The Oberhasli is a dairy goat found in the Brienzer region of Switzerland near Bern, where it is known as the Oberhasli-Brienzer. This is a list of goat breeds.There are many recognized breeds of domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus).Goat breeds (especially dairy goats) are some of the oldest defined animal breeds for which breed standards and production records have been kept. One of the importance of having a goat gestation table as a goat farmer or owner is that it would make it easy to schedule the breeding in your herd very appropriately. I know there are plenty of people with plenty of experience who pen breed, but we hand breed. Goats come in many different sizes, colors and breeds, and each of these have their own specific characteristics. Goat Freak, I know you can breed son to mother or daughter to father, but I wasn't aware of being unable to breed siblings. Well, this is pretty self explanatory. Selective breeding of goats generally focuses on improving production of fiber, meat, dairy products or goatskin. As GoatWorld.Com continues to grow, we will attempt to list as many specific traits for each breed of goat as possible. Goat Name. Domestic goats can be any color and each breed registry generally has breed standards that describe the desired appearance and color for that breed. You can order color prints of the dairy goat breed photos shown on this page: Order Correct Color Prints of Dairy Goats >> Alpine Nubian goats weigh can up to 250 lbs. It was formerly called the Swiss Alpine in the USA. Choosing a Goat Breed. It is not legal to import Golden Guernsey goats into the United States. Why can't you breed siblings? Nigerian dwarf goats are one of the smallest breeds, weighing around 20 pounds. They generally produce 3.16 kg of milk that is 3.72% fat. American Dairy Goat Association currently maintains herd books for the following breeds of dairy goats: Alpine, LaMancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, Sable and Toggenburg. This breed is of medium size, vigorous and alert in appearance. It obviously should go first. It is noted for its rich red bay color and quiet, gentle temperament. Look for floppy-eared Nubians. There are dairy breeds — Nubian, La Mancha, Alpine, Oberhasli, Toggenburg, Saanen, Sable, & Nigerian Dwarf goats. Haven't done that, have breed son to mother and produced a really fantastic buckling with terrific personality. Boer goats can weigh up to 300 lbs. Goat Gestation Table / Chart. There are meat breeds — Spanish, Tennessee, Boer, & Kiko goats. Pygmy goats weigh between 53 and 86 pounds. The use of a goat gestation table cannot be farfetched. Just like to know to tuck away for future knowledge. I only knew these goats to be used for dairy purposes. All other of these categories can be moved around as you choose. The Guernsey goat breed is the smallest of medium-sized dairy goats. As a young boy in 4H, the goats I grew up with were Nubians. Bred Date/Sire. The female goat is called a “doe” or “nanny.” Up to the age of 12 months, she is sometimes referred to as a “doeling.” The doe can reach puberty between 4 to 12 months of age, depending on the breed, season of birth, level of feeding/nutrition, and overall health status. If your goat has floppy ears that hang about 1 inch (2.5 cm) below its muzzle, you can be sure it’s a Nubian. When it comes to choosing a breed of goat, you need to know which goats are good for which purpose. Goat Breeds for Meat. Also known as Anglo-Nubians, this is a common breed of goat across the world. Good dairy-herd management requires you to know the dates on which your goats are bred.