Even if you do, he thinks he will easily get away with it {maybe he will lie to you or something or you will take him back. If he doesn’t seem to care that you need someone to tag along to a party with you, then he’s not interested in seeing you more often than he needs to. The first few days of me and this guy texting he was flirting. He still hugs me and stuff but not as much as he used to. Relevance. Chances are the guy will come crawling back when he sees you aren’t missing him or crying over him like he thought you would. There is a big chance that he is playing it “Hot n cold” with you. I admit I wasn't flirting back sooo soo much because he was calling me names like "baby girl,boo" etc. When he flirts with you one day and ignores you the next day, you have two choices. Hi, I have had a very similar situation with a friend at work who has been flirting with me for almost 8 months now. But still. He still comments on my fb statuses and stuff and he will randomly text me or call me.. 2 Answers. You can either hold onto the hope he likes you back and continue throwing yourself at him — or you can raise your standards and realize you’re worth so … So sometimes this just happens in life and in dating, and the worst thing you can do is give up. 1 decade ago. I'm so confused! Sometimes you have to give a guy a chance to miss you. What is even worse is guys who get caught but don’t pay the price! So, please listen to my advice and don’t keep trying. He'll look up at some point and miss you if he does like you, and then he'll probably spring back. When the guy comes back, you will notice that the sparks are there and you two are flirting again like the day you first met. Sure, he ACTS interested, he flirts with you, and tells you that you're beautiful and smart and interesting, but then he pulls back and … In this case I’m sorry to say he’s not serious about you. The best think you can do is take that time to heal and find yourself again and then get back … but a few days later he stopped calling me those names and idk why. Make it a point to go out and flirt with new guys to find a man who will consistently call, text and date you. RoseLizzy. But what’s confusing about is that it’s been a mixture of flirting where he will be complimenting my looks, playing with my hair and finding excuses to touch me, and then where he is genuinely trying to get to know me more from asking me so many … You can’t have a relationship without hanging out, so he’s definitely just a flirt. Answer Save. And when a man isn’t seriously interested, you have no leverage or power to change things. Why do guys do it? My best surmise is that men just need to go off to something like a … Some guys will flirt and get too personal with other girls because they know they won’t face any consequences after all. Favourite answer. Then I started to act strangely and even I hate my self and attempted suicide.then he starts to step back and when I ask him he told me that I wasn’t ready to treat my self with the depression. If he wanted to date you, he’d take any opportunity to ask you out. Or he doesn’t feel like you’ve been dating long enough that it really warrants a straight up break up. But I started to live alone leaving my family and I developed major deppression. I know a guy who flirted with me, someone told him i liked him and then he backed off. Why does a guy flirt and then back off the next day? A guy backs off either because 1. he's playing the hot and cold game, trying to make fall for him by first giving you attention and then taking it away, making you want more or 2. he's confused because you're not reciprocating and he doesn't want to seem desperate or clingy. First he wants to help me in each and everything.