Sunny Cultivation, 725 E. Dundee Rd. She offers private instruction and weekly public classes. Mina Isabel Shahriary is a yoga teacher based in Baltimore, MD. It was also the first strain to win an award for House of the Great Gardener, and not just any award, she took home 3rd place at the 2011 High Times Cannabis Cup. Not to be confused with oil from hemp seeds (which doesn’t contain cannabinoids), Haoma comes from the flowers and leaves of the hemp plant. We crossed the Purps with the GG #1 to give the Purps a stronger structure, and the best phenotypes were put to the members of a local compassion club to choose their favourites. Haoma has similarities with Afghani and Mendocino Purps and is a combination of 70% indica and 30% sativa. If anyone can help me with this i'd appreciate it. Why does Haoma work? From ancient descriptions, the original Soma/Haoma must have been a very special plant. The latest update for TPP has a LOT of Haoma-farming requirements and as such I was wondering if anyone has any good tips on finding this incredibly-rare plant. Sunny Cultivation, 725 E. Dundee Rd. About Haoma seeds. They feel that there is a psychological benefit for the customers when they know that their seeds will transform into a plant with specific medicinal value. The Purps has always been a favourite strain due to its colourful … Sunny Cultivation provides top quality, certified and verified seeds… Read More. #204, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (773) 754-0074 Sunny Cultivation provides top quality, certified and verified seeds… Read More. A major connection is their use of a sacred plant, known in India as Soma, and in Persia as Haoma. I know well the exploitation trick on Episode 3, but that's just WAAAAAY too slow. The human body has a vast network of receptors, the endocannabinoid system, that helps us maintain overall wellness and helps support many of our body’s physical processes. Seed Type: Regular (Non Feminized) Seed Bank: House of the Great Gardener. House of the Great Gardener have always emphasised their desire for quality and control on their products. In Zoroastrian mythology, Haoma or Hōm, was rooted in the center of the world sea, Vourukasha. Mindfully crafted by a team of herbalists and scientists working in unison, each collection in the series focuses on one featured ingredient. Haoma was the first strain to be created by House of the Great Gardener with input from medical patients at the Vancouver Island Compassion Society. Grow Haoma seeds and get a fine marijuana plant with generous crops. The HAOMA Skincare Series is an ongoing exploration of adaptogenic plant ingredients and Earth-based healing modalities. #204, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (773) 754-0074 This lovely lady Haoma is a gem in the House of the Great Gardener's collection. Meaning “Divine Plant” in the Avestan language, Haoma encompasses the power of essential oils. Its wings would rattle the branches and release seeds into the water below. This lovely lady Haoma is a gem in the House of the Great Gardener's collection. Compare Haoma Seeds prices Seed Store: 11 seeds: Seedsman (by House Of The Great Gardener) $ 67.99: Buy: Cannabis Seeds Store Uk (by House Of The Great Gardener) $ 73.67: Buy: Additional information; Reviews (0) Strain Name: Haoma. The first and only USDA licensed and registered seed merchant, distributor, and importer. Haoma is a strain which is mainly indica and has a THC percentage of 4%. looking for a way or map to find them effeciently enough. This strain has CBD levels around 6%. We crossed the Purps with the GG #1 to give the Purps a stronger structure, and the best phenotypes were put to the members of a local compassion club to choose th It is said that the Simorgh, a Divine bird, would live in Haoma. The first and only USDA licensed and registered seed merchant, distributor, and importer.