An explorer most at home on the fringes of space. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords. For a brief explanation on EVERY one of the class combinations, visit my board FAQ on the Xbox board for Knights of the Old Republic. Jedi Consular Visionary, ambassador, seeker of Jedi wisdom. Ive played the game through twice now. This page has been accessed 1,074,942 times. After some talk, Bastila lets your character know that the Jedi This feat allows them to instantly close the distance and attack an opponent within 10 metres. ... you'll want to go Weaponmaster. Each increases your effectiveness in the roles that class is able to fill in the game. When a got my lightsaber in KOTOR 2, and after 1-2 levels i killed every enemy with 1-2 hits. Toasty, I had some trouble getting it to run, but I got it going. In KOTOR II, this power can be used to destroy most mines in the field. According to the game's producers, the change of developers was primarily due to BioWare's occupation with other titles, such as Jade Empire and Dragon Age. Jedi Guardians battle against the forces of evil and the dark side. On rare occasions, however, exceptional individuals open doors to strengths they did not know they had. Posted by 3 years ago. Destroy Droid (1 2 3) Ok another light side power. Jedi Guardians focus on combat training and lightsaber mastery. "if gears can be done on the 360, than any game can be done on the 360" (Wisdom_Cube) "I am the content doesn't inst rest me yet"(theroc500). This page was last edited on 6 April 2019, at 00:53. The pros and cons of each class and each prestige class. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. She was taken as an informal Padawan by the Jedi Knight Kavar. Have … KOTOR Best Class – What to Pick? The Jedi Council is located here. +++++++++++[>++++++>++++++++++>++++++++++<<<-]>+.>+.++++.+>-.----.------.--.<. I disagree with Jedi Masters being weak and needing "help". 929. Jedi Sentinels gain the Jedi Immunity feat automatically. The Handmaiden is one of the more elusive characters to work with. This makes them immune to fear. For more than 20,000 years, the Jedi Order has worked to promote peace and balance. In other words, make them seem better, so they would be used more. These are the eight playable classes currently available in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic | Table of Contents | Walkthrough. Report ... Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*. Saving levels allows you to gain more levels as a Jedi (up to 18, since maximum character level is 20). Before the Jedi Purge, there were three Jedi Classes, one of which was the Jedi Sentinel along with the Jedi Guardian and Consular. Once you hit Level 15, Kreia will offer you a prestige class. Game keeps crashing after character creation? Biographical information Physical description In-game information Chronological and political information Meetra Surik was a charismatic female human Jedi Master who, while still a Jedi Knight at the time, followed Revan and Malak to war against the Mandalorians, in defiance of the Jedi Council. The Ebon Hawk eventually touches down to friendly Dantooine. How do I solve (the 2nd door in voggas warehouse)? (most of the time). So, does anybody want KOTOR 3 enought to send EA a message? It was okay for war, but didnt use the … Best class for Kotor 2? Defense bonus has a ceiling of 6 at level 12, when Master Scoundrel's Luck is granted. They focus less on physical combat and more on mental disciplines in order to augment their mastery of the Force. I'm not sure what happens if you play as a neutral. Join. Cosmicat, I think you misunderstood what I said. I seem to remember back a while, that the devs of KOTOR2 said that one of the objectives of KOTOR2, was to make non-Jedi classes more viable. They focus on combat training and masterful use of the lightsaber. The Jedi Sentinel deals damage primarily through lightsaber strikes, though it does possess several Force powers, most noticeably the iconic Jedi Knight Force leap. 1 Galactic Republic classes 2 Galactic Republic 3 Sith Empire classes 4 Sith Empire Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery How do I get my Lighsaber back from Atris? They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order. On my first play through, I switched to jedi weapon master and tore the enemies apart. If your point was to cast Force Powers, you might as well start with the Jedi Consular, and then take up the Watchman prestige class for an even better version of KotOR I's Scoundrel/Consular. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. 87.4k. Class Breakdown: Jedi Guardian - Lots of Vitality and little force, this means you are able to run around and punch everybody in the face with a little help from the force. Jedi Consulars seek to bring balance to the universe. The Jedi Sentinel is one of two advanced class of the Jedi Knight; the other is the Jedi Guardian . After trying out the base classes, I found that I liked the Sentinel best and played that. A skillful rogue that gets by on stealth and guile. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Jedi Consulars gain the Force Focus feat automatically. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords is a role-playing video game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by LucasArts.It is the sequel to BioWare's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and was released for the Xbox on December 6, 2004, for Microsoft Windows on February 8, 2005, and OS X and Linux on July 21, 2015. A battle-ready fighter with no equal in combat. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Still, you didn't mention that Sentinel -> Jedi Master can be a pretty powerful all-around class. 1 Jedi Guardian; 2 Jedi Sentinel; 3 Jedi Consular; 4 Prestige Classes. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Summary : This sequel to the blockbuster RPG features an all-new, more perilous storyline, new characters, classes, locations and force powers. Close. For Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords on the Xbox, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "What is the best jedi class to play the game? This feat represents a heightened connection to the Force previously unseen in a newly trained Jedi. Defense bonus has a ceiling of 6 at level 12, when Battle Droid Logic Upgrade is granted. Thanks to another user, there's in-depth, but very easy to read, information on every class (Soldier-Guardian, Scout-Consular, Sentinel-Guardian, Sentinel-Consular, etc. silverfoxy8472 Posted 2/12/2008 8:36:22 AM message detail ok i realize this is a bit off my own topic but hey i consider it better than starting another thread for basically the same purpose in order to gain the influence for visas that comes form giving sakarie the visa does she need to be in the lead position like it sometimes happens with mira? Your main character starts as one class but must choose a Jedi class to continue once on Dantooine.