in-law for sketchy behavior in upcoming episodes.. Elizabeth Potthast from 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? Member. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ’90 Day Fiance’: Andrei & His Brother Talk About Libby’s Family Drama – Gossipmantri While Elizabeth’s dad is grilling Andrei about his potentially criminal past and arrest record, he might need to cool it. Learn more about their jobs. I've been saying for weeks that he strikes me as someone living well beyond their means and deeply in debt. Because, according to Starcasm and online arrest records which were uncovered, Elizabeth’s dad was arrested in 2009 because of unpaid child support. PROJECTION. Get previous arrest details for Chuck, Charlie and more. Papa Chuck Potthast has a mugshot in his past for an unpaid child support contempt charge. She needed to shut that shut down way sooner. Meanwhile, there are also pics from the pair’s birthday dinner out. Libby’s family in Moldova. The first issue with this Happily Ever After drama is that even if Andrei Castravet had some legal trouble in his homeland, the Potthasts don’t exactly have clean hands. Elizabeth is trying her best to get to know his family better, but it is tough considering she doesn’t speak the language. My thoughts too - they're supposed to be on the same damn team esp in public! Posted by 1 month ago. 90 Day Fiance: come to learn about the K1 visa process, stay to be frauded by … Press J to jump to the feed. Angie goes next but is thrown when the official says obey. I know they mentioned it on their first season of 90 day, but everyone forgets that Andrei did live in the US as a young man and overstayed his visa. Hot shot Becky looked like a meth addict in that mug shot. I didn’t see your comment. 1.6k votes, 76 comments. Libby says the tampon photo OnlyFans is fake. Sep 27, 2020 #1,861 … I'm 21 and I feel way better about how I look. RED FLAG! But everyone is in this situation, And then were so surprised when his friends had his back. 2.6k. 1.6k. Chuck Potthast paying for everything is another family issue. TLC '90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After' spoilers finds that the world of the show has been filled with drama from Andrei Casstravet and Libby Potthast. Angela is trash. Just when I thought I was all by myself in the Libbys’s family is rude but Andrei is just bizarre. Close. Posted by 3 years ago. I hate Andrrrrrrei, but Libby her family have equal blame here. The tension between Andrei, Chuck, Charlie is at an all-time high. If the shoe was on the foot he'd be dragged for not supporting her. After a 90 Day Fiancé leaked the photo of Lippy and her tampon on Instagram, people expressed their disgust with comments like, "This is grossing me out," and "Why take a bare bottom pic when you're on your period??" He included happy snaps in his recent update for fans. In one of the most recent episodes of the show focusing on couple made up of an … How did you get it? The person is accusing Chuck of changing the locks on a house that’s sitting before foreclosure and subletting it for money. Becky looks like a totally different person. 246. He had at least one incident that lead to an arrest when he was a bouncer in NY. These are the type of people who hate immigrants, but they're fuckin awful Americans. The Potthast family has skeletons in the closet. She should be shutting her family down on that front. And 90 Day Fiance fans have slammed them for their “disrespectful” behavior. Elizabeth Potthast’s relatives (including Charlie and Jennifer) flew to the foreign country to see the TLC pair tie the knot for a second time in front … Close. Log In Sign Up. Yup! Libby’s family in Moldova . User account menu. Especially because he’s already been married to her for a few years and they have a kid. Libby’s strategy when her family and Andrrrrrei fight. She failed to assign equal blame, and I think even Andrei can see that, Absolutely. She kind of half-a*sses and it sounds more like “abba.” The 90 Day Fiance: Happily After Ever spouses change for the reception. UUUUUUUUUSERS! Filter by flair. I can't believe so many of them are convicted. In fact, it’s one of the biggest scams of all time. Michael repeats vows first and Angela tears up with emotion. 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, Chuck’s Illegal Activities? Press J to jump to the feed. It’s insane. Mothra's iphone friendly nails 💅 Cookies help us deliver our Services. It would have been way easier to stop the drama by telling her brother “hey, let’s talk about this another time.” or “quit interrogating him. The father and brother were nasty!! And, it really came to the surface on this season of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After with the extravagant wedding in Moldova. Imagine if that happened to you. Libby’s family is the epitome of privilege and it’s embarrassing to watch. Andrei can be a real shit but he is your partner and husband. And, it’s certainly a spectacle for the TLC pair. Asuelu talks portrayal on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, says ‘I don’t want to be that person’ - 15th February 2021 If you like this story then follow us on Google News or Flipboard . '90 Day Fiance' star Elizabeth Potthast Castravet and her husband, Andrei Castravet, started their own business together! New episodes every Sunday at 8pm EDT. The couple wanted to come clean about a lot of the scenes fans have watched since the season … Omg that’s Becky? kinda explains why she's the 'black sheep' of the family. Close. Libbys family is trash. I thought it might be her mom lol wtf. 238k members in the 90DayFiance community. '90 Day Fiance' star Elizabeth 'Libby' Potthast's family has a criminal history. 90 Day Fiance spoilers for Happily Ever After report that Andrei will describe how entertainment is always a “big thing” at Moldovan weddings. I noticed the same! I cannot stop cringing at their blatant disrespect. Meme. They’ve been there for one night and can’t explore any of the food. New episodes every Sunday at 8pm EDT. Share Share Tweet Email Comment. Yes! Oct 25, 2017 5,893. Member. 90 Day Fiancé: Self Quarantine airs on TLC Mondays at 9 p.m. The Potthast family’s Florida business has come under fire for sleazy moves towards tenants. The families are both in Moldova and they are preparing for the couple's second wedding.The only thing is, Libby has seen her husband act horribly toward her family and now she's not even sure that she wants to have another wedding. Libby’s family mug shot collection. Fully agree. Yes! Omg I love your flair. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the 90DayFiance community. User account menu. … Log In Sign Up. Let’s just enjoy our meal and have fun tonight.”, None of them are great people other than andre’s friends, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the 90DayFiance community. They have high quality dancers and singers. Her parents, her siblings, her husband - everyone wants to tell her what to do. Posted by 5 months ago. Elizabeth Potthast from 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? Absolutely. But they realize Michael loves her, so it’s a go. is part of a family with a criminal history, including mugshots. 1.6k. Sep 27, 2020 #1,860 Don't sniff the milk, y'all . She had a role as an extra in a Homeland episode in 2011 and … Meanwhile, the Andrei and Libby add that it’s going to be “nice”. "90 Day Fiance" star Pedro Jimeno revealed the way members of "The Family Chantel" treated Royal's wife, Angenette. 90 Day Fiance: come to learn about the K1 visa process, stay to be frauded by TLC. 90 Day Fiance: come to learn about the K1 visa process, stay to be frauded by TLC. It's literally the only way she can grab any power herself in these situations. ONE OF US. TLC ’90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After’ Spoilers – The Stress In Moldova. They were just baiting him .. and then played innocent Her family are all such pieces of shit and she’s a nasty shit for not supporting her husband .. albeit we know andreis not innocent but they were blatantly being assholes I felt bad for him. Press J to jump to the feed. 99. I also think she's a big fan of chaos. Andrei would fucking destroy Her Brother. I knew all along they weren’t gonna fight but, damn, did TLC get my hopes up. The tensions between Elizabeth Pottheast’s family and her husband Andrei Castravet are at an all-time high after a physical altercation. Posted by 4 months ago. 246 votes, 148 comments. Oct 27, 2017 1,740 West Columbia, SC. are frauding here now . By Stefania Sarrubba Aug 17, 2020. GatsGatsby. Explains his smug attitude. They’re just being assholes. Discussion. And, they show Libby holding her balloons – and more. But, he quickly pointed out that it was “not so good for the liver”. Here's what we know about her family. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Michael’s family has doubts about the bossy Georgia elder. I think she feels backed into a corner and she chooses to express her unhappiness by acting like a 2-faced bitch. In the past, the two families have failed to see eye to eye. HAHA. They’re so closed minded and exactly why other countries have this image of ignorant Americans. New episodes every Sunday at 8pm EDT. Episode Post. Elizabeth Potthast adds that it’s a “grand ball”. Elizabeth Potthast's sisters and father have butted heads with her husband Andrei Castravet several times on TLC's hit reality series "90 Day Fiancé." Andrei’s brother, Radu, tries to settle Andrei down in this EXCLUSIVE preview of ’90 Day Fiance… Anddddreeei could never be jumped, his Gazelle eyes are so far apart he could never be snuck up on, Her parents also over stepped boundaries by asking his friends about his past. Asuelu is trash. is afraid that her American family will be too … They're probably the kind of people to blame immigrants for not being able to find a good job even though the real answer is obvious. More evdience here. According to Sherrell, the entire family is on it. 90 Day Fiance: come to learn about the K1 visa process, stay to be frauded by TLC. Discussion IT IS ILLUSION SHITPOST ️ Fan Art ️ SHOWER THOUGHTS EVUHDENS Serious Discussion. 90 Day Fiance hubby, Andrei Castravet, said recently that the extended celebration was “amazing for the soul”.