Use it as a source to practice translating or interpreting either in verbal or visual language. United States District Court, District of Maine. Resources and Information for Healthcare Interpreters. ( Log Out / Cross-Cultural Communications 1) THE COMMUNITY INTERPRETER: Exercises and Role Plays is a workbook filled with exercises, activities and dialogues for the training of community interpreters.It includes English-Spanish and English-English dialogues that cover medical, educational and social services settings. Record yourself. good practice to follow in all cases 20 4.1 duty to safeguard children and protect women at risk 20 4.2 talking about fgm 21 4.3 things to be aware of in dealing with cases of fgm 23 4.4 medical examinations 23 4.5 making enquiries 24 4.6 disclosure and confidentiality 24 4.7 a victim-centred approach 24 Below you will find instructions, as well as practice materials: 3 audio recordings, each accompanied by a word list and a transcript. In that time, I have taught face to face and accumulated a great deal of experience, but I have also: Elearning for interpreters is still in its infancy, and I have designed all these materials from scratch, thinking carefully about interpreters’ needs. You may also be desperate for more information about a particular topic – if so, let me know and I’ll try to design a webinar for you! workshop at the California Healthcare Interpreting Association’s 20th Educational Conference conference in San Diego. Observe different kinds of proceedings and practice your interpreting skills by following the hearing and trying to interpret what you hear. Taking an Interpreter’s Oath to Heart. I am Core Certification Healthcare Interpreter™ (CoreCHI™). Do not pause the recording! Yulia, thank you so much! a cell phone or a voice recording program on your computer). ORCIT materials are intended to introduce and allow for basic practice in interpreting skills and techniques. For a run-down of InterpreMed’s amazing features, check out this blog post! In fact, I believe this is an essential part of interpreter training and should make up the bulk of your classroom hours (if you’re enrolled on an interpreting course) and your group practice sessions. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Please take a look around the site to learn more about the online materials I offer, and get in touch if you have any questions! The following tips are designed to improve the kind of skills required to become a professional court interpreter: Become familiar with courtroom settings, procedure and legal vocabulary by visiting your local courts. View all posts by Yuliya Speroff. REV 8/97, Updated 2007. Bilingual English-Spanish blog on issues important to the professional interpreter. a cell phone or a voice recording program on your computer). (there are some blank spaces in the Keywords Worksheet for you to do that). Recordings — Simultaneous exercises, consecutives, and the Verbal Volley 1 (101 courtroom phrases) Scripts — Simultaneous exercises, consecutive exercises, and sight translations. Could you have organized the information in a more efficient way? Thank You For the Words: Building Your Interpreter Glossary, For Interpreters by Interpreters: Useful Resources and Interesting Content, Resources for Russian Medical Interpreters Part 2: Podcasts, Resources for Russian Medical Interpreters Part 1: Books, Follow The Medical Interpreter Blog on, Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters, National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters, International Medical Interpreters Association: IMIA, Language Testing and Certification Program | DSHS, California Healthcare Interpreting Association – About us, Cindy Roat | Practical Solutions for Language Access in Health Care, Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society – Home, Note-taking for Medical Interpreters: Resources and Practice Materials, Resources for Medical Interpreters: Skill-Building and Medical Terminology, Thank You For the Words: Building Your Interpreter Glossary, Idioms for Medical Interpreters: Practice Activities, Pre-session: a Medical Interpreter's Best Friend, Netflix and Learn: Unconventional Resources for Medical Interpreters, And best of all, they are free: suggested podcasts for medical interpreters, Resources for Interpreting in Cancer Care, ATISDA Blog (Association of Translators and Interpreters in the San Diego Area), FORENSICS and LAW in FOCUS @ CSIDDS | News and Trends, Liz Essary, the author of That Interpreter blog provides.