We had to try it out, of course! Pineapples, kiwi fruit, papaya, figs, and prickly pears all contain an enzyme called protease. Hypothesis. The jelly 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 ours) 4.5 Type of fruit The effect of an enzyme found in certain fresh fruits on the protein Classroom experiment. Evaluating Fruit Enzymes: Effects of Oxidative Enzymes on Fruit Appearance, Taste and Texture and. To find out the effects of fruit enzymes on Jello-O. This enzyme helps digest proteins, and since gelatin’s structure holds up due to its protein content, these fruits will prevent it from setting properly. Purpose. Try a food chemistry experiment: Learn how to see the DNA in an Onion! Fruit.Enzyme Lab Part 3. Methods. Whilst fruit enzymes are good for breaking down meat proteins, they also digest other types of protein. For example, if you made a jelly and added some raw kiwifruit or raw pineapple, the protease enzymes will digest the gelatine and stop the jelly from setting properly. We mixed up jello according to the package directions and poured it in the tray. Materials. More COOL Kitchen Science Experiments: Gelatin Fruit Enzyme Experiment– see which fruits prevent gelatin from setting up. Methods. Welcome to The Lab Report sponsored by Apologia Science.. Hypothesis. Fruit.Enzyme Lab Part 2. This week, we are talking enzymes. Fruit Enzymes Gelatin Experiment. Enzyme versus Protein Jello Experiment: ... We did this to see if cooking the pineapple would make a difference as opposed to using the fresh fruit. Results. Results. Gelatin makes Jello a semi-solid. So, read on to learn how to do this. This structure can be altered by heat, thus causing the enzyme to lose its normal function. Conclusions. In this enzyme experiment, you will get to see enzymes in action and an experiment challenge for you to do on your own. Enzymes are primarily made of proteins, large organic molecules with distinct three-dimensional shapes.The shape of enzymatic proteins is important in allowing the enzyme to work properly, because the place on the enzyme where the substrate binds to the enzyme (the active site) fits like a lock and a key. Article by Karyn ~ Teach Beside Me. PINEAPPLE AND ENZYME LAB Background Information: Ask an expert. Fruit.Enzyme Lab Part 1 Purpose. Heating the fruit (through boiling or steaming), however, should inactivate the proteases, and the resulting gelatin mixture should solidify like normal (or nearly normal—if the fruit … Effects of Proteolytic Enzymes on Gelatin. 1845 Gelatin comes from bones and cartilage from pigs and cows Enzyme Bromelain is in Pineapple Vitamin C is a co-enzyme to Bromelain Bromelain helps relieve pain in arthritis. Hypothesis. An enzyme's function is related to the 3-dimensional structure of it's molecule. Purpose. Analysis. In Lab II, students will test the effect of temperature on the ability of the proteolytic enzyme bromelein (found in pineapple) to digest gelatin. 47. Analysis. Apple Browning Science Experiment– do you know why apples brown? protease enzyme, with bromelain as found in pineapple the second strongest. Did you know that certain fruits have enzymes that when mixed with gelatin they prevent it from setting? Some fresh fruits do better than others in homemade gelatin. When preparing foods with fruit … This post contains affiliate links. NTR 502L Selina LaVista October 18, 2016 Introduction A wide variety of fruits and vegetables are available in the marketplace in fresh, canned, frozen and dried forms, (Walter & Beathard, 2015, p. 105). Conclusions. This assumes that the actinidin enzyme found in kiwi fruit is less stronger, a suggestion that is satisfied by the results of the experiment.