I logged out of the game for a bit, came back. But no. So, if you decide to grab your multi million dollar supercar for a spin, decide to buy some sh*t or do ANYTHING that triggers the autosave feature, the autosave feature will see that YOUR GARAGES DOES NOT HAVE YOUR MULTI MILLION DOLLAR SUPERCAR...Because you took it out of the garage and are driving it. Daten über Ihr Gerät und Ihre Internetverbindung, darunter Ihre IP-Adresse, Such- und Browsingaktivität bei Ihrer Nutzung der Websites und Apps von Verizon Media. The Impound Lot is located in LSPD Auto Impound, the same location where Franklin picks up the Tow Truck for a side mission with Tonya GTA 5's single … I can't find it on my own so i have to rely on my GPS system but when i browse i can't seem to find it. J. This will trigger a save and ensure that progress since the last auto-save is recorded. RELATED: The GTA Side Mission Grand Theft Auto 6 Shouldn't Bring Back Grand Theft Auto 5’s single-player and online modes both provide some opportunity to retrieve lost or destroyed cars, but there’s never a guarantee that a customized car will stay intact for long. I hope you will get em back! That's why trackers and insurance is only online. So, here are some suggestions for you to deal with it: 1) Play the game with the autosave feature turned OFF; 2) ALWAYS check out which vehicles are in your impound lot, if they are not the vehicles that you want, then DESTROY THEM, if you do not destroy them they will just come back to the lot...This ensures that there will be a open spot always available to a vehicle that you don't want to lose; 3) Do NOT store vehicles that do not spawn on the streets on your safehouse garages, just in case they still vanish(very unlikely, but it's better safe than sorry)...If they do vanish you can always steal another one, take it to LSC to customize however you want and store it again...But with bought cars that costs a lot, like say, the 10 million dollar Z-Type? I'm still missing a truck I've bought with Trevor too…. I flew across the city, did a mission, switched to Trevor for a couple missions, switched back to Michael and went to the Police Impound to grab my Vacca, but to my surprise it wasn't there! Wir und unsere Partner nutzen Cookies und ähnliche Technik, um Daten auf Ihrem Gerät zu speichern und/oder darauf zuzugreifen, für folgende Zwecke: um personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr über die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie für die Entwicklung von Produkten. bought my car for half a million dollars and spent 200K on upgrades and its look. Sorry? Short description: Make it so that when a car gets chopped it's next spawn point is always the impound lot and not the spot where it got chopped at after they do /vg. When I got back it wasn't there, neither in my garage nor the impound. I've always played with auto save off, and it still happens to me. I parked my car and got in a fridge rent one then it disappeared...instead of being impounded like it usually is, it isn't impounded and it isn't at my house or my garage or anywhere!!! As your car isn't there, it is gone forever, sorry. Repair it and there you go. What can I do to fix this? Didn't show up at impound or at my garage after. While I was playing Gta V Online I was driving around in my lowrider and I gained a wanted level. I also checked my Vinewood Garage, Safehouse, and even the hospital where I left it. 6 ) - What version of Scripthook & the game are you using? Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. Trust me, if you get out of your car and get on any other vehicle and move the camera away, your previous car is GUARANTEED to despawn. Do you want to know how to get your CAR back from the Police impound lot for free or cheap? There currently are no markers. Another time I was frustrated, switched to Trevor and well, you know how it is after switching back Michael was driving around in the missing car. 4) if you feel like driving any vehicle stored, drop by the LSCs and change anything on it, this is just to ensure that the car will be impounded in case you step out of it to drive another vehicle. Cars don't show up to the impound because you did not have ownership of it. Pray for me people. After this, to save the hassle of having a random car go back to Impound after ditching it, just BLOW IT UP. I got Trevor that Chevy Suburban looking large SUV and installed a lot of mods and accessories to it (spent over $6000) and i lost it after leaving it somewhere to do a mission. I logged onto GTA story mode today to do a mission with Micheal and the purchased car I had been driving (fully upgraded) wasn't in the garage where u usually park it so I went down to his garage down the road and it wasn't there either, I checked the impound but it's got two cars I purchased with Trevor instead of Micheals car, and I checked it with Trevor and his are two stolen cars, already checked the locations I last had the car in I have a save from just before I lost there car, should I go back to it to get the car or any ideas to recover it?? Left it in a parking lot and moved a few metres away to buy a storage for my boats. Maybe a bike as well. Basically I bought the Bugatti, Fully customized it, travelled to the northern area (sandy shores) and left it there to do some mission, after the mission the car was there but it got stuck so i had to leave it behind. Every car that has been in the "save that" will get to the impound if you lose it. 3:40. Seriously. Browse more videos. Remember to go to the impound as the right character i.e. This sucks. Not in the police impound, not in my garage, not at the safe house. EXPLANATION-> [Release] PD Impound [ESX] You’re allowed to impound if you either have the police job, or the mecano job. I spent $100,000 on a car and saved it in my garage. I lost it in the past and was able to retrieve it in the impound. It's ''your'' car. Press the right stick in the map screen. He said it was fully molded, sooo... that meant that he's taken it to LSC, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. How can I get them back? 5 years ago | 19 views. On 7/9/2019 at 9:22 PM, crazykid0506 said: On 6/27/2019 at 3:56 PM, random gay said: On 1/6/2014 at 7:10 PM, ThroatSlasher2 said: GTAForums does NOT endorse or allow any kind of GTA Online modding, mod menus, tools or account selling/hacking. Including the vehicles that you have put into storage(the warehouse garages, hangars, helipads and the marina spots) AND the vehicles in your safe house garage. Where you get a bigger garage, you can store 2+ cars inside. aus oder wählen Sie 'Einstellungen verwalten', um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und eine Auswahl zu treffen. aka random vehicles I stole and don't give a crap about. I told R* and the next day they gave me $1.5 million in compensation, which was more than fair because it was a free car and I probably only spent about $200,000 on upgrades. I parked my car and got in a fridge rent one then it disappeared...instead of being impounded like it usually is, it isn't impounded and it isn't at my house or … Do NOT post them here or advertise them, as per the forum rules. GTA V: Story mode - Lost my purchased car:/? Anyone else experience this? Impound is bugged and your cars aren't guaranteed to go back there. THIS IS NOT GETTING FIXED BECAUSE THIS IS HOW THIS SYSTEM IS PROGRAMMED TO WORK, SINCE 2013. After a while the cops killed me and impounded my car, then I got a message saying that I should go get my car or it will be destroyed. Answer: When exiting GTA Online, please pause the game and choose to return to Single Player. Not in the impound or garage no where, same with lots of cars, I can't leave them anywhere otherwise they just dissapearedvafter no point in playing? 5 ) - Check any .log file you have in your main GTA V game folder as it may point to what is wrong. Next. It's now gone. Für nähere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklärung und Cookie-Richtlinie. Yahoo ist Teil von Verizon Media. When I saw the word destroyed I didnt think much of it. Spent $440K on an Infernus with Michael, fully modded it with everything the most expensive as possible, had it for a while and had previously collected it from the impound/garage. Question: My online character, rank, items, apartments are suddenly missing. I was thinking that the 5th version of GTA should have this fixed... =(. As you can tell R* doesn't give a f*ck about single player. When I play GTA V and place my customized car in the garage it always disappears. Would you like to see more? I thought it was supposed to be impounded if you left it somewhere? It continually impounds vehicles I don't want to be impounded. I loaded the game right before I lost the Vacca and I went back to the Vinewood Garage and took the car out again. To protect your cars from being lost in the future, you can use the Single Player Garage mod. GTA 5 bought a Car, not in garage or impound..? Relevance. In this manner, where is the impound lot on GTA V? Answer Save. Actually I think the whole car ownership system is faulty. The impound system is RETARDED. Click to see full answer. They went full retard with the SP impound; stolen cars get impounded (why?!) Another time I was frustrated, switched to Trevor and well, you know how it is… after switching back Michael was driving around in the missing car. Avoided by only storing 1 custom car. The first few floors of the garages contain police cars which spawn in the parking spaces. They do not appear in the impound at all even with the right character, I had it stored in my garage but went on a joyride and the car has vanished off the game.