To me, Clara sounds kind, loving, beautiful, and wise. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.Buy the book. You are either possessing a great deal of good fortune or none at all. My name is Clara and if your looking for a unique name Clara is definitely rare as I'm the only Clara in my school! See Clarus for further details. It is not a popular name. Clara was perfect. It's a quick easy way to see the trend for Clara in 2021. Sadie . Clara Lilly. My daughter is a very bright beautiful baby, but a nutcase at the same time :) … Clara is a beautiful name, but I personally pronounce it different. Everyone loves it and says its very different.Although very difficult to find personalised items I have gotten 3 in the past 15 years!! With their upscale air, elegant girl names are naturally polished and never go out of style. Claire was a consideration (also beautiful) but we prefer names slightly less common without being too unusual. She clearly mastered the art of pantomime. We've found the following names that sound similar to Clara, sorted by popularity. You enjoy working with and organizing the efforts of others, but sometimes, a lack of confidence, indecisiveness, and even idleness can spoil your initiatives. Clara is the lovely heroine of ballet "The Nutcracker". I think most of the pretty and girly names are already popular because their such nice names. A user from Canada says the name Clara means "From the adjective clarus, meaning clear, bright, or famous". A famous female classical composer girls named Clara and I like the femininity of the name. Beautiful to the eye and to the ear, elegant girl names are always in demand. Clara as a girl's name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Clara is "bright, famous". At the same time, she can be dressed down with it as a nickname or Clary. ; Although you have a good appreciation of material values, business ability, and skill in organizing and managing others, your success is restricted by a lack of self-confidence and initiative. Clara Hughes, Canadian speed skater and cyclist. A vintage classic that’s been slowly creeping up in popularity, Clara is no doubt beautiful. Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. I have never met any other Clara’s in my life, so it would be nice if there were a bit more Clara’s. Clara Brown, also known as the “Angel of the Rockies” - a community leader, prosperous entrepreneur and philanthropist during the time of Colorado's Gold Rush. Danish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Denmark 2014, Belgian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Belgium (Flanders) 2014, Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland 2014, Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain 2014, Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Northern Ireland 2014, Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Quebec) 2014, German Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Germany 2014, Swiss Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Switzerland (French), Austrian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Austria, 2010, Belgian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Belgium, 2008, Danish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Denmark, 2010, French Girls Names: Most Popular Girls Names in France, 2010, Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland, 2010, Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain, 2010, Swiss Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Switzerland (French), 2010, Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Quebec), 2010, Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Quebec) for 2012, English Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in England 2015, Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Northern Ireland for 2012, Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland for 2012, Portuguese Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Portugal 2012, Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain 2012, Austrian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Austria 2012, French Girls Names: Most Popular Girls Names in France, Spanish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Spain, German Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Germany, Danish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Denmark 2015, Portuguese Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Portugal, Irish Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in the Republic of Ireland, Canadian Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Canada (Quebec), Swiss Girls Names: Most Popular Names for Girls in Switzerland. Meaning “bright and clear,” she has some seriously stunning roots to … Clara sounds sweet, but this name has some backbone.. I like the name. Clara Reed. I chose the name Clara because I like “old fashioned names”. How popular is Clara? Your name, Clara, gives you a friendly, poised, affectionate nature with a quick, discerning mind. Parents that are looking for something a little longer can check out Clarabel and Clarabeth, two unique ways to honor a Clara or similar pick. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Clara – Cla, Clarinette, Clarita, Clacla ️, ꧁༒☬clara☬༒꧂, Clari. “The celebrated one,” from the Greek kleo, make known or famous. I didn't want my daughter to be one of 10 kids with the same name in her classroom. Clara Montoya, American Girl Josefina's older sister The Italian nun who founded the order of the Poor Clares. Since then I've seen many other babies be born named clara. If you like Clara, you’ll love these other names like Clara. Let’s explore them together. I named my daughter Clara in 2004, oddly there was another little girl named Clara in her first grade class several years later, Neither me nor the other little girls mother had EVER known anyone else named clara. Also, my middle name is Claire so a little spin off of that too. With so many styles represented, there’s a name for everyone! While she is sophisticated, she’s not at all stuffy, wearing perfectly well on a young girl. Clara Lucille. Something like: Clara Lacey. The name Clare is the anglicized form of the Latin Clara while Claire is the French version. PART OF WILD SKY MEDIA | Family & Parenting. It’s a simple and classic name. My daughter's name is Klairra (Clara) Jolee. Clara Lillian. I love her name. She had an incredibly long, distinguished, and influential career as one of the top pianists in Europe, the chosen soloist for premieres by Robert Schumann (her husband) and Brahms (her protegé), as well as being a composer when it was hard for lady composers to get any traction at all. It's so majestic and fits her to a T. Carla and Clara are anagrams of each other; they contain the same letters. She was the leading lady in the movie "Wings", which won the very first Academy Award for Best Motion Picture. Try the Mama Natural book cover right week by week guide to pregnancy and childbirth. Your name of Clara has given you an expressive, diplomatic, and refined nature. Name MatchMaker to find the perfect baby name for you! The name Clara also means clear, bright, or famous, as explained in Behind the Name. The most Clara families were found in the USA in 1920. Clara James is her name. She is named after her great-grandfathers, Clarence and James. Names starting with "L" or "R" will flow well with the middle sounds in Clara. This was about 33% of all the recorded Clara's in the USA. It is the feminine form of the Late Latin name Clarus which meant "clear, bright, famous". Clarabelle is one of the coaches that Thomas the Train pulls. Clara Lorelei. It has a classic wise feel to the name. Clara is a form of Clarus. A few children the same age are named the same way. If you like how Clara sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Clara. Mamas with kids named Clara also have kids with these names. Clara is rare and very quirky! Each of these names holds a special place in our hearts for one reason or another. As I hunt for a name for my soon-to-be first born child, I insist on finding a name with as much tradition and simple respect to it. The name Clara means Illustrious and is of Latin origin.Clara is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for girls.. Clara is the Latinized form of the name Claire/Clare. We’ve gotten lots of compliments on it. This page also accommodates origin, lucky number, and religion in Urdu. It's so pretty, I can't even. Clara Page, character in "This Side of Paradise" by F. Scott Fitzgerald Today, Clara is especially popular in the countries of Spain and Catalonia where it’s a Top 50 choice for girls. strong, spunky German woman and also because it’s a good classic name and we just liked it. Love it. CLARA NAME MEANING IN URDU Clara name meaning in Urdu - Clara is a Christian Girl name, originating from English language. The most popular girl names of 2019 are a beautiful mix of timeless classics and modern stunners. Clara Laine. A little girl is going to be a woman someday — and stay a woman longer than she does a girl — so it’s best not to think of baby names as only suitable for babies. Clara comes from the Latin "clarus", (the feminine form is "clara"), meaning "famous, brilliant". Similar to Clara . Clara is a beautiful, classic name, and don’t be afraid to use it. Some may also recognize her from The Nutcracker, as the young heroine of the famous ballet. Milla . Clara Leanne. Clara, strong female character in Lonesome Dove (book and miniseries) Clara name meaning in Urdu is Bright There are other meanings of Clara in Urdu mentioned on this page. Clara is a very popular first name for women (#144 out of 4276, Top 3%) and also a very popular last name for both adults and children (#22870 out of 150436, Top 15%). What are her siblings named? Clara ( Claire in english) means ‘clear’, ‘bold’, ‘formidable’. Ranking 103rd in popularity in the United States for girls in 2018, the name Clara is somewhat popular. The Clara family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. My college boyfriend named his daughter Clara. Mix it up with these names that are a variation of the name Clara. Clarabelle the Cow, Disney character I named my daughter Clara Jane. Rate Clara. © 2021 Wild Sky Media All rights reserved. Her name fits her so perfectly; she is a naturally beautiful, intellectually gifted, and compassionate young woman. Meaning “bright and clear,” she has some seriously stunning roots to rest on. The name Clara is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "bright, clear". I was a ballerina all of my life and was in the Nutcracker and always loved the Nutcracker and Clara is the main character in it. We thought it was a beautiful name and that’s about it! DEMOGRAPHICS) Clara reached its apex position of #9 in the U.S. in the 1880s, and is at #103 currently. Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Clara. A feminine alternative to Claire. Clara is another main character in Lonesome Dove who selflessly loves and nurses her husband on his death bed. As a nearly 30-something, I've only met a few other Clara's around my age - most are in their 80's. It was my grandmothers name & I always thought it was beautiful. Clara falls into the classic name category. To see famous people named Clara, pop culture references for the name Clara and nicknames & variations - visit Nameberry or Wikipedia. I rate Clara as a 10, not compared to Hollywood big budget films with A-list actors, but for what it is, an indie film by a young, up and coming director telling a classic feel good romance story intertwined with solid SciFi with solid acting. Clara Raine. Florian Clara (born 1988), Italian luger; Roland Clara (born 1982), Italian cross country skier; Places France. (2000 U.S. She cares for the homestead, farm, and even catches a baby at home and adopts the baby as her own. This name benefits from a great meaning. Infographic of Clara name meaning, which is Clara is derived from the Latin clarus, meaning bright and clear. My name is Clara and I absolutely adore it. Thanks to Emmy Jo and Another for suggesting our Baby Name of the Day. Kaia . She became known as the quintessential flapper. Claire is the French form of Clara, a feminine derivation of the Latin masculine name Clarus. She has won multiple Olympic medals in both sports and is the flag-bearer for the Canadian team in the 2010 Olympics. My son’s middle name is Augustus, named after a main character in the Western book/movie Lonesome Dove. Clara Johnson, the heroine of the novel and Broadway musical "The Light in The Piazza" Feminine form of the Late Latin name Clarus, which meant "clear, bright, famous".The name Clarus was borne by a few early saints.The feminine form was popularized by the 13th-century Saint Clare of Assisi (called Chiara in Italian), a friend and follower of Saint Francis, who left her wealthy family to found the order of nuns known as the Poor Clares. We find it to be simple, elegant, classic and beautiful with a grateful nod to previous generations. I love my baby girl’s name! Finding middle names for girls doesn’t have to be a chore. Clara, Pyrénées-Orientales, a commune of the Pyrénées-Orientales département in southwestern France Clara Name Meaning A vintage classic that’s been slowly creeping up in popularity, Clara is no doubt beautiful. To rhyme with Sara for me, it would be Clair-uh For me, I find Clah -ruh gorgeous. The name was popularized in the 1920s because of Clara Bow, often referred to as the greatest silent film actress in history. Whether you’re a lover of the classics or seek something modern, we’ve compiled the best girl names onto one list. Looking for the perfect name? My daughter is a very bright beautiful baby, but a nutcase at the same time :) She is so full of life and wonder and fears nothing. The Latinized version of Clara became widely adopted by English-speaking countries in the 19th century. In her history, you’ll find all sorts of amazing associations like suffragist Clara Arthur, civil rights leader Clara Luper, and founder of the American Red Cross Clara Barton. Top rated girls names. We named our baby Clara after my husband’s great grandmother who was a namecandy - Celebrity baby names, ask the Name Lady, & more. A submission from South Africa says the name Clara means "Clear, bright famous" and is of German origin. A word of caution: the main character in the Nutcracker is named Clara, and this can be an annoying (and constant) reference point around the holidays. It comes from the Latin clarus, clear or bright.Various forms of Clarus have been used over the years, including Clare – as in Saint Clare of Assisi. Clarie, Clare, Clary, Clari, Clarita, Clarabella, Cla, Lala, Clarikins. We’ve scooped up all sorts of names that work well in the middle name position from funky and fun to timeless classics. Clara is a 5 letter name with 2 syllables. A diminutive is a name that’s like Clara sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Clara, but shorter. Clara: Shining. Clara meaning has been searched 11482 till Date. Clara, the kind and telepathic mother in Isabel Allende's 'House of the Spirits' I enjoyed Clara from beginning to end and I suspect many others will as well. Alternate spellings for Clara? Mine have top 10 names but are the only ones in the playgroups we go to and amongst my friends. We heard it from Clara Cannucciari, a YouTube channel where a 90+ woman shared her Great Depression videos. Means “light” or “clear” and she is a light to our lives. Clara or Klara is a female given name. Clare is a common name throughout Europe and the British Isles, its popularity once due in part to the fame of St. Clare of Assisi (c. 1193 - 1253). You can use our Sibling name generator to find matching brother and sister names for the name Clara. It's just different enough for me... and suits her perfectly. I didn't like it at first but when my father said to spell it with a k I fell in love and have been in love with it ever since. My daughter's name is Klairra (Clara) Jolee. Quite a lady. Famous Claras include silent film actress Clara Bow, nurse Clara Barton, and American civil rights activist Clara Luper. The name Clara consists of 5 Letters and 1 Word that includes it in a short name however Clara name meaning is quite snazzy. Want a different name? But not as many as ‘Sophia’ or ‘Matthew’. She was named after her fathers grandmother who I adore she is just a beautiful wonderful person. Your email address will not be published. Character Analysis of Clara: Persons with the name Clara are most often optimistic souls who have a genuine enthusiasm about life and the living of it. I love the older more traditional names versus these new age names that are coming out now. All fields are required *. In the movie Heidi, Heidi teaches Clara (Klara) to walk again. Clara Rowan. We chose Clara because I love the name and it is also my Grandmothers name. Clara is undeniably mature, a touch more refined than her shorter sister Clare. Long relegated to an Olde World backwater, the European-flavored Clara has been speeding up the charts on sleeker sister Claire's coattails for the past few decades. This great little girl name has a natural strength. See the popularity of the girl's name Clara over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. They are generally charming, pretty easy-going and are good conversationalists. We’ve collected our favorites in one easy-to-view list for you to explore. Clara is a name that represents a tendency to exhibit extremes in terms of material success. Our content is doctor approved and evidence based, and our community is moderated, lively, and welcoming.With thousands of award-winning articles and community groups, you can track your pregnancy and baby's growth, get answers to your toughest … She was named after her fathers grandmother who I adore she is just a beautiful wonderful person. She’s about 16 now. Clara Barton, American who founded the Red Cross How popular is the name Clara? Derived from the Latin clārus (bright, clear, famous). 2 people from the United States and Australia agree the name Clara is of Latin origin and means "Clear or bright". Clara (as a name) peaked in about 1830, but the name is still very beautiful today. Unlike many of the trendy picks of today, Clara isn’t plagued with alternate spellings other than Klara, a variant more preferred in Europe than stateside. The graph below shows the popularity of the girls's name Clara from all the UK baby name statistics available. She is a true woman and we love that we are raising some Western character children. Clara Kimball Young, silent film actress, Clara Lukasiak, the younger sister of Chloe Lukasiak and daughter of Christi Lukasiak Embraced by many parents, the name Clara, is one of timelessness and majesty. If I ever have a daughter I will probably make Clara her middle name. Browse our list of these gems here. An enchanting name that will appeal to parents. Explore the list of today’s hottest girl names here with us. Clara, Samantha's doddering old aunt on Bewitched. Here is a list of Sibling names that go with Clara. Clara Cluck, Disney character I know a Clara born in 1989. I wanted a name that wasn’t super popular, but also wasn’t too unique. Clara, Doc's love interest in Back to the Future lll Currently in the top 250, this name has been part of the top 1000 most popular since 1880, when the Social Security Administration began record keeping. Clara Schumann, pianist and wife of the composer Robert Schumann. Clara Rachel. The French word for “clear,” Claire’s meaning, is clair, and was traditionally a male name.Now the spelling is used mainly for girls, along with Clare, and occasionally Klaire or Klare. Know a Clara? Here’s everything we know. Try our alternate name speller to get unique spellings for Clara. We love classic names. Clara is derived from the Latin clarus, meaning bright and clear. Dahlia . She is my best friend and amazes me everyday. People living in the UK, America (USA), Canada, India, and Saudi Arabia can search the details of Clara name online without any hassle. Its definitely gaining in popularity. My best friend's name is Clara (she was born in 2000) and personally I love her name. The meaning "clear and brilliant" is so lovely to have. New York and 1 other state had the highest population of Clara families in 1840. Classic and beautiful, but not overused or terribly common. We couldn't find any information about what this name means. ? Clara Ruby. It bothered me as a young child to have such an "old" name, and now I wouldn't trade it for anything. Good girl names are pleasant in sound and in meaning. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS) Which version is better? Clara (given name), a feminine given name (includes a list of people and fictional characters with this name) Saint Clara or Clare of Assisi; Surname. Now, many would say the vintage chic Clara is the more stylish of the two names. It is your birthright to rule an enterprise – that is, if you are up to the challenge. Clara Wieck Schumann is an excellent namesake for any family that's into Western classical music. Clara Bow, "It Girl" of the silver screen (first "It Girl" ever). Some famous bearers of this name include: Clara Schumann. In 1840 there were 2 Clara families living in New York. Clara Oswin Oswald, one of the Doctor's companion in the British Sci-Fi series, Doctor Who. Its highest popularity RANKING of #7 was reached in 1885. She’s also a Disney name, appearing as Clara Cluck, the chicken in Mickey Mouse cartoons. It’s perfect for our daughter! Clara Rose. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. I wished that my daughter would have a bold, truthfull character and this name embraceses these traits. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. Lila . ― Anonymous User 1/11/2020 1 Clara Haskil was a world famous classical … I nearly fell into the trap of naming my dc names that were not popular then I realised the popular names were nice for a reason. She evokes images of lace and tulle, a delicate name that’s right at home playing dress up in childhood or gracing the runway as an adult. Find a name that’s like Clara, but just a little bit different.